【图像重建】双目视觉图像三维重建【含Matlab源码 4029期】






%% Clean the slate
% The demo here in the main.html document can be run directly from main.m
% In this section the memory is cleared, some parameters are set, and the
% original images are loaded and displayed.
close all

% Setting up parameters and filenames
params.VERBOSE = 1; %Get more plots out (True or False)
params.PLANE = 3; %Which plane of the RGB is of interest to us for opperations on a single plane
params.BLACK_BACKGROUND = 1; %Images have a black background (True or False)
params.map = copper(256); %Set colormap to something that is similar to wood
params.number_angular_divisions = 2^7; %Powers of two are faster FFT
params.number_radial_divisions = 40; %Arbitrary constant
base_filename = ‘dowel01.jpg’; %Filename of non-moving image
move_filename = ‘dowel02.jpg’; %Filename of image that will move to the base image

base_image = imread(base_filename); %reads in the image
move_image = imread(move_filename); %reads in the image

% Data visualization.
title(’ ͼ ')
title('ͼ ƶ ')
set (gcf, ‘color’, ‘w’)

%% Correct the X and Y displacements
% The two images are displaced from each other in the X and Y direcions.
% First the X and Y direction will be corrected by lining up the centroids
% of the two images.
% Method: First mask the image from background then find
% centroid of the image. Finally center the image based
% on its centroid.

base_plane_of_interest = base_image(:,:,params.PLANE);
%Must use a single layer grayscale for most operations. Blue plane is best
%contrast for these images
base_bw_plane_of_interest = im2bw(base_plane_of_interest, graythresh(base_plane_of_interest));
%Turn to binary based on threshold gotten from graythresh
base_plane_of_interest_segmented = bwmorph(base_bw_plane_of_interest, ‘open’);
base_binary_mask = imfill (base_plane_of_interest_segmented, ‘holes’);
%fill it in

% Get some data about the new region
base_properties = regionprops(real(base_binary_mask),‘all’);
base_centroid_row = round(base_properties.Centroid(2));
base_centroid_col = round(base_properties.Centroid(1));

% Place a dot at the centroid, one for each layer
base_image(base_centroid_row, base_centroid_col, 1) = 255;
base_image(base_centroid_row, base_centroid_col, 2) = 255;
base_image(base_centroid_row, base_centroid_col, 3) = 255;

% Nice to have image be 0dd number of pixels in each diension
base_image = make_odd_by_odd(base_image);
base_binary_mask = make_odd_by_odd(base_binary_mask);
% Grab the new size
[base_num_rows, base_num_cols, base_num_layers] = size(base_image);

% Where is the center of the image?
base_goal_row = (base_num_rows - 1) / 2 + 1;
base_goal_col = (base_num_cols - 1) / 2 + 1;

% how much do I need to move to center this?
base_delta_rows = base_goal_row - base_centroid_row;
base_delta_cols = base_goal_col - base_centroid_col;

%shift the images to be centered
base_image = circshift(base_image , [base_delta_rows, base_delta_cols]);
base_binary_mask = circshift(base_binary_mask, [base_delta_rows, base_delta_cols]);

% Same thing for the second image. In production code this would be in
% a function, but this script was made for seminar presentation where all
% the code should be visible.
% Begin repeated code -------------------------------------
move_plane_of_interest = move_image(:,:,params.PLANE);
move_bw_plane_of_interest = im2bw(move_plane_of_interest, graythresh(move_plane_of_interest));
move_plane_of_interest_segmented = bwmorph(move_bw_plane_of_interest, ‘open’);
move_binary_mask = imfill (move_plane_of_interest_segmented, ‘holes’);
move_properties = regionprops(real(move_binary_mask),‘all’);
move_centroid_row = round(move_properties.Centroid(2));
move_centroid_col = round(move_properties.Centroid(1));
move_image(move_centroid_row, move_centroid_col, 1) = 255;
move_image(move_centroid_row, move_centroid_col, 2) = 255;
move_image(move_centroid_row, move_centroid_col, 3) = 255;
move_image = make_odd_by_odd(move_image);
move_binary_mask = make_odd_by_odd(move_binary_mask);
[move_num_rows, move_num_cols, move_num_layers] = size(move_image);
move_goal_row = (move_num_rows - 1) / 2 + 1;
move_goal_col = (move_num_cols - 1) / 2 + 1;
move_delta_rows = move_goal_row - move_centroid_row;
move_delta_cols = move_goal_col - move_centroid_col;
move_image = circshift(move_image , [move_delta_rows, move_delta_cols]);
move_binary_mask = circshift(move_binary_mask, [move_delta_rows, move_delta_cols]);
% End of repeated code -------------------------------------

% Data visualization
title(’ ͼ ‘)
title(’ ƶ ͼ ')
set (gcf, ‘color’, ‘w’)


% Data visualization
title(’ Ķ ‘)
title(’ ƶ Ķ ')
set (gcf, ‘color’, ‘w’)

%% Convert the data from X-Y coordinates to Theta-Radius coordinates
% This section transforms the image such that each set of pixels that radiate
% out at a given angle from the centroid become a vertical line in a new image.
% These images can then be ‘slid’ left and right across each other to
% find the highest correlation between the images.

