


ncverilog 是shell版的,nclaunch是以图形界面为基础的,二者调用相同内核;ncverilog的执行有三步模式和单步模式,在nclaunch中对应multiple step和single step。基于shell的ncverilog操作(尤其是单步模式)更适合于大批量操作,ncverilog的波形查看配套软件是simvision(这玩意儿还是很重要的,在设计环境不出错的前提下,如果仿真出现问题,就需要利用simvision查看波形及追踪电路),其中包含原理图、波形、信号流等查看方式

1.1 三命令模式

ncvlog -f run.f



ncelab tb -access wrc



ncsim tb -gui

第三个命令中,gui选项是加上图形界面在这种模式下仿真,是用“ - ”的。而下边要说的ncverilog是采用“ + ”的三命令模式下GUI界面较好用,其对应的命令会在console window中显示



ncverilog +access+wrc rtl +gui

在这里,各参数与三命令模式相同。注意“ + ”通常都使用单命令模式来跑仿真,但要配置好一些文件单命令模式下文件的配置:
目录下有源文件、测试台文件、file、run四个文件在linux下执行source run后再执行simvision来查看 run文件内容: ncverilog +access+rw -f file file文件内容: cnt_tb.v(注意把tb文件放在前)cnt.v

  $shm_open("wave.shm");     //打开波形保存文件wave.shm
  $shm_probe(cnt_tb,"AS");   //设置探针

A – signals of the specific scope 为当前层信号设置探针
S – Ports of the specified scope and below, excluding library cells
C – Ports of the specified scope and below, including library cells
AS – Signals of the specified scope and below, excluding library cells 为当前层以以下层信号都设置探针, 这是最常用的设置方法
AC – Signals of the specified scope and below, including library cells
M– ,表示当前scope的memories, 可以跟上面的结合使用, “AM” “AMS” "AMC"什么都不加表示当前scope的ports;
$shm_close //关闭数据库


  • ncvlog:编译verilog文件
  • ncelab:描述设计并且生成仿真的snapshot。
  • ncsim:对snapshot进行仿真。




export pattern=""
export design=""

ncverilog -access rwc -w 

-timescale 1ns/1ps 







# 延迟模式 {Zero,PUnit,Unit,Path,Distr,None}
-delay_mode zero	



-seq_udp_delay 5ps	\


#	使用指定的命令行文件
-f [file]

-l [log]



文中的命令行选项语法采用单步启动的方式(ncverilog +),这些选项也适合多步启动模式(ncvlog, ncelab, 或ncsim)。

4.1 安装最新发布的软件

首先确认你是否安装了最新的Cadence LDV版本。自动1996年发布第一版NC-Verilog以来,我们的研发队伍一直把仿真器的仿真效率作为重点来研究。在后来推出的新版本里,不断按各种设计风格优化仿真器,因此使用最新版本是最有利的。直到2002年2月,最新版本是LDV 3.4(s1)。

4.2 使用NC-Verilog内置的profiler



% ncverilog +ncprofile <other_options>


% ncsim –profile snapshot_name <other_options>

在仿真结束时,profiler会创建一个日志文件(ncprof.out),文件里列出了profile运行的细节。关于如何利用 profiler日志文件,可参考Cadence在线文档(Cadence NC-Verilog Simulator Help, Version 3.4, Chapter 14)。




% ncverilog +delay_mode_distributed +notimingcheck +noneg_tchk


% ncelab –delay_mode dist –notimingchecks –noneg_tchk


ncverilog option                 ncelab option

+nonotifier                    -nonotifier          Disables notifier register

+notimingcheck                 -notimingchecks      Disables timing check

+delay_mode_unit               -delay_mode unit    Delay 1 simulation time unit

+delay_mode_zero               -delay_mode zero   Zero delay

+delay_mode_distributed          -delay_mode dist    Ignores specify block delays

