


Calculus is a branch of mathematics focused on limits, functions, derivatives, integrals, and infinite series.

更多详情请参考 : http://www.wikihow.com/Understand-Calculus

Reviewing the Basics of Calculus

Know that calculus is the study of how things are changing

Calculus is a branch of mathematics that looks at numbers and lines, usually from the real world, and maps out how they are changing

Remember that functions are relationships between two numbers, and are used to map real-world relationships

Functions are rules for how numbers relate to one another, and mathematicians use them to make graphs. In a function, every input has exactly one output. All calculus studies functions to see how they change, using functions to map real-world relationships.

Think about the concept of infinity

Infinity is important to study change: you might want to know how fast your car is moving at any given time, but does that mean how fast you were at that current second? Millisecond? Nanosecond? You could find infinitely smaller amounts of time to be extra precise, and that is where calculus comes in.

Understand the concept of limits

A limit tells you what happens when something is near infinity. 比如,当 x 无限接近于2时,函数发生了什么

  • Limits are easiest to see on a graph – are the points that a graph almost touches, for example, but never does?
  • Limits can be a number, infinity, or not even exist.

Understanding Derivatives

Know that calculus is used to study “instantaneous change.”

Knowing why something is changing at an exact moment is the heart of calculus. For example, calculus tells you not only the speed of your car, but how much that speed is changing at any given moment.

Finding instantaneous change is called differentiation (微分). Differential calculus is the first of two major branches of calculus.

Use derivatives to understand how things change instantaneously

A “derivative” just means “how fast is something changing.” 比如,速度的导数是加速度,即 how the speed is changing.

Know that the rate of change is the slope between two points

这是微积分中一个关键的发现。The slope is the same thing as the rate of change.

  • The slope of a line is the change in y divided by the change in x.
  • The bigger the slope, the steeper a line. Steep lines can be said to change very quickly.

Know that you can find the slope of curved lines

找一条直线的 slope 很容易,但是,想找出一条曲线的 slope 是相对来说要更加困难。当然了,你也可以找到曲线上的2个点,然后用1条直线把它们连接起来,但是这样做求出的 rate of change 会很不准确。

Make your points closer together for a more accurate rate of change

The closer your two points, the more accurate your answer.

Use infinitely small lines to find the “instantaneous rate of change,” or the derivative

  1. First, you know that the slope of a line equals how quickly it is changing
  2. Second, you know that closer the points of your line are, the more accurate the reading will be

But how can you find the rate of change at one point if slope is the relationship of two points? The answer: you pick two points infinitely close to one another.


There are a lot of different techniques to find a derivative depending on the equation, but most of them make sense if you remember the basic principles of derivatives outlined above. All derivatives are is a way to find the slope of your “infinitely small” line. Now that your know the theory of derivatives, a large part of the work is finding the answers.

Find derivative equations to predict the rate of change at any point

Using derivatives to find the rate of change at one point is helpful, but the beauty of calculus is that it allows you to create a new model for every function, 即可以为每个函数求出一个导数模型,这样我们就可以利用这个新模型找出每个点的变化率

There are different notations for derivatives.

  • Lagrange’s notation: derivative of




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