Modern Robotics指数坐标推导雅可比(Jacobian)

Modern Robotics指数坐标推导雅可比(Jacobian)


空间雅可比(Space Jacobian)

T ( θ ) = e [ S 1 ] θ 1 … e [ S n ] θ n M . T(\theta)=e^{[\mathcal S_1]\theta_1}\dots e^{[\mathcal S_n]\theta_n}M. T(θ)=e[S1]θ1e[Sn]θnM.
空间雅可比 J s ( θ ) ∈ R 6 × n J_s(\theta)\in \mathbb R^{6\times n} Js(θ)R6×n关联了关节速度向量 θ ˙ ∈ R n \dot \theta \in\mathbb R^n θ˙Rn和空间旋量 V s \mathcal V_s Vs,即 V s = J s ( θ ) θ ˙ \mathcal V_s=J_s(\theta)\dot \theta Vs=Js(θ)θ˙ J s ( θ ) J_s(\theta) Js(θ) i i i列由下式确定
J s i ( θ ) = A d e [ S 1 ] θ 1 . . . e [ S i − 1 ] θ i − 1 ( S i ) , J_{si}(\theta)=Ad_{e^{[\mathcal S_1]\theta_1}...e^{[\mathcal S_{i-1}]\theta_{i-1}}}(\mathcal S_i), Jsi(θ)=Ade[S1]θ1...e[Si1]θi1(Si),
对于 i = 2 , … , n , i=2, \dots, n, i=2,,n,第1列 J s 1 = S 1 J_{s1}=\mathcal S_1 Js1=S1。螺旋矢量 J s i J_{si} Jsi的物理意义是在任意非零关节角度 θ \theta θ下,第 i i i个关节在空间固定坐标系下的表达。


