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原创 1066. Root of AVL Tree (25)

1066. Root of AVL Tree (25)时间限制100 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者CHEN, YueAn AVL tree is a self-balancing binary se

2017-10-08 14:09:50 227

原创 1067. Sort with Swap(0,*) (25)

1067. Sort with Swap(0,*) (25)时间限制150 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者CHEN, YueGiven any permutation of the numbers {

2017-10-08 11:49:01 208

原创 1056. Mice and Rice (25)

1056. Mice and Rice (25)时间限制100 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者CHEN, YueMice and Rice is the name of a programming c

2017-10-04 16:05:24 219

原创 1093. Count PAT's (25)

1093. Count PAT's (25)时间限制120 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者CAO, PengThe string APPAPT contains two PAT's as substr

2017-10-04 14:25:52 199

原创 1073. Scientific Notation (20)

1073. Scientific Notation (20)时间限制100 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者HOU, QimingScientific notation is the way that

2017-10-04 11:15:16 187

原创 1088. Rational Arithmetic (20)

1088. Rational Arithmetic (20)时间限制200 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者CHEN, YueFor two rational numbers, your task is

2017-10-03 19:46:45 165

原创 1091. Acute Stroke (30)

One important factor to identify acute stroke (急性脑卒中) is the volume of the stroke core. Given the results of image analysis in which the core regions are identified in each MRI slice, your job is to ca

2017-10-03 14:49:09 165

原创 1100. Mars Numbers (20)

People on Mars count their numbers with base 13:Zero on Earth is called "tret" on Mars.The numbers 1 to 12 on Earch is called "jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jly, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec" on Ma

2017-10-03 12:59:00 141

转载 An Intuitive Explanation of Convolutional Neural Networks

原文地址An Intuitive Explanation of Convolutional Neural NetworksPosted on August 11, 2016 by ujjwalkarnWhat are Convolutional Neural Networks and why are they important?Convolutio

2016-12-28 11:27:55 686

原创 序列,级数,柯西收敛准则,无穷级数定理

1、无穷序列:若一个序列u1,u2,u3…对于任意一个整数ε(注:可无限小) ,都存在当n>N时,都有|u1-k|2、设{\displaystyle (u_{n})}是一个无穷序列 :{\displaystyle u_{1},u_{2},u_{3},...u_{n},...},其前n项的和称为{\displaystyle \sum u_{n}}的部分和:{\di

2016-10-25 21:25:25 6194

原创 行列式的本质


2016-10-24 16:35:38 7314 1

原创 1061. Dating (20)

1061. Dating (20)时间限制100 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者CHEN, YueSherlock Holmes received a note with some strange s

2016-10-10 19:39:48 195

原创 1059. Prime Factors (25)

1059. Prime Factors (25)时间限制50 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者HE, QinmingGiven any positive integer N, you are suppo

2016-10-08 11:12:21 274

原创 1054. The Dominant Color (20)

1054. The Dominant Color (20)时间限制100 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者CHEN, YueBehind the scenes in the computer's mem

2016-10-06 13:11:47 246

原创 1053. Path of Equal Weight (30)

1053. Path of Equal Weight (30)时间限制10 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者CHEN, YueGiven a non-empty tree with root R, an

2016-10-06 11:34:42 438

原创 1052. Linked List Sorting (25)

1052. Linked List Sorting (25)时间限制400 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者CHEN, YueA linked list consists of a series of

2016-10-04 18:42:23 234

原创 1049. Counting Ones (30)

1049. Counting Ones (30)时间限制10 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者CHEN, YueThe task is simple: given any positive intege

2016-10-03 21:57:15 231

原创 1050. String Subtraction (20)

1050. String Subtraction (20)时间限制10 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者CHEN, YueGiven two strings S1 and S2, S = S1 - S2

2016-10-03 11:46:55 295

原创 1048. Find Coins (25)

1048. Find Coins (25)时间限制50 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者CHEN, YueEva loves to collect coins from all over the uni

2016-10-03 11:26:48 217

原创 1047. Student List for Course (25)

