[题解]ADS11 Approximation

1.Suppose ALG is an α-approximation algorithm for an optimization problem Π whose approximation ratio is tight. Then for every ϵ>0 there is no (α−ϵ)-approximation algorithm for Π unless P = NP.
F, 按照我的理解,可能会有近似比更小的算法。

2.As we know there is a 2-approximation algorithm for the Vertex Cover problem. Then we must be able to obtain a 2-approximation algorithm for the Clique problem, since the Clique problem can be polynomially reduced to the Vertex Cover problem.
T, reduce to 就算<=,如果CP<=VC, VC有近似比为2的算法,那么CP也有

3.For the bin-packing problem: let S=∑Si. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

A.The number of bins used by the next-fit heuristic is never more than ⌈2S⌉

B.The number of bins used by the first-fit heuristic is never more than ⌈2S⌉

C.The next-fit heuristic leaves at most one bin less than half full

D.The first-fit heuristic leaves at most one bin less than half full

NF近似比是2,其他的近似比都比2小。Next fit可能有多个半空的bit,因为如果永远往前放,不会回头放之前的,所以是C,而FF会检查之前所有位,因此如果有两个半空的,它们会放在一起。

4.To approximate a maximum spanning tree T of an undirected graph G=(V,E) with distinct edge weights w(u,v) on each edge (u,v)∈E, let’s denote the set of maximum-weight edges incident on each vertex by S. Also let w(E′)=∑​(u,v)∈E​′​​, w(u,v) for any edge set E′. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.S=T for any graph G

B.S≠T for any graph G

C.w(T)≥w(S)/2 for any graph G

D.None of the above

C, 题目的意思是,如果把每个点最大权值的边加入一个集合,那么这个集合的权值和最大生成树权值之比是多少。注意,点的最大权值边集合意味着集合里相同的边最多出现一次。


假如存在环,设边为e1,e2,e3,…ej, 点为p1, …pj


5.Assume that you are a real world Chinese postman, which have learned an awesome course “Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis” (ADS). Given a 2-dimensional map indicating N positions pi(xi​​ ,y​i) of your post office and all the addresses you must visit, you’d like to find a shortest path starting and finishing both at your post office, and visit all the addresses at least once in the circuit. Fortunately, you have a magic item “Bamboo copter & Hopter” from “Doraemon”, which makes sure that you can fly between two positions using the directed distance (or displacement).

Bamboo.jpg (“Bamboo copter & Hopter”, japan12.com/bamboo-copter-hopter)

However, reviewing the knowledge in the ADS course, it is an NPC problem! Wasting too much time in finding the shortest path is unwise, so you decide to design a 2−approximation algorithm as follows, to achieve an acceptable solution.

Compute a minimum spanning tree T connecting all the addresses.
Regard the post office as the root of T.
Start at the post office.
Visit the addresses in order of a _____ of T.
Finish at the post office.
There are several methods of traversal which can be filled in the blank of the above algorithm. Assume that P≠NP, how many methods of traversal listed below can fulfill the requirement?

Level-Order Traversal
Pre-Order Traversal
Post-Order Traversal






6.An approximation scheme that runs in O ( n 2 / ϵ ) O(n^2/ϵ) O(n2/ϵ) for any fixed ϵ>0 is a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme.

T, 如果 1 / ϵ 1/\epsilon 1/ϵ也是多项式级别的,那么就算是full

7.An approximation scheme that runs in O ( n 2 3 ϵ ) O(n^23^ϵ) O(n23ϵ) for any fixed ϵ>0 is a polynomial-time approximation scheme.

T, 只要是n是多项式级别的就可以。

8.In the bin packing problem, we are asked to pack a list of items L to the minimum number of bins of capacity 1. For the instance L, let FF(L) denote the number of bins used by the algorithm First Fit. The instance L′ is derived from L by deleting one item from L. Then FF(L​′) is at most of FF(L).

F, 如果是NF则是F, yds说的。

9.For the 0-1 version of the Knapsack problem, if we are greedy on taking the maximum profit or profit density, then the resulting profit must be bounded below by the optimal solution minus the maximum profit.



10.An (1+ϵ)-approximation scheme of time complexity ( n + 1 / ϵ ) 3 (n+1/ϵ)^3 (n+1/ϵ)3 is a PTAS but not an FPTAS.


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