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原创 Tourism

In light of the latest statistics, some analysts believe that tourism has become the world’s leading source of export earnings. While extreme income poverty persists in many developing countries, they

2009-11-15 18:57:00 425

原创 It is said that wars in the 21st century will be fought over water. Do you agree? What do you think can be done now to alleviate

Water, covering 71 percent of Earth’s surface, gives our planet its distinctive blue hue when seen from space. Yet for all that water, an astonishing small amount is available for human use and the si

2009-10-27 15:24:00 1191

原创 What do you think is the role of parents in preventing crime amongst young people?

According to the latest surveys, the rate of juvenile delinquency has been on the rise. Among the various approaches of alleviating this issue, a good family relationship is the most significant one.

2009-10-24 22:28:00 872

原创 T3

The rapid development of science and technology is changing people’s life day by day, as well as the teaching method in the school. The introduction of multimedia makes lecture not the only way of tea

2009-09-04 22:53:00 315

原创 T2-J

In this ever competitive world, more and more universities design social practice programs which could improve the participants’ comprehensive development and help them to keep up with the Joneses. Am

2009-09-03 21:19:00 403

原创 C6TBT2

In this rapidly changing world, computer plays a more and more important role in people’s daily life. It is more likely that not only the adults use computer as their life assistant, the children also

2009-09-01 22:12:00 253

原创 C6TAT2

Every young person, male or female, will face the problem of how to be a qualified father or mother after getting married. To be parents doesn’t simply mean giving birth to a child, but also includes

2009-08-31 23:32:00 283

原创 C6TAT1-J

Dear Mrs. Brown, I’m your new tenant from the flat on King Street. My family and I moved in last week. I’m sorry to trouble you but I’m afraid I have to make a complaint about the furniture. D

2009-08-31 23:07:00 270

原创 C5TBT2

With the development of society and the improvement of people’s living standard, nearly every country faces the problem of more and more rubbish being produced. Despite the versatility and complexity

2009-08-31 00:14:00 253

原创 C5TAT2

In this ever competitive world, more and more parents pay attention to their children’s free time. Despite that many parents think it is important to add some study session after school, I’m in high o

2009-08-24 23:15:00 300

原创 C5TAT1-J

Dear Demi, I was shocked when I received your letter complaining that the noise from my flat has been spoiling your evenings. I’m terribly sorry about that. I have no idea that you would hear that

2009-08-22 17:57:00 258

原创 C4TBT2

In many places, children attend primary school at the age of six or seven. However, it is more likely now that both parents work, so there is little possibility for children to stay in their own home

2009-08-12 23:45:00 272

原创 C4TAT2

Nowadays, many traditional skills such as clothes making and repair work are vanishing from people’s daily life. In the past, the ordinary people had to learn several traditional skills from their

2009-08-02 18:05:00 279

原创 C4TAT1

Dear Sir or Madam, I’m Yancey Xie. As one of your customers, I’m writing to express my dissatisfaction with your supermarket about an accident I suffered. Last Sunday, I went to your supermark

2009-07-28 22:59:00 262

原创 C3TBT2

Today, the relationship between the family members is not as intimate as it used to be. Many new couples get divorced each year, and many children alienate from their parents day by day. What are the

2009-07-21 22:03:00 331

原创 C3TBT1

Dear Sir/Madam, I’m writing to express my dissatisfaction with the local airport about their expansion plan. It takes twenty-minute walk from the airport to my house. I’m afraid the expansion of t

2009-07-21 19:29:00 271

原创 C3TAT2

Today, the issue of how should children spend their spare time attracts more and more patents’ attention. Some of them believe that their children should lay a solid foundation of knowledge in this ra

2009-07-19 22:11:00 256

原创 C3TAT1-J

Dear Sir or Madam,Im writing to reconfirm the time when I should start my position as Senior Software Engineer. I ought to begin it next week, but due to some reasons, I have to postpone it.M

2009-07-18 10:11:00 225


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