Motion controller simulator

Motion controller simulator for 4WMV ( plan to support 4WD/2WD)

I am going to create an build in app on pixhawk to control a mecanum wheel platform.....
I control it via PC currently...

source code :


1. 4WD mecanum wheel platform (4WMV)


2. Motion control simulator

3. Response pilot

4. Motion control algorithm

 * @file motion_control.c
 * motion control
 * @author Ricardo <>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>

#include "system.h"
#include "..\platform\platform.h"

#include "small-matrix-inverse\invert4x4_c.h"

#define DEBUG false

static bool initialized = false;
static float R = DEFAULT_R;

/* kinematics equations */
bool kinematics_init(system_data* sd);
bool forward_kinematics(system_data* sd);
bool inverse_kinematics(system_data* sd);

/* pid control */
bool pid_control_init(system_data* sd);
bool pid_control_update(system_data* sd);
bool soft_brake(system_data* sd);

bool motion_control_init(system_data* sd)
    MSG(sd->log, "%s", "[INFO] motion_control_init... \n");

    if(sd == NULL)
        MSG(sd->log, "[ERROR] motion_control_update, failed! \n");
        return false;

    if(initialized == true)
        return true;

        return false;


    initialized = true;

    return true;

bool motion_control_update(system_data* sd)
    if((sd == NULL) || (initialized != true))
        MSG(sd->log, "[ERROR] motion_control_update, failed! \n");
        return false;

    if(sd->sv.vx > DEFAULT_MAX_VX)
        sd->sv.vx = DEFAULT_MAX_VX;

    if(sd->sv.vy > DEFAULT_MAX_VY)
        sd->sv.vy = DEFAULT_MAX_VY;

    if(sd->sv.w0 > DEFAULT_MAX_W0)
        sd->sv.w0 = DEFAULT_MAX_W0;

    /* calculating feedback signals, vx, vy, w0 */

    /* calculating output signals, vx, vy, w0 */

    /* calculating output signals, w1, w2, w3, w4 */

    return true;

/* get the inverted matrix of RV(4x4) */
bool kinematics_init(system_data* sd)
    uint16_t i = 0, row = 0, col = 0;

    float mat_inverse[4][4] = {{1.0f,  1.0f, -(DEFAULT_L1 + DEFAULT_L2), 0.0f},
                               {1.0f, -1.0f,  (DEFAULT_L1 + DEFAULT_L2), 0.0f},
                               {1.0f, -1.0f, -(DEFAULT_L1 + DEFAULT_L2), 0.0f},
                               {1.0f,  1.0f,  (DEFAULT_L1 + DEFAULT_L2), 1.0f}};

    float mat_forward[4][4] = {0};

    float mat_src[16] = {0};
    float mat_dst[16] = {0};

    if(sd == NULL)
        MSG(sd->log, "[ERROR] kinematics_init, failed! \n");
        return false;

    if(initialized == true)
        return true;

    #if DEBUG
    for(i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++)
        if(i < 1)
            MSG(sd->log, "[DEBUG] mat_inverse(2D) : \n");

        row = (i / 4); col = (i % 4);
        MSG(sd->log, "%9.4f(%d%d) ", mat_inverse[row][col], row, col);

        if(((i + 1) % 4 == 0) || (i == 15))
            MSG(sd->log, "%s", (i < 15)? "\n":"\n\n");

    for(i = 0; i < 16; i++)
        row = (i / 4); col = (i % 4);
        mat_src[i] = mat_inverse[row][col];

        #if DEBUG
        if(i < 1)
            MSG(sd->log, "[DEBUG] mat_inverse(2D) to  mat_src(1D) \n");

        MSG(sd->log, "%9.4f(%2d) ", mat_src[i], i);

        if(((i + 1) % 4 == 0) || (i == 15))
            MSG(sd->log, "%s", (i < 15)? "\n":"\n\n");

    if(!invert4x4(mat_src, mat_dst))
        MSG(sd->log, "[ERROR] matrix singular! \n");
        return false;

    #if DEBUG
    for(i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++)
        if(i < 1)
            MSG(sd->log, "[DEBUG] mat_dst(1D) = \n");

        row = (i / 4); col = (i % 4);
        MSG(sd->log, "%9.4f(%2d) ", mat_dst[i], i);

        if(((i + 1) % 4 == 0) || (i == 15))
            MSG(sd->log, "%s", (i < 15)? "\n":"\n\n");

    for(i = 0; i < 16; i++)
        row = (i / 4); col = (i % 4);
        mat_forward[row][col] = mat_dst[i];

