绘制基线资料表:table one包——持续更新中





A:选择统计学方法的时候检验的是因变量Y。但是基线资料表不是得按照数据类型展示么!所以也检验X。描述性分析中,单独对每个变量进行正态性检验,W统计量大于0.05则认为数据服从正态 展示均均数,否则展示中位数。

Q:table one能检验正态性、方差齐用性吗?

Q:特殊情况:一个连续变量分组变成了分类变量,每组自己还是连续变量,table one怎么展示?
A :分类以后table one展示的是百分比,也有SCI这么做


  • 支持连续变量和分类变量,以及 p 值和标准化均值差。通过survey包支持加权数据
  • CreateTableOne()是对整个数据集进行总结。是不是正态分布,要自己检查,然后传递给参数,继而生成表格。
  • table one的逻辑是:表格1通常不涉及统计测试。但是,您可能需要测试不平衡,从而进一步引发研究问题。默认情况下,表格1包括多个统计检验。通过设置test=TRUE得到的是统计测试的P值,但是,他只告诉你,这是nonnorm检验,具体是什么样的检验并没有说。如果你不需要具体到卡方、t检验等方式,用table one也就够了。可是怎么能不具体?用一件东西不能透彻了解用法这种事。。。
  • 当然,输出的table one会告诉你数据展现方式:

    (median [IQR]) 中位数 四分位数
    (%) 百分比
    (mean (SD)) 均值 标准差

  • 对于复杂的情况,table one 会帮你 去掉 烦恼:例如贫困指数,是连续变量,我将它按照预定的阈值分成两组(X1,X2),它其实是两组连续变量的。table one 会把它识别成二分类变量,展示的是(%)。如果结局是二分类变量(是/否)。那么问题来了:我想看X1和Y的关系,应该是连续变量vs二分类变量。table one 会把它识别成二分类变量以后,我还可以这么认为吗?在这个细节上,我觉得table one 的统计是失控的。
  • 即便,我没有在基线资料这一步做统计检验的打算,那么对于一个连续变量按照百分比展示,也违背了连续变量正态分布:均值±标准差/连续变量非正态分布:中位数±四分位数的一般原则。



以下是Github上table one包的说明文档


An R package to create “Table 1”, description of baseline characteristics
用于创建“表 1”的 R 包,基线特征说明

Creates “Table 1”, i.e., description of baseline patient characteristics, which is essential in every medical research. Supports both continuous and categorical variables, as well as p-values and standardized mean differences. Weighted data are supported via the survey package.
创建“表1”,即基线患者特征的描述,这在每项医学研究中都是必不可少的。支持连续变量和分类变量,以及 p 值和标准化均值差。通过survey包支持加权数据。
tableone was inspired by descriptive statistics functions in Deducer , a Java-based GUI package by Ian Fellows. This package does not require GUI or Java, and intended for command-line users.
tableone的灵感来自Ian Fellows的基于Java的GUI包Deducer中的描述性统计函数。此软件包不需要 GUI 或 Java,适用于命令行用户。

In this table, continuous and categorical variables can be placed in any order. The p-valeus are from exact tests for pre-specified variables. For nonnormal variables, it shows median and IQR instead of mean and SD, and p-values are from nonparametric tests. Numerically coded categorical variables can be transformed on the fly with factorVars. SMD stands for standardized mean differences. For weighted data, first created a svydesign object, and use the svyCreateTableOne() function. Most other options remain the same.

  • 在此表中,连续变量和分类变量可以按任意顺序放置。p-valeus来自预先指定变量的精确检验。
  • 对于非正态变量,它显示中位数和 IQR,而不是平均值和 SD,
  • p 值来自非参数检验
  • 数字编码的分类变量可以使用 factorVars 即时转换。
  • SMD 代表标准化均数差
  • 对于加权数据,首先创建一个 svydesign 对象,并使用 svyCreateTableOne() 函数。
## Load package
## Load data
data(pbc, package = "survival")
# drop ID from variable list
vars <- names(pbc)[-1]
## Create Table 1 stratified by trt (can add more stratifying variables)
tableOne <- CreateTableOne(vars = vars, strata = c("trt"), data = pbc,
                            factorVars = c("status","edema","stage"))
## Specifying nonnormal variables will show the variables appropriately,
## and show nonparametric test p-values. Specify variables in the exact
## argument to obtain the exact test p-values.
print(tableOne, nonnormal = c("bili","chol","copper","alk.phos","trig"),
      exact = c("status","stage"), smd = TRUE,
      formatOptions = list(big.mark = ","))

##                          Stratified by trt
##                           1                           2                           p      test    SMD   
##   n                            158                         154                                         
##   time (mean (SD))        2,015.62 (1,094.12)         1,996.86 (1,155.93)          0.883          0.017
##   status (%)                                                                       0.884 exact    0.054
##      0                          83 (52.5)                   85 (55.2)                                  
##      1                          10 ( 6.3)                    9 ( 5.8)                                  
##      2                          65 (41.1)                   60 (39.0)                                  
##   trt (mean (SD))             1.00 (0.00)                 2.00 (0.00)             <0.001            Inf
##   age (mean (SD))            51.42 (11.01)               48.58 (9.96)              0.018          0.270
##   sex = f (%)                  137 (86.7)                  139 (90.3)              0.421          0.111
##   ascites (mean (SD))         0.09 (0.29)                 0.06 (0.25)              0.434          0.089
##   hepato (mean (SD))          0.46 (0.50)                 0.56 (0.50)              0.069          0.206
##   spiders (mean (SD))         0.28 (0.45)                 0.29 (0.46)              0.886          0.016
##   edema (%)                                                                        0.877          0.058
##      0                         132 (83.5)                  131 (85.1)                                  
##      0.5                        16 (10.1)                   13 ( 8.4)                                  
##      1                          10 ( 6.3)                   10 ( 6.5)                                  
##   bili (median [IQR])         1.40 [0.80, 3.20]           1.30 [0.72, 3.60]        0.842 nonnorm  0.171
##   chol (median [IQR])       315.50 [247.75, 417.00]     303.50 [254.25, 377.00]    0.544 nonnorm  0.038
##   albumin (mean (SD))         3.52 (0.44)                 3.52 (0.40)              0.874          0.018
##   copper (median [IQR])      73.00 [40.00, 121.00]       73.00 [43.00, 139.00]     0.717 nonnorm <0.001
##   alk.phos (median [IQR]) 1,214.50 [840.75, 2,028.00] 1,283.00 [922.50, 1,949.75]  0.812 nonnorm  0.037
##   ast (mean (SD))           120.21 (54.52)              124.97 (58.93)             0.460          0.084
##   trig (median [IQR])       106.00 [84.50, 146.00]      113.00 [84.50, 155.00]     0.370 nonnorm  0.017
##   platelet (mean (SD))      258.75 (100.32)             265.20 (90.73)             0.555          0.067
##   protime (mean (SD))        10.65 (0.85)                10.80 (1.14)              0.197          0.146
##   stage (%)                                                                        0.205 exact    0.246
##      1                          12 ( 7.6)                    4 ( 2.6)                                  
##      2                          35 (22.2)                   32 (20.8)                                  
##      3                          56 (35.4)                   64 (41.6)                                  
##      4                          55 (34.8)                   54 (35.1)

This version of tableone package for R is developmetal, and may not be available from the CRAN. You can install it using one of the following way.
这个版本的 R.tableone 包是 developmetal,可能无法从 CRAN 获得。您可以使用以下方法之一安装它。

Direct installation from github
从 github 直接安装

You first need to install the devtools package to do the following. You can choose from the latest stable version and the latest development version.
首先需要安装 devtools 包才能执行以下操作。您可以从最新的稳定版本和最新的开发版本中进行选择。

  • Install devtools (if you do not have it already)
  • Install directly from github (develop branch)
    devtools::install_github(repo = "kaz-yos/tableone", ref = "develop")

Using devtools may requires some preparation, please see the following link for information.
使用 devtools 可能需要一些准备,请参阅以下链接以获取信息。

这是table one包的help


  • 作者:Kazuki Yoshida
  • 日期:2020年7月25日



## tableone包本身
## Mayo Clinic的PBC数据的survival包


CreateTableOne(data = pbc)


## 获取变量名称
c("id", "time", "status", "trt", "age", "sex", "ascites", "hepato", 
"spiders", "edema", "bili", "chol", "albumin", "copper", "alk.phos", 
"ast", "trig", "platelet", "protime", "stage")

## 要汇总的变量向量
myVars <- c("time", "status", "trt", "age", "sex", "ascites", "hepato",
          "spiders", "edema", "bili", "chol", "albumin", "copper", "alk.phos",
          "ast", "trig", "platelet", "protime", "stage")

## 需要转换的分类变量的向量
catVars <- c("status", "trt", "ascites", "hepato",
             "spiders", "edema", "stage")

## 创建TableOne对象
tab2 <- CreateTableOne(vars = myVars, data = pbc, factorVars = catVars)




print(tab2, showAllLevels = TRUE, formatOptions = list(big.mark = ","))




tab3 <- CreateTableOne(vars = myVars, data = pbc, factorVars = catVars, 
                       test = FALSE, 
                       includeNA = TRUE,
                       nonnormal = c("bili", "chol", "copper", "alk.phos", "ast", "trig"))
print(tab3, showAllLevels = TRUE)


tab4 <- CreateTableOne(vars = myVars, data = pbc, factorVars = catVars, 
                       test = FALSE, 
                       includeNA = TRUE)
print(tab4, showAllLevels = TRUE, quote = FALSE)


tab5 <- CreateTableOne(vars = myVars, data = pbc, factorVars = catVars, 
                       strata = "stage", 
                       test = FALSE, 
                       includeNA = TRUE)
print(tab5, showAllLevels = TRUE)