T ( θ ) = e [ S 1 ] θ 1 … e [ S n ] θ n M . (5.5) T(\theta)=e^{[\mathcal S_1]\theta_1}\dots e^{[\mathcal S_n]\theta_n}M.\tag{5.5} T(θ)=e[S1]θ1e[Sn]θnM.(5.5)
空间旋量 V s \mathcal V_s Vs由齐次变换矩阵给出 [ V s ] = T ˙ T − 1 [\mathcal V_s]=\dot TT^{-1} [Vs]=T˙T1, 其中
T ˙ = ( d d t e [ S 1 ] θ 1 ) … e [ S n ] θ n M + e [ S 1 ] θ 1 ( d d t e [ S 2 ] θ 2 ) … e [ S n ] θ n M + … = [ S 1 ] θ ˙ 1 e [ S 1 ] θ 1 … e [ S n ] θ n M + e [ S 1 ] θ 1 [ S 2 ] θ ˙ 2 e [ S 2 ] θ 2 … e [ S n ] θ n M + … \dot T=(\frac {d}{dt}e^{[\mathcal S_1]\theta_1})\dots e^{[\mathcal S_n]\theta_n}M+e^{[\mathcal S_1]\theta_1}(\frac{d}{dt}e^{[\mathcal S_2]\theta_2})\dots e^{[\mathcal S_n]\theta_n}M+\dots\\ =[\mathcal S_1]\dot \theta_1e^{[\mathcal S_1]\theta_1}\dots e^{[\mathcal S_n]\theta_n}M+e^{[\mathcal S_1]\theta_1}[\mathcal S_2]\dot \theta_2e^{[\mathcal S_2]\theta_2}\dots e^{[\mathcal S_n]\theta_n}M+\dots\\ T˙=(dtde[S1]θ1)e[Sn]θnM+e[S1]θ1(dtde[S2]θ2)e[Sn]θnM+=[S1]θ˙1e[S1]θ1e[Sn]θnM+e[S1]θ1[S2]θ˙2e[S2]θ2e[Sn]θnM+
T − 1 = M − 1 e − [ S n ] θ n … e − [ S 1 ] θ 1 . T^{-1}=M^{-1}e^{-[\mathcal S_n]\theta_n}\dots e^{-[\mathcal S_1]\theta_1}. T1=M1e[Sn]θne[S1]θ1.
计算 T ˙ T − 1 \dot TT^{-1} T˙T1得到
[ V s ] = [ S 1 ] θ ˙ 1 + e [ S 1 ] θ ˙ 1 [ S 2 ] e − [ S 1 ] θ ˙ 1 + e [ S 1 ] θ ˙ 1 e [ S 2 ] θ ˙ 2 [ S 3 ] e − [ S 1 ] θ ˙ 1 e − [ S 2 ] θ ˙ 2 + … [\mathcal V_s]=[\mathcal S_1]\dot \theta_1+e^{[\mathcal S_1]\dot \theta_1}[\mathcal S_2]e^{-[\mathcal S_1]\dot \theta_1}+e^{[\mathcal S_1]\dot \theta_1}e^{[\mathcal S_2]\dot \theta_2}[\mathcal S_3]e^{-[\mathcal S_1]\dot \theta_1}e^{-[\mathcal S_2]\dot \theta_2}+\dots [Vs]=[S1]θ˙1+e[S1]θ˙1[S2]e[S1]θ˙1+e[S1]θ˙1e[S2]θ˙2[S3]e[S1]θ˙1e[S2]θ˙2+
V s = S 1 ⏟ J s 1 θ ˙ 1 + Ad e [ S 1 ] θ 1 ( S 2 ) ⏟ J s 2 θ ˙ 2 + Ad e [ S 1 ] θ 1 e [ S 2 ] θ 2 ( S 3 ) ⏟ J s 3 θ ˙ 3 + … (5.6) \mathcal V_s=\underbrace {\mathcal S_1}_{J_{s1}}\dot\theta_1+\underbrace{\text{Ad}_{e^{[\mathcal S_1]\theta_1}}(\mathcal S_2)}_{J_{s2}}\dot \theta_2+\underbrace{\text{Ad}_{e^{[\mathcal S_1]\theta_1}{e^{[\mathcal S_2]\theta_2}}}(\mathcal S_3)}_{J_{s3}}\dot \theta_3+\dots \tag{5.6} Vs=Js1 S1θ˙1+Js2 Ade[S1]θ1(S2)θ˙2+Js3 Ade[S1]θ1e[S2]θ2(S3)θ˙3+(5.6)
观察发现, V s \mathcal V_s Vs n n n个空间旋量的和的形式
V s = J s 1 θ ˙ 1 + J s 2 ( θ ) θ ˙ 2 + ⋯ + J s n ( θ ) θ ˙ n , (5.7) \mathcal V_s=J_{s1}\dot\theta_1+J_{s2}(\theta)\dot\theta_2+\dots +J_{sn}(\theta)\dot \theta_n,\tag{5.7} Vs=Js1θ˙1+Js2(θ)θ˙2++Jsn(θ)θ˙n,(5.7)
这里对任意 i = 2 , … , n i=2, \dots,n i=2,,n, 每个 J s i ( θ ) = ( ω s i ( θ , v s i ( θ ) ) ) J_{si}(\theta)=(\omega_{si}(\theta,v_{si}(\theta))) Jsi(θ)=(ωsi(θ,vsi(θ)))显式地决定于关节变量 θ ∈ R n \theta\in\mathbb R^n θRn. 写成矩阵形式
V s = [ J s 1 J s 2 ( θ ) … J s n ( θ ) ] [ θ ˙ 1 θ ˙ ⋮ θ ˙ ] = J s ( θ ) θ ˙ . (5.8) \mathcal V_s=\left[ \begin{matrix} J_{s1} & J_{s2} (\theta)&\dots &J_{sn}(\theta) \end{matrix}\right] \left[ \begin{matrix} \dot\theta_1 \\ \dot \theta\\ \vdots\\\dot\theta \end{matrix}\right] =J_s(\theta)\dot\theta .\tag {5.8} Vs=[Js1Js2(θ)Jsn(θ)]θ˙1θ˙θ˙=Js(θ)θ˙.(5.8)
矩阵 J s ( θ ) J_s(\theta) Js(θ)称为在(空间)固定坐标系的雅可比,或称为空间雅可比。

**补充:**这里伴随映射的定义:给定一个齐次变换矩阵 T = [ R p 0 1 ] ∈ S E ( 3 ) T=\left[ \begin{matrix} R&p\\0&1 \end {matrix}\right]\in SE(3) T=[R0p1]SE(3),其伴随表示 [ Ad T ] [\text{Ad}_T] [AdT]
Ad T = [ R R [ p ] R 0 ] ∈ R 6 × 6 \text{Ad}_T=\left[ \begin{matrix} R&R\\ [p]R&0 \end {matrix}\right] \in \mathbb R^{6\times6} AdT=[R[p]RR0]R6×6
这里 [ p ] [p] [p] 表示向量 p p p对应的反对称矩阵。 [ Ad T ] [\text{Ad}_T] [AdT]的物理意义实际是对6维旋量进行坐标变换,类似于齐次矩阵对3维向量进行坐标变换。例如,坐标系{s}到坐标系{b}的其次变换为 T s b T_{sb} Tsb,对一个旋量 V b \mathcal V_b Vb进行伴随表示可以写成
V s = [ Ad T s b ] V b = Ad T s b ( V b ) \mathcal V_s=[\text{Ad}_{T_{sb}}]\mathcal V_b=\text{Ad}_{T_{sb}}(\mathcal V_b) Vs=[AdTsb]Vb=AdTsb(Vb)

