我与机器学习 - [Today is AdaBoost] - [自适应分类器]

当作重要决定时,大家可能会考虑吸取多个专家的意见而不是只有一个人的意见。机器学习处理问题时何尝不是如此,这就是元算法背后的思路,元算法是对其他算法进行组合的一种方式。接下来我们将集中关注一个 AdaBoost的最流行的元算法。由于某些人认为这是最好的监督学习的方式,所以该方法是机器学习工具箱中最强有力的工具之一。





      自举汇聚法(bootstrap aggregating),也称为bagging方法,是在从原始数据集选择S次后得到S个新数据集的一种技术。新数据集和原始数据集大小相同。每个数据集都是通过原始数据集中随机选择一个样本来进行替换得到的。这里的替换就意味着可以多次的选择同一个样本,这一性质允许新数据集中可以有重复值,而原始数据集中的某些值在新的数据集中可能不会出现。






      AdaBoost是adaptive boosting(自适应boosting)的缩写,其运行过程如下:训练数据中的每个样本,并赋予其一个权重,这些权重构成了向量D。一开始,这些权重都初始化成相等值。首先在训练数据上训练出一个弱分类器并计算该分类器的错误率,然后在同一数据集上再次训练弱分类器。在分类器的第二次训练当中,将会重新调整每个样本的权重,其中第一次分对的样本的权重将会降低,而第一次分错的样本的权重将会提高。为了从所有弱分类器中得到最终的分类结果,AdaBoost为每个分类器都分配了一个权重值alpha,这些alpha值是基于每个弱分类器的错误率进行计算的。






AdaBoost算法的示意图。左边是数据集,其中直方图的不同宽度表示每个样例上的不同权重。在经过一个分类器之后,加权的预测结果会通过三角形中的alpha值进行加权。每个三角形中输出的加权结果在圆形中求和,从而得到最终的输出结果 。







def stump_classify(data_matrix, dimen, thresh_val, thresh_ineq):
    ret_array = np.ones((np.shape(data_matrix)[0], 1))
    if thresh_ineq == 'lt':
        ret_array[data_matrix[:, dimen] <= thresh_val] = -1.0
        ret_array[data_matrix[:, dimen] > thresh_val] = -1.0
    return ret_array

def build_stump(data_mat, class_labels, D):
    data = np.mat(data_mat)
    labels = np.mat(class_labels).T
    m, n = np.shape(data)
    step_count = 10
    best_stump = {}
    best_class_est = np.mat(np.zeros((m, 1)))
    min_err = np.inf
    for i in range(n):
        range_min = data[:, i].min()
        range_max = data[:, i].max()
        step_size = (range_max - range_min) / step_count
        for j in range(-1, int(step_count) + 1):
            for inequel in ['lt', 'gt']:
                thresh_val = range_min + float(j) * step_size
                predicted_vals = stump_classify(data, i, thresh_val, inequel)
                err_arr = np.mat(np.ones((m, 1)))
                err_arr[predicted_vals == labels] = 0
                weight_err = D.T * err_arr
                print("split: dim %d, thresh: %.2f, thresh inequl: %s, the weight error is: %.3f" % (i, thresh_val, inequel, weight_err))
                if weight_err < min_err:
                    min_err = weight_err
                    best_class_est = predicted_vals.copy()
                    best_stump['dim'] = i
                    best_stump['thresh'] = thresh_val
                    best_stump['ineq'] = inequel
    return best_stump, min_err, best_class_est


      在嵌套的三层for循环之内,我们在数据集及三个循环变量上调用stumpClassify()函数。基于这些循环变量,该函数将会返回分类预测结果。接下来构建一个列向量errArr,如果predictedVals中的值不等于labelMat中的真正类别标签值,那么errArr的相应位置为1。将错误向量errArr和权重向量D的相应元素相乘并求和,就得到了数值weightedError 。这就是AdaBoost和分类器交互的地方。这里,我们是基于权重向量D而不是其他错误计算指标来评价分类器的。如果需要使用其他分类器的话,就需要考虑D上最佳分类器所定义的计算过程。 


