论文速递 | Management Science 月7文章合集


在本系列文章中,我们从运筹学顶刊 Management Science 7月份发布的28篇文章中筛选出9篇文章,并介绍基本信息,旨在帮助读者快速洞察行业最新动态。


How Framing Influences Strategic Interactions
Christopher K. Hsee, Alex Imas, Xilin Li
July 3, 2024
In many settings, a person’s outcome depends not only on her own behavior, but also on her counterpart’s. Such strategic decisions have traditionally been studied using normative game theory, which assumes that people adopt equilibrium strategies and will reach the same decision, regardless of how the problem is described (framed). We examine a potentially important type of framing effect—focusing on how the relationship between players’ actions generates joint outcomes. Any strategic interaction can be described by either spelling out the outcomes of all possible action combinations (which we call “outcome framing,” or simply “O-framing”) or describing what will happen if different players choose the same action or choose different actions (which we call “relation framing,” or simply “R-framing”). O-framing has been the typical way to describe a strategic problem in prior work, whereas R-framing is commonly employed in real-life communications. We propose that these functionally equivalent frames induce different psychological processes and lead to different decisions: Relative to O-framing, R-framing increases players’ beliefs about their counterparts’ likelihood of coordinating on a cooperative option. We demonstrate this effect in the context of classic games such as the Prisoner’s Dilemma and the Stag Hunt. We find that, compared with O-framing, R-framing significantly increases people’s likelihood to choose the action that maximizes collective benefits rather than individual interests, and it does so by increasing beliefs that one’s partner will choose the same action as well. We derive conditions when this effect is likely to emerge and discuss the managerial implications of this research.​


Estimating Stockout Costs and Optimal Stockout Rates: A Case on the Management of Ugly Produce Inventory
Stanley Frederick W. T. Lim, Elliot Rabinovich, Sanghak Lee, Sungho Park
July 9, 2024
Efficiently managing inventories requires an accurate estimation of stockout costs. This estimation is complicated by challenges in determining how to compensate consumers monetarily to ensure they will maintain the same level of utility they would have obtained had stockouts not occurred. This paper presents an analysis of these compensation costs as applied to the design of optimal stockout rates by an online retailer marketing to consumers aesthetically substandard fruits and vegetables rejected by mainstream grocery chains. Because growers face high uncertainty in their harvesting conditions and in the aesthetic quality of their crops and there are little data on hand to predict the value consumers attach to the availability of subpar produce, it is difficult to optimally match the supply of these products with consumers’ demand. Our analysis draws from a multiple discrete-continuous extreme value (MDCEV) choice model to calculate consumer compensations that the retailer can use to estimate the opportunity costs of stockouts to manage its inventory. We show that not taking into account these compensation costs could unduly inflate the optimal stockout rates for these products. Armed with these compensation cost estimates, we show how these costs can serve as incentives for retailers to source greater inventory amounts of imperfect produce from growers and how this will ultimately translate into less waste in the supply chain.


Improving the Efficiency of Payments Systems Using Quantum Computing​
Christopher McMahon,Donald McGillivray, Ajit Desai, Francisco Rivadeneyra, Jean-Paul Lam, Thomas Lo, Danica Marsden, Vladimir Skavysh​
July 12, 2024
High-value payment systems (HVPSs) are typically liquidity intensive because payments are settled on a gross basis. State-of-the-art solutions to this problem include algorithms that seek netting sets and allow for ad hoc reordering of submitted payments. This paper introduces a new algorithm that explores the entire space of payments reordering to improve the liquidity efficiency of these systems without significantly increasing payment delays. Finding the optimal payment order among the entire space of reorderings is, however, an NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem. We solve this problem using a hybrid quantum annealing algorithm. Despite the limitations in size and speed of today’s quantum computers, our algorithm provides quantifiable liquidity savings when applied to the Canadian HVPS using a 30-day sample of transaction data. By reordering batches of 70 payments, we achieve an average of Canadian © $240 million in daily liquidity savings, with a settlement delay of approximately 90 seconds. For a few days in the sample, the liquidity savings exceed C$1 billion. Compared with classical computing and with current algorithms in HVPS, our quantum algorithm offers larger liquidity savings, and it offers more reliable and consistent solutions, particularly under time constraints.


