UCEs(超保守元件)常见问题,系统发育和进化研究新方法(即用型脊椎动物(辐鳍鱼类,鲈形目,骨鳔类) 无脊椎动物(蛛形纲,蜘蛛目,鞘翅目,双翅目,半翅目,膜翅目,鳞翅目)UCE探针,其他可定制)

针对我公司推出的myBaits 超保守元件捕获探针产品,本文收录并解答了关于UCEs(超保守元件)的一些常见问题,以便大家对超保守元件捕获探针有更深入的了解。如果您有其他相关问题,请和我们联系。

1. 什么是UCEs(超保守元件)?
2. UCEs(超保守元件)有什么作用?
3. UCEs(超保守元件)只适用于研究“亿年”尺度的深层系统发育问题吗?
4. 为什么不用外显子捕获测序方法?
5. 为什么不用全基因组测序方法?
6. 如何识别UCEs(超保守元件)?
7. 如何收集UCEs(超保守元件)的数据?

Q1. 什么是UCEs(ultraconserved elements)?
A1. 2004年,Gil Bejerano等人首先发现并报道了一类在远缘进化类群基因组间共享的超保守元件(UCEs)。他们发现,尽管这些类群在数千万至数亿年前发生分化(如人类与大鼠、小鼠、狗和鸡),其基因组仍拥有共同的超级保守序列(Bejerano et al. 2004)。Siepel在其他类群中也发现并验证了这些UCEs(Siepel et al. 2005)。Miller 等人通过比对28种脊椎动物基因组,发现并确定了更多UCEs(Miller et al. 2007)。
Bejerano G, Pheasant M, Makunin I, et al. Ultraconserved elements in the human genome. Science, 2004, 304(5675):1321-1325. doi:10.1126/science.1098119.
Miller W, Rosenbloom K, Hardison RC, et al. 28-Way vertebrate alignment and conservation track in the UCSC Genome Browser. Genome Research, 2008, 17(12):1797-1808. doi:10.1101/gr.6761107.
Siepel A. Evolutionarily conserved elements in vertebrate, insect, worm, and yeast genomes. Genome Research, 2005, 15(8):1034-1050. doi:10.1101/gr.3715005.

Q2. UCEs有什么作用?
A2. UCEs 及其侧翼DNA(flanking DNA)序列,对于重建许多生物的进化史和种群关系是非常有效的。由于UCEs在差异巨大、难以比较的类群中都是保守的,因此,在很多情况下,在人类样本中选择的研究区域与在鸭子、蛇或蜥蜴样本中选择的区域是相同的。从这个意义上说,UCEs是通用的遗传标记。
Faircloth BC, McCormack JE, Crawford NG, et al. Ultraconserved elements anchor thousands of genetic markers spanning multiple evolutionary timescales. Systematic Biology, 2012, 61:717-726. doi:10.1093/sysbio/sys004.
Faircloth BC, Sorenson L, Santini F, et al. A phylogenomic perspective on the radiation of ray-finned fishes based upon targeted sequencing of ultraconserved elements (UCEs). Plos One, 2013, 8: e65923. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0065923.
McCormack JE, Faircloth BC, Crawford NG, et al. Ultraconserved elements are novel phylogenomic markers that resolve placental mammal phylogeny when combined with species tree analysis. Genome Research, 2012, 22: 746–754. doi:10.1101/gr.125864.111.
Smith BT, Harvey MG, Faircloth BC, et al. Target capture and massively parallel sequencing of ultraconserved elements (UCEs) for comparative studies at shallow evolutionary time scales. Systematic Biology, 2014, 63:83-95. doi:10.1093/sysbio/syt061.

