

1 综述
(18 articles)
(1) D. D. Lee, H.S.Seung. Learning the parts of objects by non-negative matrix factorization, Nature, 1999
(2) 刘维湘等, 非负矩阵分解及其在模式识别中的应用. 科学通报, 51(3), 2006
(3) Hopke P K. A guide to positive matrix factorization[C]//Workshop on UNMIX and PMF as Applied to PM2. 2000, 5: 600.
(4) Tropp J A. Literature survey: Nonnegative matrix factorization[J]. University of Texas at Asutin, preprint, 2003.
(5) 汪鹏. 非负矩阵分解: 数学的奇妙力量[J]. 计算机教育, 2004 (10): 38-40.
(6) Chu M, Plemmons R J. Nonnegative matrix factorization and applications[J]. Image, 2005, 34: 1-5.
(7) Sra S, Dhillon I S. Nonnegative matrix approximation: Algorithms and applications[M]. Computer Science Department, University of Texas at Austin, 2006.
(8) Zadeh L A, Tufis D, Filip F G, et al. Non-negative Matrix Factorization Methods and their Applications[J]. From Natural Language to Soft Computing: New Paradigms in Artificial Intelligence, 2008: 32.
(9) Buciu I. Non-negative matrix factorization, a new tool for feature extraction: Theory and applications[J]. International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control, 2008, 3: 67-74.
(10) Laurberg H. Non-negative Matrix Factorization: Theory and Methods[D]. Videnbasen for Aalborg UniversitetVBN, Aalborg UniversitetAalborg University, De Ingeniør-, Natur-og Sundhedsvidenskabelige FakulteterFaculties of Engineering, Science and Medicine, Multimedia Information and Signal ProcessingMultimedia Information and Signal Processing, 2008.
(11) 李乐, 章毓晋. 非负矩阵分解算法综述[J]. 电子学报, 2008, 36(4).
(12) Yuan Z. Advances in independent component analysis and nonnegative matrix factorization[J]. 2009.
(13) Sara Comero et al. Positive Matrix Factorisation, JRC Scientific and Technical Reports
(14) Kim J. Nonnegative matrix and tensor factorizations, least squares problems, and applications[J]. 2011.
(15) Wang Y, Zhang Y. Non-negative matrix factorization: a comprehensive review[J]. 2011.
(16) Zafeiriou S, Petrou M. Nonnegative tensor factorization as an alternative Csiszar–Tusnady procedure: algorithms, convergence, probabilistic interpretations and novel probabilistic tensor latent variable analysis algorithms[J]. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2011, 22(3): 419-466.
(17) Huang Z, Zhou A, Zhang G. Non-negative Matrix Factorization: A Short Survey on Methods and Applications[M]//Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Systems. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012: 331-340.
(18) Zhang Z Y. Nonnegative Matrix Factorization: Models, Algorithms and Applications[M]//Data Mining: Foundations and Intelligent Paradigms. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012: 99-134.

2 理论与算法
2.1 一些理论文献
(55 articles)
(1), Szatmáry B, Póczos B, Eggert J, et al. Non-Negative Matrix Factorization Extended by Sparse Code Shrinkage and Weight Sparsification[C]//ECAI. 2002: 503-507.
(2), Seung D, Lee L. Algorithms for non-negative matrix factorization[J]. Advances in neural information processing systems, 2001, 13: 556-562.
(3), Donoho D, Stodden V. When does non-negative matrix factorization give a correct decomposition into parts?[C]//Advances in neural information processing systems. 2003: None.
(4), Guillamet D, Vitrià J. Evaluation of distance metrics for recognition based on non-negative matrix factorization[J]. Pattern Recognition Letters, 2003, 24(9): 1599-1605.
(5), Hoyer P O. Modeling receptive fields with non-negative sparse coding[J]. Neurocomputing, 2003, 52: 547-552.
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(7),Chu M, Diele F, Plemmons R, et al. Optimality, computation, and interpretation of nonnegative matrix factorizations[C]//SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis. 2004.
(8),Theis F J, Stadlthanner K, Tanaka T. First results on uniqueness of sparse non-negative matrix factorization[C]//Proceedings of the 13th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO’05). 2005.
(9),Chu M, Diele F, Plemmons R, et al. Optimality, computation, and interpretation of nonnegative matrix factorizations[C]//SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis. 2004.
(10),Gaussier E, Goutte C. Relation between PLSA and NMF and implications[C]//Proceedings of the 28th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval. ACM, 2005: 601-602.
(11),Albright R, Cox J, Duling D, et al. Algorithms, initializations, and convergence for the nonnegative matrix factorization[R]. NCSU Technical Report Math 81706. http://meyer. math. ncsu. edu/Meyer/Abstracts/Publications. html, 2006.
(12),Friedlander M P, Hatz K. Computing non-negative tensor factorizations[J]. Optimisation Methods and Software, 2008, 23(4): 631-647.
(13),Heiler M, Schnörr C. Learning sparse representations by non-negative matrix factorization and sequential cone programming[J]. The Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2006, 7: 1385-1407.
(14),FitzGerald D, Cranitch M, Coyle E. Shifted 2D non-negative tensor factorisation[C]//Irish Signals and Systems Conference, 2006. IET. IET, 2006: 509-513.
(15),Berry M W, Browne M, Langville A N, et al. Algorithms and applications for approximate nonnegative matrix factorization[J]. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2007, 52(1): 155-173.
(16),Yang Z, Laaksonen J. Multiplicative updates for non-negative projections[J]. Neurocomputing, 2007, 71(1): 363-373.
(17),Lin C J. On the convergence of multiplicative update algorithms for nonnegative matrix factorization[J]. Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on, 2007, 18(6): 1589-1596.
(18),Laurberg H. Uniqueness of non-negative matrix factorization[C]//Statistical Signal Processing, 2007. SSP'07. IEEE/SP 14th Workshop on. IEEE, 2007: 44-48.
(19),Yang J, Yang S, Fu Y, et al. Non-negative graph embedding[C]//Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2008. CVPR 2008. IEEE Conference on. IEEE, 2008: 1-8.
(20),Morup M, Madsen K H, Hansen L K. Approximate L< inf> 0</inf> constrained non-negative matrix and tensor factorization[C]//Circuits and Systems, 2008. ISCAS 2008. IEEE International Symposium on. IEEE, 2008: 1328-1331.
(21),Laurberg H, Christensen M G, Plumbley M D, et al. Theorems on positive data: On the uniqueness of NMF[J]. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2008, 2008.
(22),方茂中. 关于矩阵填充和非负矩阵的研究[D]. 华东师范大学, 2008.
(23),张永亮. 矩阵的非负分解算法及应用[D]. 浙江大学, 2008.
(24),Sindhwani V, Bucak S S, Hu J, et al. A Family of Non-negative Matrix Factorizations for One-Class Collaborative Filtering Problems[C]//Proceedings of the ACM Recommender Systems Conference, RecSys. 2009.
(25),Zafeiriou S. Algorithms for nonnegative tensor factorization[M]//Tensors in Image Processing and Computer Vision. Springer London, 2009: 105-124.
(26),Thurau C, Kersting K, Bauckhage C. Convex non-negative matrix factorization in the wild[C]//Data Mining, 2009. ICDM'09. Ninth IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2009: 523-532.
(27),Bucak S S, Gunsel B. Incremental subspace learning via non-negative matrix factorization[J]. Pattern Recognition, 2009, 42(5): 788-797.
(28), O'Grady P D, Rickard S T. Compressive sampling of non-negative signals[C]//Machine Learning for Signal Processing, 2008. MLSP 2008. IEEE Workshop on. IEEE, 2008: 133-138.