物体雅可比(Body Jacobian)


T ( θ ) = M e [ B 1 ] θ 1 … e [ B n ] θ n . T(\theta)=Me^{[\mathcal B_1]\theta_1}\dots e^{[\mathcal B_n]\theta_n}. T(θ)=Me[B1]θ1e[Bn]θn.
空间雅可比 J b ( θ ) ∈ R 6 × n J_b(\theta)\in \mathbb R^{6\times n} Jb(θ)R6×n关联了关节速度向量 θ ˙ ∈ R n \dot \theta \in\mathbb R^n θ˙Rn和空间旋量 V b \mathcal V_b Vb,即 V b = J b ( θ ) θ ˙ \mathcal V_b=J_b(\theta)\dot \theta Vb=Jb(θ)θ˙ J b ( θ ) J_b(\theta) Jb(θ) i i i列由下式确定
J b i ( θ ) = A d e [ B 1 ] θ 1 . . . e [ B i − 1 ] θ i − 1 ( B i ) , J_{bi}(\theta)=Ad_{e^{[\mathcal B_1]\theta_1}...e^{[\mathcal B_{i-1}]\theta_{i-1}}}(\mathcal B_i), Jbi(θ)=Ade[B1]θ1...e[Bi1]θi1(Bi),
对于 i = n − 1 , … , 1 , i=n-1, \dots, 1, i=n1,,1,第n列 J B n = B n J_{B_n}=\mathcal B_n JBn=Bn。螺旋矢量 J b i J_{bi} Jbi的物理意义是在任意非零关节角度 θ \theta θ下,第 i i i个关节在物体坐标系下的表达。


J s ( θ ) = [ Ad T s b ] J b ( θ ) , J b ( θ ) = [ Ad T b s ] J s ( θ ) , J_s(\theta)=[\text {Ad}_{T_{sb}}]J_b(\theta),\\ J_b(\theta)=[\text {Ad}_{T_{bs}}]J_s(\theta), Js(θ)=[AdTsb]Jb(θ),Jb(θ)=[AdTbs]Js(θ),
这里 T s b = T ( θ ) T_{sb}=T(\theta) Tsb=T(θ)


Example 1: 计算如图的RRRP空间机器人的空间雅可比。


我们知道雅可比的第 i i i列,就是第 i i i个关节的螺旋轴(旋量)在空间坐标系(固定坐标)的表示 J s i = [ ω s i , v s i ] T J_{si}=[\omega_{si},v_{si}]^T Jsi=[ωsi,vsi]T。有时不能直接看出其旋量时,可以通过 [ Ad T i − 1 ] [\text {Ad}_{T_{i-1}}] [AdTi1]矩阵对螺旋轴进行坐标变换,得到其在固定坐标系的表示。

(1)观察发现 ω s 1 \omega _{s1} ωs1始终沿 z ^ s \hat z_s z^s方向不变,因此 ω s 1 = [ 0 , 0 , 1 ] T \omega_{s1}=[0,0,1]^T ωs1=[0,0,1]T。选择坐标原点为 q 1 q_1 q1,那么 v s 1 = [ 0 , 0 , 0 ] T v_{s1}=[0,0,0]^T vs1=[0,0,0]T.

(2) ω s 2 \omega _{s2} ωs2始终沿 z ^ s \hat z_s z^s方向不变,因此 ω s 2 = [ 0 , 0 , 1 ] T \omega_{s2}=[0,0,1]^T ωs2=[0,0,1]T。选择轴线上 [ L 1 c 1 , L 1 s 1 , 0 ] T [L_1c_1,L_1s_1,0]^T [L1c1,L1s1,0]T q 2 q_2 q2,其中 c 1 = cos θ 1 , s 1 = sin ( θ 2 ) c_1=\text{cos}\theta_1,s_1=\text{sin}(\theta_2) c1=cosθ1,s1=sin(θ2),那么 v s 2 = − ω 2 × q 2 = [ L 1 s 1 , − L 1 c 1 , 0 ] T v_{s2}=-\omega_2\times q_2=[L_1s_1,-L_1c_1,0]^T vs2=ω2×q2=[L1s1,L1c1,0]T.

