turtlebot matlab,turtlebot


Turtlebot-Developer Habitats

Various usage scenarios for turtlebots and their developers.

Interacting with your Turtlebot

The many ways you can provoke/inspire your turtlebot to action!


Turtlebot Installation

Installing software onto the turtlebot.

PC Installation

Installing the software for your monitoring workstation pc.

Network Configuration

Get turtlebot and your pc chatting to each other.


TurtleBot Bringup

How to start the TurtleBot software.

PC Bringup

Connecting to the turtlebot from the PC.

TurtleBot Care and Feeding

This tutorials explains how to charge and maintain your TurtleBot.

Create Odometry and Gyro Calibration

2bceef3c67382d9083359add5cb8e5d8.png This is only necessary if you have a Create base. The Kobuki comes with a factory calibrated gyro. This will show you how to calibrate or test the calibration of a TurtleBot which is highly recommended when running any navigation based application.


Looking Around

A First Interaction

Run your first interaction with the turtlebot - chatter!


Find and call launchers to visualise the turtle and its data streams.

3D Visualisation

Visualising 3d and camera data from the kinect/asus.


Keyboard Teleop

Keyboard teleoperation of a turtlebot.

Joystick Teleop

Joystick teleoperation of a turtlebot.

Qt Teleop

Qt teleoperation of a turtlebot.

Interactive Markers Teleop

A tutorial describing how to use rviz interactive markers for controlling the TurtleBot.


SLAM Map Building with TurtleBot

How to generate a map using gmapping

Autonomous Navigation of a Known Map with TurtleBot

This tutorial describes how to use the TurtleBot with a previously known map.

Something Funny

The TurtleBot Follower Demo

This describes how to run the TurtleBot Follower Demo on your TurtleBot.

The TurtleBot Panorama Demo

This describes how to run the TurtleBot Panorama Demo on your TurtleBot.

Android Interactions

Download Turtlebot Android Apps from Play Store

Download android apps from Play Store to run turtlebot rapps on your turtlebot via android device

How to Run Turtlebot Andorid Application

Instructions how to run turtlebot android application

Turtlebot Android Application Dev Tutorial

Instructions how to develop turtlebot android app



TurtleBot in Stage Simulator

How to start turtlebot stage simulation

Customizing the Stage Simulator

Explains how to use your own map with the stage simulator for turtlebot and adjust configurations for your needs


Navigate with turtlebot in STDR

Simulate navigation with turtlebot in a 2D environnment


Gazebo Bringup Guide

See the simulated turtlebot in Gazebo.

Explore the Gazebo world

Cruise around in the Gazebo world and use RViz to "see" what's in it.

Make a map and navigate with it

Use the navigation stack to create a map of the Gazebo world and start navigation based on it.

Development Corner

Customising the Turtle

Pre-load your own customisations/configuration on the turtle.

Create your First Rapp

Create, load and execute a 'babbler' rapp, and, is it really worth the effort?

Create your First Interaction

Create, load and execute a 'babbler' interaction.

Adding New 3D Sensor

Add support for a new 3D sensor to the turtlebot stack.

Adding a lidar to the turtlebot using hector_models (Hokuyo UTM-30LX)

A revised tutorial for adding a Hokuyo Lidar to the turtlebot, updated for Indigo and uses the hector_models package

Tutorials describing how to develop android interactions can be found in the android corner.


Rocon QT App manager

Start Rapp with QT App manager

How to start implementation rapps with Rocon Qt App manager

Multi TurtleBot Concert

Teleop Concert

Teleoperate multiple turtlebots!

TurtleBot Concert Bringup

how to start the turtlebot concert

Teleop a turtlebot via Concert

how to teleoperate turtlebot in concert

Other Resources

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TurtleBot是一个基于ROS(Robot Operating System)的机器人平台,用于开发、测试和演示机器人技术。它是由Willow Garage开发的,现在由Open Robotics维护。 在MATLAB中,可以使用Robotics System Toolbox来模拟和控制TurtleBot。具体来说,可以使用TurtleBot模型来创建一个仿真环境,然后在该环境中运行控制算法以控制TurtleBot的移动。 以下是一些MATLAB代码示例,展示如何使用TurtleBot模型: 1. 创建TurtleBot对象 ``` tb = turtlebot; ``` 2. 设置仿真环境 ``` env = MultiRobotEnv(2); env.robotRadius = 0.2; env.showTrajectory = false; env.hasWaypoints = false; env.robotColors = ['g','b']; env.robotInitialLocations = [1 1; 4 4]; env.plot(env.robotInitialLocations); ``` 3. 控制TurtleBot的移动 ``` v = 0.2; % 线速度 w = 0.2; % 角速度 for i = 1:500 % 计算控制输入 dx = tb.getVelocity([env.robotInitialLocations(1,1); env.robotInitialLocations(1,2); 0], [env.robotInitialLocations(2,1); env.robotInitialLocations(2,2); 0]); % 应用控制输入 env.robotInitialLocations = env.robotInitialLocations + dx'; env.plot(env.robotInitialLocations); pause(0.1); end ``` 这段代码将TurtleBot放置在仿真环境中,并控制它在该环境中移动。在每个时间步长中,它计算控制输入并将其应用于TurtleBot。 需要注意的是,此代码仅用于模拟TurtleBot的运动,而不涉及实际硬件。如果需要控制实际的TurtleBot机器人,请参考ROS文档以了解更多信息。




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