1047. Student List for Course (25)时间限制400 ms内存限制64000 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者CHEN, YueZhejiang University has 40000 stud

2016-10-03 11:04:22 187

原创 1046. Shortest Distance (20)

1046. Shortest Distance (20)时间限制100 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者CHEN, YueThe task is really simple: given N exits

2016-10-03 10:28:02 186

原创 1044. Shopping in Mars (25)

1044. Shopping in Mars (25)时间限制100 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者CHEN, YueShopping in Mars is quite a different exp

2016-10-01 21:06:46 186

原创 1039. Course List for Student (25)

1039. Course List for Student (25)时间限制200 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者CHEN, YueZhejiang University has 40000 stud

2016-09-17 17:46:43 202

原创 1040. Longest Symmetric String (25)

1040. Longest Symmetric String (25)时间限制400 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者CHEN, YueGiven a string, you are supposed

2016-09-17 16:53:13 264

原创 1041. Be Unique (20)

1041. Be Unique (20)时间限制100 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者CHEN, YueBeing unique is so important to people on Mars t

2016-09-17 16:28:58 219

原创 1038. Recover the Smallest Number (30)

1038. Recover the Smallest Number (30)时间限制400 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者CHEN, YueGiven a collection of number s

2016-09-17 16:07:41 242

原创 1037. Magic Coupon (25)

1037. Magic Coupon (25)时间限制100 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者CHEN, YueThe magic shop in Mars is offering some magic

2016-09-17 15:30:53 237

原创 1032. Sharing (25)

1032. Sharing (25)时间限制100 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者CHEN, YueTo store English words, one method is to use linke

2016-08-28 16:41:44 378

原创 1029. Median (25)

1029. Median (25)时间限制1000 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者CHEN, YueGiven an increasing sequence S of N integers, the 

2016-08-28 16:21:38 403

原创 1028. List Sorting (25)

1028. List Sorting (25)时间限制200 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者CHEN, YueExcel can sort records according to any colum

2016-08-28 16:00:33 357

原创 1025. PAT Ranking (25)

1025. PAT Ranking (25)时间限制200 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者CHEN, YueProgramming Ability Test (PAT) is organized by

2016-08-13 21:44:33 205

原创 1024. Palindromic Number (25)

1024. Palindromic Number (25)时间限制400 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者CHEN, YueA number that will be the same when it

2016-08-13 21:16:48 172

原创 1023. Have Fun with Numbers (20)

1024. Palindromic Number (25)时间限制400 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者CHEN, YueA number that will be the same when it

2016-08-13 20:36:40 177

原创 1021. Deepest Root (25)

1021. Deepest Root (25)时间限制1500 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者CHEN, YueA graph which is connected and acyclic can b

2016-08-12 21:48:19 167

原创 1017. Queueing at Bank (25)

题目地址:https://www.patest.cn/contests/pat-a-practise/1018时间限制400 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者CHEN, YueThere is

2016-07-23 20:56:55 215

原创 递归打印一个数所有加和的方式


2016-07-23 16:34:33 265

原创 1019. General Palindromic Number (20)

原文地址:https://www.patest.cn/contests/pat-a-practise/10191019. General Palindromic Number (20)时间限制400 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard

2016-07-23 16:25:18 199

原创 1014. Waiting in Line (30)

题目地址https://www.patest.cn/contests/pat-a-practise/10141014. Waiting in Line (30)时间限制400 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者

2016-07-19 19:47:53 338

转载 MIPS指令集(31条)

原文地址MIPS指令集MIPS 指令集(共31条)MIPS 指令集(共31条)助记符指令格式示例示例含义操作及其解释Bit #31..2625..2120..1615..1110..6

2016-05-05 10:04:38 514

原创 1082. Read Number in Chinese (25)

//http://www.patest.cn/contests/pat-a-practise/1082#include#includeusing namespace std;int main(){ int digit; const char dig[4][5] = { "Qian","" ,"Shi","Bai" }; const char digg[][10] = {

2015-10-11 23:57:28 362

QR Code Specification






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