Q3. UCEs只适用于研究“亿年”尺度的深层系统发育问题吗?
A3. 不是的。
最初,用UCEs研究的,确实是跨越数亿年的非常久远的进化关系(McCormack et al. 2012, Faircloth et al. 2012, Crawford et al. 2012, McCormack et al. 2013, Faircloth et al. 2013);之后发现,UCEs及其侧翼区域也可以用于研究:浅层的、跨越数十万年到数百万年的种群水平关系(Smith et al. in review; Faircloth talk; Harvey talk; Alfaro talk);跨越单世代的非常浅的个体层面(种群内)关系(Faircloth et al. 2012; Faircloth talk)。
Crawford NG, Faircloth BC, Mccormack JE, et al. More than 1000 ultraconserved elements provide evidence that turtles are the sister group of archosaurs. Biology Letters, 2012, 8(5):783.
Faircloth BC, McCormack JE, Crawford NG, et al. Ultraconserved elements anchor thousands of genetic markers spanning multiple evolutionary timescales. Systematic Biology, 2012, 61:717-726. doi:10.1093/sysbio/sys004.
Faircloth BC, Sorenson L, Santini F, et al. A phylogenomic perspective on the radiation of ray-finned fishes based upon targeted sequencing of ultraconserved elements (UCEs). Plos One, 2013, 8: e65923. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0065923.
Mccormack JE, Faircloth BC, Crawford NG, et al. Ultraconserved elements are novel phylogenomic markers that resolve placental mammal phylogeny when combined with species-tree analysis. Genome Research, 2012, 22(4):746-754. doi:10.1101/gr.125864.111.
Mccormack JE, Harvey MG, Faircloth BC, et al. A phylogeny of birds based on over 1,500 loci collected by target enrichment and high-throughput sequencing. Plos One, 2013, 8(1):e54848. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0054848.

Q4. 为什么不用外显子捕获测序方法?
A4. 当研究的类群外显子注释完整,并且物种关系密切(例如,灵长类动物共享外显子) 时,外显子组捕获测序可以用来研究物种之间的系统发育关系,或种群水平和个体水平上的差异。
Figure 1a. Decay in the number of unique matches across genome sequences for sequence capture probes designed from exons (Coffey et al. 2011).

Bars moving left to right show locus counts for groups of increasing degrees of taxonomic inclusiveness and the value on the x-axis shows the final member of the set: (hg19), (hg19, chinese), (hg19, chinese, korean), (hg19, chinese, korean, venter), etc. Thus, the final taxon on the x-axis (anole) represents the number of exon probes matching across all 29 taxa (hg19 to anole, inclusive) out of roughly 44,000 starting probes.

Figure 1b. Decay in the number of unique matches across genome sequences for sequence capture probes designed from UCEs (McCormack et al. 2012).

Bars moving left to right show locus counts for groups of increasing degrees of taxonomic inclusiveness and the value on the x-axis shows the final member of the set: (hg19), (hg19, chinese), (hg19, chinese, korean), (hg19, chinese, korean, venter), etc. Thus, the final taxon on the x-axis (anole) represents the number of UCE probes matching across all 29 taxa (hg19 to anole, inclusive) out of roughly 2,500 starting probes.


  1. “identical matching”的分析标准,和严格匹配的参数设定可能不适合外显子。主要原因是外显子的变异发生在全长,而UCEs的核心区域高度保守,变异发生在侧翼;
  2. 从进化的角度来看,外显子变化的自由度高于UCEs;
  3. 外显子受基因重组影响的可能性比UCEs更高;
  4. 非灵长类类群的基因组覆盖率较差或存在组装问题,导致无法检测特定的外显子。

Coffey AJ, Kokocinski F, Calafato MS, et al. The GENCODE exome: sequencing the complete human exome. European Journal of Human Genetics, 2011, 19(7):827. doi:10.1038/ejhg.2011.28.
McCormack JE, Faircloth BC, Crawford NG, et al. Ultraconserved elements are novel phylogenomic markers that resolve placental mammal phylogeny when combined with species tree analysis. Genome Research, 2012, 22: 746–754. doi:10.1101/gr.125864.111.

Q5. 为什么不用全基因组测序方法?
A5. 尽管基因组测序和分析的成本越来越低,但捕获测序的成本更低,而且捕获数据分析比精确组装一个或多个基因组序列要简单很多。因此,捕获UCE位点是一个很好的选择。

Q6. 如何识别UCEs?
A6. 可以通过将多个基因组相互比对,寻找基因组中序列保守性高的区域(95-100%),并进行过滤,从而确定基因组序列中的UCEs。例如,可根据长度来过滤(Bejerano et al. 2004)。 有许多方法可以识别UCEs,Faircloth详细介绍了一种识别UCEs的方法,请见参考文献(Faircloth 2017)。
Bejerano G, Pheasant M, Makunin I, et al. Ultraconserved elements in the human genome. Science, 2004, 304(5675):1321-1325. doi:10.1126/science.1098119.
Faircloth, Brant, C. Identifying conserved genomic elements and designing universal bait sets to enrich them. Methods in Ecology & Evolution, 2017, doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12754.

