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翻译 Node.js中的cli架构

软件Craft.io (Software Craftmanship)When it comes to excellent command-line tools, one stands out in my mind: Git. The Git CLI uses modes, then flags, sometimes with arguments, and then the command ar...

2020-09-20 22:39:45 171

翻译 vanilla js_用Vanilla js编写前端组件

vanilla jsThere’s so much hype these days around front-end frameworks (React, Angular, Vue) that I thought I would stop and think about what the problem is that these frameworks are solving and what t...

2020-09-20 22:28:49 535

翻译 mergemap rxjs_rxjs和mergemap switchmap和exhaustmap之间的区别

mergemap rxjsThese four operators can often confuse new developers as the difference between them is minute, but very important! 这四个操作员通常会使新开发人员感到困惑,因为它们之间的差别很小,但是非常重要! It all boils down on how the i...

2020-09-20 22:18:51 275

翻译 嵌入式c int转字符串_如何将角度分量嵌入transloco翻译字符串中

嵌入式c int转字符串“What? Isn’t the application available in Swedish?” “什么? 瑞典语不可用吗?” I was talking to my accountant on the phone, but I could literally hear him cringe none the less. 我 正在和我的会计师通话,但我确实能听到他的畏...

2020-09-20 22:08:11 215

翻译 钩子的丑陋一面

In this post, I will share my own point of view about React Hooks, and as the title of this post implies, I am not a big fan. 在这篇文章中,我将分享我对React Hooks的观点,正如这篇文章的标题所暗示的那样,我不是一个忠实的粉丝。 Let’s break down ...

2020-09-20 21:57:12 186

翻译 javascript中终止_javascript中的吊装概念

javascript中终止Hoisting in English language means to pull something up. You must have been to the National Day celebration event, aren’t you? On that occasion, the chief guest approaches the mast and he...

2020-09-20 21:46:37 101

翻译 西方国家如何应对通胀_应对2020年的国家管理

西方国家如何应对通胀The rapid rise of ReactJS was a result of its simplicity combined with its performance benefits. The rendering efficiencies from the virtual DOM, reusable components, and intuitive learning ...

2020-09-20 21:36:38 732

翻译 javascript迭代器_javascript懒惰的评估iterables迭代器

javascript迭代器Lazy evaluation, every functional programmer’s wet dream. Soon enough, we will look at generators. But first, let's get a grasp of what iterators and iterables are because to me, they’re ...

2020-09-20 21:27:22 237

翻译 藏海花三件事_要知道您在做错事时要做的三件事

藏海花三件事Reactjs is an amazing UI library that is continuously gaining popularity over the years. If you are a beginner to react, you may have a different learning curve based on your background to UI li...

2020-09-20 21:17:25 92

翻译 节点服务器和被管服务器_使用节点js阿波罗服务器构建一个graphql服务器

节点服务器和被管服务器 什么是GraphQL (What is GraphQL)GraphQL is a Query Language and a server-side runtime that is used to request data from the server. The first thing that comes to the mind from the word “Query...

2020-09-20 21:07:49 122

翻译 vue组件转换成dom元素_通过dom元素有角度地访问组件实例

vue组件转换成dom元素The thought of accessing the component instance through the DOM Element has been keeping my head busy since Angular 4. When I researched again these days, I learned that this can be done....

2020-09-20 20:57:32 518

翻译 vue.js 和后台交互_使用vue js和传单创建交互式位置选择器

vue.js 和后台交互Interactive maps are good for displaying geographic information. But we can also use them to get location data from users. This comes in handy if we are building location-based application...

2020-09-18 19:27:24 148

翻译 ts 引入sass报错_reactjs ts sass快速上手

ts 引入sass报错Getting a frontend development project started can be a bit tricky these days. There’s many tools, frameworks, libraries, package managers, and boiler plates to get started with. In this sh...

2020-09-18 19:17:29 1186

翻译 python随机抽样_掌握python中的随机抽样

python随机抽样Python provides many useful tools for random sampling as well as functions for generating random numbers. Random sampling has applications in statistics where often times a random subset of ...

2020-09-17 12:53:18 4753

翻译 keras 香草编码器_用香草javascript遍历dom

keras 香草编码器If you’re new to JavaScript, you’re likely starting out with Vanilla JavaScript in order to learn the basics, and to understand how the language works at a core level, before jumping into f...

2020-09-09 15:04:15 242

翻译 react 打字机效果_打字稿在10分钟内做出React

react 打字机效果Make a front-end with react in 10 minutes. 在10分钟内做出React。 When I was kicking off with this stack I had a lot of naive questions that never got answered until I was forced into working on s...

2020-09-09 14:54:34 531

翻译 react创建自定义组件_创建一个简单的自定义react钩子以拖动组件

react创建自定义组件In 2003, noted technologist Murphy Lee presaged our current state of modular component based web applications when he asked: 在2003年,著名的技术专家Murphy Lee在询问时预告了我们当前基于模块化组件的Web应用程序的状态: Wat da ...

2020-09-09 14:44:48 204

翻译 xcode react_React没有android studio xcode的本机完整设置

xcode reactI just started learning React native by just following getting started, First I need to set up an environment for react native so I refer some blog and in all of them pointing towards one d...

2020-09-09 14:35:29 115

翻译 angular ngrx_Angular 10 ngrx示例存储

angular ngrxIn this tutorial, we’ll learn how to use NgRX store in our Angular 10 example application. We’ll see how we can create actions, reducers, and dispatch actions. 在本教程中,我们将学习如何在Angular 10示例应用...

2020-09-09 14:25:50 353

翻译 使用graphql node.js mongodb后端构建复杂且负载大量数据和资产的Web应用程序

We all hear a lot of good things about GraphQl and we all are aware of the benefits which we get using that. In short, we can say GraphQl as the query language for APIs at runtime for fulfilling those...