Discovering Causal Models with Optimization: Confounders, Cycles, and Instrument Validity
Frederick Eberhardt, Nur Kaynar, Auyon Siddiq
July 17, 2024
We propose a new optimization-based method for learning causal structures from observational data, a process known as causal discovery. Our method takes as input observational data over a set of variables and returns a graph in which causal relations are specified by directed edges. We consider a highly general search space that accommodates latent confounders and feedback cycles, which few extant methods do. We formulate the discovery problem as an integer program and propose a solution technique that exploits the conditional independence structure in the data to identify promising edges for inclusion in the output graph. In the large-sample limit, our method recovers a graph that is (Markov) equivalent to the true data-generating graph. Computationally, our method is competitive with the state-of-the-art, and can solve in minutes instances that are intractable for alternative causal discovery methods. We leverage our method to develop a procedure for investigating the validity of an instrumental variable and demonstrate it on the influential quarter-of-birth and proximity-to-college instruments for estimating the returns to education. In particular, our procedure complements existing instrument tests by revealing the precise causal pathways that undermine instrument validity, highlighting the unique merits of the graphical perspective on causality.


The Cost of Impatience in Dynamic Matching: Scaling Laws and Operating Regimes
Angela Kohlenberg, Itai Gurvich
July 19, 2024
We study matching queues with abandonment. The simplest of these is the two-sided queue with servers on one side and customers on the other, both arriving dynamically over time and abandoning if not matched by the time their patience elapses. We identify nonasymptotic and universal scaling laws for the matching loss due to abandonment, which we refer to as the “cost of impatience.” The scaling laws characterize the way in which this cost depends on the arrival rates and the (possibly different) mean patience of servers and customers. Our characterization reveals four operating regimes identified by an operational measure of patience that brings together mean patience and utilization. The four regimes subsume the regimes that arise in asymptotic (heavy-traffic) approximations. The scaling laws, specialized to each regime, reveal the fundamental structure of the cost of impatience and show that its order of magnitude is fully determined by (i) a “winner-take-all” competition between customer impatience and utilization, and (ii) the ability to accumulate inventory on the server side. Practically important is that when servers are impatient, the cost of impatience is, up to an order of magnitude, given by an insightful expression where only the minimum of the two patience rates appears. Considering the trade-off between abandonment and capacity costs, we characterize the scaling of the optimal safety capacity as a function of costs, arrival rates, and patience parameters. We prove that the ability to hold inventory of servers means that the optimal safety capacity grows logarithmically in abandonment cost and, in turn, slower than the square-root growth in the single-sided queue.


A High-Dimensional Choice Model for Online Retailing​
Zhaohui (Zoey) Jiang, Jun Li, Dennis Zhang​
July 19, 2024
Online retailers are facing an increasing variety of product choices and diversified consumer decision journeys. To improve many operations decisions for online retailers, such as demand forecasting, inventory management, and pricing, an important first step is to obtain an accurate estimate of the substitution patterns among a large number of products offered in the complex online environment. Classic choice models either do not account for these substitution patterns beyond what is reflected through observed product features or do so in a simplified way by making a priori assumptions. These shortcomings become particularly restrictive when the underlying substitution patterns get complex as the number of options increases. We provide a solution by developing a high-dimensional choice model that allows for flexible substitution patterns and easily scales up. We leverage consumer clickstream data and combine econometric and machine learning (graphical lasso, in particular) methods to learn the substitution patterns among a large number of products. We show our method offers more accurate demand forecasts in a wide range of synthetic scenarios when compared with classical models (e.g., the independent and identically distributed Probit model), reducing out-of-sample mean absolute percentage error by 10%–30%. Such performance improvement is further supported by observations from a real-world empirical setting. More importantly, our method excels in precisely recovering substitution patterns across products. Compared with benchmark models, it reduces the percentage deviation from the underlying elasticity matrix by approximately half. This precision serves as a critical input for enhancing business decisions such as assortment planning, inventory management, and pricing strategies.


