【PMP 每日一题】2020.5.18-6.3

【PMP 每日一题】

A key project team member requests to leave the company for personal reasons. This
will prevent the project from being completed as planned,what should the project manager do?
A. Detail the issue in the risk register, and request a replacement.
B. Ask the departing employee’s department for a replacement with comparable abilities.
C.Record the issue on a watch list, and adjust the project plan based on available personnel.
D. Ask company management to hold the team member until the project is complete.

  • 某项目中的一个重要团队成员由于个人原因要求离开公司,这将导致该项目无法按计划完成。项目经理下一步该怎么办?
    A 在风险登记册详细记录该问题,并申请替代人员
    B 跟离职员工的部门沟通,要求获得同等能力的团队成员补充到项目中
    C 将该问题记录到观察清单,并按照现有人员条件调整项目计划
    D 和公司管理层汇报,要求公司和该成员沟通,等项目完成后再离职
  • 答案:A
  • 解析:识别到风险,首先应该记录下来,更新至风险登记册,然后制定应对的措施。

During a weekly project stakeholder meeting, a product support manager brings up a concern
that is important to customer satisfaction, but may require some product design changes. What
should the project manager do next?
A. Record the concern in the issue log.
B. Update the project management plan.
C. Update the risk register.
D. Create a change request.

  • 在项目进度周会上,一位产品支持经理表达了一项对于客户满意度很重要的担忧。但是可能需要进行一些产品设计变更,PM接下来应该怎么做?
    A 将这种担忧记录到问题日志中
    B 更新项目管理计划
    C 更新风险登记册
    D 发起一项变更请求

  • 答案:C

  • 解析: 客户满意度的担忧是潜在的风险,不是已经发生的缺陷。所以识别到风险,我们就需要更新风险登记册。

  • 2020.5.21每日一题:
    Based on the design and the customer’s criteria, new equipment being imported from
    another country will be used during project implementation. The project manager identifies that,due to the project’s lengthy delivery cycle, uncontrollable factors could affect the schedule.What should the project manager do if the new equipment does not clear customs on time?
    A. Change the plan and not use the equipment.
    B. Update the risk register.
    C. Meet with the customer and project team to assess the risks.
    D. Wait until the equipment clears customs, and update the project plan.

  • 根据设计和客户标准,在项目实施阶段要使用从另一国家进口的新型设备,项目经理已经估计到此项目交付周期长,不可控因素将影响项目进度。如果设备无法按时入关,项目经理将如何处理?
    A 变更方案,不适用此设备
    B 更新风险登记册
    C 与客户和项目团队开会评估风险
    D 等待设备入关并更新项目计划

  • 答案:C

  • 解析:面对不确定性,项目经理与客户和项目团队开会评估风险是一项积极的做法。评估风险后制定应对措施。

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  • 总结:对上面三道题的总结。


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  • 2020.5.22每日一题:
    A company wins a new project, half of which involves an area with which the company is
    unfamiliar. The project manager identifies the need to hire a subcontractor. What should the
    project manager do next?
    A. Develop a procurement plan
    B. Meet with experts to create a procurement plan.
    C. Plan procurement management.
    D. Prepare the framework for a fixed-price contract.

  • 公司赢得了一个新项目,其中50%的支付部分不是公司熟悉的领域,需要引入分包商。作为项目经理该怎么做?
    A 制定采购工作说明书
    B 召集专家讨论,决定采购方案
    C 规划采购管理
    D 着手准备一个固定总价的合同框架

  • 答案:C

  • 解析:C包含了答案ABD

  • 2020.5.25每日一题:
    Several vendors are preparing bids based on the customer’s bidding requirements. A few
    hours before bid opening, the customer notifies the project manager that a bidding requirement
    h changed.What should the project manager do?
    A. Accept bids as originally proposed, as insufficient notice was given prior to bid opening.
    B. Immediately confirm with the customer, consult with relevant specialists in the company,
    report it to company leadership, and accept bids as originally proposed.
    C. Accept bids as originally proposed, provide an informal verbal response to the customer’s
    new bidding requirement, and defer change procedures for a later date.
    D. Address the customer’s new bidding requirement by confirming with the customer, and
    follow the processes for changing an invitation for bid.

  • 几位供应商按照客户的招标要求准备投标,在开标前几小时,客户通知项目经理一项招标要求有变化。作为项目经理应该怎么做?
    A 客户在开标前几小时才通知,时间不够仍按原计划投标
    B 迅速与客户联系确认。同时资讯公司相关领域专家,向公司领导汇报后,按原计划正式投标
    C 仍按原提案进行投标,在讲标时针对客户新招标需求进行口头非正式回应,将来走变更流程
    D 针对客户新提出的招标要求,迅速与客户联系确认并参照招标书的变更流程进行响应。

  • 答案:D

  • 解析:D是最专业的做法。针对客户提出的招标要求,迅速与客户联系确认并参照招标书的变更流程进行响应。

  • 2020.5.26每日一题:
    You have replaced an earlier project manager in a project .The earlier project manager has left the organization and you are now responsible for the project.On reviewing the project management plan you are disturbed because a number of procurement contracts have been signed and they all turn out to be Cost plus fixed fee types of contracts - why are you worried ?
    A. All the risk is now with the seller
    B. Contracts should always be T and M
    C. Seller has no motivation to control cost and infact cost could spiral
    D. Contracts should always be Fixed Price

  • 你已经替换了一个项目中的早期项目经理。早期的项目经理已经离开了该组织,现在你负责该项目。在审查项目管理计划时,你会感到不安,因为一些采购合同已经签署,他们都转向成本加固定费用类型的合同,为什么你担心?
    A 所有的风险现在都在于卖方
    B 合同总是工料合同
    C 卖方没有动力控制成本,实际上成本可能会出现上涨
    D 合同应始终为固定价格

  • 答案:C

  • 解析:作为一名项目经理,如果你的项目已经签署了成本加费用类型的合同,你的确有理由担心。这是因为在这些合同中,买方需要向卖方支付所有费用,约定的成本百分比。因此,卖方没有动力控制成本。事实上,增加成本符合卖方的利益。所有项目不一定总是工料或固定价格合同。选项A显然是错误的,因为所有的风险都与非卖方有关!