def boost_train_ds(data_arr, class_labels, num_iter=40):
    week_class_arr = []
    m = np.shape(data_arr)[0]
    D = np.mat(np.ones((m, 1)) / m)
    agg_class_est = np.mat(np.zeros((m, 1)))
    for i in range(num_iter):
        best_stump, min_err, class_est = build_stump(data_arr, class_labels, D)
        print('D: ', D.T)
        print('error: ', min_err)
        alpha = float(0.5 * np.log((1.0 - min_err) / max(min_err, 1e-16)))
        print('alpha: ', alpha)
        best_stump['alpha'] = alpha
        print('class est:', class_est)
        expon = np.multiply(-1 * alpha * np.mat(class_labels).T, class_est)
        D = np.multiply(D, np.exp(expon))
        D = D / D.sum()
        agg_class_est += class_est * alpha
        print('aggclassest: ', agg_class_est)
        agg_error = np.multiply(np.sign(agg_class_est) != np.mat(class_labels).T, np.ones((m, 1)))
        error_rate = agg_error.sum() / m
        if error_rate == 0.0:
    return week_class_arr



      函数名称尾部的DS代表的就是单层决策树(decision stump),它是AdaBoost中最流行的弱分类器,当然并非唯一可用的弱分类器。上述函数确实是建立于单层决策树之上的,但是我们也可以很容易对此进行修改以引入其他基分类器。实际上,任意分类器都可以作为基分类器,本书前面讲到的任何一个算法都行。上述算法会输出一个单层决策树的数组,因此首先需要建立一个新的Python表来对其进行存储。然后,得到数据集中的数据点的数目m,并建立一个列向量D。



      接下来,需要计算的则是alpha值。该值会告诉总分类器本次单层决策树输出结果的权重。其中的语句max(error, 1e-16)用于确保在没有错误时不会发生除零溢出。而后,alpha值加入到bestStump字典中,该字典又添加到列表中。该字典包括了分类所需要的所有信息。

      接下来的三行 则用于计算下一次迭代中的新权重向量D。在训练错误率为0时,就要提前结束for循环。此时程序是通过aggClassEst变量保持一个运行时的类别估计值来实现的 。该值只是一个浮点数,为了得到二值分类结果还需要调用sign()函数。如果总错误率为0,则由break语句中止for循环。

      接下来我们观察一下中间的运行结果。还记得吗,数据的类别标签为[1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0]。在第一轮迭代中,D中的所有值都相等。于是,只有第一个数据点被错分了。因此在第二轮迭代中,D向量给第一个数据点0.5的权重。这就可以通过变量aggClassEst的符号来了解总的类别。第二次迭代之后,我们就会发现第一个数据点已经正确分类了,但此时最后一个数据点却是错分了。D向量中的最后一个元素变成0.5,而D向量中的其他值都变得非常小。最后,第三次迭代之后aggClassEst所有值的符号和真实类别标签都完全吻合,那么训练错误率为0,程序就此退出。