Cadence LDV 3.3(2001年7月)增加了通过一个时序控制文件来为各个模块设置时序选项的功能。你可以模块为单位来设置是否进行时序检查,是否允许I/O路径延迟、端口延迟、库单元延迟和全时序检查。时序控制文件里要写明要配置的实例(instance)。命令行语法是:

% ncverilog +nctfile <timing_ctl_file> <other options>


% ncelab –tfile <timing_ctl_file> snapshot_name  <other_options>

时序控制文件的语法在Cadence 在线文档(Cadence NC-Verilog Simulator Help, Version 3.4, Chapter 8)中可以找到。

4.4 提高SDF的精度

时序信息通过SDF文件传递给一个设计。在LDV 3.1以前的版本里,缺省的SDF精度是10ps。从LDV 3.1开始,所有的时序宽度(包括小于10ps的)都允许使用,这样仿真的时序结果更加精确,但是仿真变得更慢。在多数情况下,10ps就足够了,因此你也许想用下面的方法来改变精度:

% ncverilog +ncelabargs+”-sdfprecision 10ps” <other options>


% ncelab –sdf_precision [10ps|1ps|100fs] <other_options>

4.5 关于负时序(negative timing)检查

LDV 3.3缺省的仿真配置为负时序检查。这样,LDV 3.3和以前的版本的仿真结果就有所不同。


ncverilog option           ncelab option

+neg_tchk               -neg_tchk      Still exists for backward compatibility

+noneg_tchk             -noneg_tchk    Sets negative timing checks to zero

                                     (matches previous behavior)




% ncverilog +linedebug <other options>


% ncvlog –linedebug <other_options> <verilog_source_files>

也可以设置设计的全局访问属性。下列的命令可以用来配置设计为允许读、写和交叉访问(connectivity access)。

% ncverilog +access+[rwc] <other options>


% ncelab –access [rwc] snapshot_name <other_options>

r : read capability for waveform dumping, code coverage, etc

w : write access for modifying values through PLI or tcl code

c : connectivity access to querying drivers and loads in C or tcl


为了给部分对象、模块或实例设置访问属性,可以创建一个访问属性文件,并在文件中说明那些对象的访问属性。然后用在运行 elaborator 时使用 –afile选项。

% ncverilog +ncafile+<access_filename> <other _options>


% ncelab -afile <access_filename> snapshot_name   <other_options>

% ncsim snapshot_name <other options>

也可以用 –genafile 选项来自动生成访问属性文件。当仿真使用了Tcl、PLI或probing功能,无法提前确定对象的访问属性,就可以采用自动生成访问属性文件的方法。 Elaborator 在生成仿真快照(snapshot)时会考虑你给出的 –genafile选项;然后,当运行仿真时,Tcl或PLI访问过的对象就会被记录下来。退出仿真的时候,访问属性文件就生成了。举个例子:

% ncverilog +ncgenafile+access.txt <other _options>


% ncelab -genafile access.txt <other_options>

% ncsim <other options>

仿真运行完成后,生成了一个access.txt 文件。你可以通过 –afile 选项来使用这个文件(象前面介绍的那样):

% ncverilog +ncafile+access.txt <other _options>


% ncelab -afile access.txt <other_options>

访问属性文件的语法可在Cadence 在线文档(Cadence NC-Verilog Simulator Help, Version 3.4, Chapter 8) 中找到。



提高仿真效率的最简单办法是选用最新版的Cadence LDV。我们应该经常运行NC-Sim Profiler来判断仿真器在哪里耗费最多的时间。然后集中精力优化那些代码。


NC 仿真时,第一步是编译整个设计, 使用的命令是ncvlog, 这一步将会检查语法和静态语义错误. 若无错误,那么讲生成VST. VST是Verilog Syntax Tree 的缩写, 它是后续的ncelab和ncsim命令所必需的中间数据格式, 该数据会存储在以pak为扩展名的文件中, 可以使用ncls来查看文件中的对象。

ncvlog 基本语法: ncvlog [-options] filename.v
例1: > ncvlog -messages alu.v ( 编译 alu.v文件, 并显示详细的信息)


#1. ncvlog
#ncvlog [options] source_file ...