        #if DEBUG
        if(i < 1)
            MSG(sd->log, "[DEBUG] mat_dst(1D) to  mat_forward(2D) \n");

        MSG(sd->log, "%9.4f(%d%d) ", mat_forward[row][col], row, col);

        if(((i + 1) % 4 == 0) || (i == 15))
            MSG(sd->log, "%s", (i < 15)? "\n":"\n\n");

    memcpy(sd->mat_inverse, mat_inverse, sizeof(mat_inverse));
    memcpy(sd->mat_forward, mat_forward, sizeof(mat_forward));

    #if DEBUG
    for(i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++)
        if(i < 1)
            MSG(sd->log, "[DEBUG] sd->mat_inverse(2D) = \n");

        row = (i / 4); col = (i % 4);
        MSG(sd->log, "%9.4f(%d%d) ", sd->mat_inverse[row][col], row, col);

        if(((i + 1) % 4 == 0) || (i == 15))
            MSG(sd->log, "%s", (i < 15)? "\n":"\n\n");

    for(i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++)
        if(i < 1)
            MSG(sd->log, "[DEBUG] sd->mat_forward(2D) = \n");

        row = (i / 4); col = (i % 4);
        MSG(sd->log, "%9.4f(%d%d) ", sd->mat_forward[row][col], row, col);

        if(((i + 1) % 4 == 0) || (i == 15))
            MSG(sd->log, "%s", (i < 15)? "\n":"\n\n");

    return true;

/* inverse kinematics equation */
bool inverse_kinematics(system_data* sd)
    float vx = sd->cv.vx;
    float vy = sd->cv.vy;
    float w0 = sd->cv.w0;

    float mat[4][4] = {0};

    if(sd == NULL)
        MSG(sd->log, "[ERROR] inverse_kinematics, failed! \n");
        return false;

    memcpy(mat, sd->mat_inverse, sizeof(mat));

    sd->mot.out.w1 = (1.0f / R) * (mat[0][0] * vx + mat[0][1] * vy + mat[0][2] * w0);
    sd->mot.out.w2 = (1.0f / R) * (mat[1][0] * vx + mat[1][1] * vy + mat[1][2] * w0);
    sd->mot.out.w3 = (1.0f / R) * (mat[2][0] * vx + mat[2][1] * vy + mat[2][2] * w0);
    sd->mot.out.w4 = (1.0f / R) * (mat[3][0] * vx + mat[3][1] * vy + mat[3][2] * w0);

    #if DEBUG
    MSG(sd->log, "[DEBUG] inverse_kinematics : \n");
    MSG(sd->log, "vx, vy (m/s), w0 (rad/s) = \n");
    MSG(sd->log, "%9.4f %9.4f %9.4f \n\n", vx, vy, w0);
    MSG(sd->log, "w1, w2, w3, w4 (rad/s) = \n");
    MSG(sd->log, "%9.4f %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f \n\n", sd->mot.out.w1, sd->mot.out.w2,
                                                 sd->mot.out.w3, sd->mot.out.w4);

    return true;

/* forward kinematics equation */
bool forward_kinematics(system_data* sd)
    float w1 = sd->;
    float w2 = sd->;
    float w3 = sd->;
    float w4 = sd->;

    float mat[4][4] = {0};

    if(sd == NULL)
        MSG(sd->log, "[ERROR] forward_kinematics, failed! \n");
        return false;

    memcpy(mat, sd->mat_forward, sizeof(mat));

    sd->pv.vx = R * (mat[0][0] * w1 + mat[0][1] * w2 + mat[0][2] * w3 + mat[0][3] * w4);
    sd->pv.vy = R * (mat[1][0] * w1 + mat[1][1] * w2 + mat[1][2] * w3 + mat[1][3] * w4);
    sd->pv.w0 = R * (mat[2][0] * w1 + mat[2][1] * w2 + mat[2][2] * w3 + mat[2][3] * w4);

