ROS – 初级练习中遇到的问题记录
- 执行rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node,出现
“QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display”
- 执行rosnode list,出现
ERROR: Unable to communicate with master!
解决: 教程中示例讲解为,执行 roscore,另开一个终端执行 rosnode list,既能显示结果为 /rosout,而非ERROR出现的
- 执行roscore ,出现
roscore cannot run as another roscore/master is already running.
Please kill other roscore/master processes before relaunching.
解决:killall -9 roscore 或者 killall -9 rosmaster
- NameError : AddTwoIntResponse is not defined
解决: 自己粗心了,示例代码是AddTwoIntsResponse,,自己写的少了个s
- 执行 roswtf,提示了关于node的error,如下
执行rosnode kill 后,再去执行roswtf,还是会出现同样问题
解决: 先彻底清除roscore 后,再执行roswtf,将不会再出现类似问题
- roslaunch 启动节点出现 [roslaunch][ERROR] OSError(8, Exec format error),,If it is a script, you may be missing a ‘#!’ Declaration at the top
- 写了个测试节点发数据,原有节点接收数据时,出现
WARN] [1511259980.900398]: Could not process inbound connection: [/rosbridge_websocket] is not a publisher of [/ui_action]. Topics are [[’/text_to_speech’, ‘std_msgs/String’], [’/speech_to_text’, ‘std_msgs/String’], [’/rosout’, ‘rosgraph_msgs/Log’]]{‘message_definition’: ‘string data\n’, ‘callerid’: ‘/rosbridge_websocket’, ‘tcp_nodelay’: ‘0’, ‘md5sum’: ‘992ce8a1687cec8c8bd883ec73ca41d1’, ‘topic’: ‘/ui_action’, ‘type’: ‘std_msgs/String’}
解决: 发送节点的topic类型设置错误导致,修改后正常