[初学Unity]Graphics-01.Lighting in Unity


01. Unity5 Lighting Overview

Get an overview of the new lighting features in Unity 5 with this lesson covering realtime global illumination, light types, the lighting panel, as well as emissives and probes.

Unity uses physically-based rendering, or PBR.
Unity’s realtime global illumination, or GI.

02. Unity 5 - Lighting and Rendering

In this document we will give you an overview of how GI works in Unity. We will walk you through the different lighting techniques available, explain how to setup your project for lighting and then explore the various tools at your disposal when considering how to light a scene.

Choosing a Lighting Technique

Realtime Lighting

By default, lights in Unity - directional, spot and point, are realtime.
Realtime lighting is the most basic way of lighting objects within the scene and is useful for illuminating characters or other movable geometry.

Unfortunately, the light rays from Unity’s realtime lights do not bounce when they are used by themselves. In order to create more realistic scenes using techniques such as global illumination we need to enable Unity’s precomputed lighting solutions.

Baked GL Lighting

When ‘baking’ a ‘lightmap’, the effects of light on static objects in the scene are calculated and the results are written to textures which are overlaid on top of scene geometry to create the effect of lighting.

With baked lighting, these light textures (lightmaps) cannot change during gameplay and so are referred to as ‘static’. Realtime lights can be overlaid and used additively on top of a lightmapped scene but cannot interactively change the lightmaps themselves.

Precomputed Realtime GI Lighting

Whilst traditional, static lightmaps are unable to react to changes in lighting conditions within the scene, Precomputed Realtime GI does offer us a technique for updating complex scene lighting interactively.

Precomputing shifts the burden of calculating complex light behaviour from something that happens during gameplay, to something which can be calculated when time is no longer so critical. We refer to this as an ‘offline’ process.

So how does this work?


To speed up the precompute further Unity doesn’t directly work on lightmaps texels, but instead creates a low resolution approximation of the static geometry in the world, called ‘clusters’

Benefits and costs

The decision on which approach to take will have to be evaluated based on the nature of your particular project and desired target platform. Remember that when targeting a range of different hardware, that often it is the least performant which will determine which approach is needed.

The Precompute Process

Starting a Precompute

Only static geometry is considered by Unity’s precomputed lighting solutions. To begin the lighting precompute process we need at least one GameObject marked as ‘static’ in our scene.

From the Inspector panel, the Static checkbox can be selected (Inspector>Static). This will set all of the GameObject’s ‘static options’, or ‘flags’, including navigation and batching, to be static, which may not be desirable. For Precomputed Realtime GI, only ‘Lightmap Static’ needs to be checked.

If your scene is set to Auto (Lighting>Scene>Auto), Unity’s lighting precompute will now begin automatically. Otherwise it will need to be started manually as described below.

Auto/Manual Precompute


However, if Auto is not selected, you will need to manually start a precompute by clicking the ‘Build’ button next to it. This will begin the precompute in much the same way, while giving you control over when this process starts.

Manually initiating a precompute will cause all aspects of your scene lighting to be evaluated and (re)computed. If you wish to selectively recalculate Reflection probes by themselves, this can be done via the drop-down menu next to the Build button (Lighting>Scene>Build).

Enabling Baked GI or Precomputed Realtime GI

By default, both Precomputed Realtime GI and Baked GI are enabled in Unity’s Lighting panel (Lighting>Scene). With both enabled, which technique is used can then be controlled by each light individually (Inspector>Light>Baking).

Using both Baked GI and Precomputed Realtime GI together in your scene can be detrimental to performance. **A good practise is to ensure that only one system is used at a time, by disabling the other globally. **This can be done by unchecking the box next to either Precomputed Realtime GI or Baked GI from Unity’s lighting panel (Lighting>Scene). Now only the checked option will be present in your scene, and any settings configured per-light will be overridden.

Per-light Settings

The default baking mode for each light is ‘Realtime’. This means that the selected light(s) will still contribute direct light to your scene, with indirect light handled by Unity’s Precomputed Realtime GI system.

However, if the baking mode is set to ‘Baked’ then that light will contribute lighting solely to Unity’s Baked GI system. Both direct and indirect light from those lights selected will be ‘baked’ into lightmaps and cannot be changed d





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