WriteCsv(tab4, file = "table1.csv")


SMD 使用标准化均值差

Kazuki Yoshida
有关定义,请参阅 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3144483


## tableone package itself
## PS matching
## Weighted analysis
## Reorganizing data
## plotting


The right heart catheterization dataset is available at https://biostat.app.vumc.org/wiki/Main/DataSets. This dataset was originally used in Connors et al. JAMA 1996;276:889-897, and has been made publicly available.
Right heart cath dataset

rhc <- read.csv("https://biostat.app.vumc.org/wiki/pub/Main/DataSets/rhc.csv")


## Covariates
vars <- c("age","sex","race","edu","income","ninsclas","cat1","das2d3pc","dnr1",

## Construct a table
tabUnmatched <- CreateTableOne(vars = vars, strata = "swang1", data = rhc, test = FALSE)
## Show table with SMD
print(tabUnmatched, smd = TRUE)
                        Stratified by swang1
                         No RHC          RHC             SMD   
 n                        3551            2184                
 age (mean (SD))         61.76 (17.29)   60.75 (15.63)   0.061
 sex = Male (%)           1914 (53.9)     1278 (58.5)    0.093
  race (%)                                                0.036
     black                  585 (16.5)      335 (15.3)         
     other                  213 ( 6.0)      142 ( 6.5)         
     white                 2753 (77.5)     1707 (78.2)         
  edu (mean (SD))         11.57 (3.13)    11.86 (3.16)    0.091
  income (%)                                              0.142
     $11-$25k               713 (20.1)      452 (20.7)         
     $25-$50k               500 (14.1)      393 (18.0)         
     > $50k                 257 ( 7.2)      194 ( 8.9)         
     Under $11k            2081 (58.6)     1145 (52.4)         
  ninsclas (%)                                            0.194
     Medicaid               454 (12.8)      193 ( 8.8)         
     Medicare               947 (26.7)      511 (23.4)         
     Medicare & Medicaid    251 ( 7.1)      123 ( 5.6)         
     No insurance           186 ( 5.2)      136 ( 6.2)         
     Private                967 (27.2)      731 (33.5)         
     Private & Medicare     746 (21.0)      490 (22.4)         
  cat1 (%)                                                0.583
     ARF                   1581 (44.5)      909 (41.6)         
     CHF                    247 ( 7.0)      209 ( 9.6)         
     COPD                   399 (11.2)       58 ( 2.7)         
     Cirrhosis              175 ( 4.9)       49 ( 2.2)         
     Colon Cancer             6 ( 0.2)        1 ( 0.0)         
     Coma                   341 ( 9.6)       95 ( 4.3)         
     Lung Cancer             34 ( 1.0)        5 ( 0.2)         
     MOSF w/Malignancy      241 ( 6.8)      158 ( 7.2)         
     MOSF w/Sepsis          527 (14.8)      700 (32.1)         
  das2d3pc (mean (SD))    20.37 (5.48)    20.70 (5.03)    0.063
  dnr1 = Yes (%)            499 (14.1)      155 ( 7.1)    0.228
  ca (%)                                                  0.107
     Metastatic             261 ( 7.4)      123 ( 5.6)         
     No                    2652 (74.7)     1727 (79.1)         
     Yes                    638 (18.0)      334 (15.3)         
  surv2md1 (mean (SD))     0.61 (0.19)     0.57 (0.20)    0.198
  aps1 (mean (SD))        50.93 (18.81)   60.74 (20.27)   0.501
  scoma1 (mean (SD))      22.25 (31.37)   18.97 (28.26)   0.110
  wtkilo1 (mean (SD))     65.04 (29.50)   72.36 (27.73)   0.256
  temp1 (mean (SD))       37.63 (1.74)    37.59 (1.83)    0.021
  meanbp1 (mean (SD))     84.87 (38.87)   68.20 (34.24)   0.455
  resp1 (mean (SD))       28.98 (13.95)   26.65 (14.17)   0.165
  hrt1 (mean (SD))       112.87 (40.94)  118.93 (41.47)   0.147
  pafi1 (mean (SD))      240.63 (116.66) 192.43 (105.54)  0.433
  paco21 (mean (SD))      39.95 (14.24)   36.79 (10.97)   0.249
  ph1 (mean (SD))          7.39 (0.11)     7.38 (0.11)    0.120
  wblc1 (mean (SD))       15.26 (11.41)   16.27 (12.55)   0.084
  hema1 (mean (SD))       32.70 (8.79)    30.51 (7.42)    0.269
  sod1 (mean (SD))       137.04 (7.68)   136.33 (7.60)    0.092
  pot1 (mean (SD))         4.08 (1.04)     4.05 (1.01)    0.027
  crea1 (mean (SD))        1.92 (2.03)     2.47 (2.05)    0.270
  bili1 (mean (SD))        2.00 (4.43)     2.71 (5.33)    0.145
  alb1 (mean (SD))         3.16 (0.67)     2.98 (0.93)    0.230
  resp = Yes (%)           1481 (41.7)      632 (28.9)    0.270
  card = Yes (%)           1007 (28.4)      924 (42.3)    0.295
  neuro = Yes (%)           575 (16.2)      118 ( 5.4)    0.353
  gastr = Yes (%)           522 (14.7)      420 (19.2)    0.121
  renal = Yes (%)           147 ( 4.1)      148 ( 6.8)    0.116
  meta = Yes (%)            172 ( 4.8)       93 ( 4.3)    0.028
  hema = Yes (%)            239 ( 6.7)      115 ( 5.3)    0.062
  seps = Yes (%)            515 (14.5)      516 (23.6)    0.234
  trauma = Yes (%)           18 ( 0.5)       34 ( 1.6)    0.104
  ortho = Yes (%)             3 ( 0.1)        4 ( 0.2)    0.027
  cardiohx (mean (SD))     0.16 (0.37)     0.20 (0.40)    0.116
  chfhx (mean (SD))        0.17 (0.37)     0.19 (0.40)    0.069
  dementhx (mean (SD))     0.12 (0.32)     0.07 (0.25)    0.163
  psychhx (mean (SD))      0.08 (0.27)     0.05 (0.21)    0.143
  chrpulhx (mean (SD))     0.22 (0.41)     0.14 (0.35)    0.192
  renalhx (mean (SD))      0.04 (0.20)     0.05 (0.21)    0.032
  liverhx (mean (SD))      0.07 (0.26)     0.06 (0.24)    0.049
  gibledhx (mean (SD))     0.04 (0.19)     0.02 (0.16)    0.070
  malighx (mean (SD))      0.25 (0.43)     0.20 (0.40)    0.101
  immunhx (mean (SD))      0.26 (0.44)     0.29 (0.45)    0.080
  transhx (mean (SD))      0.09 (0.29)     0.15 (0.36)    0.170
  amihx (mean (SD))        0.03 (0.17)     0.04 (0.20)    0.074
## Count covariates with important imbalance
addmargins(table(ExtractSmd(tabUnmatched) > 0.1))
   18    32    50 

通常,使用 logistic 回归模型来估计个体的倾向评分。此模型取自“如何使用倾向评分分析”。预测的概率包括被分配到右心导管插管、不被分配到右心导管插管、被分配到真实分配以及被分配到右心导管插管或不被分配到右心导管插管的概率中较小的一个,这些概率将在后续的倾向评分匹配和加权中用于计算。

rhc$swang1 <- factor(rhc$swang1, levels = c("No RHC", "RHC"))
## Fit model
psModel <- glm(formula = swang1 ~ age + sex + race + edu + income + ninsclas +
                         cat1 + das2d3pc + dnr1 + ca + surv2md1 + aps1 + scoma1 +
                         wtkilo1 + temp1 + meanbp1 + resp1 + hrt1 + pafi1 +
                         paco21 + ph1 + wblc1 + hema1 + sod1 + pot1 + crea1 +
                         bili1 + alb1 + resp + card + neuro + gastr + renal +
                         meta + hema + seps + trauma + ortho + cardiohx + chfhx +
                         dementhx + psychhx + chrpulhx + renalhx + liverhx + gibledhx +
                         malighx + immunhx + transhx + amihx,
               family  = binomial(link = "logit"),
               data    = rhc)

## Predicted probability of being assigned to RHC
rhc$pRhc <- predict(psModel, type = "response")
## Predicted probability of being assigned to no RHC
rhc$pNoRhc <- 1 - rhc$pRhc

## Predicted probability of being assigned to the
## treatment actually assigned (either RHC or no RHC)
rhc$pAssign <- NA
rhc$pAssign[rhc$swang1 == "RHC"]    <- rhc$pRhc[rhc$swang1   == "RHC"]
rhc$pAssign[rhc$swang1 == "No RHC"] <- rhc$pNoRhc[rhc$swang1 == "No RHC"]
## Smaller of pRhc vs pNoRhc for matching weight
rhc$pMin <- pmin(rhc$pRhc, rhc$pNoRhc)