(3)不管如何运动, ω s 3 \omega_{s3} ωs3也是沿固定坐标系 z ^ s \hat z_s z^s方向,因此 ω s 3 = [ 0 , 0 , 1 ] 2 \omega_{s3}=[0,0,1]^2 ωs3=[0,0,1]2,选择 q 3 = [ L 1 c 1 + L 2 c 12 , L 1 s 1 + L 2 s 12 , 0 ] T q_3=[L_1c_1+L_2c_{12}, L_1s_1+L_2s_{12},0]^T q3=[L1c1+L2c12,L1s1+L2s12,0]T,其中 c 12 = cos ( θ 1 + θ 2 ) , s 12 = sin ( θ 1 + θ 2 ) c_{12}=\text{cos}(\theta_1+\theta_2),s_{12}=\text{sin}(\theta_1+\theta_2) c12=cos(θ1+θ2),s12=sin(θ1+θ2),那么 v s 3 = ( L 1 s 1 + L 2 s 12 , − L 1 c 1 − L 2 c 1 2 , 0 ) v_{s3}=(L_1s_1+L_2s_{12},-L_1c_1-L_2c_12,0) vs3=(L1s1+L2s12,L1c1L2c12,0).

(4)最后一个关节时移动副, ω s 4 = [ 0 , 0 , 0 ] 2 \omega_{s4}=[0,0,0]^2 ωs4=[0,0,0]2,轴的方向为 v s 4 = [ 0 , 0 , 1 ] 2 v_{s4}=[0,0,1]^2 vs4=[0,0,1]2

J s ( θ ) = [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 L 1 s 1 L 1 s 1 + L 2 s 12 0 0 − L 1 c 1 − L 1 c 1 − L 2 c 12 0 0 0 0 1 ] J_s(\theta)=\left[ \begin{matrix} 0 & 0 & 0& 0\\ 0 &0 &0 &0\\ 1 & 1 &1 & 0\\ 0 &L_1s_1 &L_1s_1+L_2s_{12}&0\\ 0 &-L_1c_1& -L_1c_1-L_2c_{12}&0\\ 0 & 0& 0 &1 \end{matrix}\right] Js(θ)=001000001L1s1L1c10001L1s1+L2s12L1c1L2c120000001
Example 2: 计算如图的RRPRRR空间机器人的空间雅可比。


(1)第一个轴线始终保持不变, ω s 1 = [ 0 , 0 , 1 ] 2 \omega_{s1}=[0,0,1]^2 ωs1=[0,0,1]2,选择 q 1 = [ 0 , 0 , L 1 ] 2 q_1=[0,0,L1]^2 q1=[0,0,L1]2,得到 w s 1 = − ω s 1 × q 1 = [ 0 , 0 , 0 ] T w_{s1}=-\omega_{s1}\times q_1=[0,0,0]^T ws1=ωs1×q1=[0,0,0]T

(2)第二个关节的轴线随 θ 1 \theta_1 θ1变化, ω s 2 = [ − c 1 , − s 1 , 0 ] 2 \omega_{s2}=[-c_1,-s_1,0]^2 ωs2=[c1,s1,0]2 ,选择 q 1 = ( 0 , 0 , L 1 ) q_1=(0,0,L_1) q1=(0,0,L1) ,那么 v s 2 = − ω s 2 × q 2 = [ L 1 s 1 , − L 1 c 1 , 0 ] v_{s2}=-\omega_{s2}\times q_2=[L_1s_1,-L_1c_1,0] vs2=ωs2×q2=[L1s1,L1c1,0]

(3)第三个关节是移动副,因此 ω s 3 = [ 0 , 0 , 0 ] T \omega_{s3}=[0,0,0]^T ωs3=[0,0,0]T,轴线方向

v s 3 = R o t ( z ^ , θ 1 ) R o t ( x ^ , − θ 2 ) [ 0 , 1 , 0 ] T = [ − s 1 c 2 , c 1 c 2 , − s 2 ] T v_{s3}=Rot(\hat z,\theta_1)Rot(\hat x,-\theta_2)[0,1,0]^T=[-s_1c_2,c_1c_2,-s_2]^T vs3=Rot(z^,θ1)Rot(x^,θ2)[0,1,0]T=[s1c2,c1c2,s2]T