-DEFINE                // Defines a macro

-FILE                  // Load command line arguments from rmation

-MESSAGES                   // Specifies printing of informative messages

-NOCOPYRIGHT                // Suppresses printing of copyright banner

-NOSTDOUT                   // Turn off output to screen

-NOWARN                // Disables printing of the specified warning message


#// To compile all the modules in source.v

% ncvlog source.v

#// To compile with informative messages

% ncvlog -messages source.v

#2. ncelab

ncelab [options] [lib.]cell[:view]


-MESSAGES                             // Specifies printing of informative messages

-NOCOPYRIGHT                          // Suppresses printing of copyright banner

-NOSTDOUT                             // Turn off output to screen

-TIMESCALE                       // Set default timescale on Verilog modules.

-ACCESS                          // Set default access visibility. {+rwc} turn on read/write/connectivity.

-FILE                            // Load command line arguments from

-LOADPLI1                        // Specify the library_name:boot_routine(s) to dynamically load a PLI1.0 application

-MAXDELAYS                            // Selects maximum delays for simulation

-MINDELAYS                            // Selects minimum delays for simulation

-TYPDELAYS                            // Selects typical delays for simulation

-NONEG_TCHK                           // Disallow negative values in SETUPHOLD & RECREM timing checks

-NONOTIFIER                           // Notifiers are ignored in timing checks.

-NOSPECIFY                            // Don't execute timing checks, ignore path delays and skip SDF 				annotations.

-NOTIMINGCHECKS                       // Don't execute timing checks

-NOWARN                          // Disables printing of the specified warning message

-NO_TCHK_MSG                          // Turn off timing check warnings

-SDF_NO_WARNINGS                      // Do not report SDF warnings


// To elaborate

% ncelab

% ncelab

% ncelab top

// To elaborate with informative messages

% ncelab -messages

#3. ncsim

ncsim [options] [lib.]cell[:view]


-FILE                  // Load command line arguments from

-GUI                        // Enter window mode before running simulation

-INPUT                 // Script to be executed during initialization

-MESSAGES                   // Specifies printing of informative messages

-NOCOPYRIGHT                // Suppresses printing of copyright banner

-NONTCGLITCH                // Suppress delayed net glitch suppression messages

-NOSTDOUT                   // Turn off output to screen

-NOWARN                // Disables printing of the specified warning message

-SDF_NO_WARNINGS            // Do not report SDF warnings


// To simulate the snapshot

% ncsim

% ncsim

% ncsim top

// To simulate while writing to the log file ./ncsim.log

% ncsim -log ./ncsim.log

// To update the snapshot and simulate

% ncsim -update

#4. ncverilog

ncverilog [all valid Verilog-XL arguments]

Supported Dash options:

-f          Read host command arguments from file

Supported plus options:

+access+                   //Turn on Read, Write and/or Connectivity Access

+define+                 //Define a macro from commandline

+loadpli1=                 //Specify the library_name:boot_routine(s) to dynamically load a PLI1.0 								application from commandline

+maxdelays                      //Selects maximum delays for simulation

+mindelays                     //Selects minimum delays for simulation

+typdelays                      //Selects typical delays for simulation

+ncdumpports_format+       //Specify EVCD format flag for $dumpports

+neg_tchk                       //Allow negative values in SETUPHOLD & RECREM timing checks (default)

+noneg_tchk                     //Disallow negative values in SETUPHOLD & RECREM timing checks

+nocopyright                    //Suppresses printing of copyright banner

+no_notifier                    //Notifiers are ignored in timing checks

+nosdfwarn                      //Do not report SDF warnings

+nospecify                      //Suppresses timing checks and path delays in specify blocks.

Ignore SDF annotations.

