桌面应用程序 azure_使用Azure静态Web应用程序服务构建Angular应用程序

桌面应用程序 azure

Nowadays there are so many ways to build and deploy Angular apps such as angular with Java, Angular with Nodejs, serverless, etc. Building with Azure Static Web apps service is one of them and it is recently released by Microsoft Azure and it's in the preview mode. With this service, you can develop modern apps fast with global reach and scale.

如今,构建和部署Angular应用程序的方法有很多,例如Java的Angular,Nodejs的Angular,无服务器等。使用Azure静态Web应用程序服务是其中之一,它最近由Microsoft Azure发布,并且正在预览中。模式。 借助此服务,您可以快速开发具有全球影响力和规模的现代应用程序。

You can accelerate your app development with a static front end and dynamic back end powered by serverless APIs. Experience high productivity with tailored local development experience, GitHub native workflows to build and deploy your app, and unified hosting and management in the cloud.

您可以通过无服务器API提供支持的静态前端和动态后端来加速应用程序开发。 通过量身定制的本地开发经验,用于构建和部署您的应用程序的GitHub本地工作流以及在云中的统一托管和管理,体验高生产率。

In this post, We will see how we can develop an Angular app with this service with an example frontend and backend NodeJS API calls.

在本文中,我们将看到如何通过示例前端和后端NodeJS API调用使用此服务开发Angular应用程序。

  • Benefits of Azure Static Web Apps


  • With Other Frameworks


  • Prerequisites


  • Example Project


  • Create a GitHub Project


  • Configure an Azure Static Webapp In Azure


  • Folder Structure and Configuration


  • Angular Development


  • Azure Functions Development


  • How To Run the Whole Setup Locally


  • Publish the App to Azure


  • Demo


  • Summary


  • Conclusion


Azure静态Web应用的好处 (Benefits of Azure Static Web Apps)

There are a lot of benefits to using Azure static web apps. If you are looking for a faster development and deployment process with just a git commit you would definitely check this out. Here are some of the benefits according to their website.

使用Azure静态Web应用程序有很多好处。 如果您仅通过git commit寻求更快的开发和部署过程,那么您肯定会检查出来的。 根据他们的网站,这里有一些好处

  • Productivity from local development to GitHub native workflows for CI/CD

    从本地开发到CI / CD的GitHub本地工作流程的生产力
  • Managed global availability for static content

  • Dynamic scale for serverless APIs

  • Streamlined management including custom domain configuration and authentication and authorization


与其他框架 (With Other Frameworks)

You can build Azure static web apps with any frontend framework. Check out the same article with other frameworks.

您可以使用任何前端框架来构建Azure静态Web应用。 查看其他框架的同一文章。

先决条件 (Prerequisites)

You need to know a lot of things as prerequisites if you want to understand the Azure Static web apps service. First, you need to create two accounts: Github account to store the source code and Microsoft Account to deploy that code using Azure static web app service. Let’s create these accounts by following the below links. You can start both for free.

如果要了解Azure Static Web应用程序服务,则需要了解很多先决条件。 首先,您需要创建两个帐户:Github帐户(用于存储源代码)和Microsoft帐户(用于使用Azure静态Web应用程序服务部署该代码)。 让我们通过以下链接创建这些帐户。 您可以免费开始。

Since we are building Angular application you need to be familiar with Angular CLI, nodejs, and typescript. First, you need to install NodeJS, Angular CLI and then you can create an application with Angular CLI.

由于我们正在构建Angular应用程序,因此您需要熟悉Angular CLI,nodejs和Typescript。 首先,您需要安装NodeJS,Angular CLI,然后可以使用Angular CLI创建应用程序。

All the API code that you develop for the application will be converted to Azure functions at the time of deployment. You need to be familiar with these following. When you make an API calls form your app you need to proxy those calls to API you need a Live Server extension for that.

您为应用程序开发的所有API代码都将在部署时转换为Azure函数。 您需要熟悉以下内容。 从应用程序进行API调用时,您需要将这些调用代理到API,为此需要Live Server扩展。

示例项目 (Example Project)

Here is an example of a simple todo application that creates, retrieves, edits, and deletes tasks. In a normal way, we actually run the API on the NodeJS server and you can use MongoDB to save all these tasks.

这是一个创建,检索,编辑和删除任务的简单待办应用程序的示例。 通常,我们实际上是在NodeJS服务器上运行API,您可以使用MongoDB保存所有这些任务。

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When it comes to Azure Static web apps you have to run the API with Azure Functions. We need to go through some series of steps to set it up. Let's dive into those steps in the following sections.