q w = [ 0 0 L 1 ] + R o t ( z ^ , θ 1 ) R o t ( x ^ , − θ 2 ) [ 0 L 2 + θ 3 0 ] = [ − ( L 2 + θ 3 ) s 1 c 2 ( L 2 + θ 3 ) c 1 c 2 L 1 − ( L 2 + θ 3 ) s 2 ] q_w=\left[ \begin{matrix} 0\\ 0\\ L_1 \end{matrix}\right] +Rot(\hat z,\theta_1)Rot(\hat x,-\theta_2) \left[ \begin{matrix} 0\\ L_2+\theta_3\\ 0 \end{matrix}\right] =\left[ \begin{matrix} -(L_2+\theta_3)s_1c_2\\ (L_2+\theta_3)c_1c_2\\ L_1-(L_2+\theta_3)s_2 \end{matrix}\right] qw=00L1+Rot(z^,θ1)Rot(x^,θ2)0L2+θ30=(L2+θ3)s1c2(L2+θ3)c1c2L1(L2+θ3)s2
ω s 4 = R o t ( z ^ , θ 1 ) R o t ( x ^ , − θ 2 ) [ 0 0 1 ] = [ − s 1 s 2 c 1 s 2 c 2 ] , ω s 5 = R o t ( z ^ , θ 1 ) R o t ( x ^ , − θ 2 ) R o t ( z ^ , θ 4 ) [ − 1 0 0 ] = [ − c 1 c 4 + s 1 c 2 s 4 − s 1 c 4 − c 1 c 2 s 4 s 2 s 4 ] , ω s 6 = R o t ( z ^ , θ 1 ) R o t ( x ^ , − θ 2 ) R o t ( z ^ , θ 4 ) R o t ( x ^ , − θ 5 ) [ 0 1 0 ] = [ − c 5 ( s 1 c 2 c 4 + c 1 s 4 ) + s 1 s 2 s 5 c 5 ( c 1 c 2 c 4 − s 1 s 4 ) − c 1 s 2 s 5 − s 2 c 4 c 5 − c 2 s 5 ] \omega_{s4}=Rot(\hat z,\theta_1)Rot(\hat x,-\theta_2) \left[ \begin{matrix} 0\\ 0\\ 1 \end{matrix}\right] =\left[ \begin{matrix} -s_1s_2\\ c_1s_2\\ c_2 \end{matrix}\right],\\ \omega_{s5}=Rot(\hat z,\theta_1)Rot(\hat x,-\theta_2)Rot(\hat z,\theta_4) \left[ \begin{matrix} -1\\ 0\\ 0 \end{matrix}\right] =\left[ \begin{matrix} -c_1c_4+s_1c_2s_4\\ -s_1c_4-c_1c_2s_4\\ s_2s_4 \end{matrix}\right],\\ \omega_{s6}=Rot(\hat z,\theta_1)Rot(\hat x,-\theta_2)Rot(\hat z,\theta_4)Rot(\hat x,-\theta_5) \left[ \begin{matrix} 0\\ 1\\ 0 \end{matrix}\right]\\ =\left[ \begin{matrix} -c_5(s_1c_2c_4+c_1s_4)+s_1s_2s_5\\ c_5(c_1c_2c_4-s_1s_4)-c_1s_2s_5\\ -s_2c_4c_5-c_2s_5 \end{matrix}\right] ωs4=Rot(z^,θ1)Rot(x^,θ2)001=s1s2c1s2c2,ωs5=Rot(z^,θ1)Rot(x^,θ2)Rot(z^,θ4)100=c1c4+s1c2s4s1c4c1c2s4s2s4,ωs6=Rot(z^,θ1)Rot(x^,θ2)Rot(z^,θ4)Rot(x^,θ5)010=c5(s1c2c4+c1s4)+s1s2s5c5(c1c2c4s1s4)c1s2s5s2c4c5c2s5
J s ( θ ) = [ ω s 1 ω s 2 0 ω s 4 ω s 5 ω s 6 0 − ω s 2 × q 2 v s 3 − ω s 4 × q w − ω s 5 × q w − ω s 6 × q w ] J_s(\theta)=\left[ \begin{matrix} \omega_{s1}&\omega_{s2}&0 &\omega_{s4}&\omega_{s5}& \omega_{s6}\\ 0&-\omega_{s2}\times q_2 & v_{s3}&-\omega_{s4}\times q_w &-\omega_{s5}\times q_w& -\omega_{s6}\times q_w \end{matrix}\right] Js(θ)=[ωs10ωs2ωs2×q20vs3ωs4ωs4×qwωs5ωs5×qwωs6ωs6×qw]