+nostdout                       //Turn off output to screen(terminal)

+notchkmsg                      //Turn off timing check warnings

+notimingcheck                  //Don not execute timing checks

+nowarn+                   //Disables printing of the specified warning message

+sdf_nowarnings                 //Do not report SDF warnings

#5. ncsdfc

ncsdfc [options] sdf_file


-COMPILE             // Compile the specified SDF files (default)

-DECOMPILE           // Decompile the specified SDF files

-LOGFILE        // Specifies the file to contain log information

-MESSAGES            // Specifies printing of informative messages

-NOCOPYRIGHT         // Suppresses printing of copyright banner

-OUTPUT         // Redirects compiled SDF output to the specified file

-WORSTCASE_ROUNDING  // Truncate min delays, round max delays up


// To compile an SDF file:

% ncsdfc dcache.sdf

Creates compiled SDF file dcache.sdf.X

// To specify a name for the compiled SDF file:

% ncsdfc ipipe.sdf -OUTPUT ipipe.compiled

Creates compiled SDF file ipipe.compiled

// To decompile a compiled SDF file:

% ncsdf -DECOMPILE ebox.sdf.X

Creates decompiled SDF file ebox.sdf.X.sdfd

// To specify a name for the decompiled SDF file:

% ncsdfc -DECOMPILE ebox.sdf.X -OUTPUT ebox.sdfd

Creates decompiled SDF file ebox.sdfd

#6. nchelp

nchelp [options] tool error

nchelp [-cdslib | -hdlvar] 

+access<+/-rwc>           Turn on read, write and/or connectivity access

+allow_unused_properties  Allow simulator to enable all properties

-allowredefinition        Allow mutiple files to define the same object

+amsconnrules+  specify connect rules to use

+amsmatlab                Dynamically link vpi code for AMS/Matlab

-amsmt_enable             to enable AMS multithread capability

-amsmt_nthreads      number of threads for AMS multithreading.

-amsvhdl_ext         Override extensions for VHDL AMS sources

+append_key               Append keystrokes to existing key file

-arr_access               Allow tf_nodeinfo access to Verilog arrays

-asext               Add extensions to assembly sources

+assert                   Enable PSL language features

+assert_count_traces      Use trace-based counting for assertions

+assert_sc                Enable PSL language features

+assert_vhdl              Enable PSL language features

+assert_vlog              Enable PSL language features

-bb_nonsynth              Blackbox unsynthesizable modules in halsynth

-bb_unbound_comp          Ignore unbounded component for synthesis checks

-bb_vital                 Blackbox design-units containing VITAL constructs

-c                        Parse and elaborate, do NOT simulate

-catcxx                   Positional option used to combine C++ sources

-catcxxsize         Sets the CATCXX partition size for large groups

-categories               List the categories and their descriptions

-ccext               Add extensions to C sources

-check               Specify checks and categories of checks

+checkargs                Check command-line arguments for validity

-clean                    Deletes previous INCA_libs directory if is exists

-comb_depth               Enable Logic Depth calculation

+compile                  Parse only, do NOT elaborate

+controlassert+      Specifies a file containing assertion controls

-cpost                    Compile C files after elaboration

+crshell                  Create shell files for import mode

-cxxext              Add extensions to C++ sources

-D                 Define a macro for the C and C++ compiler

-date                     Print date and time when each engine is invoked

-debug                    Equivalent to -access +rw, Specman debug

-debugscript         Specify a debug script file name

+define+           Define a macro from command line

-defineall         Define macro from command line for all compilers

+defparam+           Redefine the value of a Verilog parameter

-delay_mode         Delay mode {Zero,PUnit,Unit,Path,Distr,None}

+delay_mode_distributed   Use distributed delay mode

+delay_mode_path          Use path delay mode

+delay_mode_punit         Use precision unit delay mode

+delay_mode_unit          Use unit delay mode

+delay_mode_zero          Use zero delay mode

-design_facts_file   Generate design facts during structural checks

-design_info         Design Information file

-distcomp                 Option used to turn distributed compilation on

-distcompargs,      Pass user specified argument to distributed comp

-distcompjobs     Number of parallel distributed compiles to run

-distplat            Specify underlying platform used for distrib comp

-dpi                      Add appropriate build options for dpi designs

-dpi_void_task            Return value of export/import tasks will be VOID.