Q7. 如何收集UCEs的数据?
A7. 选定研究类群中共有的一组UCE后,请联系我们设计合成相应的捕获探针集。设计好的探针集可以按照捕获测序的实验流程,来富集DNA文库中的目标UCEs,并测序,部分实验样本可以混池捕获,一个探针集可以捕获多个文库。

辐鳍鱼类0.5Kv1,含2001个探针(120 mer),可以富集辐鳍鱼类中的500个UCE位点:
305008.V5 myBaits UCE Actinopterygians 0.5Kv1 8 Rxn
305048.V5 myBaits UCE Actinopterygians 0.5Kv1 48 Rxn
305096.V5 myBaits UCE Actinopterygians 0.5Kv1 96 Rxn

鲈形目1Kv1,含2628个探针(120 mer),可以富集鲈形目中的1314个UCE位点:
306108.V5 myBaits UCE Acanthomorph 1Kv1 8 Rxn
306148.V5 myBaits UCE Acanthomorph 1Kv1 48 Rxn
306196.V5 myBaits UCE Acanthomorph 1Kv1 96 Rxn

骨鳔鱼类2.7Kv1,含6737个探针(120 mer),可以富集骨鳔鱼类中的2708个UCE位点:
306308.V5 myBaits UCE Ostariophysan 2.7Kv1 8 Rxn
306348.V5 myBaits UCE Ostariophysan 2.7Kv1 48 Rxn
306396.V5 myBaits UCE Ostariophysan 2.7Kv1 96 Rxn

脊椎动物2.5Kv1,含2560个探针(120 mer),可以富集脊椎动物中的2386个UCE位点,其中鸟类和爬行动物2.2k,哺乳动物约1k:
305608.V5 myBaits UCE Tetrapods 2.5Kv1 8 Rxn
305648.V5 myBaits UCE Tetrapods 2.5Kv1 48 Rxn
305696.V5 myBaits UCE Tetrapods 2.5Kv1 96 Rxn

脊椎动物5Kv1,含5472 个探针(120mer),可以富集脊椎动物中的 5060 个 UCE位点,其中鸟类和爬行动物4k,哺乳动物约2-3k,两栖动物1k:
305708.V5 myBaits UCE Tetrapods 5Kv1 8 Rxn
305748.V5 myBaits UCE Tetrapods 5Kv1 48 Rxn
305796.V5 myBaits UCE Tetrapods 5Kv1 96 Rxn

306608.V5 myBaits Tetrapods 5Kv2B 8 Rxn
306648.V5 myBaits Tetrapods 5Kv2B 48 Rxn
306696.V5 myBaits Tetrapods 5Kv2B 96 Rxn

蛛形纲1.1Kv1,含14799个探针(120 mer),可以富集蛛形纲(蜘蛛,螨虫,蝎子,盲蜘蛛及其近亲)中的1120个UCE位点:
305108.V5 myBaits UCE Arachnida 1.1Kv1 8 Rxn
305148.V5 myBaits UCE Arachnida 1.1Kv1 48 Rxn
305196.V5 myBaits UCE Arachnida 1.1Kv1 96 Rxn

蜘蛛目2Kv1,含15015个探针(120 mer),可以富集蜘蛛目中>2000个UCE位点:
306408.V5 myBaits UCE Spider 2Kv1 8 Rxn
306448.V5 myBaits UCE Spider 2Kv1 48 Rxn
306496.V5 myBaits UCE Spider 2Kv1 96 Rxn