基于指数坐标计算雅可比的算法,我已用C语言实现,包括两个函数JacobianBody和JacobianSpace 。下面只列出这两个函数的实现。代码不断更新迭代,完整的最新源码参见github–链接

 * @brief			Description: Algorithm module of robotics, according to the
 *					book[modern robotics : mechanics, planning, and control].
 * @file:			RobotAlgorithmModule.c
 * @author:			Brian
 * @date:			2019/03/01 12:23
 * Copyright(c) 	2019 Brian. All rights reserved.
 * Contact
 * @warning: 		

*@brief Description: Computes the body Jacobian Jb(theta) in 6×n given a list of joint screws Bi 
expressed in the body frame and a list of joint angles.
*@param[in]		Blist		The joint screw axes in the end - effector frame when the manipulator is 
*							at the home position, in the format of a matrix with the screw axes as the row.
*@param[in]		thetalist	A list of joint coordinates.
*@param[out]	Jb			Body Jacobian matrix.
*@return        No return value.
*@note:			 when Blist and Jb are matrixes ,make sure that columns number of Slist or Jb is equal to JointNum,
*				 rows number of Slist or Jb is 6 .The function call should be written as
*				 JacobianSpace(JointNum,(double *)Slist,thetalist,(double *)Jb).
void JacobianBody(int JointNum,double *Blist, double *thetalist,double *Jb)
	int i;
	int j;
	int k;
	double T1[4][4];
	double T2[4][4];
	double se3mat[4][4];
	double V[6];
	double AdT[6][6];
	double T[4][4] = {
	//Fist column of Jbn.
	for (i=0;i<6;i++)
		Jb[i*JointNum+JointNum -1] = Blist[i*JointNum + JointNum-1];
	//Jbi for i=n-1,n-2,...,1.
	for (i= JointNum -2;i>=0;i--)
		for (j=0;j<6;j++)
			V[j] = -1.0*Blist[j*JointNum+i+1];
		VecTose3(V, se3mat);
		Matrix4MultValue(se3mat, thetalist[i + 1], se3mat);
		MatrixExp6(se3mat, T1);
		Matrix4Mult(T, T1,T2);
		Matrix4Equal(T2, T);
		Adjoint(T, AdT);
		for (j=0;j<6; j++)
			Jb[j*JointNum + i] = 0;
			for (k=0;k<6;k++)
				Jb[j*JointNum + i] = Jb[j*JointNum + i] + AdT[j][k] * Blist[k*JointNum + i];
	return ;

*@brief			Description:Computes the space Jacobian Js(theta) in R6 x n given a list of joint screws Si 
*				expressed in the fixed space frame and a list of joint angles.
*@param[in]		Slist		The joint screw axes expressed in the fixed space frame when the manipulator is
*							at the home position, in the format of a matrix with the screw axes as the column.
*@param[in]		thetalist	A list of joint coordinates.
*@param[out]	Js			Space Jacobian matrix.
*@return		 No return value.
*@note:			 when Slist and Js are matrixes ,make sure that columns number of Slist or Js is equal to JointNum,
*				 rows number of Slist or Js is 6 .The function call should be written as 
*				 JacobianSpace(JointNum,(double *)Slist,thetalist,(double *)Js).
void JacobianSpace(int JointNum, double *Slist, double *thetalist, double *Js)
	int i;
	int j;
	int k;
	double T1[4][4];
	double T2[4][4];
	double se3mat[4][4];
	double V[6];
	double AdT[6][6];
	double T[4][4] = {
	//Fist column of Js.
	for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
		Js[i*JointNum + 0] = Slist[i*JointNum + 0];
	//Jsi for i=2,3,...,n.
	for (i = 1; i <JointNum; i++)
		for (j = 0; j < 6; j++)
			V[j] = Slist[j*JointNum + i - 1];
		VecTose3(V, se3mat);
		Matrix4MultValue(se3mat, thetalist[i - 1], se3mat);
		MatrixExp6(se3mat, T1);
		Matrix4Mult(T, T1, T2);
		Matrix4Equal(T2, T);
		Adjoint(T, AdT);
		for (j = 0; j < 6; j++)
			Js[j*JointNum + i] = 0;
			for (k = 0; k < 6; k++)
				Js[j*JointNum + i] = Js[j*JointNum + i] + AdT[j][k] * Slist[k*JointNum + i];


Kenvin M. Lynch , Frank C. Park, Modern Robotics Mechanics,Planning , and Control. May 3, 2017





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