+dut_prof+          Profiler report contains summary for design unit

-dynamic                  Build a shared object for simulation

-dynvhpi                  Enable user to create VHDL drivers at run time

-efence                   Debug ncsim with Electric Fence.

-efenceelab               Debug ncelab with Electric Fence

-end                      Terminate the list of files

-extbind             Bind file for binding SV/VHDL to SV/VHDL

-F              Scan file for args relative to file location

-f              Scan file for args relative to irun invocation

-forceelab                Force ncelab to execute

-format           Enables shorter compiling messages from ncsc_run

-g                        Turn on C debugging

-gcc_vers           3.2.3 or 4.1 Linux only

-gdb                      Run ncsim under gdb

-gdbelab                  Run ncelab under gdb

-gdbpath       Use the provided gdb instead of what is shipped

+genassert_synth_pragma   Enable generating assertions from synth pragma

-gnu                      Choose the GNU C and C++ compiler

+gui                      Invoke the Graphical User Interface

-h                        Print a minimal help message

-hal                      Call hal instead of ncsim

-halargs                  Pass options directly to hal

-halsynth_detailcheck     Perform detailed check on unsynthesizable modules

+helpalias                Show the different ways to enter an option

+helpall                  Display all supported option

+helpargs                 Print help for all the options in use

+helpfileext              Show all the file types and their extensions

+helphelp                 Print out all the options controlling help

-helpncverilog            Show the ncverilog form of the options

-helpshowmin              Show the minimum characters required for dash opt

+helpshowsubject          Show all the subjects for -helpsubject

+helpsubject     Display help on the specified subject

+helpverbose              Show the verbose help text

+helpwidth+        Set max width for help messages (def 89)

-I           Directory to search for C/C++ include files

+ieee1364                 Report errors according to IEEE 1364 standards

+import                   Prepare this verilog design for import to VHDL

+incdir+            Specify directories to search for `include files

-inst_top            Specify the top-level instance for HAL analysis

-iusld                    Prefix `ncroot`/tools/lib path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH

-iusldno                  Disable the -iusld option

-k              Set key file name

-L               Directory to search for lib files

-l              Set logfile name

-l               archive or shared library to be linked in

-level               Specify levels in HAL analysis

+libext+             Specify extensions to be used for the -y search

+liborder                 Library search rule (see documentation)

+librescan                Library search rule (see documentation)

+libverbose               Print verbose messages about instance binding

-linksysc Use (dynamic) or libsystemc_ar.a

-lintpragma               Process lint pragma in the design

-loadcfc             Dynamically load a CFC application

-loadfmi             Dynamically load an FMI library

+loadpli1=           Specify the PLI1 library_name:boot_routine(s)

+loadsc+             Specify SystemC lib to be dynamically loaded

-loadvhpi            Dynamically load a VHPI application

+loadvpi=            Specify the VPI library_name:boot_routines(s)

-location                 Print the location of the installation

-log_amsspice    Place amsspice output into the specified logfile

-log_hal         Place the hal output into the specified logfile

-logic_depth              Enable Logic Depth calculation

-loop_unroll_size    Specify the loop unroll limit for halsynth

+max_error_count+    Specify the maximum number of errors processed

+mixesc                   Handle escaped identifiers in imported model

+multisource_int_delays   Make interconnect timing be multisource capable

+name+              Generate snapshot with specified name

-native                   Use the native C and C++ compiler

+nc64bit                  Invoke 64bit version

+nca_ext+            Override extensions for archive files

+ncafile+           Specify an access file to be used

+ncams                    Force Verilog-AMS and VHDL-AMS compilation

+ncamsfastspice           Enable Fast SPICE simulator (UltraSim)