对于Azure静态Web应用程序,您必须使用Azure Functions运行API。 我们需要执行一些步骤来进行设置。 让我们在以下部分中深入研究这些步骤。

创建一个GitHub项目 (Create a GitHub Project)

Azure Static Web Apps publishes websites to a production environment by building apps from a GitHub repository. If you don’t have a Github account its time to create one. I created a repository for the project called angular-azure-static-web-app.

Azure静态Web应用程序通过从GitHub存储库中构建应用程序,将网站发布到生产环境。 如果您没有Github帐户,那就该创建一个帐户了。 我为该项目创建了一个名为angular-azure-static-web-app的存储库

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Github Repo Github回购

在Azure中配置Azure静态Webapp (Configure an Azure Static Webapp In Azure)

You need to create a Microsoft Azure account before you do anything. Once you log in and you can click on create a resource and select Static Web App

在执行任何操作之前,您需要创建一个Microsoft Azure帐户。 登录后,可以单击创建资源,然后选择静态Web应用程序。

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Static Web App 静态网络应用

You can go to this below page gives all the necessary details such as Resource Group, name, region, etc. You should log in to your Github account under the source Control Details section and select appropriate details such as the repo, branch to trigger the action, etc.


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Static Web App Setup 静态Web应用设置

You can notice that I gave the same project that I created above in the Github Account. You need to give the details such as App location, API location, and artifact location. All the API code is under the folder api and when I build the Angular application all the built files are placed under the folder dist.

您会注意到,我给了与我在Github帐户中创建的相同项目。 您需要提供详细信息,例如应用程序位置,API位置和工件位置。 所有的API代码都在api文件夹下,当我构建Angular应用程序时,所有构建的文件都放在dist文件夹下。

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build details 构建细节
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Review and Create 查看并创建

Once the deployment is completed you can go to the overview page of the resource.


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Resource Overview Page 资源概述页面

After the deployment is completed the deployment automatically creates the workflow action and CI/CD pipeline like below.

部署完成后,部署会自动创建工作流操作和CI / CD管道,如下所示。

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Here is the complete YAML file generated by Azure static web app service. You can notice all the details which are given in the resource creation process.

这是由Azure静态Web应用程序服务生成的完整YAML文件。 您可以注意到资源创建过程中提供的所有详细信息。

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Build Details 构建细节

文件夹结构和配置 (Folder Structure and Configuration)

The App’s folder structure is very important and I would recommend you maintain a separate folder for Angular and Azure Functions as below.

该应用程序的文件夹结构非常重要,我建议您为Angular和Azure Functions维护一个单独的文件夹,如下所示。

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folder structure 文件夹结构

Once you decide on the folder structure you need to configure and let the workflow knows where are the App code and API code in the Azure static web apps YAML file like below. Notice the app_location, api_location, and app_artifact_location in the below YAML file. Since when I build the Angular code it will be in the folder called /dist/todo-app so we need to give this location as app_artifact_location.

确定文件夹结构后,需要进行配置,并让工作流知道Azure静态Web应用程序YAML文件中的应用程序代码和API代码在哪里,如下所示。 请注意以下YAML文件中的app_location,api_locationapp_artifact_location 。 由于构建Angular代码时,它将位于名为/ dist / todo-app的文件夹中,因此我们需要将此位置指定为app_artifact_location。

Azure static web app configuration file Azure静态Web应用程序配置文件

角度发展 (Angular Development)

Once you create the separate folder for Angular code you need to start with the following command to scaffold the Angular structure with the help of Angular CLI. We will not build the entire app here instead we will go through important points here. You can clone the entire GitHub Repo and check the whole app.

为Angular代码创建单独的文件夹后,您需要从以下命令开始,以借助Angular CLI搭建Angular结构。 我们不会在这里构建整个应用程序,而是会在这里进行重点介绍。 您可以克隆整个GitHub Repo并检查整个应用程序。

ng new todo-app

Here is the AppModule for the app and AppComponent as the bootstrap component that means this is the first component that loads in the browser.


app.module.ts app.module.ts

Here are the app component and HTML files. This is a simple application where you add, update, delete tasks. You can go through the GitHub repo to check the rest of the files.