可以使用 Matching 包进行倾向评分匹配。倾向评分的 logit 值通常用作匹配尺度,匹配的 caliper 常常为0.2倍标准差(SD)(logit(PS))。有关建议,请参阅 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3144483/#s5title。匹配完成后,所有标准化均值差都在0.1以下。

listMatch <- Match(Tr       = (rhc$swang1 == "RHC"),      # Need to be in 0,1
                   ## logit of PS,i.e., log(PS/(1-PS)) as matching scale
                   X        = log(rhc$pRhc / rhc$pNoRhc),
                   ## 1:1 matching
                   M        = 1,
                   ## caliper = 0.2 * SD(logit(PS))
                   caliper  = 0.2,
                   replace  = FALSE,
                   ties     = TRUE,
                   version  = "fast")
## Extract matched data
rhcMatched <- rhc[unlist(listMatch[c("index.treated","index.control")]), ]

## Construct a table
tabMatched <- CreateTableOne(vars = vars, strata = "swang1", data = rhcMatched, test = FALSE)
## Show table with SMD
print(tabMatched, smd = TRUE)
                        Stratified by swang1
                         No RHC          RHC             SMD   
  n                        1562            1562                
  age (mean (SD))         60.53 (17.61)   60.55 (15.72)   0.001
  sex = Male (%)            884 (56.6)      890 (57.0)    0.008
  race (%)                                                0.009
     black                  245 (15.7)      247 (15.8)         
     other                   97 ( 6.2)      100 ( 6.4)         
     white                 1220 (78.1)     1215 (77.8)         
  edu (mean (SD))         11.87 (3.13)    11.78 (3.16)    0.029
  income (%)                                              0.028
     $11-$25k               324 (20.7)      335 (21.4)         
     $25-$50k               252 (16.1)      262 (16.8)         
     > $50k                 127 ( 8.1)      124 ( 7.9)         
     Under $11k             859 (55.0)      841 (53.8)         
  ninsclas (%)                                            0.026
     Medicaid               163 (10.4)      152 ( 9.7)         
     Medicare               364 (23.3)      370 (23.7)         
     Medicare & Medicaid     94 ( 6.0)       95 ( 6.1)         
     No insurance            85 ( 5.4)       88 ( 5.6)         
     Private                502 (32.1)      498 (31.9)         
     Private & Medicare     354 (22.7)      359 (23.0)         
  cat1 (%)                                                0.058
     ARF                    714 (45.7)      680 (43.5)         
     CHF                    162 (10.4)      175 (11.2)         
     COPD                    54 ( 3.5)       57 ( 3.6)         
     Cirrhosis               42 ( 2.7)       47 ( 3.0)         
     Colon Cancer             1 ( 0.1)        1 ( 0.1)         
     Coma                    84 ( 5.4)       76 ( 4.9)         
     Lung Cancer              4 ( 0.3)        5 ( 0.3)         
     MOSF w/Malignancy      121 ( 7.7)      128 ( 8.2)         
     MOSF w/Sepsis          380 (24.3)      393 (25.2)         
  das2d3pc (mean (SD))    20.58 (5.48)    20.58 (5.08)   <0.001
  dnr1 = Yes (%)            125 ( 8.0)      130 ( 8.3)    0.012
  ca (%)                                                  0.022
     Metastatic             102 ( 6.5)       98 ( 6.3)         
     No                    1201 (76.9)     1193 (76.4)         
     Yes                    259 (16.6)      271 (17.3)         
  surv2md1 (mean (SD))     0.58 (0.20)     0.59 (0.20)    0.015
  aps1 (mean (SD))        57.13 (19.65)   57.26 (19.66)   0.007
  scoma1 (mean (SD))      19.37 (29.18)   18.88 (28.26)   0.017
  wtkilo1 (mean (SD))     70.24 (26.23)   70.70 (27.20)   0.017
  temp1 (mean (SD))       37.65 (1.89)    37.62 (1.74)    0.017
  meanbp1 (mean (SD))     73.70 (35.75)   73.11 (35.74)   0.016
  resp1 (mean (SD))       28.18 (13.87)   28.04 (14.15)   0.010
  hrt1 (mean (SD))       116.49 (43.19)  117.78 (40.25)   0.031
  pafi1 (mean (SD))      209.05 (106.18) 211.22 (108.06)  0.020
  paco21 (mean (SD))      37.55 (10.82)   37.46 (11.56)   0.008
  ph1 (mean (SD))          7.39 (0.11)     7.39 (0.11)    0.002
  wblc1 (mean (SD))       15.73 (12.03)   15.92 (13.00)   0.015
  hema1 (mean (SD))       30.78 (7.97)    30.88 (7.53)    0.014
  sod1 (mean (SD))       136.61 (7.87)   136.63 (7.43)    0.002
  pot1 (mean (SD))         4.04 (1.03)     4.05 (0.99)    0.009
  crea1 (mean (SD))        2.31 (2.39)     2.29 (1.97)    0.008
  bili1 (mean (SD))        2.54 (5.53)     2.55 (5.09)    0.002
  alb1 (mean (SD))         3.05 (0.69)     3.04 (0.96)    0.007
  resp = Yes (%)            538 (34.4)      520 (33.3)    0.024
  card = Yes (%)            587 (37.6)      598 (38.3)    0.015
  neuro = Yes (%)           114 ( 7.3)      109 ( 7.0)    0.012
  gastr = Yes (%)           273 (17.5)      291 (18.6)    0.030
  renal = Yes (%)            93 ( 6.0)       95 ( 6.1)    0.005
  meta = Yes (%)             72 ( 4.6)       74 ( 4.7)    0.006
  hema = Yes (%)             94 ( 6.0)       97 ( 6.2)    0.008
  seps = Yes (%)            333 (21.3)      331 (21.2)    0.003
  trauma = Yes (%)           15 ( 1.0)       12 ( 0.8)    0.021
  ortho = Yes (%)             2 ( 0.1)        1 ( 0.1)    0.021
  cardiohx (mean (SD))     0.20 (0.40)     0.20 (0.40)    0.006
  chfhx (mean (SD))        0.20 (0.40)     0.20 (0.40)    0.011
  dementhx (mean (SD))     0.07 (0.25)     0.07 (0.26)    0.017
  psychhx (mean (SD))      0.05 (0.23)     0.05 (0.23)   <0.001
  chrpulhx (mean (SD))     0.15 (0.36)     0.15 (0.36)    0.007
  renalhx (mean (SD))      0.06 (0.23)     0.05 (0.22)    0.031
  liverhx (mean (SD))      0.07 (0.25)     0.07 (0.26)    0.005
  gibledhx (mean (SD))     0.03 (0.17)     0.03 (0.17)    0.004
  malighx (mean (SD))      0.23 (0.42)     0.23 (0.42)    0.009
  immunhx (mean (SD))      0.30 (0.46)     0.28 (0.45)    0.041
  transhx (mean (SD))      0.13 (0.33)     0.12 (0.33)    0.014
  amihx (mean (SD))        0.03 (0.17)     0.03 (0.17)    0.004
## Count covariates with important imbalance
addmargins(table(ExtractSmd(tabMatched) > 0.1))
FALSE   Sum 
   50    50 

匹配权重方法是一种与1:1成对算法匹配类似的加权方法(https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23902694/)。匹配权重被定义为接受治疗或不接受治疗的预测概率与患者实际分配到的治疗组的预测概率中较小的那个。加权后,所有标准化均值差都在0.1以下。加权数据中的标准化均值差在 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26238958/ 中有解释说明。

## Matching weight
rhc$mw <- rhc$pMin / rhc$pAssign
## Weighted data
rhcSvy <- svydesign(ids = ~ 1, data = rhc, weights = ~ mw)