[base_radii, base_theta, base_intensity] = image2angularintesity(base_binary_mask, rgb2gray(base_image), params);
set (gcf, ‘color’, ‘w’)

[move_radii, move_theta, move_intensity] = image2angularintesity(move_binary_mask, rgb2gray(move_image), params);
set (gcf, ‘color’, ‘w’)

%% Find the angular displacement by using frequency domain mathematics
% The Fast Fourier Tranform has some nice properties that allow the
% angle of highest correlation be found quickly and cleanly.
% The three dimensional plot of correlation as a function of
% angle and radius can be used to figure out which angular shift
% yields the highest correlation between the two images.
% Looking at the graph, it can be seen that most of the radius
% have reached a consenus as to which angular shift should be used, however
% some of the angles of smaller radius tend to disagree. Because the
% smaller radii have less pixels, their votes are less informed, so must be
% given less weight in the final decision as to the proper angular shift.

BI = fft(base_intensity); %Base Intensity FFT
MI = fft(move_intensity); %Move Intensity FFT
CI = conj(BI) .* (MI); %Correlation Intensity FFT
ci = real(ifft(CI)); %Correlation out of FFT space
nci = ci; %normalized correlation being built
nci = nci - repmat(mean(nci), size(nci,1), 1); % normalized correlation removes the mean value

h = surf(move_radii(:,2:end), move_theta(:,2:end), nci(:,2:end));
set (h, ‘linestyle’, ‘none’)
title(’ ͼ ‘)
xlabel(’ 뾶’)
ylabel(’ Ƕ ‘)
zlabel(’ ')
shading interp
set (gcf, ‘color’, ‘w’)

% Find the peak correlation
[value_of_correlation, indice_of_peak_correlation_at_given_radius] = max(ci);
% Do voting to find out how much to shift by
index_of_peak_correlation = best_correlation_index(indice_of_peak_correlation_at_given_radius, params);

%% Correct the theta displacement
% The angle decided upon in the previous section is now used as the input
% argument to an IMROTATE command which will rotate the image as needed.

% mathmatical housekeeping
degrees_per_step = 360 / params.number_angular_divisions;
angle_to_shift = index_of_peak_correlation * degrees_per_step;

% Finally rotate the images (mask and the image itself)
rotated_image = imrotate(move_image , angle_to_shift,‘bicubic’,‘crop’);
rotated_binary_mask = imrotate(move_binary_mask, angle_to_shift,‘bicubic’,‘crop’);

% Data visualization
title(’ ͼ ')

title([‘ͼ תby ’ num2str(angle_to_shift) ’ degrees’])

title(‘ͼ ת’)
set (gcf, ‘color’, ‘w’)





1 matlab版本

2 参考文献
[1]马林.基于双目视觉的图像三维重建[D].山东大学. 2018

3 备注

🍅 仿真咨询
1 各类智能优化算法改进及应用

1.1 PID优化
1.2 VMD优化
1.3 配电网重构
1.4 三维装箱
1.5 微电网优化
1.6 优化布局
1.7 优化参数
1.8 优化成本
1.9 优化充电
1.10 优化调度
1.11 优化电价
1.12 优化发车
1.13 优化分配
1.14 优化覆盖
1.15 优化控制
1.16 优化库存
1.17 优化路由
1.18 优化设计
1.19 优化位置
1.20 优化吸波
1.21 优化选址
1.22 优化运行
1.23 优化指派
1.24 优化组合
1.25 车间调度
1.26 生产调度
1.27 经济调度
1.28 装配线调度
1.29 水库调度
1.30 货位优化
1.31 公交排班优化
1.32 集装箱船配载优化
1.33 水泵组合优化
1.34 医疗资源分配优化
1.35 可视域基站和无人机选址优化