+ncamslic                 Check out an AMS license

+ncamspartinfo+     Mixed-signal partition information

+ncamsv_ext+         Override extensions for Verilog-AMS sources

+ncanalogcontrol+    Specify analog simulation control file

+ncanno_simtime           Enable delay annotation at simulation time

+ncappend_log             Append output log to existing log

-ncb_environment     Specify environment file to be loaded by Ncbrowse

-ncb_file             File for Ncbrowse to load command line arguments

-ncb_filter          Filter for report generation by Ncbrowse

-ncb_format          Set the format of messages in the report

-ncb_nodefaultenv         Prevent Ncbrowse from using default environment

-ncb_order           Set the order in which items are shown

-ncb_report          Specify the report file to be created by Ncbrowse

-ncb_sortby          Specify a sort order to Ncbrowse for report

+ncbatch                  Run simulation in batch mode, this is the default

+ncbinding+               Force explicit submodule or unit L.C:v binding

+ncc_ext+            Override extensions for C sources

+ncccargs                 Pass arguments to the C compiler

+nccd_lexpragma           Process preprocessor directive before lex pragmas

+nccds_implicit_tmpdir+   Specify location for design data storage

+nccds_implicit_tmponly   Force tools to read design data only from tmpdir

+nccdslib+           Specify a cds.lib file to be used

+ncchecktasks             Check that all $tasks are built-in system tasks

+ncchkdigdisp             Perform digital net's discipline compatibility

+ncconffile+   Generate a configuration file with the given name

+ncconfflat               Requires -CONFFILE, generate a VHDL flat config

+ncconfhier               Requires -CONFFILE, gen VHDL hierarchical config

+ncconfname+         Requires -CONFFILE, specify output config name

+nccontrolrelax+     Enable specific relaxed VHDL interpretation

+nccovdesign+     Select coverage design name

+nccovdut+        Select DUT for Coverage

+nccoverage+      Enable coverage instrumentation

+nccovfile+         Specify coverage instrumentation control file

+nccovnomodeldump         Disable coverage design database (model) dumping

+nccovoverwrite           Enable overwrite of coverage output files

+nccovtest+       Select coverage test name

+nccovworkdir+    Select coverage workdir

+nccpg+            Assigns to all generics/params of this name

+nccpp_ext+          Override extensions for C++ sources

+ncdebug                  Equivalent to -access +r

+ncdefault_ext+  Override the default extension map

+ncdesign_top+ Specifies top design unit for design-top comp

+ncdisable_enht           Disable enhanced timing features

+ncdiscapf                Disable the capital F input file mode

+ncdiscipline+ Discipline to use for undisciplined digital wires

+ncdisres+       Set discipline resolution

+ncdpiheader+       Create DPI header file for export functions

+ncdresolution            Sets discipline resolution to '-disres detailed'

+ncdumpports_format+  Specify EVCD format flag for $dumpports

+ncdynlib_ext+       Override extensions for dynamic library files

+nce_ext+            Override extensions for e sources

-ncelab_args,     Pass arguments to elaborator (ncsc_run compat)

+ncelab_compile           requires -CONFILE, compile the configuration file

+ncelabargs+      Pass arguments to elaborator

+ncelabexe+          Specify elaborator with statically linked PLI

+ncelabfile               File for generated elab options from import

+ncendlib                 Terminate the list of library files

+ncendstage               Terminate the list of e stage files

+ncerror+            Increase the severity of a warning to an error

+ncescapedname            Print out escaped names in logfile

+ncexit                   Exit simulation instead of issuing a TCL prompt

+ncexpand                 Force expansion of all vector nets

+ncextassertmsg           Prints Extended Assert message Information

+ncextend_tcheck_data_limit/ Relax timing check data limit

+ncextend_tcheck_reference_limit/ Relax timing check reference limit

+ncfatal+            Increase the severity of a warn/error to fatal

+ncgateloopwarn           Enable potential zero-delay gate loop warning

+ncgenafile+        Generate an access file for PLI and TCL

+ncgeneric+          Associate value with top-level generic

+ncgnoforce               Assigns the value if default value not found

+ncgpg+              Assigns to all generics/params of this name

+ncgverbose               Logs the gpg activity to the ncelab logfile

+nchdlvar+           Specify an hdl.var file to be used

+nciereport               Generate interface element report

+ncignore_defexpr         Ignore default expressions on variable,signal,...