## Construct a table (This is a bit slow.)
tabWeighted <- svyCreateTableOne(vars = vars, strata = "swang1", data = rhcSvy, test = FALSE)
## Show table with SMD
print(tabWeighted, smd = TRUE)
                        Stratified by swang1
                         No RHC           RHC              SMD   
  n                      1522.89          1520.27                
  age (mean (SD))          60.82 (17.16)    60.77 (15.79)   0.003
  sex = Male (%)           875.8 (57.5)     872.3 (57.4)    0.003
  race (%)                                                  0.009
     black                 238.1 (15.6)     235.8 (15.5)         
     other                  94.9 ( 6.2)      97.8 ( 6.4)         
     white                1189.9 (78.1)    1186.6 (78.1)         
  edu (mean (SD))          11.80 (3.17)     11.80 (3.09)    0.002
  income (%)                                                0.004
     $11-$25k              316.5 (20.8)     317.0 (20.9)         
     $25-$50k              251.7 (16.5)     250.8 (16.5)         
     > $50k                127.1 ( 8.3)     128.4 ( 8.4)         
     Under $11k            827.6 (54.3)     824.1 (54.2)         
  ninsclas (%)                                              0.014
     Medicaid              153.7 (10.1)     151.9 (10.0)         
     Medicare              361.1 (23.7)     369.0 (24.3)         
     Medicare & Medicaid    91.5 ( 6.0)      91.2 ( 6.0)         
     No insurance           85.8 ( 5.6)      86.6 ( 5.7)         
     Private               487.0 (32.0)     482.2 (31.7)         
     Private & Medicare    343.7 (22.6)     339.3 (22.3)         
  cat1 (%)                                                  0.017
     ARF                   685.8 (45.0)     679.9 (44.7)         
     CHF                   160.1 (10.5)     163.2 (10.7)         
     COPD                   56.2 ( 3.7)      57.2 ( 3.8)         
     Cirrhosis              45.0 ( 3.0)      47.0 ( 3.1)         
     Colon Cancer            0.9 ( 0.1)       1.0 ( 0.1)         
     Coma                   79.4 ( 5.2)      77.4 ( 5.1)         
     Lung Cancer             4.2 ( 0.3)       5.0 ( 0.3)         
     MOSF w/Malignancy     122.4 ( 8.0)     121.5 ( 8.0)         
     MOSF w/Sepsis         368.9 (24.2)     368.1 (24.2)         
  das2d3pc (mean (SD))     20.58 (5.45)     20.56 (5.05)    0.005
  dnr1 = Yes (%)           131.5 ( 8.6)     129.2 ( 8.5)    0.005
  ca (%)                                                    0.006
     Metastatic             98.6 ( 6.5)      98.0 ( 6.4)         
     No                   1160.5 (76.2)    1162.3 (76.5)         
     Yes                   263.7 (17.3)     259.9 (17.1)         
  surv2md1 (mean (SD))      0.58 (0.20)      0.58 (0.20)    0.010
  aps1 (mean (SD))         57.30 (19.53)    57.13 (19.73)   0.008
  scoma1 (mean (SD))       19.12 (29.10)    19.10 (28.51)   0.001
  wtkilo1 (mean (SD))      70.19 (26.54)    70.19 (27.30)  <0.001
  temp1 (mean (SD))        37.63 (1.88)     37.64 (1.74)   <0.001
  meanbp1 (mean (SD))      73.18 (35.48)    73.22 (35.50)   0.001
  resp1 (mean (SD))        28.16 (13.84)    28.10 (14.09)   0.004
  hrt1 (mean (SD))        116.96 (42.74)   116.71 (40.28)   0.006
  pafi1 (mean (SD))       209.93 (107.48)  210.31 (108.23)  0.004
  paco21 (mean (SD))       37.56 (10.80)    37.51 (11.59)   0.004
  ph1 (mean (SD))           7.39 (0.11)      7.39 (0.11)    0.003
  wblc1 (mean (SD))        15.82 (12.03)    15.69 (12.69)   0.010
  hema1 (mean (SD))        30.90 (8.10)     30.95 (7.57)    0.007
  sod1 (mean (SD))        136.54 (7.86)    136.58 (7.38)    0.005
  pot1 (mean (SD))          4.04 (1.04)      4.05 (0.99)    0.004
  crea1 (mean (SD))         2.27 (2.31)      2.27 (1.95)   <0.001
  bili1 (mean (SD))         2.50 (5.37)      2.54 (5.15)    0.008
  alb1 (mean (SD))          3.04 (0.70)      3.04 (0.97)   <0.001
  resp = Yes (%)           516.6 (33.9)     512.6 (33.7)    0.004
  card = Yes (%)           582.2 (38.2)     585.6 (38.5)    0.006
  neuro = Yes (%)          109.6 ( 7.2)     109.0 ( 7.2)    0.001
  gastr = Yes (%)          270.3 (17.8)     272.7 (17.9)    0.005
  renal = Yes (%)           89.5 ( 5.9)      90.7 ( 6.0)    0.004
  meta = Yes (%)            70.0 ( 4.6)      70.2 ( 4.6)    0.001
  hema = Yes (%)            93.5 ( 6.1)      95.0 ( 6.2)    0.004
  seps = Yes (%)           325.5 (21.4)     322.0 (21.2)    0.005
  trauma = Yes (%)          14.8 ( 1.0)      14.3 ( 0.9)    0.003
  ortho = Yes (%)            1.0 ( 0.1)       0.9 ( 0.1)    0.003
  cardiohx (mean (SD))      0.20 (0.40)      0.20 (0.40)   <0.001
  chfhx (mean (SD))         0.20 (0.40)      0.20 (0.40)    0.004
  dementhx (mean (SD))      0.08 (0.26)      0.08 (0.26)    0.003
  psychhx (mean (SD))       0.05 (0.23)      0.05 (0.22)    0.004
  chrpulhx (mean (SD))      0.16 (0.36)      0.16 (0.36)    0.001
  renalhx (mean (SD))       0.05 (0.22)      0.05 (0.22)    0.001
  liverhx (mean (SD))       0.07 (0.25)      0.07 (0.25)    0.003
  gibledhx (mean (SD))      0.03 (0.17)      0.03 (0.17)    0.007
  malighx (mean (SD))       0.23 (0.42)      0.23 (0.42)    0.007
  immunhx (mean (SD))       0.28 (0.45)      0.28 (0.45)   <0.001
  transhx (mean (SD))       0.12 (0.33)      0.12 (0.33)    0.004
  amihx (mean (SD))         0.03 (0.18)      0.03 (0.18)    0.006
## Count covariates with important imbalance
addmargins(table(ExtractSmd(tabWeighted) > 0.1))
FALSE   Sum 
   50    50 


## Overlap weight
rhc$ow <- (rhc$pAssign * (1 - rhc$pAssign)) / rhc$pAssign
## Weighted data
rhcSvyOw <- svydesign(ids = ~ 1, data = rhc, weights = ~ ow)

## Construct a table (This is a bit slow.)
tabWeightedOw <- svyCreateTableOne(vars = vars, strata = "swang1", data = rhcSvyOw, test = FALSE)
## Show table with SMD
print(tabWeightedOw, smd = TRUE)
                        Stratified by swang1
                         No RHC           RHC              SMD   
  n                      1005.82          1005.82                
  age (mean (SD))          60.88 (17.19)    60.88 (15.73)  <0.001
  sex = Male (%)           574.3 (57.1)     574.3 (57.1)   <0.001
  race (%)                                                 <0.001
     black                 157.5 (15.7)     157.5 (15.7)         
     other                  62.0 ( 6.2)      62.0 ( 6.2)         
     white                 786.3 (78.2)     786.3 (78.2)         
  edu (mean (SD))          11.78 (3.16)     11.78 (3.08)   <0.001
  income (%)                                               <0.001
     $11-$25k              208.4 (20.7)     208.4 (20.7)         
     $25-$50k              163.3 (16.2)     163.3 (16.2)         
     > $50k                 83.8 ( 8.3)      83.8 ( 8.3)         
     Under $11k            550.3 (54.7)     550.3 (54.7)         
  ninsclas (%)                                             <0.001
     Medicaid              104.1 (10.4)     104.1 (10.4)         
     Medicare              242.5 (24.1)     242.5 (24.1)         
     Medicare & Medicaid    60.7 ( 6.0)      60.7 ( 6.0)         
     No insurance           57.1 ( 5.7)      57.1 ( 5.7)         
     Private               315.9 (31.4)     315.9 (31.4)         
     Private & Medicare    225.5 (22.4)     225.5 (22.4)         
  cat1 (%)                                                 <0.001
     ARF                   450.0 (44.7)     450.0 (44.7)         
     CHF                   100.3 (10.0)     100.3 (10.0)         
     COPD                   43.8 ( 4.4)      43.8 ( 4.4)         
     Cirrhosis              32.5 ( 3.2)      32.5 ( 3.2)         
     Colon Cancer            0.7 ( 0.1)       0.7 ( 0.1)         
     Coma                   56.4 ( 5.6)      56.4 ( 5.6)         
     Lung Cancer             3.3 ( 0.3)       3.3 ( 0.3)         
     MOSF w/Malignancy      79.1 ( 7.9)      79.1 ( 7.9)         
     MOSF w/Sepsis         239.7 (23.8)     239.7 (23.8)         
  das2d3pc (mean (SD))     20.57 (5.46)     20.57 (5.02)   <0.001
  dnr1 = Yes (%)            90.8 ( 9.0)      90.8 ( 9.0)   <0.001
  ca (%)                                                   <0.001
     Metastatic             65.7 ( 6.5)      65.7 ( 6.5)         
     No                    767.4 (76.3)     767.4 (76.3)         
     Yes                   172.7 (17.2)     172.7 (17.2)         
  surv2md1 (mean (SD))      0.58 (0.20)      0.58 (0.20)   <0.001
  aps1 (mean (SD))         56.94 (19.78)    56.94 (19.79)  <0.001
  scoma1 (mean (SD))       19.57 (29.46)    19.57 (28.78)  <0.001
  wtkilo1 (mean (SD))      69.80 (26.87)    69.80 (27.65)  <0.001
  temp1 (mean (SD))        37.63 (1.87)     37.63 (1.74)   <0.001
  meanbp1 (mean (SD))      74.12 (36.09)    74.12 (36.18)  <0.001
  resp1 (mean (SD))        28.16 (13.90)    28.16 (14.18)  <0.001
  hrt1 (mean (SD))        116.54 (42.66)   116.54 (40.48)  <0.001
  pafi1 (mean (SD))       211.64 (108.24)  211.64 (109.43) <0.001
  paco21 (mean (SD))       37.76 (11.12)    37.76 (12.09)  <0.001
  ph1 (mean (SD))           7.39 (0.11)      7.39 (0.11)   <0.001
  wblc1 (mean (SD))        15.84 (12.07)    15.84 (12.94)  <0.001
  hema1 (mean (SD))        30.98 (8.17)     30.98 (7.64)   <0.001
  sod1 (mean (SD))        136.61 (7.82)    136.61 (7.31)   <0.001
  pot1 (mean (SD))          4.05 (1.04)      4.05 (1.00)   <0.001
  crea1 (mean (SD))         2.25 (2.30)      2.25 (1.95)   <0.001
  bili1 (mean (SD))         2.50 (5.37)      2.50 (5.05)   <0.001
  alb1 (mean (SD))          3.05 (0.70)      3.05 (1.05)   <0.001
  resp = Yes (%)           347.3 (34.5)     347.3 (34.5)   <0.001
  card = Yes (%)           378.1 (37.6)     378.1 (37.6)   <0.001
  neuro = Yes (%)           81.0 ( 8.1)      81.0 ( 8.1)   <0.001
  gastr = Yes (%)          177.6 (17.7)     177.6 (17.7)   <0.001
  renal = Yes (%)           58.3 ( 5.8)      58.3 ( 5.8)   <0.001
  meta = Yes (%)            46.3 ( 4.6)      46.3 ( 4.6)   <0.001
  hema = Yes (%)            62.9 ( 6.2)      62.9 ( 6.2)   <0.001
  seps = Yes (%)           208.1 (20.7)     208.1 (20.7)   <0.001
  trauma = Yes (%)           9.4 ( 0.9)       9.4 ( 0.9)   <0.001
  ortho = Yes (%)            0.7 ( 0.1)       0.7 ( 0.1)   <0.001
  cardiohx (mean (SD))      0.20 (0.40)      0.20 (0.40)   <0.001
  chfhx (mean (SD))         0.20 (0.40)      0.20 (0.40)   <0.001
  dementhx (mean (SD))      0.08 (0.27)      0.08 (0.27)   <0.001
  psychhx (mean (SD))       0.06 (0.23)      0.06 (0.23)   <0.001
  chrpulhx (mean (SD))      0.16 (0.37)      0.16 (0.37)   <0.001
  renalhx (mean (SD))       0.05 (0.22)      0.05 (0.22)   <0.001
  liverhx (mean (SD))       0.07 (0.25)      0.07 (0.25)   <0.001
  gibledhx (mean (SD))      0.03 (0.17)      0.03 (0.17)   <0.001
  malighx (mean (SD))       0.23 (0.42)      0.23 (0.42)   <0.001
  immunhx (mean (SD))       0.28 (0.45)      0.28 (0.45)   <0.001
  transhx (mean (SD))       0.12 (0.33)      0.12 (0.33)   <0.001
  amihx (mean (SD))         0.03 (0.18)      0.03 (0.18)   <0.001
## Count covariates with important imbalance
addmargins(table(ExtractSmd(tabWeightedOw) > 0.1))
FALSE   Sum 
   50    50 