Self-Guided Approximate Linear Programs: Randomized Multi-Shot Approximation of Discounted Cost Markov Decision Processes
Parshan Pakiman, Selvaprabu Nadarajah, Negar Soheili, Qihang Lin
July 23, 2024
Approximate linear programs (ALPs) are well-known models based on value function approximations (VFAs) to obtain policies and lower bounds on the optimal policy cost of discounted-cost Markov decision processes (MDPs). Formulating an ALP requires (i) basis functions, the linear combination of which defines the VFA, and (ii) a state-relevance distribution, which determines the relative importance of different states in the ALP objective for the purpose of minimizing VFA error. Both of these choices are typically heuristic; basis function selection relies on domain knowledge, whereas the state-relevance distribution is specified using the frequency of states visited by a baseline policy. We propose a self-guided sequence of ALPs that embeds random basis functions obtained via inexpensive sampling and uses the known VFA from the previous iteration to guide VFA computation in the current iteration. In other words, this sequence takes multiple shots at randomly approximating the MDP value function with VFA-based guidance between consecutive approximation attempts. Self-guided ALPs mitigate domain knowledge during basis function selection and the impact of the state-relevance-distribution choice, thus reducing the ALP implementation burden. We establish high-probability error bounds on the VFAs from this sequence and show that a worst-case measure of policy performance is improved. We find that these favorable implementation and theoretical properties translate to encouraging numerical results on perishable inventory control and options pricing applications, where self-guided ALP policies improve upon policies from problem-specific methods. More broadly, our research takes a meaningful step toward application-agnostic policies and bounds for MDPs.


Nonlinear Decision Rules Made Scalable by Nonparametric Liftings
Eojin Han, Omid Nohadani
July 30, 2024
Sequential decision making often requires dynamic policies, which are computationally not tractable in general. Decision rules provide approximate solutions by restricting decisions to simple functions of uncertainties. In this paper, we consider a nonparametric lifting framework where the uncertainty space is lifted to higher dimensions to obtain nonlinear decision rules. Current lifting-based approaches require predetermined functions and are parametric. We propose two nonparametric liftings, which derive the nonlinear functions by leveraging the uncertainty set structure and problem coefficients. Both methods integrate the benefits from lifting and nonparametric approaches, and hence provide scalable decision rules with performance bounds. More specifically, the set-driven lifting is constructed by finding polyhedrons within uncertainty sets, inducing piecewise-linear decision rules with performance bounds. The dynamics-driven lifting, on the other hand, is constructed by extracting geometric information and accounting for problem coefficients. This is achieved by using linear decision rules of the original problem, also enabling one to quantify lower bounds of objective improvements over linear decision rules. Numerical comparisons with competing methods demonstrate superior computational scalability and comparable performance in objectives. These observations are magnified in multistage problems with extended time horizons, suggesting practical applicability of the proposed nonparametric liftings in large-scale dynamic robust optimization.


The Bright Side of Price Volatility in Global Commodity Procurement
Wei Xing, Liming Liu, Fuqiang Zhang, Qian Zhao
July 30, 2024
This paper studies two competing firms’ choices between the contingent-price contract (CPC) and fixed-price contract (FPC) in global commodity procurement. The FPC price is determined when signing the contract, whereas the CPC price is pegged to an underlying index and remains open until the delivery date. Under both contracts, each firm determines its order quantity based on the updated belief about the market demand. The unrealized CPC price correlates with the market demand, allowing a firm to update its belief about the CPC price using demand information, thereby generating a price-learning effect. We find that, contrary to conventional wisdom, a larger price volatility could benefit the firms, and, under differentiated contracts, a firm might benefit from the improvement of forecast accuracy at its rival. We further show that the price-learning effect plays a critical role in the firms’ contract choices. First, significant price volatility forces the firms to pursue the responsiveness of the CPC. Second, the firms may adopt differentiated contracts to enhance their responses to market changes and dampen competition, and a higher competition intensity more likely leads to contract differentiation. Third, the firms in a small market seek responsiveness and contract differentiation rather than cost efficiency. This study reveals the bright side of price volatility and takes a step toward understanding the effect of two-dimensional information updating.





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