    #if DEBUG
    MSG(sd->log, "[DEBUG] forward_kinematics : \n");
    MSG(sd->log, "w1, w2, w3, w4 (rad/s) = \n");
    MSG(sd->log, "%9.4f %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f \n\n", w1, w2, w3, w4);
    MSG(sd->log, "vx, vy (m/s), w0 (rad/s) = \n");
    MSG(sd->log, "%9.4f %9.4f %9.4f \n\n", sd->pv.vx, sd->pv.vy, sd->pv.w0);

    return true;

bool pid_control_init(system_data* sd)
    sd-> = 0.1f;
    sd-> = 0.0f;
    sd->vx_ga.kd = 0.05f;

    sd-> = 0.1f;
    sd-> = 0.0f;
    sd->vy_ga.kd = 0.05f;

    sd-> = 0.1f;
    sd-> = 0.0f;
    sd->w0_ga.kd = 0.05f;

    return true;

bool pid_control_update(system_data* sd)
    static float vx_err_prev, vy_err_prev, w0_err_prev;
    static float vx_err, vy_err, w0_err;

    static float vx_err_sum_prev, vy_err_sum_prev, w0_err_sum_prev;
    static float vx_err_sum, vy_err_sum, w0_err_sum;

    static float vx_err_dif, vy_err_dif, w0_err_dif;

    static float p_out[3], i_out[3], d_out[3];

    sd->t_prev = sd->t_curr;
    sd->t_curr = clock();

    sd->t_delta = sd->t_curr - sd->t_prev;

    if(sd->t_delta < 0.0f)
        MSG(sd->log, "[ERROR] pid_control_update, failed! \n");
        return false;

    #if DEBUG
    MSG(sd->log, "[DEBUG] pid_control_update : \n");
    MSG(sd->log, "t_prev, t_curr, t_delta (ms) = \n");
    MSG(sd->log, "%9.4ld %9.4ld %9.4ld \n\n", sd->t_prev, sd->t_curr, sd->t_delta);

    /* proportional */
    vx_err = sd->sv.vx - sd->pv.vx;
    vy_err = sd->sv.vy - sd->pv.vy;
    w0_err = sd->sv.w0 - sd->pv.w0;

    /* integral */
    vx_err_sum = vx_err * (sd->t_delta / 1000.0f) + vx_err_sum_prev;
    vy_err_sum = vy_err * (sd->t_delta / 1000.0f) + vy_err_sum_prev;
    w0_err_sum = w0_err * (sd->t_delta / 1000.0f) + w0_err_sum_prev;

    /* derivative */
    vx_err_dif = (vx_err - vx_err_prev) / (sd->t_delta / 1000.0f) ;
    vy_err_dif = (vy_err - vy_err_prev) / (sd->t_delta / 1000.0f) ;
    w0_err_dif = (w0_err - w0_err_prev) / (sd->t_delta / 1000.0f) ;

    /* gain */
    p_out[0] = sd-> * vx_err;
    i_out[0] = sd-> * vx_err_sum;
    d_out[0] = sd->vx_ga.kd * vx_err_dif;

    p_out[1] = sd-> * vy_err;
    i_out[1] = sd-> * vy_err_sum;
    d_out[1] = sd->vy_ga.kd * vy_err_dif;

    p_out[2] = sd-> * w0_err;
    i_out[2] = sd-> * w0_err_sum;
    d_out[2] = sd->w0_ga.kd * w0_err_dif;

    /* summation */
    sd->cv.vx += p_out[0] + i_out[0] + d_out[0];
    sd->cv.vy += p_out[1] + i_out[1] + d_out[1];
    sd->cv.w0 += p_out[2] + i_out[2] + d_out[2];


    #if DEBUG
    MSG(sd->log, "[DEBUG] pid_control_update : \n");
    MSG(sd->log, "vx, p_out, i_out, d_out = \n");
    MSG(sd->log, "%9.4f %9.4f %9.4f, %9.4f %9.4f, %9.4f \n\n", p_out[0], i_out[0], d_out[0], vx_err, vx_err_prev, sd->cv.vx);

    vx_err_prev = vx_err;
    vy_err_prev = vy_err;
    w0_err_prev = w0_err;

    vx_err_sum_prev = vx_err_sum;
    vy_err_sum_prev = vy_err_sum;
    w0_err_sum_prev = w0_err_sum;

    return true;







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