## Construct a data frame containing variable name and SMD from all methods
dataPlot <- data.frame(variable   = rownames(ExtractSmd(tabUnmatched)),
                       Unmatched  = as.numeric(ExtractSmd(tabUnmatched)),
                       Matched    = as.numeric(ExtractSmd(tabMatched)),
                       Weighted   = as.numeric(ExtractSmd(tabWeighted)),
                       WeightedOw = as.numeric(ExtractSmd(tabWeightedOw)))

## Create long-format data for ggplot2
dataPlotMelt <- melt(data          = dataPlot,
                     id.vars       = c("variable"),
                     variable.name = "Method",
                     value.name    = "SMD")

## Order variable names by magnitude of SMD
varNames <- as.character(dataPlot$variable)[order(dataPlot$Unmatched)]

## Order factor levels in the same order
dataPlotMelt$variable <- factor(dataPlotMelt$variable,
                                levels = varNames)

## Plot using ggplot2
ggplot(data = dataPlotMelt,
       mapping = aes(x = variable, y = SMD, group = Method, color = Method)) +
    geom_line() +
    geom_point() +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 0.1, color = "black", size = 0.1) +
    coord_flip() +
    theme_bw() +
    theme(legend.key = element_blank())

在这里插入图片描述要构建一个并列表格,可以将数据提取为矩阵,并使用 print() 方法将其组合,该方法实际上会返回一个矩阵,但在打印时将其呈现为表格形式。

## Column bind tables
resCombo <- cbind(print(tabUnmatched,  printToggle = FALSE),
                  print(tabMatched,    printToggle = FALSE),
                  print(tabWeighted,   printToggle = FALSE),
                  print(tabWeightedOw, printToggle = FALSE))

## Add group name row, and rewrite column names
resCombo <- rbind(Group = rep(c("No RHC","RHC"), 4), resCombo)
colnames(resCombo) <- c("Unmatched","","Matched","","MW","","OW","")
print(resCombo, quote = FALSE)
                       Unmatched                       Matched                         MW                               
Group                  No RHC          RHC             No RHC          RHC             No RHC           RHC             
n                        3551            2184            1562            1562          1522.89          1520.27         
age (mean (SD))         61.76 (17.29)   60.75 (15.63)   60.53 (17.61)   60.55 (15.72)    60.82 (17.16)    60.77 (15.79) 
sex = Male (%)           1914 (53.9)     1278 (58.5)      884 (56.6)      890 (57.0)     875.8 (57.5)     872.3 (57.4)  
race (%)                                                                                                                
   black                  585 (16.5)      335 (15.3)      245 (15.7)      247 (15.8)     238.1 (15.6)     235.8 (15.5)  
   other                  213 ( 6.0)      142 ( 6.5)       97 ( 6.2)      100 ( 6.4)      94.9 ( 6.2)      97.8 ( 6.4)  
   white                 2753 (77.5)     1707 (78.2)     1220 (78.1)     1215 (77.8)    1189.9 (78.1)    1186.6 (78.1)  
edu (mean (SD))         11.57 (3.13)    11.86 (3.16)    11.87 (3.13)    11.78 (3.16)     11.80 (3.17)     11.80 (3.09)  
income (%)                                                                                                              
   $11-$25k               713 (20.1)      452 (20.7)      324 (20.7)      335 (21.4)     316.5 (20.8)     317.0 (20.9)  
   $25-$50k               500 (14.1)      393 (18.0)      252 (16.1)      262 (16.8)     251.7 (16.5)     250.8 (16.5)  
   > $50k                 257 ( 7.2)      194 ( 8.9)      127 ( 8.1)      124 ( 7.9)     127.1 ( 8.3)     128.4 ( 8.4)  
   Under $11k            2081 (58.6)     1145 (52.4)      859 (55.0)      841 (53.8)     827.6 (54.3)     824.1 (54.2)  
ninsclas (%)                                                                                                            
   Medicaid               454 (12.8)      193 ( 8.8)      163 (10.4)      152 ( 9.7)     153.7 (10.1)     151.9 (10.0)  
   Medicare               947 (26.7)      511 (23.4)      364 (23.3)      370 (23.7)     361.1 (23.7)     369.0 (24.3)  
   Medicare & Medicaid    251 ( 7.1)      123 ( 5.6)       94 ( 6.0)       95 ( 6.1)      91.5 ( 6.0)      91.2 ( 6.0)  
   No insurance           186 ( 5.2)      136 ( 6.2)       85 ( 5.4)       88 ( 5.6)      85.8 ( 5.6)      86.6 ( 5.7)  
   Private                967 (27.2)      731 (33.5)      502 (32.1)      498 (31.9)     487.0 (32.0)     482.2 (31.7)  
   Private & Medicare     746 (21.0)      490 (22.4)      354 (22.7)      359 (23.0)     343.7 (22.6)     339.3 (22.3)  
cat1 (%)                                                                                                                
   ARF                   1581 (44.5)      909 (41.6)      714 (45.7)      680 (43.5)     685.8 (45.0)     679.9 (44.7)  
   CHF                    247 ( 7.0)      209 ( 9.6)      162 (10.4)      175 (11.2)     160.1 (10.5)     163.2 (10.7)  
   COPD                   399 (11.2)       58 ( 2.7)       54 ( 3.5)       57 ( 3.6)      56.2 ( 3.7)      57.2 ( 3.8)  
   Cirrhosis              175 ( 4.9)       49 ( 2.2)       42 ( 2.7)       47 ( 3.0)      45.0 ( 3.0)      47.0 ( 3.1)  
   Colon Cancer             6 ( 0.2)        1 ( 0.0)        1 ( 0.1)        1 ( 0.1)       0.9 ( 0.1)       1.0 ( 0.1)  
   Coma                   341 ( 9.6)       95 ( 4.3)       84 ( 5.4)       76 ( 4.9)      79.4 ( 5.2)      77.4 ( 5.1)  
   Lung Cancer             34 ( 1.0)        5 ( 0.2)        4 ( 0.3)        5 ( 0.3)       4.2 ( 0.3)       5.0 ( 0.3)  
   MOSF w/Malignancy      241 ( 6.8)      158 ( 7.2)      121 ( 7.7)      128 ( 8.2)     122.4 ( 8.0)     121.5 ( 8.0)  
   MOSF w/Sepsis          527 (14.8)      700 (32.1)      380 (24.3)      393 (25.2)     368.9 (24.2)     368.1 (24.2)  
das2d3pc (mean (SD))    20.37 (5.48)    20.70 (5.03)    20.58 (5.48)    20.58 (5.08)     20.58 (5.45)     20.56 (5.05)  
dnr1 = Yes (%)            499 (14.1)      155 ( 7.1)      125 ( 8.0)      130 ( 8.3)     131.5 ( 8.6)     129.2 ( 8.5)  
ca (%)                                                                                                                  
   Metastatic             261 ( 7.4)      123 ( 5.6)      102 ( 6.5)       98 ( 6.3)      98.6 ( 6.5)      98.0 ( 6.4)  
   No                    2652 (74.7)     1727 (79.1)     1201 (76.9)     1193 (76.4)    1160.5 (76.2)    1162.3 (76.5)  
   Yes                    638 (18.0)      334 (15.3)      259 (16.6)      271 (17.3)     263.7 (17.3)     259.9 (17.1)  
surv2md1 (mean (SD))     0.61 (0.19)     0.57 (0.20)     0.58 (0.20)     0.59 (0.20)      0.58 (0.20)      0.58 (0.20)  
aps1 (mean (SD))        50.93 (18.81)   60.74 (20.27)   57.13 (19.65)   57.26 (19.66)    57.30 (19.53)    57.13 (19.73) 
scoma1 (mean (SD))      22.25 (31.37)   18.97 (28.26)   19.37 (29.18)   18.88 (28.26)    19.12 (29.10)    19.10 (28.51) 
wtkilo1 (mean (SD))     65.04 (29.50)   72.36 (27.73)   70.24 (26.23)   70.70 (27.20)    70.19 (26.54)    70.19 (27.30) 
temp1 (mean (SD))       37.63 (1.74)    37.59 (1.83)    37.65 (1.89)    37.62 (1.74)     37.63 (1.88)     37.64 (1.74)  
meanbp1 (mean (SD))     84.87 (38.87)   68.20 (34.24)   73.70 (35.75)   73.11 (35.74)    73.18 (35.48)    73.22 (35.50) 
resp1 (mean (SD))       28.98 (13.95)   26.65 (14.17)   28.18 (13.87)   28.04 (14.15)    28.16 (13.84)    28.10 (14.09) 
hrt1 (mean (SD))       112.87 (40.94)  118.93 (41.47)  116.49 (43.19)  117.78 (40.25)   116.96 (42.74)   116.71 (40.28) 
pafi1 (mean (SD))      240.63 (116.66) 192.43 (105.54) 209.05 (106.18) 211.22 (108.06)  209.93 (107.48)  210.31 (108.23)
paco21 (mean (SD))      39.95 (14.24)   36.79 (10.97)   37.55 (10.82)   37.46 (11.56)    37.56 (10.80)    37.51 (11.59) 
ph1 (mean (SD))          7.39 (0.11)     7.38 (0.11)     7.39 (0.11)     7.39 (0.11)      7.39 (0.11)      7.39 (0.11)  
wblc1 (mean (SD))       15.26 (11.41)   16.27 (12.55)   15.73 (12.03)   15.92 (13.00)    15.82 (12.03)    15.69 (12.69) 
hema1 (mean (SD))       32.70 (8.79)    30.51 (7.42)    30.78 (7.97)    30.88 (7.53)     30.90 (8.10)     30.95 (7.57)  
sod1 (mean (SD))       137.04 (7.68)   136.33 (7.60)   136.61 (7.87)   136.63 (7.43)    136.54 (7.86)    136.58 (7.38)  
pot1 (mean (SD))         4.08 (1.04)     4.05 (1.01)     4.04 (1.03)     4.05 (0.99)      4.04 (1.04)      4.05 (0.99)  
crea1 (mean (SD))        1.92 (2.03)     2.47 (2.05)     2.31 (2.39)     2.29 (1.97)      2.27 (2.31)      2.27 (1.95)  
bili1 (mean (SD))        2.00 (4.43)     2.71 (5.33)     2.54 (5.53)     2.55 (5.09)      2.50 (5.37)      2.54 (5.15)  
alb1 (mean (SD))         3.16 (0.67)     2.98 (0.93)     3.05 (0.69)     3.04 (0.96)      3.04 (0.70)      3.04 (0.97)  
resp = Yes (%)           1481 (41.7)      632 (28.9)      538 (34.4)      520 (33.3)     516.6 (33.9)     512.6 (33.7)  
card = Yes (%)           1007 (28.4)      924 (42.3)      587 (37.6)      598 (38.3)     582.2 (38.2)     585.6 (38.5)  
neuro = Yes (%)           575 (16.2)      118 ( 5.4)      114 ( 7.3)      109 ( 7.0)     109.6 ( 7.2)     109.0 ( 7.2)  
gastr = Yes (%)           522 (14.7)      420 (19.2)      273 (17.5)      291 (18.6)     270.3 (17.8)     272.7 (17.9)  
renal = Yes (%)           147 ( 4.1)      148 ( 6.8)       93 ( 6.0)       95 ( 6.1)      89.5 ( 5.9)      90.7 ( 6.0)  
meta = Yes (%)            172 ( 4.8)       93 ( 4.3)       72 ( 4.6)       74 ( 4.7)      70.0 ( 4.6)      70.2 ( 4.6)  
hema = Yes (%)            239 ( 6.7)      115 ( 5.3)       94 ( 6.0)       97 ( 6.2)      93.5 ( 6.1)      95.0 ( 6.2)  
seps = Yes (%)            515 (14.5)      516 (23.6)      333 (21.3)      331 (21.2)     325.5 (21.4)     322.0 (21.2)  
trauma = Yes (%)           18 ( 0.5)       34 ( 1.6)       15 ( 1.0)       12 ( 0.8)      14.8 ( 1.0)      14.3 ( 0.9)  
ortho = Yes (%)             3 ( 0.1)        4 ( 0.2)        2 ( 0.1)        1 ( 0.1)       1.0 ( 0.1)       0.9 ( 0.1)  
cardiohx (mean (SD))     0.16 (0.37)     0.20 (0.40)     0.20 (0.40)     0.20 (0.40)      0.20 (0.40)      0.20 (0.40)  
chfhx (mean (SD))        0.17 (0.37)     0.19 (0.40)     0.20 (0.40)     0.20 (0.40)      0.20 (0.40)      0.20 (0.40)  
dementhx (mean (SD))     0.12 (0.32)     0.07 (0.25)     0.07 (0.25)     0.07 (0.26)      0.08 (0.26)      0.08 (0.26)  
psychhx (mean (SD))      0.08 (0.27)     0.05 (0.21)     0.05 (0.23)     0.05 (0.23)      0.05 (0.23)      0.05 (0.22)  
chrpulhx (mean (SD))     0.22 (0.41)     0.14 (0.35)     0.15 (0.36)     0.15 (0.36)      0.16 (0.36)      0.16 (0.36)  
renalhx (mean (SD))      0.04 (0.20)     0.05 (0.21)     0.06 (0.23)     0.05 (0.22)      0.05 (0.22)      0.05 (0.22)  
liverhx (mean (SD))      0.07 (0.26)     0.06 (0.24)     0.07 (0.25)     0.07 (0.26)      0.07 (0.25)      0.07 (0.25)  
gibledhx (mean (SD))     0.04 (0.19)     0.02 (0.16)     0.03 (0.17)     0.03 (0.17)      0.03 (0.17)      0.03 (0.17)  
malighx (mean (SD))      0.25 (0.43)     0.20 (0.40)     0.23 (0.42)     0.23 (0.42)      0.23 (0.42)      0.23 (0.42)  
immunhx (mean (SD))      0.26 (0.44)     0.29 (0.45)     0.30 (0.46)     0.28 (0.45)      0.28 (0.45)      0.28 (0.45)  
transhx (mean (SD))      0.09 (0.29)     0.15 (0.36)     0.13 (0.33)     0.12 (0.33)      0.12 (0.33)      0.12 (0.33)  
amihx (mean (SD))        0.03 (0.17)     0.04 (0.20)     0.03 (0.17)     0.03 (0.17)      0.03 (0.18)      0.03 (0.18)  
Group                  No RHC           RHC             
n                      1005.82          1005.82         
age (mean (SD))          60.88 (17.19)    60.88 (15.73) 
sex = Male (%)           574.3 (57.1)     574.3 (57.1)  
race (%)                                                
   black                 157.5 (15.7)     157.5 (15.7)  
   other                  62.0 ( 6.2)      62.0 ( 6.2)  
   white                 786.3 (78.2)     786.3 (78.2)  
edu (mean (SD))          11.78 (3.16)     11.78 (3.08)  
income (%)                                              
   $11-$25k              208.4 (20.7)     208.4 (20.7)  
   $25-$50k              163.3 (16.2)     163.3 (16.2)  
   > $50k                 83.8 ( 8.3)      83.8 ( 8.3)  
   Under $11k            550.3 (54.7)     550.3 (54.7)  
ninsclas (%)                                            
   Medicaid              104.1 (10.4)     104.1 (10.4)  
   Medicare              242.5 (24.1)     242.5 (24.1)  
   Medicare & Medicaid    60.7 ( 6.0)      60.7 ( 6.0)  
   No insurance           57.1 ( 5.7)      57.1 ( 5.7)  
   Private               315.9 (31.4)     315.9 (31.4)  
   Private & Medicare    225.5 (22.4)     225.5 (22.4)  
cat1 (%)                                                
   ARF                   450.0 (44.7)     450.0 (44.7)  
   CHF                   100.3 (10.0)     100.3 (10.0)  
   COPD                   43.8 ( 4.4)      43.8 ( 4.4)  
   Cirrhosis              32.5 ( 3.2)      32.5 ( 3.2)  
   Colon Cancer            0.7 ( 0.1)       0.7 ( 0.1)  
   Coma                   56.4 ( 5.6)      56.4 ( 5.6)  
   Lung Cancer             3.3 ( 0.3)       3.3 ( 0.3)  
   MOSF w/Malignancy      79.1 ( 7.9)      79.1 ( 7.9)  
   MOSF w/Sepsis         239.7 (23.8)     239.7 (23.8)  
das2d3pc (mean (SD))     20.57 (5.46)     20.57 (5.02)  
dnr1 = Yes (%)            90.8 ( 9.0)      90.8 ( 9.0)  
ca (%)                                                  
   Metastatic             65.7 ( 6.5)      65.7 ( 6.5)  
   No                    767.4 (76.3)     767.4 (76.3)  
   Yes                   172.7 (17.2)     172.7 (17.2)  
surv2md1 (mean (SD))      0.58 (0.20)      0.58 (0.20)  
aps1 (mean (SD))         56.94 (19.78)    56.94 (19.79) 
scoma1 (mean (SD))       19.57 (29.46)    19.57 (28.78) 
wtkilo1 (mean (SD))      69.80 (26.87)    69.80 (27.65) 
temp1 (mean (SD))        37.63 (1.87)     37.63 (1.74)  
meanbp1 (mean (SD))      74.12 (36.09)    74.12 (36.18) 
resp1 (mean (SD))        28.16 (13.90)    28.16 (14.18) 
hrt1 (mean (SD))        116.54 (42.66)   116.54 (40.48) 
pafi1 (mean (SD))       211.64 (108.24)  211.64 (109.43)
paco21 (mean (SD))       37.76 (11.12)    37.76 (12.09) 
ph1 (mean (SD))           7.39 (0.11)      7.39 (0.11)  
wblc1 (mean (SD))        15.84 (12.07)    15.84 (12.94) 
hema1 (mean (SD))        30.98 (8.17)     30.98 (7.64)  
sod1 (mean (SD))        136.61 (7.82)    136.61 (7.31)  
pot1 (mean (SD))          4.05 (1.04)      4.05 (1.00)  
crea1 (mean (SD))         2.25 (2.30)      2.25 (1.95)  
bili1 (mean (SD))         2.50 (5.37)      2.50 (5.05)  
alb1 (mean (SD))          3.05 (0.70)      3.05 (1.05)  
resp = Yes (%)           347.3 (34.5)     347.3 (34.5)  
card = Yes (%)           378.1 (37.6)     378.1 (37.6)  
neuro = Yes (%)           81.0 ( 8.1)      81.0 ( 8.1)  
gastr = Yes (%)          177.6 (17.7)     177.6 (17.7)  
renal = Yes (%)           58.3 ( 5.8)      58.3 ( 5.8)  
meta = Yes (%)            46.3 ( 4.6)      46.3 ( 4.6)  
hema = Yes (%)            62.9 ( 6.2)      62.9 ( 6.2)  
seps = Yes (%)           208.1 (20.7)     208.1 (20.7)  
trauma = Yes (%)           9.4 ( 0.9)       9.4 ( 0.9)  
ortho = Yes (%)            0.7 ( 0.1)       0.7 ( 0.1)  
cardiohx (mean (SD))      0.20 (0.40)      0.20 (0.40)  
chfhx (mean (SD))         0.20 (0.40)      0.20 (0.40)  
dementhx (mean (SD))      0.08 (0.27)      0.08 (0.27)  
psychhx (mean (SD))       0.06 (0.23)      0.06 (0.23)  
chrpulhx (mean (SD))      0.16 (0.37)      0.16 (0.37)  
renalhx (mean (SD))       0.05 (0.22)      0.05 (0.22)  
liverhx (mean (SD))       0.07 (0.25)      0.07 (0.25)  
gibledhx (mean (SD))      0.03 (0.17)      0.03 (0.17)  
malighx (mean (SD))       0.23 (0.42)      0.23 (0.42)  
immunhx (mean (SD))       0.28 (0.45)      0.28 (0.45)  
transhx (mean (SD))       0.12 (0.33)      0.12 (0.33)  
amihx (mean (SD))         0.03 (0.18)      0.03 (0.18)  

最终分析可以使用匹配和加权数据进行。匹配和匹配权重的结果是相似的。可以使用 ShowRegTable() 函数来方便地查看结果。

## Unmatched model (unadjusted)
glmUnmatched <- glm(formula = (death == "Yes") ~ swang1,
                    family  = binomial(link = "logit"),
                    data    = rhc)
## Matched model
glmMatched <- glm(formula = (death == "Yes") ~ swang1,
                  family  = binomial(link = "logit"),
                  data    = rhcMatched)
## Weighted model
glmWeighted <- svyglm(formula = (death == "Yes") ~ swang1,
                      family  = binomial(link = "logit"),
                      design  = rhcSvy)

## Show results together
resTogether <- list(Unmatched = ShowRegTable(glmUnmatched, printToggle = FALSE),
                    Matched   = ShowRegTable(glmMatched, printToggle = FALSE),
                    Weighted  = ShowRegTable(glmWeighted, printToggle = FALSE))
print(resTogether, quote = FALSE)
            exp(coef) [confint] p     
(Intercept) 1.70 [1.59, 1.82]   <0.001
swang1RHC   1.25 [1.12, 1.40]   <0.001

            exp(coef) [confint] p     
(Intercept) 1.78 [1.61, 1.98]   <0.001
swang1RHC   1.26 [1.09, 1.46]    0.002

            exp(coef) [confint] p     
(Intercept) 1.70 [1.55, 1.85]   <0.001
swang1RHC   1.31 [1.14, 1.49]   <0.001
  • Authored by Kazuki Yoshida
  • CRAN page: https://cran.r-project.org/package=tableone
  • github page: https://github.com/kaz-yos/tableone

CreateTableOne :创建一个汇总基线变量(包括连续和分类变量)的对象

CreateTableOne 函数用于创建一个汇总基线变量(包括连续和分类变量)的对象,并可选择按一个或多个分层变量进行分层,并执行统计检验。这个对象生成一个表格,非常适用于医学研究论文。


# 导入tableone包

# 创建一个数据框,例如 mydata
# vars 参数包含你要总结的变量的名称,以字符向量的形式提供
# strata 参数包含你要分层的变量的名称,以字符向量的形式提供
# data 参数是包含这些变量的数据框
# factorVars 参数包含应该被处理为分类变量的数值编码变量的名称,以字符向量的形式提供
# includeNA 参数指定是否将NA视为常规因子水平而不是缺失值
# test 参数指定是否执行组间比较
# testApprox、argsApprox、testExact、argsExact、testNormal、argsNormal、testNonNormal、argsNonNormal 参数用于指定不同类型的统计检验方法
# smd 参数用于计算标准化均值差
# addOverall 参数在提供分层时,可选地添加一个总体列到表中

result <- CreateTableOne(
  vars = c("Age", "Gender", "BMI"),
  strata = "Treatment",
  data = mydata,
  factorVars = c("Gender"),
  includeNA = FALSE,
  test = TRUE,
  testApprox = chisq.test,
  argsApprox = list(correct = TRUE),
  testExact = fisher.test,
  argsExact = list(workspace = 2 * 10^5),
  testNormal = oneway.test,
  argsNormal = list(var.equal = TRUE),
  testNonNormal = kruskal.test,
  argsNonNormal = list(NULL),
  smd = TRUE,
  addOverall = FALSE

# 打印汇总结果



  • 标准化均值差(SMD)的定义在Flury等人的1986年的文章中可以找到,包括单变量和多变量情况(本质上是马哈拉诺比斯距离的平方根)。关于二分类变量的扩展讨论在Austin的2009年文章中,而关于多分类变量的扩展则在Yang等人的2012年文章中提出。多项式扩展将单个多项式变量视为多个非冗余的二元变量,并使用马哈拉诺比斯距离。第3页协方差矩阵的非对角线元素存在错误,需要取负值。在加权数据中,可以使用相同的定义,只是均值和标准差的估计值是加权估计(Li等人的2013年文章和Austin等人的2015年文章)。在tableone中,所有加权估计都是使用survey包中的加权估计函数计算的。


CreateTableOne 函数返回一个TableOne类的对象,其中包含三个子对象:

