


  • 形容词

    • 放在名词前做定语
    • 放在动词后做表语
  • 副词

    • 简单句举例

      • He is very fast.
      • He runs fast.
      • He run rather fast.
    • 副词修饰

      • 形容词
      • 实义动词
      • 副词
      • 句子


  • 定义

    • 状语在一句话中除了名词,什么成分都可以修饰


  • 副词/副词短语作状语
  • 介词短语作状语
  • 非谓语动词作状语
  • 从句作状语


  • 随便放


  • 状语的分类标准

    • 状语从句的引导词是按照引导词本身的意思一共分为9类
  • 9类状语从句

    • 时间状语从句

      • 常用引导词

        • when = while = as
        • while翻译为当…的时候后面跟进行时态
        • before
        • after
        • since
        • the moment = as soon as
        • by the time
        • not …until
      • 区别until和not…until

        • I will wait here until you come.

          • 我将在这里等你来。
        • I will not leave until you come.

          • 你不来我就不走。
        • 看主句的谓语动词是瞬间性动词还是延续性动词,如果是延续性动词用until,如果瞬间动词用not…until

    • 地点状语从句

      • 常用引导词和例句

        • where

        • The tree grows well in wet places

          • 这树在潮湿的地方长得很好
        • The tree grows well where it is wet

          • 这棵树在潮湿的地方长得很好
    • 原因状语从句

      • 常用引导词

        • because
        • as
        • since
        • in that
        • seeing that
        • considering that
        • now that
        • given that
      • 连词

        • for
      • 介词短语表示因为

        • because of
        • due to
        • owing to
        • thanks to
        • for the sake of
        • as a result of
      • 造句练习

        • He had a car accident because he was careless.
        • He had a car accident because of his careless.
        • He had a car accident for he was careless.
    • 目的状语从句

      • 引导词

        • 不定时 to do

          • in order to = so as to
        • so that

          • in order that 从句 目的是…
      • 造句练习

        • We climb higher in order that we can see farther
        • We climb higher in order to see farther
    • 结果状语从句

      • 引导词

        • so + 形容词 / 副词 + that
        • 作文中只要出现形容词和副词的地方,都可以写成so…that句型
        • such + 名词 + that
      • 造句练习

        • I feel so delighted that I can’t help shuting and jumping .

          • 我很高兴
    • 让步状语从句

      • 引导词

        • although

        • though

        • even though

        • even if

        • as

        • while

          • while的特殊用法

            • while翻译成虽然、尽管的意思的时候,只能放在句首不能放在句子中
      • 造句练习

        • She is a beautiful girl although she seems lazy.

          • 虽然她看起来很懒,但她是一个漂亮的女孩。
        • Purswing stars exerts influence on the study of the young man, although their sounds touching.

          • 追逐明星对这个年轻人的学习产生了影响,尽管他们的声音很感人。
    • 方式状语从句

      • 引导词

        • as
        • the way
        • as…if/though
      • 介词短语

        • by
        • by means of
        • in…a way
        • manner
      • 造句练习

        • He talks with me as if he had known me three years ago.(虚拟语气)

          • 他跟我说话就好像他三年前就认识我似的。
    • 条件状语从句

      • 引导词

        • suppose that
        • supposing that
        • if
        • unless(否定条件)=if … not
        • priovided that
        • as long as
        • so long as
      • 造句练习

        • I will never give up so long as there is a ghost of hope.

          • 只要有一丝希望,我就不会放弃
    • 比较状语从句

      • 引导词

        • as…as

        • that 比较级结构

        • 造句练习

          • You looks as beautiful as I

            • 你看起来和我一样漂亮
  • 状语从句的时态问题

    • 举例

      • 在所有的状语从句中,如果主句的动作和从句的动词都尚未发生的话,主语用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表将来

        • When love comes , I will hold her hands.

          • 当爱来的时候,我会牵着她的手。
      • 发生过的事该用什么时态就用什么时态

        • When love came ,I failed to hold her hands.

          • 当爱情来临时,我没能牵起她的手。


  • 写作

    • 作文中任何一句话的旁边都可以给它加一个状语成分,把句子拉长
  • 长难句分析

    • 如何识别状语

      • 只要在句子中见到一下部分通常都是状语

        • 副词
        • 条件
        • 原因
        • 目的
        • 结果
        • 让步
        • 方式
        • 比较
        • 伴随
      • 时间和地点如果放在名词后的话

        • 可能是定语也可能是状语
      • 当无法确定是定语还是状语是,定语优先原则

        • 只有在翻译成定语听起来完全不通顺的时候才是状语
    • 翻译

      • 状语和状语从句通常翻译在离他最近的那句话的前面,或那句话的主谓之间
    • 典型例句

      • 希腊人认为语言结构与思维过程有某种联系,这种观点在人们意识到语言的多样性之前很久就在欧洲扎下了根。

        • The Greeks assumed that the structure of language had some connection with the process of thought ,which took root in Eurpoe long before people realized how diverse languages could be.
      • 行为科学之所以变化缓慢,一方面是因为解释行为的项目似乎常常是直接观察到的,另一方面是因为其他种类的解释一直很难找到。

        • The behavioral sciences have been slow to change partlu because the explanatory items often seem to be directly boserved and partly because other kinds of explanations have been hard to find.
      • 在与他们的接触中,我们很容易忽视我们的行为对他们性格的影响,但在与成年人打交道时就不那么容易了。

        • While it is easy to ignore in our contact with them the effect of our acts upon their disposition ,it is not so easy as in dealing with adults.
      • 尽管心理健康是我们生活中的万灵药,但它却非常普通,你会发现现在你难以做决定的时候,它一致在指引着你。

        • Although mental health is the cure-all for living our lives ,it is perfectly ordinary as you will see that it has been there to direct you through all your difficult decisions.
  • 状语从句练习

    • 典型例句

      • 教师节即将来临,我向有机会给我帮助的老师们表示诚挚的敬意。

        • Teacher’s Day approaching,I express my sincere appreciation to teachers who have given me assistance by the chance.
      • 群众已经接受了真理,生活变得如此短暂,以至于每天都应该被珍视。

        • The truth has been accepted by the mass that life becomes so short that every day should be valued.
      • 未能集中精力上课但希望通过考试的学生会意识到后果不那么令人印象深刻。

        • Students who fail to concentrate in class but wish to pass examinations perceive that the consequence proves less impressive.
      • 为了实现自己的梦想,我正在考虑是否应该和男友一起离开。

        • I ,in order to realize my dream ,am considering whether I should depart with my boyfriend.
      • 在有学校的地方,驾驶员应该慢慢走。

        • Where there exists a school,drivers should go slowly.




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