2 机器学习和深度学习分类与预测
2.1 机器学习和深度学习分类
2.1.1 BiLSTM双向长短时记忆神经网络分类
2.1.2 BP神经网络分类
2.1.3 CNN卷积神经网络分类
2.1.4 DBN深度置信网络分类
2.1.5 DELM深度学习极限学习机分类
2.1.6 ELMAN递归神经网络分类
2.1.7 ELM极限学习机分类
2.1.8 GRNN广义回归神经网络分类
2.1.9 GRU门控循环单元分类
2.1.10 KELM混合核极限学习机分类
2.1.11 KNN分类
2.1.12 LSSVM最小二乘法支持向量机分类
2.1.13 LSTM长短时记忆网络分类
2.1.14 MLP全连接神经网络分类
2.1.15 PNN概率神经网络分类
2.1.16 RELM鲁棒极限学习机分类
2.1.17 RF随机森林分类
2.1.18 SCN随机配置网络模型分类
2.1.19 SVM支持向量机分类
2.1.20 XGBOOST分类

2.2 机器学习和深度学习预测
2.2.1 ANFIS自适应模糊神经网络预测
2.2.2 ANN人工神经网络预测
2.2.3 ARMA自回归滑动平均模型预测
2.2.4 BF粒子滤波预测
2.2.5 BiLSTM双向长短时记忆神经网络预测
2.2.6 BLS宽度学习神经网络预测
2.2.7 BP神经网络预测
2.2.8 CNN卷积神经网络预测
2.2.9 DBN深度置信网络预测
2.2.10 DELM深度学习极限学习机预测
2.2.11 DKELM回归预测
2.2.12 ELMAN递归神经网络预测
2.2.13 ELM极限学习机预测
2.2.14 ESN回声状态网络预测
2.2.15 FNN前馈神经网络预测
2.2.16 GMDN预测
2.2.17 GMM高斯混合模型预测
2.2.18 GRNN广义回归神经网络预测
2.2.19 GRU门控循环单元预测
2.2.20 KELM混合核极限学习机预测
2.2.21 LMS最小均方算法预测
2.2.22 LSSVM最小二乘法支持向量机预测
2.2.23 LSTM长短时记忆网络预测
2.2.24 RBF径向基函数神经网络预测
2.2.25 RELM鲁棒极限学习机预测
2.2.26 RF随机森林预测
2.2.27 RNN循环神经网络预测
2.2.28 RVM相关向量机预测
2.2.29 SVM支持向量机预测
2.2.30 TCN时间卷积神经网络预测
2.2.31 XGBoost回归预测
2.2.32 模糊预测
2.2.33 奇异谱分析方法SSA时间序列预测

2.3 机器学习和深度学习实际应用预测

3 图像处理方面
3.1 图像边缘检测
3.2 图像处理
3.3 图像分割
3.4 图像分类
3.5 图像跟踪
3.6 图像加密解密
3.7 图像检索
3.8 图像配准
3.9 图像拼接
3.10 图像评价
3.11 图像去噪
3.12 图像融合
3.13 图像识别
3.13.1 表盘识别
3.13.2 车道线识别
3.13.3 车辆计数
3.13.4 车辆识别
3.13.5 车牌识别
3.13.6 车位识别
3.13.7 尺寸检测
3.13.8 答题卡识别
3.13.9 电器识别
3.13.10 跌倒检测
3.13.11 动物识别
3.13.12 二维码识别
3.13.13 发票识别
3.13.14 服装识别
3.13.15 汉字识别
3.13.16 红绿灯识别
3.13.17 虹膜识别
3.13.18 火灾检测
3.13.19 疾病分类
3.13.20 交通标志识别
3.13.21 卡号识别
3.13.22 口罩识别
3.13.23 裂缝识别
3.13.24 目标跟踪
3.13.25 疲劳检测
3.13.26 旗帜识别
3.13.27 青草识别
3.13.28 人脸识别
3.13.29 人民币识别
3.13.30 身份证识别
3.13.31 手势识别
3.13.32 数字字母识别
3.13.33 手掌识别
3.13.34 树叶识别
3.13.35 水果识别
3.13.36 条形码识别
3.13.37 温度检测
3.13.38 瑕疵检测
3.13.39 芯片检测
3.13.40 行为识别
3.13.41 验证码识别
3.13.42 药材识别
3.13.43 硬币识别
3.13.44 邮政编码识别
3.13.45 纸牌识别
3.13.46 指纹识别