  • ContTable:包含连续变量的对象
  • CatTable:包含分类变量的对象
  • MetaData:包含有关变量的元数据的列表


  • Kazuki Yoshida
  • Justin Bohn
  • Alexander Bartel


  • Flury, BK. and Riedwyl, H. (1986). Standard distance in univariate and multivariate analysis. The American >Statistician, 40, 249-251.
  • Austin, PC. (2009). Using the Standardized Difference to Compare the Prevalence of a Binary Variable Between Two >Groups in Observational Research. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 38, 1228-1234.
  • Yang, D. and Dalton, JE. (2012). A unified approach to measuring the effect size between two groups using SAS. SAS Global Forum 2012, Paper 335-2012.
  • Li, L. and Greene, T. (2013). A weighting analogue to pair matching in propensity score analysis. International Journal of Biostatistics, 9, 215-234.
  • Austin, PC. and Stuart, EA. (2015). Moving towards best practice when using inverse probability of treatment weighting (IPTW) using the propensity score to estimate causal treatment effects in observational studies. Statistics in Medicine, Online on August 3, 2015.


svyCreateCatTable :创建一个汇总加权数据的分类变量的对象

svyCreateCatTable 函数用于创建一个汇总加权数据的分类变量的对象,可选择按一个或多个分层变量进行分层,并执行统计检验。通常情况下,svyCreateTableOne 应该用作同时适用于连续和分类数据的通用前端。


  includeNA = FALSE,
  test = TRUE,
  testApprox = svyTestChisq,
  argsApprox = NULL,
  smd = TRUE,
  addOverall = FALSE


  • vars:要汇总的变量,以字符向量的形式提供。
  • strata:分层(分组)变量的名称,以字符向量的形式提供。如果省略,将返回总体结果。
  • data:包含这些变量的调查设计对象。所有变量(包括 vars 和 strata)必须在此调查设计对象中。调查设计对象通常使用 survey 包中的 svydesign 函数创建。
  • includeNA:如果为 TRUE,则将 NA 视为常规因子水平而不是缺失值。NA 在表中显示为最后一个因子水平。仅对分类变量有效。
  • test:如果为 TRUE(默认值),并且有两组以上,将执行组内比较。执行基于大样本近似和精确测试的两种测试。可以从打印方法中获取其中一种结果。
  • testApprox:用于执行基于大样本近似的测试的函数。默认值是 svychisq。
  • argsApprox:传递给 testApprox 指定的函数的参数的命名列表。
  • smd:如果为 TRUE(默认值),并且有两组以上,将计算所有成对比较的标准化均值差。
  • addOverall:(可选,仅在提供 strata 时使用)将一个总体列添加到表中。SMD 和 p-值计算仅使用分层列。


一个类为 svyCatTable 的对象。


summary.svyCatTable 函数用于显示 svyCatTable 类对象的所有数据,包括(可选的分层)部分的汇总统计信息以及来自近似方法测试(默认为 chisq.test)和精确方法测试(默认为 fisher.test)的p-值(如果可用),以及所有可能的成对对比的标准化均值差。


## S3 method for class 'svyCatTable'
summary(object, digits = 1, ...)


  • object:具有 svyCatTable 类的对象,需要展示其结果。
  • digits:要打印的小数位数。
  • ...:为了与通用函数兼容而保留的参数,忽略。




Kazuki Yoshida


  • svyCreateTableOne
  • svyCreateCatTable
  • print.svyCatTable

这个函数用于展示 svyCatTable 类对象的所有数据,可用于查看汇总统计信息、p-值以及标准化均值差等相关信息。这对于数据分析和研究中的结果可视化和报告非常有用。


print.svyCatTable 函数用于格式化和打印 svyCatTable 类对象的结果,这些对象是由 svyCreateCatTable 函数创建的。这个函数用于以可读的方式呈现汇总统计信息、p-值、标准化均值差等结果。


## S3 method for class 'svyCatTable'
  digits = 1,
  pDigits = 3,
  quote = FALSE,
  missing = FALSE,
  explain = TRUE,
  printToggle = TRUE,
  noSpaces = FALSE,
  format = c("fp", "f", "p", "pf")[1],
  showAllLevels = FALSE,
  cramVars = NULL,
  dropEqual = FALSE,
  test = TRUE,
  exact = NULL,
  smd = FALSE,
  CrossTable = FALSE,
  formatOptions = list(scientific = FALSE),


  • x:svyCreateCatTable 函数的调用结果。
  • digits:在表格中要打印的小数位数。
  • pDigits:要打印的p-值的小数位数(也用于标准化均值差)。
  • quote:是否将所有内容都显示在引号中。默认值为 FALSE。如果为 TRUE,则包括行和列名称在内的所有内容都将用引号括起,以便轻松复制到 Excel 中。
  • missing:是否显示缺失数据信息。
  • explain:是否在变量名称中添加解释,即当显示百分比时,是否在变量名称后添加 (%)。
  • printToggle:是否打印输出。如果为 FALSE,则不会创建输出,并且会返回一个不可见的矩阵对象。
  • noSpaces:是否删除用于对齐的空格。如果您希望在其他软件中自行对齐数字,可以使用此选项。
  • format:默认值为 “fp”(频率百分比)。您还可以选择 “f”(频率)、“p”(百分比)和 “pf”(百分比和频率)。
  • showAllLevels:是否显示所有级别。默认值为 FALSE,即对于二级分类变量,只显示较高级别,以避免冗余信息。
  • cramVars:一个字符向量,用于指定应该在一行中显示两个级别的二级分类变量。
  • dropEqual:是否删除指示哪个级别对于二级分类变量的 " = second level name" 描述。
  • test:是否显示p-值。默认为 TRUE。如果为 FALSE,则只显示数值摘要。
  • exact:此选项对于加权数据的表格不可用。
  • smd:是否显示标准化均值差。默认为 FALSE。如果存在多个对比,将显示所有可能的标准化均值差的平均值。对于单个对比,请使用 summary
  • CrossTable:是否显示内部使用 gmodels::CrossTable 函数保存的交叉表对象。这将产生类似于 SAS 中的 PROC FREQ 的输出。


返回一个包含与输出相同内容的矩阵对象。可以为其指定名称并通过 write.csv 导出。
这个函数用于格式化和打印 svyCatTable 类对象的结果,可用于数据分析和研究中的结果可视化和报告。


svyCreateTableOne 函数是 tableone 包中的一个函数,用于创建一个对象,该对象汇总了加权数据的基线变量(包括连续和分类变量),并可选择通过一个或多个分层变量进行分层,并进行统计检验。这个对象生成一个易于在医学研究论文中使用的表格。

以下是 svyCreateTableOne 函数的主要参数和用法:

  includeNA = FALSE,
  test = TRUE,
  testApprox = svyTestChisq,
  argsApprox = NULL,
  testNormal = svyTestNormal,
  argsNormal = list(method = "Wald"),
  testNonNormal = svyTestNonNormal,
  argsNonNormal = NULL,
  smd = TRUE,
  addOverall = FALSE


  • vars:要汇总的变量,以字符向量的形式提供。因子(Factor)将被处理为分类变量(Categorical),而数值变量将被处理为连续变量(Continuous)。
  • strata:用作分层(分组)变量的名称,以字符向量的形式提供。如果省略,则返回总体结果。
  • data:包含这些变量的调查设计对象(survey design object)。所有变量(包括varsstrata中的变量)必须包含在此调查设计对象中。该对象是使用 survey 包中的 svydesign 函数创建的。
  • factorVars:要视为分类变量的数值编码变量,以字符向量的形式提供。不包括因子变量,除非您需要通过删除空级别(empty levels)来重新调整它们的级别。如果省略,则只考虑因子变量。
  • includeNA:一个逻辑值,如果为TRUE,则NA将被视为普通的因子水平而不是缺失值。NA将显示为表中的最后一个因子水平,仅对分类变量有效。
  • test:一个逻辑值,如果为TRUE(默认),并且存在多个组,则执行组内比较。
  • testApprox:执行基于大样本近似的测试的函数。默认为 svychisq
  • argsApprox:传递给 testApprox 指定函数的参数的命名列表。
  • testNormal:执行基于正态分布假设的测试的函数。默认为使用 svyglmregTermTest 进行多个自由度测试。当只有两组时,等效于 svyttest
  • argsNormal:传递给 testNormal 指定函数的参数的命名列表。
  • testNonNormal:执行非参数测试的函数。默认为 svyranktest
  • argsNonNormal:传递给 testNonNormal 指定函数的参数的命名列表。
  • smd:一个逻辑值,如果为TRUE(默认)并且存在多个组,则计算所有成对比较的标准化均值差。
  • addOverall:一个可选的逻辑值,仅在提供了分层变量时使用。如果为TRUE,则在表格中添加一个总体列。标准化均值差和p值的计算仅在分层列中进行。


svyCreateTableOne 函数返回一个 svyTableOne 类的对象,该对象包含了三个部分:

  • ContTable:包含连续变量的对象,属于 svyContTable 类。
  • CatTable:包含分类变量的对象,属于 svyCatTable 类。
  • MetaData:包含变量相关元数据的列表。

这个函数的详细信息可以查看 CreateTableOne 函数的详细信息,因为它是 CreateTableOne 函数的一个变体。

如果需要查看对象的内容或执行更详细的操作,可以使用 summary 函数、print 函数或直接访问对象的部分来进行进一步操作。

以下是示例代码,演示了如何使用 svyCreateTableOne 函数:

# 示例代码见上述 "Examples" 部分

这些示例代码展示了如何使用 svyCreateTableOne 函数来创建


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