2020-09-09 14:15:07 79

翻译 迷你5和迷你4区别_角度和d3的迷你图

迷你5和迷你4区别So you want to display a Sparkline? There’s no need to use bulky libraries, especially those built on top of D3 (don’t get me wrong, many of them are great), or pay for a commercial component...

2020-09-09 14:04:10 311

翻译 redux中间件redux think和redux saga之间的区别

介绍 (Introduction)In redux, we always need middleware to help us to handle the asynchronous operations or other side effects. 在redux中,我们始终需要中间件来帮助我们处理异步操作或其他副作用。 The most popular middlewares are Red...

2020-09-09 13:53:36 352

翻译 桥接模式容器模式主机模式_容器模式,以更好地进行状态管理

桥接模式容器模式主机模式 React状态管理 (REACT STATE MANAGEMENT) 介绍 (Introduction)The “Container” pattern is a concept introduced in the Unstated-Next library. The pattern thinks about state as a variety of “Contain...

2020-09-09 13:42:56 126

翻译 框架依赖注入和普通依赖注入_3个角度依赖性注入技巧

框架依赖注入和普通依赖注入Angular’s Dependency Injection System is a magic way to deliver the classes that house your business rules, or encapsulate other functionality, to your components. Here are three tips for...

2020-09-09 13:33:04 135

翻译 使用xshell构建代码_sveltejs入门,使用代码段构建购物车

使用xshell构建代码Web technologies are evolving so fast that it is becoming quite challenging to keep track of them. This trend opens up space for new JavaScript libraries and frameworks. Though there are w...

2020-08-20 06:35:17 221

翻译 django react_如何将Django React App与Stripe Payment集成

django react 介绍 (Introduction)Have you ever wanted to create an app in which the users would have to pay some one-time fees and periodic subscriptions as well? On the one hand, you would like to keep...

2020-08-20 05:55:19 321

翻译 firebase部署_使用具有Firebase托管功能的云功能在Firebase平台上部署下一个js应用程序...

firebase部署 1.概述 (1. Overview)Deploying static websites like React Applications on the Firebase Platform is very straightforward. But that was not the case with Next.js Projects. This is because Next....

2020-08-20 05:35:35 440

翻译 每个javascript数组方法

Arrays are an important aspect of any programming language, as we can store data inside from numbers, strings, objects, and even other arrays. Being able to work with arrays effectively is an importan...

2020-08-20 04:54:51 130

翻译 初学react实现路由跳转_初学者指南做出React

初学react实现路由跳转A Beginners Guide to React React入门指南 It’s nearly the end of 2019, and you think you might finally be ready to get started learning ReactJS. You hear it’s become the most popular front en...

2020-08-20 04:34:28 513

翻译 react 部署_轻巧且易于部署,具有react和firebase功能

react 部署How I used React and Firebase to create a low-dependency, light-weight configuration with user authentication and state 我如何使用React和Firebase创建具有用户身份验证和状态的低依赖性,轻量级配置 This is not intended to be ...

2020-08-20 04:14:24 212

翻译 在节点js中创建rest api

Representational state transfer (REST) is an architectural design pattern for APIs. APIs that follow this pattern are called REST APIs or RESTful APIs. REST sets certain standards between computer sys...

2020-08-20 04:04:20 139

翻译 ipad一代应用_通过下一代图像提高您的应用程序性能

ipad一代应用It is no secret today that an app performance is an important component in the user experience. According to a study conducted by Google, 53% of mobile users will leave a page if it takes long...

2020-08-20 03:55:18 115

翻译 使用json克隆javascript对象字符串化深浅复制

TechnoFunnel presents another article on Object Deep Cloning with JSON.stringify in details. We will also discuss about advantages and disadvantages of cloning using JSON.stringify approach. Lets look...

2020-08-20 03:45:18 188

翻译 three.js闪电效果_什么是闪电般快速应用的最佳js框架

three.js闪电效果During the past few months, I have been studying various JavaScript frameworks and their differences. I realized that there is a large number of frameworks in the JavaScript world, and eac...

2020-08-20 03:35:43 696

翻译 oop 类中定义 的函数_函数式编程与javascript中的oop

oop 类中定义 的函数What is the difference between OOP and functional programming? To figure this out we will be writing a small factorial website calculator. The first approach uses functional programming, t...

2020-08-20 03:14:51 243

翻译 Express和MongoDB的graphql基础

Software developers are familiar with REST and RESTful API systems. It is a go to for API services but it has some shortcomings when the application starts to scale and the number of endpoints start t...

2020-08-20 03:04:43 133

翻译 您曾经想了解的有关JS函数的所有内容,但没有时间问

If you are like me, you understand the basics of JS functions, and know how to use them to help you create your programs, but there are complexities to them that you have ignored as you build your ski...

2020-08-20 02:55:42 69

翻译 js bifrost浅或深副本

Welcome to The JS Bifrost, your pathway to rock solid foundation for a God-level JavaScript. This is the third article in the series which talks about #objects #javascript #shallowCopy #deepCopy 欢迎来到J...

2020-08-20 02:44:49 59

翻译 javascript_javascript吊装

javascriptHoisting is a JavaScript mechanism where variables and function declarations are moved to the top of their scope before code execution. 提升是一种JavaScript机制,在执行代码之前,变量和函数声明会移至其作用域的顶部。 Hoisting...

2020-08-20 02:34:36 78

翻译 javascript最大值_JavaScript的非值三重奏

javascript最大值Undefined, Null, and NaN are 3 keywords, known as non-values or empty values, that are often a source of buggy code, stress, and confusion for many beginning JavaScript engineers. Part of...

2020-08-11 22:41:30 55



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