鞘翅目1.1Kv1,含13674个探针(120 mer),可以富集鞘翅目中的1172个UCE位点:
305908.V5 myBaits UCE Coleoptera 1.1Kv1 8 Rxn
305948.V5 myBaits UCE Coleoptera 1.1Kv1 48 Rxn
305996.V5 myBaits UCE Coleoptera 1.1Kv1 96 Rxn

双翅目2.7Kv1,含31328个探针(120 mer),可以富集双翅目中的2711个UCE位点:
306008.V5 myBaits UCE Diptera 2.7Kv1 8 Rxn
306048.V5 myBaits UCE Diptera 2.7Kv1 48 Rxn
306096.V5 myBaits UCE Diptera 2.7Kv1 96 Rxn

半翅目2.7Kv1,含40207个探针(120 mer),可以富集半翅目中的2731个UCE位点:
305808.V5 myBaits UCE Hemiptera 2.7Kv1 8 Rxn
305848.V5 myBaits UCE Hemiptera 2.7Kv1 48 Rxn
305896.V5 myBaits UCE Hemiptera 2.7Kv1 96 Rxn

膜翅目1.5Kv1,含2749个探针(120 mer),可以富集膜翅目(蚂蚁、蜜蜂、叶蜂和黄蜂)中的1510个UCE位点:
305308.V5 myBaits UCE Hymenoptera 1.5Kv1 8 Rxn
305348.V5 myBaits UCE Hymenoptera 1.5Kv1 48 Rxn
305396.V5 myBaits UCE Hymenoptera 1.5Kv1 96 Rxn

膜翅目2.5Kv2P,HymV1的扩展版本,含31829个探针(120 mer),可以富集膜翅目(蚂蚁、蜜蜂、叶蜂和黄蜂)中的2590个UCE位点:
305408.V5 myBaits UCE Hymenoptera 2.5Kv2P 8 Rxn
305448.V5 myBaits UCE Hymenoptera 2.5Kv2P 48 Rxn
305496.V5 myBaits UCE Hymenoptera 2.5Kv2P 96 Rxn

膜翅目2.5Kv2A,Hym2.5Kv2P的子集,仅含蚂蚁基因组探针9898个(120 mer) ,可以富集2524个UCE位点和16个核基因外显子区域(外显子根据四种远缘蚂蚁物种设计,共12个基因):
305508.V5 myBaits UCE Hymenoptera 2.5Kv2A 8 Rxn
305548.V5 myBaits UCE Hymenoptera 2.5Kv2A 48 Rxn
305596.V5 myBaits UCE Hymenoptera 2.5Kv2A 96 Rxn

膜翅目2.5Kv2AB,Hym2.5Kv2P的子集,仅含蚂蚁和蜜蜂基因组探针9332个(120 mer),可以富集2545个UCE位点和12个核基因外显子区域(7个基因):
306208.V5 myBaits UCE Hymenoptera 2.5Kv2AB 8 Rxn
306248.V5 myBaits UCE Hymenoptera 2.5Kv2AB 48 Rxn
306296.V5 myBaits UCE Hymenoptera 2.5Kv2AB 96 Rxn

鳞翅目1.3Kv1,含14363个探针(120 mer),可以富集鳞翅目(蝴蝶、蛾类及其近缘物种)中的1381个UCE位点:
306508.V5 myBaits Lepidoptera 1.3Kv1 8 Rxn
306548.V5 myBaits Lepidoptera 1.3Kv1 48 Rxn
306596.V5 myBaits Lepidoptera 1.3Kv1 96 Rxn

菊科 ,含9678个探针(120 mer),可以富集菊科中的1061个直系同源基因(COS)位点,经验证,此探针集在大量菊科及其近缘类群中可以富集>700个位点:
305208.V5 myBaits COS Compositae 1Kv1 8 Rxn
305248.V5 myBaits COS Compositae 1Kv1 48 Rxn
305296.V5 myBaits COS Compositae 1Kv1 96 Rxn

Arbor Biosciences——起源于美国密歇根大学的高科技生命科学公司,公司的技术核心为低成本的核酸探针合成技术和合成生物学技术,应用于基因捕获探针和蛋白体外表达,为客户提供创新性的遗传学和合成生物学解决方案,客户遍及全球,超过300篇索引文献引用该公司产品,国内亦有众多使用客户。
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