这是应用程序组件和HTML文件。 这是一个简单的应用程序,您可以在其中添加,更新,删除任务。 您可以浏览GitHub存储库以检查其余文件。

App Component Files 应用程序组件文件

Here is the service file which calls the API, in this case, Azure Functions. We have four API operations to get, add, edit, and delete tasks with root path /api.

这是调用API(在本例中为Azure Functions)的服务文件。 我们有四个API操作可使用根路径/ api获取,添加,编辑和删除任务。

app.service.ts app.service.ts

Run the Angular code in local with the following command which runs on the port 4200 on localhost. Make sure you are in the root folder of Angular code which is todo-app here.

使用以下命令在本地运行Angular代码,该命令在localhost的端口4200上运行。 确保您位于此处的todo-app的Angular代码的根文件夹中。

npm start
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Angular Code running on port 4200 在端口4200上运行的角度代码

Azure功能开发 (Azure Functions Development)

Make sure you install VSCode extensions as I mentioned in the prerequisites section. Let me go through the whole creation process for one function here. Once you install those extensions.

确保按照先决条件部分中所述安装VSCode扩展。 让我在这里完成一个功能的整个创建过程。 一旦安装了这些扩展。

First, you need to create a project with Azure Functions extension in the VSCode and click on the folder icon on the top to create an Azure Functions project.

首先,您需要在VSCode中创建一个具有Azure Functions扩展名的项目,然后单击顶部的文件夹图标以创建一个Azure Functions项目。

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浏览文件夹 (Browse the folder)

You can select the api folder where all the Azure Functions code goes

您可以选择所有Azure Functions代码所在的api文件夹

选择一种语言 (Select a language)

You need to select the language that you need to write functions with. In our case, select the Javascript.

您需要选择编写函数所需的语言。 在我们的例子中,选择Javascript。

选择项目的第一个功能的模板 (Select a template for your project’s first function)

Select a template HTTP trigger since we are writing an API for our angular code.


The whole process creates an Azure functions project with the following structure. It contains a package.json where you can run the project with this command npm start

整个过程将创建具有以下结构的Azure功能项目。 它包含一个package.json,您可以在其中使用此命令npm start运行项目

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Azure Functions Project Structure Azure Functions项目结构

This is a package.json file where start command is defined in the scripts section.


package.json package.json

We have four functions defined for the four API routes. Let's have a look at the todos-get function. We have two files for each function: index.js and function.json.

我们为四个API路由定义了四个函数。 让我们看一下todos-get函数。 每个功能都有两个文件: index.jsfunction.json

index.js (index.js)

Every function has an index.js file as the starting point and receives HTTP request and context objects and sends an HTTP response back. You can access the HTTP request and response through context object. You can import other files into this for the processing, database access layer, etc.

每个函数都有一个index.js文件作为起点,并接收HTTP请求和上下文对象,并将HTTP响应发送回去。 您可以通过上下文对象访问HTTP请求和响应。 您可以将其他文件导入其中以进行处理,数据库访问层等。

index.js index.js

function.json (function.json)

Every function has a function.json file which defines the route, type of HTTP method, directions of the request, and response objects. For example, This is the get request and the direction is in with the req object. The object is res for the direction out.

每个函数都有一个function.json文件,该文件定义路由,HTTP方法的类型,请求的方向以及响应对象。 例如,这是get请求,并且方向与req对象有关。 该对象是用于定向的res。

function.json function.json

You have the route called todos in the JSON file that means when you start the Azure Functions with this command func start you can access on http://localhost:7071/api/todos

您在JSON文件中拥有称为todos的路由,这意味着当您使用此命令func start Azure Functions时,可以在http:// localhost:7071 / api / todos上进行访问

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Access the API in the browser 在浏览器中访问API

Here are the helper files that act as a database and can be used with all the functions.


helper files 助手文件

Once you have all the functions in place and you can just start and test all the functions. You can see all the functions ready when you run the command npm start

一旦具备所有功能,就可以启动和测试所有功能。 运行命令npm start时,您可以看到所有功能就绪。

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Azure Functions start Azure功能启动

如何在本地运行整个安装程序 (How To Run the Whole Setup Locally)

Now you have Angular app running on the port 4200 and the Azure functions running on the port 7071. All you need to add proxy.conf.json to have an interaction between these.

现在,您已经在端口4200上运行了Angular应用程序,并且在端口7071上运行了Azure函数。 您只需添加proxy.conf.json即可在它们之间进行交互。

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Local Development 当地发展

Here is the proxy.conf.json where you define the Azure functions API URL. All the calls that start with context path /api will be redirected to Azure functions API.