+ncinitbiopz              Initialize boundary inout port to 'Z'

+ncinitialize+     Initialize variables in the design

+ncinitzero               Enable zero initialization of time and integer

+ncinput+           Read TCL commands from file

+ncinsert+           Specify string to be inserted after matching comp

+ncintermod_path          Make interconnects be multisource capable

+nclexpragma              Enable lexical pragma processing

+nclib_binding            Defaults back to the IUS5.4 binding search order

+nclibcell                Mark all cells with `celldefine


Specify directory name to store created library
+nclibdirpath+      Relative path where libraries should be created

+nclibmap+           Specify the library mapping file

+nclibname+         Specify the name of a library to search

+nclicq                   Queue simulation till license is available

+nclinedebug              Enable line debugging capabilities

+nclist                   Produce a VHDL source listing in specified file

+nclog_ncelab+   Place the ncelab output into specified logfile

+nclog_ncsc_run+  Place the ncsc_run output into specified logfile

+nclog_ncsim+    Place the ncsim output into the specified logfile

+nclog_ncvhdl+   Place the ncvhdl output into specified logfile

+nclog_ncvlog+   Place the ncvlog output into specified logfile

+nclog_svpp+     Place the svpp output into specified logfile

+nclps_assign_ft_buf      Disable continuous assignment as feed through net

+nclps_cpf+         Specify a CPF file for low power simulation

+nclps_iso_off            Turn off port isolation

+nclps_logfile+  Specify a log file for low power simulation

+nclps_off                Turn off low power simulation

+nclps_rtn_lock           Lock the retained reg value

+nclps_rtn_off            Turn off state retention

+nclps_simctrl_on         Enable runtime control over low power simulation

+nclps_stime+       Specify a time to start low power simulation

+nclps_stl_off            Turn off state loss

+nclps_verbose+    Specify a level of information reporting

+nclps_verify             Enables automatic Low Power verification

+nclps_vhdlpwron          Brings back VHDL objects to a defined state

+ncls_all                 Run ncls with the -all option

+ncls_dep                 Run ncls with the -dep option

+ncls_so                  Run ncls with the -source option

+ncls_ss                  Run ncls with the -snapshot option

+ncmakelib+ Compile HDL files into specified library

+ncmatchinst+   Specify name of instance to match for -INSERT

+ncmaxdelays              Select maximum delays for simulation

+ncmindelays              Select minimum delays for simulation

+ncmodelincdir+  Specify a list of directories separated by :

+ncmodelpath+     For Verilog-AMS, specify list of source files

+ncmultview               Allows selection of arch/config for binding

+ncnamemap_mixgen         Do name mapping from VHDL generics to Vlog params

+ncno_cross_def_bind      Suppress cross-language default binding

+ncno_notifier            Ignore notifiers in timing checks

+ncno_sdfa_header         Do not print the SDF annotation header

+ncno_tchk_xgen           Turn off X-generation in VITAL timing checks

+ncno_vpd_msg             Turn off VITAL pathdelay warnings

+ncno_vpd_xgen            Turn off X-generation in VITAL pathdelays

+ncnobinding+              Skip instances of unit given as argument

+ncnobuiltin              Do not use any built-in IEEE operators

+ncnocifcheck             Disables constraint checking in VDA functions

+ncnocopyright            Suppress printing of copyright banner

+ncnodeadcode             Turn off dead code optimization

+ncnoesp                  Disable edge-sensitive iopath delays

+ncnoipd                  Ignore interconnect delays

+ncnokey                  Suppress generation of the default keyfile

+ncnolicpromote           Do not use a mixed language license

+ncnolicsuspend           Disable suspending licenses for SIGTSTP

+ncnoline                 Do not locate source line on errors

+ncnolog                  Suppress generation of the default logfile

+ncnomempack              Do not pack memories

+ncnomxindr               Do not generate NOMXINDR error; split net instead

+ncnontcglitch            Suppress delayed net glitch suppression message

+ncnoparamerr             Do not flag setting undefined parameters as error

+ncnopragmawarn           Disable pragma related warning messages.