3.14 图像修复
3.15 图像压缩
3.16 图像隐写
3.17 图像增强
3.18 图像重建

4 路径规划方面
4.1 旅行商问题(TSP)
4.1.1 单旅行商问题(TSP)
4.1.2 多旅行商问题(MTSP)
4.2 车辆路径问题(VRP)
4.2.1 车辆路径问题(VRP)
4.2.2 带容量的车辆路径问题(CVRP)
4.2.3 带容量+时间窗+距离车辆路径问题(DCTWVRP)
4.2.4 带容量+距离车辆路径问题(DCVRP)
4.2.5 带距离的车辆路径问题(DVRP)
4.2.6 带充电站+时间窗车辆路径问题(ETWVRP)
4.2.3 带多种容量的车辆路径问题(MCVRP)
4.2.4 带距离的多车辆路径问题(MDVRP)
4.2.5 同时取送货的车辆路径问题(SDVRP)
4.2.6 带时间窗+容量的车辆路径问题(TWCVRP)
4.2.6 带时间窗的车辆路径问题(TWVRP)
4.3 多式联运运输问题

4.4 机器人路径规划
4.4.1 避障路径规划
4.4.2 迷宫路径规划
4.4.3 栅格地图路径规划

4.5 配送路径规划
4.5.1 冷链配送路径规划
4.5.2 外卖配送路径规划
4.5.3 口罩配送路径规划
4.5.4 药品配送路径规划
4.5.5 含充电站配送路径规划
4.5.6 连锁超市配送路径规划
4.5.7 车辆协同无人机配送路径规划

4.6 无人机路径规划
4.6.1 飞行器仿真
4.6.2 无人机飞行作业
4.6.3 无人机轨迹跟踪
4.6.4 无人机集群仿真
4.6.5 无人机三维路径规划
4.6.6 无人机编队
4.6.7 无人机协同任务
4.6.8 无人机任务分配

5 语音处理
5.1 语音情感识别
5.2 声源定位
5.3 特征提取
5.4 语音编码
5.5 语音处理
5.6 语音分离
5.7 语音分析
5.8 语音合成
5.9 语音加密
5.10 语音去噪
5.11 语音识别
5.12 语音压缩
5.13 语音隐藏

6 元胞自动机方面
6.1 元胞自动机病毒仿真
6.2 元胞自动机城市规划
6.3 元胞自动机交通流
6.4 元胞自动机气体
6.5 元胞自动机人员疏散
6.6 元胞自动机森林火灾
6.7 元胞自动机生命游戏

7 信号处理方面
7.1 故障信号诊断分析
7.1.1 齿轮损伤识别
7.1.2 异步电机转子断条故障诊断
7.1.3 滚动体内外圈故障诊断分析
7.1.4 电机故障诊断分析
7.1.5 轴承故障诊断分析
7.1.6 齿轮箱故障诊断分析
7.1.7 三相逆变器故障诊断分析
7.1.8 柴油机故障诊断

7.2 雷达通信
7.2.1 FMCW仿真
7.2.2 GPS抗干扰
7.2.3 雷达LFM
7.2.4 雷达MIMO
7.2.5 雷达测角
7.2.6 雷达成像
7.2.7 雷达定位
7.2.8 雷达回波
7.2.9 雷达检测
7.2.10 雷达数字信号处理
7.2.11 雷达通信
7.2.12 雷达相控阵
7.2.13 雷达信号分析
7.2.14 雷达预警
7.2.15 雷达脉冲压缩
7.2.16 天线方向图
7.2.17 雷达杂波仿真

7.3 生物电信号
7.3.1 肌电信号EMG
7.3.2 脑电信号EEG
7.3.3 心电信号ECG
7.3.4 心脏仿真

7.4 通信系统
7.4.1 DOA估计
7.4.2 LEACH协议
7.4.3 编码译码
7.4.4 变分模态分解
7.4.5 超宽带仿真
7.4.6 多径衰落仿真
7.4.7 蜂窝网络
7.4.8 管道泄漏
7.4.9 经验模态分解
7.4.10 滤波器设计
7.4.11 模拟信号传输
7.4.12 模拟信号调制
7.4.13 数字基带信号
7.4.14 数字信道
7.4.15 数字信号处理
7.4.16 数字信号传输
7.4.17 数字信号去噪
7.4.18 水声通信
7.4.19 通信仿真
7.4.20 无线传输
7.4.21 误码率仿真
7.4.22 现代通信
7.4.23 信道估计
7.4.24 信号检测
7.4.25 信号融合
7.4.26 信号识别
7.4.27 压缩感知
7.4.28 噪声仿真
7.4.29 噪声干扰

7.5 无人机通信

7.6 无线传感器定位及布局方面
7.6.1 WSN定位
7.6.2 高度预估
7.6.3 滤波跟踪
7.6.4 目标定位 Dv-Hop定位 RSSI定位 智能算法优化定位
7.6.5 组合导航

8 电力系统方面





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