(29),Lim L H, Comon P. Nonnegative approximations of nonnegative tensors[J]. Journal of Chemometrics, 2009, 23(7‐8): 432-441.
(30),Liao S, Lei Z, Li S Z. Nonnegative matrix factorization with Gibbs random field modeling[C]//Computer Vision Workshops (ICCV Workshops), 2009 IEEE 12th International Conference on. IEEE, 2009: 79-86.
(31),Klingenberg B, Curry J, Dougherty A. Non-negative matrix factorization: Ill-posedness and a geometric algorithm[J]. Pattern Recognition, 2009, 42(5): 918-928.
(32),Wang C, Yan S, Zhang L, et al. Non-negative semi-supervised learning[C]//International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. 2009: 575-582.
(33),Yoo J, Choi S. Weighted nonnegative matrix co-tri-factorization for collaborative prediction[M]//Advances in Machine Learning. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009: 396-411.
(34),李乐, 章毓晋. 非负矩阵集分解[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2009, 31(2).
(35), Yang Z, Oja E. Linear and nonlinear projective nonnegative matrix factorization[J]. Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on, 2010, 21(5): 734-749.
(36),Zafeiriou S, Petrou M. Nonlinear non-negative component analysis algorithms[J]. Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on, 2010, 19(4): 1050-1066.
(37),Zhu Z, Guo Y F, Zhu X, et al. Normalized dimensionality reduction using nonnegative matrix factorization[J]. Neurocomputing, 2010, 73(10): 1783-1793.
(38),Mairal J, Bach F, Ponce J, et al. Online learning for matrix factorization and sparse coding[J]. The Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2010, 11: 19-60.
(39),Liu X, Yan S, Jin H. Projective nonnegative graph embedding[J]. Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on, 2010, 19(5): 1126-1137.
(40),Lee H, Yoo J, Choi S. Semi-supervised nonnegative matrix factorization[J]. Signal Processing Letters, IEEE, 2010, 17(1): 4-7.
(41),Badeau R, Bertin N, Vincent E. Stability analysis of multiplicative update algorithms and application to nonnegative matrix factorization[J]. Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on, 2010, 21(12): 1869-1881.
(42),Thurau C, Kersting K, Wahabzada M, et al. Convex non-negative mat
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非负矩阵分解(Non-negative Matrix Factorization,简称NMF)是一种常用的矩阵分解方法,它可以将一个非负矩阵分解为两个非负矩阵的乘积。NMF在数据挖掘、图像处理、文本挖掘等领域有广泛的应用。 在Matlab中,可以使用NMF工具箱来进行非负矩阵分解NMF工具箱提供了一系列函数,可以方便地进行NMF的计算和分析。 首先,你需要安装NMF工具箱。可以在Matlab的官方网站或者第三方网站上找到并下载安装包。安装完成后,你可以通过以下步骤来使用NMF工具箱进行非负矩阵分解: 1. 导入数据:将你要进行NMF非负矩阵导入到Matlab中,可以使用Matlab提供的函数如`load`或者`csvread`来导入数据。 2. 调用NMF函数:使用NMF工具箱提供的函数来进行非负矩阵分解。常用的函数包括`nmf`和`nnmf`。这些函数通常需要指定分解的维度、迭代次数等参数。 3. 获取分解结果:根据函数的返回值,可以获取到分解后的两个非负矩阵。这两个矩阵可以表示原始矩阵的近似或者特征。 4. 进行后续分析:根据需要,你可以对分解后的矩阵进行进一步的分析和处理。例如,可以计算重构误差、可视化分解结果等。 除了NMF工具箱,Matlab还提供了其他一些函数和工具,可以用于非负矩阵分解。例如,`nnls`函数可以用于非负最小二乘问题的求解,`nmfnnls`函数可以用于非负矩阵分解的迭代求解。 希望以上介绍对你有帮助!如果你有更多关于NMF或者Matlab的问题,请继续提问。


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