Scale-recurrent Network for Deep Image Deblurring 阅读理解

Scale-recurrent Network for Deep Image Deblurring 2018CVPR  腾讯优图出品

code   代码亲测效果确实不错,但是对于我自己拍的照片出现bad case,跟作者确认过,确实存在。可能是因为作者的模型主要针对运动模糊,一般失焦模糊容易受到矫枉过正的问题。总之模型还需要继续优化






1 多尺度,将图像缩放成多种尺度,每一个尺度视为一个子问题,采用一个Encoderdecoder网络进行训练,作者添加了一些修改,例如残差学习等。

2 前一个网络生成的deblur图像作为下一个网络的初始deblur图像。

3 各个子网络之间有一个RNN网络进行信息保留和传递,作者采用LSTM

Encoder-decoder Network指那些对称的CNN结构,它首先将输入数据逐步转换成具有较小空间大小和更多通道(编码器)的功能图,然后将它们转换回输入(解码器)的形状。

Skip-connections 被广泛用于将不同层次的信息组合在一起。它们也能促进梯度传播和加速收敛


    1 Multi-scale Strategy 因此作者设计了一个Single-scale model进行对比。

2 Encoder-decoder ResBlock Network

  作者分别设计多个小模块进行对比 ResBlock


数据集:GOPRO dataset




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【作 者】Per Christian Hansen 【出版社】Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematic 【出版日期】October 29, 2006 【ISBN】0898716187 9780898716184 【形态项】9.8 x 6.7 x 0.3 inches 【语 言】English 【价 格】$63.00 Deblurring Images: Matrices, Spectra, and Filtering (Fundamentals of Algorithms 3) (Fundamentals of Algorithms) By Per Christian Hansen Publisher: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematic Number Of Pages: 130 Publication Date: 2006-10-29 ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0898716187 ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780898716184 Binding: Paperback “The book’s focus on imaging problems is very unique among the competing books on inverse and ill-posed problems. …It gives a nice introduction into the MATLAB world of images and deblurring problems.” — Martin Hanke, Professor, Institut für Mathematik, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität. When we use a camera, we want the recorded image to be a faithful representation of the scene that we see, but every image is more or less blurry. In image deblurring, the goal is to recover the original, sharp image by using a mathematical model of the blurring process. The key issue is that some information on the lost details is indeed present in the blurred image, but this “hidden” information can be recovered only if we know the details of the blurring process. Deblurring Images: Matrices, Spectra, and Filtering describes the deblurring algorithms and techniques collectively known as spectral filtering methods, in which the singular value decomposition—or a similar decomposition with spectral properties—is used to introduce the necessary regularization or filtering in the reconstructed image. The concise MATLAB® implementations described in the book provide a template of techniques that can be used to restore blurred images from many applications. This book’s treatment of image deblurring is unique in two ways: it includes algorithmic and implementation details; and by keeping the formulations in terms of matrices, vectors, and matrix computations, it makes the material accessible to a wide range of readers. Students and researchers in engineering will gain an understanding of the linear algebra behind filtering methods, while readers in applied mathematics, numerical analysis, and computational science will be exposed to modern techniques to solve realistic large-scale problems in image processing. With a focus on practical and efficient algorithms, Deblurring Images: Matrices, Spectra, and Filtering includes many examples, sample image data, and MATLAB codes that allow readers to experiment with the algorithms. It also incorporates introductory material, such as how to manipulate images within the MATLAB environment, making it a stand-alone text. Pointers to the literature are given for techniques not covered in the book. Audience This book is intended for beginners in the field of image restoration and regularization. Readers should be familiar with basic concepts of linear algebra and matrix computations, including the singular value decomposition and orthogonal transformations. A background in signal processing and a familiarity with regularization methods or with ill-posed problems are not needed. For readers who already have this knowledge, this book gives a new and practical perspective on the use of regularization methods to solve real problems. Preface; How to Get the Software; List of Symbols; Chapter 1: The Image Deblurring Problem; Chapter 2: Manipulating Images in MATLAB; Chapter 3: The Blurring Function; Chapter 4: Structured Matrix Computations; Chapter 5: SVD and Spectral Analysis; Chapter 6: Regularization by Spectral Filtering; Chapter 7: Color Images, Smoothing Norms, and Other Topics; Appendix: MATLAB Functions; Bibliography; Index
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