这是您定义Azure函数API URL的proxy.conf.json。 以上下文路径/ api开头的所有调用都将重定向到Azure函数API。

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Running the entire setup locally 在本地运行整个设置

将应用发布到Azure (Publish the App to Azure)

Once everything is working as expected in the local environment. It’s time to push it to Azure and test it out.

一旦一切都在本地环境中按预期工作。 现在是将其推送到Azure并进行测试的时候了。

Since everything is configured already when you create the Github project all you need to push the code into your master branch. As soon as you push the code into master branch Github actions trigger the build and deploy your Angular App into Azure Static web apps service. All the code under API will be converted into Azure Functions. Let’s see that in action.

由于创建Github项目时已经配置好所有内容,因此您需要将代码推送到master分支中。 一旦将代码推送到主分支,Github操作就会触发构建并将Angular应用部署到Azure Static Web应用服务中。 API下的所有代码都将转换为Azure函数。 让我们看看实际情况。

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static web app in action 静态Web应用程序正在运行
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Successful Deployment 成功部署
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Deployment Successful 部署成功

演示版 (Demo)

As soon as your job is successfully done You can explore the recent deployment in the Azure portal. You can see the APIs are converted into Azure Functions.

成功完成工作后,您可以在Azure门户中浏览最近的部署。 您可以看到API转换为Azure函数。

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Demo 演示版

All the API functions are converted into Azure functions you can see that in the below screen.


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Azure Functions Azure功能

摘要 (Summary)

  • Building with Azure Static Web apps service is one of the deployment strategies and it is recently released by Microsoft Azure and it’s in the preview mode. With this service, you can develop modern apps fast with global reach and scale.

    使用Azure静态Web应用程序服务进行构建是部署策略之一,它最近由Microsoft Azure发布,处于预览模式。 借助此服务,您可以快速开发具有全球影响力和规模的现代应用程序。
  • You can accelerate your app development with a static front end and dynamic back end powered by serverless APIs.

  • You need to create two accounts: Github account to store the source code and Microsoft Account to deploy that code using Azure static web app service.

  • Azure Static Web Apps publishes websites to a production environment by building apps from a GitHub repository. If you don’t have a Github account its time to create one.

    Azure静态Web应用程序通过从GitHub存储库中构建应用程序,将网站发布到生产环境中。 如果您没有Github帐户,那就该创建一个帐户了。
  • You need to create a Microsoft Azure account before you do anything. Azure static web apps service is in preview mode at the time of writing.

    在执行任何操作之前,您需要创建一个Microsoft Azure帐户。 在撰写本文时,Azure静态Web应用程序服务处于预览模式。
  • It's better to create a separate folder for Angular and API development.

  • Once you decide on the folder structure you need to configure and let the workflow knows where are the App code and API code in the Azure static web apps YAML file especially, the app_location, api_location, and app_artifact_location.


  • We need to write the API with Azure functions. Make sure you install Azure Functions extension for Visual Studio Code, Live Server extension for Visual Studio Code, and go through this Azure Functions if you are not familiar.

    我们需要使用Azure函数编写API。 确保您安装了Visual Studio Code的Azure Functions扩展 ,Visual Studio Code的Live Server扩展 ,并且如果您不熟悉,请仔细阅读此Azure Functions

  • By default, Angular runs on the port 4200 and Azure functions run on the port 7071 in the local development.


  • You can use proxy.conf.json to facilitate communication between Angular and Azure functions in the local environment.


  • As soon as you push the code into master branch Github actions trigger the build and deploy your Angular App into Azure Static web apps service. All the code under API will be converted into Azure Functions.

    一旦将代码推送到主分支,Github操作就会触发构建并将Angular应用部署到Azure Static Web应用服务中。 API下的所有代码都将转换为Azure函数。

结论 (Conclusion)

Azure static Web Apps service is a great service introduced by Microsoft Azure. This is in preview mode right now. If you want to build a webapp and go from local development to production environment within minutes and take advantage of all the production-grade features out of the box. You should definitely try this service.

Azure静态Web Apps服务是Microsoft Azure推出的一项出色服务。 目前处于预览模式。 如果您想构建一个Webapp,并在几分钟之内从本地开发转到生产环境,并立即使用所有生产级功能。 您绝对应该尝试此服务。

翻译自: https://medium.com/bb-tutorials-and-thoughts/building-an-angular-app-with-azure-static-web-apps-service-8fe84ebe4709

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