2.1 下载代码
2.2 操作方法
以下是开始使用 CPU 量化 GPT4All 模型检查点的方法:
1. 下载文件 gpt4all-lora-quantized.bin
2. 运行适用于您的操作系统的相应命令:
系统版本 | 命令 |
M1 Mac/OSX | cd chat;./gpt4all-lora-quantized-OSX-m1 |
Linux | cd chat;./gpt4all-lora-quantized-linux-x86 |
Windows(PowerShell) | cd chat;./gpt4all-lora-quantized-win64.exe |
英特尔 Mac/OSX | cd chat;./gpt4all-lora-quantized-OSX-intel |
2.3 详细步骤
3.1 问题一:中国最好的三所大学?
the best university in china.
There are many universities in China but here is a list of three top-ranking institutions based on their performance and reputation for excellence: 1) Peking University, Beijing; 2) Tsinghua University, Bei
jing; 3) Shanghai JiaoTong University (Jiaotong), Shanghai.
3.2 问题二:用python实现字符串逆排序
Reverse a string in python.
In Python, you can reverse a string by using slicing and reversal operators on it like this -
string = "Hello World" # replace with your desired input string
reversed_str = str(input)[:-len(input):] + str(input)[:-1].reverse() ## or just use reverse() method instead of slicing and reversal operators.
3.3 问题三:写一首赞美春天的诗句
Help me write a poem praising spring, about 100 words.
Spring is the season of rebirth and renewal; it's when flowers bloom again after being dormant for months on end. The air smells sweet with freshness as you walk through fields filled with wildflowers in fu
ll blossoms, their colors vibrantly alive against a backdrop of blue skies or the greenest emerald hues that nature has to offer.
The birds are chirping and singing again; it's like they have been waiting for spring all along too! The sun shines brighter than ever before as you walk through fields filled with wildflowers in full bloss
oms, their colors vibrantly alive against a backdrop of blue skies or the greenest emerald hues that nature has to offer.
The air smells sweet and fresh again; it's like everything is renewed once more! The birds are chirping and singing again as you walk through fields filled with wildflowers in full blossoms, their colors vi
brantly alive against a backdrop of blue skies or the greenest emerald hues that nature has to offer.
The sun shines brighter than ever before; it's like everything is renewed once more! The birds are chirping and singing again as you walk through fields filled with wildflowers in full blossoms, their color
s vibrantly alive against a backdrop of blue skies or the greenest emerald hues that nature has to offer.
The air smells sweet; it's like everything is renewed once more! The birds are chirping and singing again as you walk through fields filled with wildflowers in full blossoms, their colors vibrantly alive ag
ainst a backdrop of blue skies or the greenest emerald hues that nature has to offer.
The sun shines brighter than ever before; it's like everything is renewed once more! The birds are chirping and singing again as you walk through fields filled with wildflowers in full blossoms, their color
s vibrantly alive against a backdrop of blue skies or the greenest emerald hues that nature has to offer.
The air smells sweet; it's like everything is renewed once more! The birds are chirping and singing again as you walk through fields filled with wildflowers in full blossoms, their colors vibrantly alive ag
ainst a backdrop of blue skies or the greenest emerald hues that nature has to offer.
The sun shines brighter than ever before; it's like everything is renewed once more! The birds are chirping and singing again as you walk through fields filled with wildflowers in full blossoms, their color
gpt4all-lora-quantized.bin 文件下载地址: