I need to multiply each matrix column by each vector element using Eigen C++ library. I tried colwise without success.
Sample data:
Eigen::Matrix3Xf A(3,2); //3x2
A << 1 2,
2 2,
3 5;
Eigen::Vector3f V = Eigen::Vector3f(2, 3);
//Expected result
C = A.colwise()*V;
//2 6,
//4 6,
//6 15
//this means C 1st col by V first element and C 2nd col by V 2nd element.
Matrix A can have 3xN and V Nx1. Meaning (cols x rowls).
This is what I would do:
Eigen::Matrix3Xf A(3, 2); // 3x2
A << 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 5;
Eigen::Vector3f V = Eigen::Vector3f(1, 2, 3);
const Eigen::Matrix3Xf C = A.array().colwise() * V.array();
std::cout << C << std::endl;
Example output: