Thread & TreeView in maxScript Reference

Global Thread,MainThread,SecondaryThread

Fn WorkThread sender e =

  for i = 1 to Thread.spnLoops.value do
    If MainThread.CancellationPending Then
     e.cancel = true
     Thread.lbl2.text = "Primary Thread Aborted"
      -- test for object 'Box01'
      --$'Box01'.height = i
      --max zoomext sel    
      -- or do some nonsense calculation
      local asum = i*pi
      local prog  = (i as float)/Thread.spnLoops.value * 100   
      -- MainThread.ReportProgress prog asum    
      Thread.lbl2.text = asum as string
      Thread.pb2.value = prog
      sleep 0.05      

   Thread.lbl2.text = "Primary Thread Complete"
     Thread.pb2.value = 0

Fn WorkThread2 sender e =

    for i = 1 to Thread.spnLoops.value do
    If SecondaryThread.CancellationPending Then
     e.cancel = true
     Thread.lbl3.text = "Secondary Thread Aborted"
     -- do some nonsense calculation
     local asum = i/pi
     local prog  = (i as float)/Thread.spnLoops.value * 100   
     -- MainThread.ReportProgress prog asum    
     Thread.lbl3.text = asum as string
     Thread.pb3.value = prog
     sleep 0.025       
    Thread.lbl3.text = "Secondary Thread Complete"
    Thread.pb3.value = 0


Fn MxsFn =

    for i = 1 to Thread.spnLoops.value do
    -- test for object 'Box01'
    -- $'Box01'.height = i
    --  max zoomext sel   
    -- or do some nonsense calculation
    local asum = i*pi
    local prog  = (i as float)/ Thread.spnLoops.value * 100
    Thread.lbl1.text = asum as string
    Thread.pb1.value = prog
    sleep 0.025   
Thread.lbl1.text = "MXS Fn Complete"
Thread.pb1.value = 0


Fn UpdateThread sender e =

format "FnValue -  % Percentage done - % \n" e.progresspercentage e.userstate

-- Specify the BackgroundWorker Class

-- MainThread = dotnetobject "System.ComponentModel.BackGroundWorker"
MainThread = dotnetobject "CSharpUtilities.SynchronizingBackgroundWorker"

 -- MainThread.WorkerReportsProgress = true
 MainThread.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true  
 dotNet.addEventHandler MainThread "DoWork" WorkThread
 --dotNet.addEventHandler MainThread "ProgressChanged" UpdateThread

--SecondaryThread = dotnetobject "System.ComponentModel.BackGroundWorker"
SecondaryThread =  dotnetobject "CSharpUtilities.SynchronizingBackgroundWorker"

SecondaryThread.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true
 -- SecondaryThread.WorkerReportsProgress = true
 dotNet.addEventHandler SecondaryThread  "DoWork" WorkThread2
 --dotNet.addEventHandler SecondaryThread  "ProgressChanged" UpdateThread
rollout Thread "Running Multiple Threads in DotNet" width:728 height:147
 GroupBox grp1 "MaxScript Function Execution" pos:[7,28] width:192 height:114
 GroupBox grp2 "DotNet BackgroundWorker Class" pos:[202,7] width:522 height:135
 progressBar pb1 "" pos:[19,88] width:168 height:16 color:(color 255 255 0)
 GroupBox grp3 "Function Value" pos:[18,44] width:171 height:39
 button btnMXstart "Start" pos:[16,110] width:173 height:23
 label lbl1 "" pos:[24,61] width:160 height:18
 progressBar pb2 "" pos:[394,33] width:168 height:25 color:(color 0 255 0)
 GroupBox grp4 "Function Value" pos:[215,22] width:171 height:39
 button btnDNstart "Start Primary" pos:[566,31] width:109 height:28
 label lbl2 "" pos:[220,37] width:161 height:18 
 progressBar pb3 "" pos:[394,70] width:168 height:24 color:(color 30 10 190)
 GroupBox grp18 "Function Value" pos:[215,62] width:170 height:39
 button btnDNboth "Run Both Threads" pos:[214,105] width:461 height:28
 label lbl3 "" pos:[220,78] width:158 height:18
 button btncancel1 "Cancel" pos:[678,31] width:42 height:28  
 button btnDN2 "Start Secondary" pos:[566,67] width:109 height:28
 button btnCancel2 "Cancel" pos:[678,66] width:42 height:28
 spinner spnLoops "Number of Loop Iterations" pos:[114,8] width:84 height:16 range:[10,10000,100] type:#integer
 button btncancelboth "Cancel" pos:[679,104] width:42 height:28

 on Thread open do
  If MainThread.IsBusy do MainThread.CancelAsync()
 on btnDN2 pressed do
 if not SecondaryThread.IsBusy do SecondaryThread.RunWorkerAsync()
 on btnMXstart pressed do MXSFn()
 on btnDNstart pressed do
  if not MainThread.IsBusy do MainThread.RunWorkerAsync()  
 on btnDNboth pressed do
  if (not MainThread.IsBusy) and (not SecondaryThread.IsBusy) do
 on btncancel1 pressed do
  If MainThread.IsBusy Then MainThread.CancelAsync()

 on btnDN2 pressed do
  if not SecondaryThread.IsBusy do SecondaryThread.RunWorkerAsync()
 on btnCancel2 pressed  do
  If SecondaryThread.IsBusy Then SecondaryThread.CancelAsync()
 on btncancelboth pressed  do
 if MainThread.IsBusy do MainThread.CancelAsync()
 if SecondaryThread.IsBusy do SecondaryThread.CancelAsync()

createdialog thread  style:#(#style_toolwindow, #style_sysmenu)



--sceneView . Christopher Evans . Crytek

if sceneView != undefined then
 destroyDialog sceneView

ilTv = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.ImageList"
ilTv.imageSize = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Size" 16 15

rollout sceneView "SceneView v.001"
 fn getIconFromBitmap thePath number iconFileName =
  theFileName = getDir #image +"\\icon_"+ iconFileName +".bmp"
  if not doesFileExist theFileName do
   tempBmp = openBitmap thePath
   iconBmp = bitmap 16 15
   for v = 0 to 14 do
   setPixels iconBmp [0,v] (getPixels tempBmp [(number-1)*16, v] 16)
   iconBmp.filename = theFileName
   save iconBmp
   close iconBmp
   close tempBmp
  img = dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Image" --create an image
  ilTv.images.add (img.fromFile theFileName) --add to the list

 fn initTreeView tv =
  tv.Indent= 28
  tv.CheckBoxes = true --same as in ActiveX
  tv.labelEdit = true
  tv.Indent = 15
  tv.Scrollable = true
  colorTest = dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color"
  tv.BackColor = colorTest.FromArgb  255 196 196 196
  iconDir = (getDir #ui) + "\\icons\\"
  --We call our function for each icon, this time also passing a
  --third argument with the icon name suffix.
  getIconFromBitmap (iconDir + "Standard_16i.bmp") 2 "Sphere"
  getIconFromBitmap (iconDir + "Standard_16i.bmp") 1 "Box"
  getIconFromBitmap (iconDir + "Lights_16i.bmp") 3 "Light"
  getIconFromBitmap (iconDir + "Cameras_16i.bmp") 2 "Camera"
  getIconFromBitmap (iconDir + "Helpers_16i.bmp") 1 "Helper"
  getIconFromBitmap (iconDir + "Splines_16i.bmp") 2 "Shape"
  getIconFromBitmap (iconDir + "Systems_16i.bmp") 1 "Bone"
  --At the end, we assign the ImageList to the TreeView.
  tv.imageList = ilTv

 fn addChildren theNode theChildren =
  for c in theChildren do
   newNode = theNode.Nodes.add
   newNode.tag = dotNetMXSValue c
   --newNode.count = c.handle
   --By default, all nodes will use icon 0 (the first one) unless
   --specified otherwise via the .iconIndex and .selectedIconIndex
   --properties. We set both of them to the icon corresponding to
   --the superclass of the scene object:
   newNode.imageIndex = newNode.selectedImageIndex = case superclassof c of
    Default: 1
     case (c.classid[1]) of
      Default: 1
      683634317: 6 -- bones
      37157: 6 -- biped objects
    Light: 2
    Camera: 3
    Helper: 4
   newNode.checked = not c.isHidden --same as in ActiveX
   --For the color, we create a DotNet color class from the
   --wirecolor of the object and assign to the .forecolor of
   --the TreeView node:
   --newNode.forecolor = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").fromARGB c.wirecolor.r c.wirecolor.g c.wirecolor.b
   addChildren newNode c.children


