

3.4 讨论

本研究通过对老挝全国18个省份4320名成年人的饮水行为进行调查,分析了不同人群的直接饮水量、间接饮水量、总饮水量、饮用水和生活用水情况进行调查,分析了不同水源类型的构成比例和居民的饮水方式,揭示了老挝居民用水行为的基本特征探讨了影响饮水量的社会经济因素。结果显示,老挝成年人日均直接饮水量中位值为1298 mL,间接饮水量中位值为300 mL,总饮水量中位值为1598 mL。不同地区、民族、年龄、性别和城乡人群的饮水量存在显著差异,老挝居民的饮用水以桶装水或瓶装水为主,占比达36.6%,同时超过90%的居民会同时使用其他水源作为饮用水。自来水是居民生活用水的最主要来源,占比超过56%。在饮水方式上,52%的居民偏好饮用桶装水或瓶装水等商品化水源,43%的居民习惯饮用烧开的开水,仅有少数居民饮用生水。









总体而言,老挝成人的饮水量与其他东南亚国家相比处于较高水平。如越南成人日均饮水量为1100 mL[14],柬埔寨为1200 mL[15],均低于老挝。这可能与老挝水资源相对丰富,饮水习惯良好有关。但与发达国家相比,老挝成人饮水量仍有较大差距。如美国成人日均饮水量为2000 mL[16],日本为1500 mL[17]。提高饮水量,对于改善人体新陈代谢,预防慢性病,促进健康长寿具有重要意义[18]。此外,老挝居民的用水行为呈现出多元化特点,不同水源并存,传统习惯与现代观念交融。这既反映了老挝社会经济发展和城镇化进程的阶段性特征,也体现了水资源禀赋和民族文化的地域性差异。未来,随着经济条件的改善和健康意识的提高,居民有望更多地选择安全优质的饮用水源。同时,加大农村供水设施建设力度,加强水源保护和水质监管,对于从根本上保障居民饮水安全至关重要。

本研究还发现,老挝成人的间接饮水量普遍偏低,中位值仅为300 mL,且不同人群间差异不显著。间接饮水主要来源于食物中所含的水分,如汤羹、粥品、水果等[19]。充足的间接饮水有助于维持机体水盐平衡,促进营养吸收[20]。老挝居民间接饮水量偏低,可能与其食物结构单一,蔬果摄入不足有关。提倡合理膳食,增加蔬果摄入,对于改善间接饮水状况,提高整体饮水量具有积极作用。




(1) 老挝成人日均饮水量呈正态分布,日均直接饮水量为1298 mL,间接饮水量为300 mL,总饮水量为1598 mL,总体饮水量处于较高水平,但间接饮水量偏低。

(2) 不同地区、民族、年龄、性别和城乡人群的饮水量存在显著差异。其中,琅勃拉邦省、苗族、45-59岁年龄组、男性和农村人群的饮水量相对较高。

(3) 老挝居民的饮用水以桶装水或瓶装水为主,占比达36.6%,但超过90%的居民会同时使用其他水源。自来水是最主要的生活用水来源,占比超过56%。

(4) 在饮水方式上,52%的居民偏好饮用商品化水源,43%的居民习惯饮用烧开的开水,仅有少数居民饮用生水。

(5) 水质安全、饮水习惯和健康意识是影响居民饮水行为的重要因素。不同民族和地域的居民在用水行为上存在差异。气候条件、饮水习惯、文化传统、生理特点和生活方式等,是影响不同人群饮水行为差异的重要因素。

(6) 自来水普及率的提高显著改善了居民的生活用水条件,但偏远农村地区仍面临供水设施不足和水质监管不力的问题。

(7) 加强饮水行为的监测评估,因地制宜地开展饮水健康教育,提倡合理膳食,增加蔬果摄入,对于进一步改善老挝居民饮水状况具有积极意义。

(8) 未来应加大农村供水设施建设力度,加强水源保护和水质监管,并因地制宜地开展饮水健康教育,提高居民的饮水安全意识。



在饮水量方面,老挝和云南成人的日均直接饮水量和总饮水量均处于较高水平,分别为1298 mL和1313 mL,1598 mL和1550 mL,高于亚洲其他国家和地区的平均水平[1]。这可能与两地丰富的水资源禀赋和良好的饮水习惯有关。但老挝和云南成人的间接饮水量均较低,仅为300 mL左右,提示两地居民在食物和饮食结构方面有优化的空间。




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[41] Rosinger A Y, Herrick K A, Wutich A Y, et al. Disparities in plain, tap and bottled water consumption among US adults: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2007-2014[J]. Public Health Nutrition, 2018, 21(8): 1455-1464.