+ncnoscynceverydelta      Turn Delta cycle accuracy off

+ncnosncomp               Do not compile Specman input files

+ncnosource               Do not check source file timestamps in update

+ncnospecview             Do not invoke the Specview GUI

+ncnostdout               Turn off output to screen (terminal)

+ncnotimezeroasrtmsg      Suppress printing of time zero assert messages

+ncnovitalaccl            Turn off VITAL acceleration

+ncnovitalcheck           Suppress VITAL compliance checking

+ncnowarn+           Disable printing of the specified warning

+ncnoxilinxaccl           Turn off Xilinx acceleration

+ncntc_level+      Select NTC algorithm 1 or 2 (default is 2)

+ncntc_verbose            Display verbose information about NTC process

+ncntcnotchks             Generate NTC delay while removing timing checks

+nco_ext+            Override extensions for object files

+ncomicheckinglevel+ Specify OMI checking level {Min, Std, Max}

+ncoverride_precision     Override the timescale precision in Verilog

+ncoverride_timescale     Override the timescale directives in Verilog

+ncpassword               Prompt for sim passwd for SimVis walkup connect

+ncpli_export             Export symbols from loadpli, loadvpi

+ncpliverbose             Print information for PLI/VPI task registration

+ncppdb+           Invoke the post-processing environment

+ncppe                    Enter post-processing mode

+ncpragma                 Enable pragma processing

+ncpreserve               Preserves resolution of single-driver sigs

+ncprofile                Generate a run-time profile of the design

+ncprofoutput+      Specify an output file for profiling data

+ncprofthread             Allow threaded processes to profile

+ncpromt                  Prompts to select arch/config/view for entity/mod

+ncpropspath+        Specify analog occurrence property database file

+ncrandwarn               Enable all SV randomize failure warnings

+ncredmem                 Use reduced memory image size

+ncreflib+ Add the library to the list of libraries searched

+ncrelax                  Enable relaxed VHDL interpretation

+ncrun                    Begin simulation automatically

+ncs_ext+            Override extensions for assembly files

+ncsavechoice+       Specify name of file in which to save bindings

+ncsaveenv                Save the shell environment variables

-ncsc_msgs        Tell ncsc to run ncsc messages on or off

+ncscargs+        Pass arguments to ncsc_run

+ncscope_discipline+ Specify one scope based discipline

+ncscparameter+      Associates values with top level SystemC params

+ncscprocessorder+   Allow System C process order to vary

+ncscscreateviewables     Create ncsc_viewable objs inserted by ncsc_wizard

+ncscynceverydelta+on|off  Turn Delta cycle accuracy on

+ncsdf_cmd_file+    Specify file of SDF annotation commands

+ncsdf_nocheck_celltype   Do not check the accuracy of CELLTYPE field

+ncsdf_nortis             Disable retain input sense

+ncsdf_precision+    Specify precision which SDF data will be modified

+ncsdf_simtime            Allow SDF annotation during simulation

+ncsdf_verbose            Include detailed information in SDF log file

+ncsdf_worstcase_rounding  Truncate SDF min delays, round max

+ncsdfnowarn              Do not report SDF warnings

+ncseq_udp_delay+    Specify a constant delay for sequential UDPs

+ncsetdiscipline+   Set discipline for a specified scope.

+ncshare                  Reuse any available view with NCUID

-ncsim_args,      Pass arguments to simulator.  (ncsc_run compat)

+ncsimargs+       Pass arguments to simulator

+ncsimcompatible_ams+ Specify compatibility language hspice or spectre

+ncsimexe+           Specify simulator with statically linked PLI

+ncsimfile                File for generated sim options from import

+ncsmartlib               Specifies multiple library compilation in OIC

+ncsmartorder             Order-independent compilation (OIC) for VHDL

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