 --Since every node uses icon with index 0 unless specified otherwise
 --the Root Node will use the first icon by default.
 fn fillInTreeView tv =
  theRoot = "WORLD" "WORLD"
  rootNodes = for o in objects where o.parent == undefined collect o
  sceneview.addChildren theRoot rootNodes

 fn refresh =
  sceneview.fillInTreeView tv
 fn getSelectedNode =
   if selection[1] != undefined then
    --print selection[1].name = ( selection[1].name true)[1]
    colorTest = dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color" = colorTest.FromArgb  255 221 221 221
  catch -- for undo
   if selection[1] != undefined then
   ( = ( selection[1].name true)[1]
    colorTest = dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color" = colorTest.FromArgb  255 221 221 221
 fn hideNode =
  if selection != undefined then
   for obj in selection do
   ( = ( true)[1] = false
 fn unhideNode =
  if selection != undefined then
   for obj in selection do
   ( = ( true)[1] = true
 dotNetControl tv "TreeView" width:290 height:565 align:#center
 button layerM "Layer Manager" offset:[-9,0] Align:#left
 label info " (X) + all   (C/V) +- children" offset:[5,-22]
 on layerM pressed do
 ( "layers" "layermanager"
 on tv Click arg do
  hitNode = tv.GetNodeAt (dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Point" arg.x arg.y)
  if hitNode != undefined do
  try(select hitNode.tag.value) catch(max select none)

 on tv AfterCheck arg do
  try (arg.node.tag.value.isHidden = not arg.node.checked)catch()
 on tv AfterLabelEdit arg do
  if arg.label != undefined then
  ( = arg.label
 on tv keyUp arg do
  --print arg.keyValue
  case arg.keyValue of
   67: tv.selectedNode.collapse() -- c key
   88: tv.expandAll() -- x key
   86: tv.selectedNode.ExpandAll() -- v key
   13: tv.selectedNode.beginEdit() -- enter key
   113: tv.selectedNode.beginEdit() -- F2
   116: refresh() -- F5
 fn OnClick sender args =
  --print sender.Text
  case sender.Text of
   "Expand branches": if tv.selectedNode != undefined then tv.selectedNode.ExpandAll()
 on tv beforeSelect arg do
  colorTest = dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color"
  try ( = colorTest.FromArgb  255 196 196 196) catch()
 on tv nodeMouseClick arg do
  if arg.button == tv.mousebuttons.right then
   contextMenu = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenu"
   dotnet.addeventhandler (contextMenu.MenuItems.Add("Select all children")) "Click" OnClick
   dotnet.addeventhandler (contextMenu.MenuItems.Add("Expand branches")) "Click" OnClick
   pointTest = (dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Point" arg.x arg.y)
   contextmenu.Show tv pointTest

 on sceneView open do
  initTreeView tv
  fillInTreeView tv
  callbacks.addScript #nodeCreated "sceneView.refresh()" id:#upDateSceneView
  callbacks.addScript #nodePostDelete "sceneView.refresh()" id:#upDateSceneView
  callbacks.addScript #nodeRenamed "sceneView.refresh()" id:#upDateSceneView
  callbacks.addScript #postNodesCloned "sceneView.refresh()" id:#upDateSceneView
  callbacks.addScript #postMirrorNodes "sceneView.refresh()" id:#upDateSceneView
  callbacks.addScript #selectionSetChanged "sceneView.getSelectedNode()" id:#upDateSceneView
  callbacks.addScript #nodeHide "sceneView.hideNode()" id:#upDateSceneView
  --callbacks.addScript #nodeUnhide "sceneView.unhideNode()" id:#upDateSceneView
  callbacks.addScript #sceneUndo "sceneView.refresh()" id:#upDateSceneView
  callbacks.addScript #sceneRedo "sceneView.refresh()" id:#upDateSceneView

 on sceneView close do
  callbacks.removeScripts id:#upDateSceneView

 on sceneView resized size do
   size1 = size as string
   size2 = filterstring size1 "[],"
   layerM.pos = [4, (sceneView.height - 26)]
   info.pos = [100, (sceneView.height - 23)]
   tv.height = ((size2[2] as float) - 35)
   tv.width = ((size2[1] as float) - 10)

createDialog sceneView 300 600 style:#(#style_resizing, #style_titlebar, #style_border, #style_sysmenu)








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