halo_Halo Infinite的多人游戏可以免费玩吗?


While 343 Industries has remained tight-lipped about Halo Infinite’s multiplayer component, a European online retailer looks to have let slip some major details about what that multiplayer might look like.

W¯¯ 往往微不足道343个工业一直保持三缄其口光环无限的多人游戏部分,欧洲在线零售商似乎已经放过关于多人游戏可能是什么样子的一些主要细节。

No, we still don’t have any gameplay or anything of the sort, but according to Smyths Toys website, Infinite will break new ground for not just the Halo franchise, but blockbuster multiplayer games in general. We have to take this with a grain of salt, of course, but on the Xbox Series X landing page of their website, it states that Halo Infinite will feature “a groundbreaking free-to-play multiplayer experience.”

不,我们仍然没有任何游戏玩法或任何种类的东西,但是根据Smyths Toys 网站的说法, Infinite不仅会为Halo特许经营权,而且将是大片大型多人游戏开辟新天地。 当然,我们必须为此付出一点代价,但是在其网站的Xbox Series X登录页面上,它表明Halo Infinite将具有“开创性的免费多人游戏体验”。



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Source: Microsoft.

We’ve seen plenty of free-to-play battle royale games come out over the last few years, but we’ve yet to see a major AAA title like Halo make their multiplayer — which is essentially half of the final product — completely free for everyone. Not only will this (if true) boost the hell out of sales for the Xbox Series X, but it could set an industry precedent that changes how we consume multiplayer games from here on out.

在过去的几年中,我们已经看到了许多免费的大逃杀免费游戏,但是我们还没有看到像Halo这样的大型AAA冠军完全免费的多人游戏(基本上是最终产品的一半)为了每一个。 这(如果为真)不仅会增加Xbox Series X的销量,而且可能会树立行业先例,从此改变我们消费多人游戏的方式。

Let’s first look at the impact this will have on just the Series X alone. Releasing what is perhaps the biggest component of a Halo game (for a large number of people anyway) for free is insane. There are many people out there who haven’t touched a Halo campaign across the seven games released in the series since 2001, but have poured thousands of hours into the multiplayer. Halo multiplayer is one of the most beloved experiences of being an Xbox owner of every console generation. This game set the standard for what a great console shooter could be. Giving literally anyone who owns a Series X the ability to play this portion of the game to its fullest would be a major selling point for the new console.

让我们首先看看仅对Series X的影响。 免费发行《 光晕》游戏的最大组成部分(无论如何对于很多人来说)是疯狂的。 自2001年以来,有很多人在该系列发布的7款游戏中都没有触及Halo战役,但已经投入了数千小时投入多人游戏。 Halo多人游戏是成为每一代游戏机的Xbox所有者的最受人喜爱的体验之一。 这款游戏为出色的主机射击游戏设定了标准。 实际上,让拥有Seri​​es X的任何人都能充分发挥游戏这一部分的功能,将是新游戏机的主要卖点。

Halo Infinite was already a huge selling point since it was going to be part of Game Pass Ultimate, allowing players to forgo spending the full $60 price tag on the game and gain access to it on launch as part of the $15/month subscription fee. But with this rumored method of delivering the multiplayer experience, Microsoft would be taking this a step further. Anyone looking to upgrade to the Series X with the intention of playing Infinite’s multiplayer would only have to focus on the console’s asking price and that’s it. No extra purchase needed to play their favorite game.

Halo Infinite已经是一个巨大的卖点,因为它将成为Game Pass Ultimate的一部分,允许玩家放弃在游戏上花费全部60美元的价格标签,并在发布时获得该游戏的使用,而这是每月15美元的订阅费用的一部分。 但是,通过这种传闻的提供多人游戏体验的方法,Microsoft会更进一步。 任何想要升级到Series X并打算玩Infinite的多人游戏的人都只需要专注于控制台的要价即可。 无需额外购买即可玩自己喜欢的游戏。

Again, insane.

再次, 疯狂

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Source: Microsoft.

But this move would honestly go beyond just Xbox and Microsoft. It would set a massive precedent. We’ve seen Activision and Infinity Ward release a free battle royale, Warzone, with Call of Duty Modern Warfare earlier this year, but free-to-play battle royales are pretty much the norm these days. Straight up multiplayer is always bundled in with the full release of a given title, Call of Duty included. That could all change with this (possible) move, though.

但老实说,这一举措将超越Xbox和Microsoft。 这将开创一个巨大的先例。 我们已经看到Activision和Infinity Ward在今年早些时候与《 使命召唤现代战争》一起发布了免费的皇家战斗服Warzone ,但是如今免费打的皇家战斗服已经很普遍了。 直截了当的多人游戏始终与给定标题的完整发行捆绑在一起,包括《 使命召唤》 。 但是,这(可能)会改变一切。

Should Microsoft and 343 actually pull the trigger on this, other developers and publishers might have their hands forced, leading more games to follow suit in the next generation.


Quite honestly, it feels like this is a move that should have happened long ago. Just using Call of Duty as the most adjacent example, Infinity Ward already uses a seasonal model to add in new content complete with everyone’s favorite new fad, the battle pass. Every few months, new maps and weapons are added in with the option to spend money to speed up your progress or gain even more items. With everyone already spending money for each of these seasons already, it makes sense to just give the content — in this case, the multiplayer — away for free.

老实说,这似乎是应该在很久以前发生的一步。 仅以《 使命召唤 》为例,Infinity Ward就已经使用季节性模型添加了新内容,并添加了每个人都喜欢的新时尚,即战斗通行证。 每隔几个月,就会添加新的地图和武器,并可以选择花钱加快进度或获取更多物品。 在每个人都已经为每个赛季花钱的情况下,有意义的是免费提供内容(在这种情况下为多人游戏)。

In Halo Infinite’s case, it’s clear that the campaign and any future story DLCs would still require a full purchase, allowing 343 to still monetize things for those who want their story fix. They could even include the Forge and Firefight under that paid umbrella to sweeten that pot even more for that segment of the player base. It just seems like a massive win-win for everyone.

Halo Infinite而言 很明显,该活动和任何将来的故事DLC仍需要全额购买,从而使343仍可以为希望修复其故事的人获利。 他们甚至可以将Forge和Firefight包括在该付费伞下,以使该部分玩家更多地使用该锅。 对于每个人来说,这似乎都是巨大的双赢。

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Source: Microsoft.

Speaking of wins, I forgot to even touch on the other big portion of this leak. While 343 has so far only really talked about shooting for a resolution of 4k/60 FPS for Infinite, this leak says that we can enjoy this game at 120 FPS, which is unheard of for a console game. It’s possible that this could be a multiplayer-only feature where the resolution is bumped down to 1080p in order to up the framerate, which is what hardcore multiplayer care about most, or even a similar setting for the campaign as well. Either way, it’s exciting as hell.

说到胜利,我什至忘记涉及泄漏的另一大部分。 尽管到目前为止343只真正谈论过为Infinite拍摄4k / 60 FPS的分辨率,但泄漏表明我们可以以120 FPS的速度享受这款游戏,这在主机游戏中是闻所未闻的。 可能这可能是仅限多人游戏的功能,其中分辨率提高到1080p以提高帧速率,这是硬核多人游戏最关心的,甚至对于广告系列也是如此。 无论哪种方式,都令人激动。

Honestly, this entire leak is exciting. Whereas the common discourse surrounding this game since its gameplay reveal last week has been fairly negative, people on Twitter seem to be buzzing with excitement for the most part. People seem to be excited to play a Halo game again. Something that I feel hasn’t genuinely happened since Halo’s heyday back with Halo 2 and 3.

老实说,整个泄漏令人兴奋。 自上周游戏玩法揭晓以来,围绕该游戏的普遍话语是相当消极的,而Twitter上的人们似乎大多兴奋不已。 人们似乎很高兴再次玩Halo游戏。 自从Halo鼎盛时期推出Halo 23以来,我感觉还没有真正发生过。

Of course, this could all end up being for naught if the leak ends up being completely false and every portion of the game needs to be purchased together (or downloaded through Game Pass). I hope that’s not the case because I’m all for Microsoft continuing to break the mold heading into the next generation, but we’ll have to wait and see.

当然,如果泄漏最终完全是虚假的,并且游戏的每个部分都需要一起购买(或通过Game Pass下载),这一切都将变得毫无意义。 我希望不是这种情况,因为我全心全意为Microsoft继续努力,将模子技术推向下一代,但我们必须拭目以待。

Even if the free-to-play portion falls flat, I could see the 120 FPS portion coming true given how much Microsoft is pushing this console as the greatest thing since sliced bread. Pushing console games into the stratosphere with a massive leap in framerate would perhaps be just as revolutionary at the end of the day.

即使免费游戏部分平淡无奇,但鉴于微软将这款游戏机推成切面包以来的最大成就,我可以看到120 FPS部分实现了。 最终,将主机游戏以惊人的帧速率飞跃到平流层中可能同样具有革命性。

With only a few months left until the next generation officially kicks off at long last, it won’t be long until all our questions will be answered.


翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/could-halo-infinites-multiplayer-be-free-to-play-c7d938876e67






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