[42] McKenzie A L, Muñoz C X, Armstrong L E. Accuracy of urine color to detect equal to or greater than 2% body mass loss in men[J]. Journal of Athletic Training, 2015, 50(12): 1306-1309.

[43] Pross N. Effects of dehydration on brain functioning: A life-span perspective[J]. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2017, 70(1): 30-36.

[44] Liska D, Mah E, Brisbois T, et al. Narrative review of hydration and selected health outcomes in the general population[J]. Nutrients, 2019, 11(1): 70.

[45] Zhang N, Chen H, Chen J, et al. Spatial distribution of key parameters related to drinking water in Yunnan Province, China[J]. Journal of Water and Health, 2019, 17(2): 212-222.

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[48] Kenney E L, Long M W, Cradock A L, et al. Prevalence of inadequate hydration among US children and disparities by gender and race/ethnicity: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2009-2012[J]. American Journal of Public Health, 2015, 105(8): e113-e118.

[49] Muñoz C X, Johnson E C, McKenzie A L, et al. Habitual total water intake and dimensions of mood in healthy young women[J]. Appetite, 2015, 92: 81-86.

[50] Perrier E T. Shifting focus: From hydration for performance to hydration for health[J]. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2017, 70(1): 4-12.

[51] Kapsokefalou M, Roe M, Turrini A, et al. Food and beverage intake data collection: A review of methods in national food consumption surveys[J]. Nutrients, 2021, 13(12): 4435.

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[53] Zhang J, Zhang N, Liao S, et al. The amounts and contributions of total drinking fluids and water from food to total water intake of young adults in Baoding, China[J]. European Journal of Nutrition, 2019, 58(7): 2669-2677.

[54] Malisova O, Athanasatou A, Pepa A, et al. Water intake and hydration indices in healthy European adults: The European Hydration Research Study (EHRS)[J]. Nutrients, 2016, 8(4): 204.

[55] Picetti D, Foster S, Pangle A K, et al. Hydration health literacy in the elderly[J]. Nutrition and Healthy Aging, 2017, 4(3): 227-237.

[56] An R, McCaffrey J. Plain water consumption in relation to energy intake and diet quality among US adults, 2005-2012[J]. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 2016, 29(5): 624-632.

[57] Rosinger A Y, Herrick K A, Wutich A Y, et al. Disparities in plain, tap and bottled water consumption among US adults: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2007-2014[J]. Public Health Nutrition, 2018, 21(8): 1455-1464.

[58] McKenzie A L, Muñoz C X, Armstrong L E. Accuracy of urine color to detect equal to or greater than 2% body mass loss in men[J]. Journal of Athletic Training, 2015, 50(12): 1306-1309.

[59] Pross N. Effects of dehydration on brain functioning: A life-span perspective[J]. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2017, 70(1): 30-36.

[60] Liska D, Mah E, Brisbois T, et al. Narrative review of hydration and selected health outcomes in the general population[J]. Nutrients, 2019, 11(1): 70.

[61] Qian N. Bottled water or tap water? A comparative study of drinking water choices on university campuses in China[J]. Water, 2018, 10(1): 59.

[62] Zhang N, Chen H, Chen J, et al. Spatial distribution of key parameters related to drinking water in Yunnan Province, China[J]. Journal of Water and Health, 2019, 17(2): 212-222.

[63] Huang L, Wang H, Liu Y, et al. Determination of six perfluorinated compounds in drinking water by solid-phase extraction and ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry[J]. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2016, 41: 182-188.

[64] Yang J, Zhang T, Meng H, et al. Drinking water and sanitation in rural China: Progress and challenges[J]. The Lancet, 2018, 392(10163): 2342-2343.

[65] Luo X, Qin Y, Li N, et al. Effect of daily fluid management on the prognosis of acute kidney injury in critically ill patients[J]. Zhonghua Wei Zhong Bing Ji Jiu Yi Xue, 2020, 32(1): 41-45.

[66] Kapsokefalou M, Roe M, Turrini A, et al. Food and beverage intake data collection: A review of methods in national food consumption surveys[J]. Nutrients, 2021, 13(12): 4435.

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