  • 2020.5.27每日一题:
    You are the project manager and have decided to outsource a part of the project to a vendor. You have offered a bonus to the vendor if the work is completed in two months. This is an example of _____________.
    A. project incentive
    B. project goal
    C. fixed price contract
    D. None

  • 你是项目经理,并已决定将项目的一部分外包给供应商。如果工作在两个月内完成,你已向供应商提供奖金。这是()的一个例子。
    A 项目激励
    B 项目目标
    C 固定价格合同
    D 没有

  • 答案:A

  • 解析:这是项目激励的一个例子。情景描述提供奖金,属于总价加激励费用合同(FPIF)或者成本加激励费用合同(CPIF)内容。

  • 2020.5.28每日一题:
    Of the following types of contracts - which has the HIGHEST risk for the seller ?
    A. Cost plus fixed fee - CPFF
    B. Time and Material - T and M
    C. Firm Fixed Price Contract - FFP
    D. Cost plus Incentive fee – CPIF

  • 以下类型的合同-对卖方来说风险最大?
    A 成本加固定费用-CPIF
    B 时间和才来-T&M
    C 固定价格合同-FFP
    D 成本加激励费用-CPIF

  • 答案:C

  • 解析:从风险类型上来讲:
    对买方:风险最小的是固定总价合同(FFP );风险最大的是成本加固定费用合同(CPFF)


  • 2020.5.29每日一题:
    The procurement department collects and delivers vendor quotes to the project manager.
    The project sponsor asks for the project team’s recommendations regarding vendor selection.
    What should the project manager do?
    A. Review the quotes and select the quote based on the best priceonly
    B. Conduct a project team meeting to obtain a recommendation.
    C. Review the quotes and select a vendor that previously worked with the company.
    D. Recommend a vendor based on a match with the selection criteria.

  • 采购部收集供应商报价,并将其提交给项目经理。项目发起人征求项目团队对于供应商选择的建议,项目经理应该怎么做?
    A 审查报价,并仅根据最佳价格选择报价
    B 召开项目团队会议,获得建议
    C 审查报价并选择之前与公司合作过的供应商
    D 根据是否与选择标准匹配推荐供应商

  • 答案:D

  • 解析:根据供方选择标准来确定供应商是专业的采购管理行为。

  • 2020.6.1每日一题:
    The project that you are in charge has been successfully completed.The last of the deliverables have been formally accepted by the client.You had several contractors with whom contracts were prepared.With the project done you decide to communicate the completion details and closure of contracts.Which is the best form of communication?
    A. Formal written
    B. Formal verbal
    C. Informal verbal
    D. Informal written

  • 你负责的项目已成功完成。最后的交付成果已被客户正式接受。你有几个合同准备好的承包商。随着项目的完成,你决定沟通完成项目的细节并关闭合同,请问以下那种是最好的沟通形式?
    A 正式书面
    B 正式口头表述
    C 非正式的口头表述
    D 非正式书面

  • 答案:A

  • 解析:考点是控制采购的输出:采购关闭。由于这涉及到合同,它必须是正式的书面交流形式。任何与合同有关的其他形式的交流都是不可接受的。

  • 2020.6.2每日一题:
    Early in a project’s life cycle, a project manager plans to enhance the project’s chance of
    success by building partnerships and coalitions with project stakeholders. What should the project manager do to achieve this?
    A. Create a stakeholders engagement assessments matrix to identify gaps between current and
    desired engagement levels.
    B. Map the interest levels of each stakeholder to the project’s objectives.
    C. Document and clarify stakeholder roles by developing a responsible, accountable, consult,and
    inform (RACI) matrix
    D. Gather and analyze information on potential stakeholders to determine whose interests should
    be considered.

  • 在项目生命周期早期,项目经理打算通过与项目干系人建立合作伙伴关系和联合体,提高项目的成功概率。若要实现这一点,项目经理应该怎么做?
    A 创建项目干系人参与评估矩阵,识别当前参与程度与所需参与程度之间的差距
    B 将每位项目干系人的利益层级与项目目标映射
    C 通过制定一份执行、负责、咨询和知情(RACI)矩阵记录并澄清干系人的角色
    D 收集并分析潜在干系人的相关信息,确定应考虑谁的利益

  • 答案:D

  • 解析:题干中提及:项目生命周期早期,所以首先是识别干系人。
    其中,选项A是识别干系人计划,B是利益-目标方格(属于是未知的映射 interest-objective),不属于三种干系人映射方格。(power-interest, power-influence, impact-influence)

  • 2020.6.3每日一题:
    Jane has just started the Identify Stakeholders process for her project. She is currently looking for a template for the stakeholder register so that she doesn’t have to reinvent the wheel. Where can she find stakeholder register templates?
    A. Organizational process assets
    B. Project charter
    C. Project management plan
    D. Enterprise environmental factors

  • Jane刚刚为她的项目启动了识别相关方的流程。她目前正在为相关方登记册寻找一个已有的模板,以便她不必重新指定识别相关方流程,请问她在哪里可以找到相关方登记册模板?
    A 组织过程资产
    B 项目章程
    C 项目管理计划
    D 企业环境因素

  • 答案:A

  • 解析:组织过程资产包括了相关方登记册模板。

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