E:\Anaconda\python.exe "E:/pycharm/PyCharm Community Edition 2018.2.3/bin/MLAProject/MLAProject/AdaBoost/adaboost.py"
split: dim 0, thresh: 0.90, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.400
split: dim 0, thresh: 0.90, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.600
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.00, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.400
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.00, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.600
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.10, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.400
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.10, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.600
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.20, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.400
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.20, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.600
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.30, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.200
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.30, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.800
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.40, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.200
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.40, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.800
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.50, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.200
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.50, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.800
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.60, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.200
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.60, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.800
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.70, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.200
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.70, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.800
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.80, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.200
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.80, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.800
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.90, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.200
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.90, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.800
split: dim 0, thresh: 2.00, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.600
split: dim 0, thresh: 2.00, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.400
split: dim 1, thresh: 0.89, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.400
split: dim 1, thresh: 0.89, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.600
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.00, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.200
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.00, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.800
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.11, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.400
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.11, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.600
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.22, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.400
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.22, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.600
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.33, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.400
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.33, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.600
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.44, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.400
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.44, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.600
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.55, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.400
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.55, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.600
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.66, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.400
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.66, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.600
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.77, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.400
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.77, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.600
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.88, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.400
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.88, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.600
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.99, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.400
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.99, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.600
split: dim 1, thresh: 2.10, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.600
split: dim 1, thresh: 2.10, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.400
D:  [[0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2]]
error:  [[0.2]]
alpha:  0.6931471805599453
class est: [[-1.]
 [ 1.]
 [ 1.]]
aggclassest:  [[-0.69314718]
 [ 0.69314718]
 [ 0.69314718]]
split: dim 0, thresh: 0.90, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.250
split: dim 0, thresh: 0.90, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.750
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.00, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.625
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.00, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.375
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.10, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.625
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.10, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.375
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.20, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.625
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.20, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.375
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.30, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.500
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.30, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.500
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.40, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.500
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.40, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.500
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.50, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.500
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.50, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.500
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.60, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.500
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.60, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.500
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.70, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.500
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.70, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.500
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.80, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.500
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.80, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.500
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.90, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.500
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.90, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.500
split: dim 0, thresh: 2.00, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.750
split: dim 0, thresh: 2.00, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.250
split: dim 1, thresh: 0.89, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.250
split: dim 1, thresh: 0.89, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.750
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.00, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.125
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.00, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.875
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.11, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.250
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.11, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.750
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.22, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.250
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.22, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.750
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.33, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.250
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.33, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.750
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.44, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.250
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.44, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.750
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.55, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.250
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.55, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.750
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.66, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.250
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.66, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.750
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.77, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.250
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.77, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.750
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.88, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.250
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.88, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.750
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.99, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.250
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.99, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.750
split: dim 1, thresh: 2.10, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.750
split: dim 1, thresh: 2.10, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.250
D:  [[0.5   0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125]]
error:  [[0.125]]
alpha:  0.9729550745276565
class est: [[ 1.]
 [ 1.]
aggclassest:  [[ 0.27980789]
 [ 1.66610226]
split: dim 0, thresh: 0.90, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.143
split: dim 0, thresh: 0.90, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.857
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.00, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.357
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.00, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.643
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.10, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.357
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.10, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.643
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.20, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.357
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.20, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.643
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.30, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.286
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.30, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.714
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.40, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.286
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.40, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.714
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.50, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.286
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.50, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.714
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.60, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.286
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.60, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.714
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.70, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.286
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.70, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.714
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.80, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.286
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.80, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.714
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.90, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.286
split: dim 0, thresh: 1.90, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.714
split: dim 0, thresh: 2.00, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.857
split: dim 0, thresh: 2.00, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.143
split: dim 1, thresh: 0.89, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.143
split: dim 1, thresh: 0.89, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.857
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.00, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.500
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.00, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.500
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.11, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.571
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.11, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.429
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.22, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.571
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.22, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.429
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.33, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.571
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.33, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.429
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.44, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.571
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.44, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.429
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.55, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.571
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.55, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.429
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.66, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.571
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.66, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.429
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.77, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.571
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.77, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.429
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.88, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.571
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.88, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.429
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.99, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.571
split: dim 1, thresh: 1.99, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.429
split: dim 1, thresh: 2.10, thresh inequl: lt, the weight error is: 0.857
split: dim 1, thresh: 2.10, thresh inequl: gt, the weight error is: 0.143
D:  [[0.28571429 0.07142857 0.07142857 0.07142857 0.5       ]]
error:  [[0.14285714]]
alpha:  0.8958797346140273
class est: [[1.]
aggclassest:  [[ 1.17568763]
 [ 2.56198199]
 [ 0.61607184]]
[{'dim': 0, 'thresh': 1.3, 'ineq': 'lt', 'alpha': 0.6931471805599453}, {'dim': 1, 'thresh': 1.0, 'ineq': 'lt', 'alpha': 0.9729550745276565}, {'dim': 0, 'thresh': 0.9, 'ineq': 'lt', 'alpha': 0.8958797346140273}]

Process finished with exit code 0


def ada_classify(data_to_class, classifyer):
    data = np.mat(data_to_class)
    m = np.shape(data)[0]
    agg_class_est = np.mat(np.zeros((m, 1)))
    for i in range(len(classifyer)):
        class_est = stump_classify(data, classifyer[i]['dim'], classifyer[i]['thresh'], classifyer[i]['ineq'])
        agg_class_est += class_est * classifyer[i]['alpha']
        return np.sign(agg_class_est)



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