免疫分析 | IOBR2肿瘤微环境--第一节转录组数据预处理


应用自己的转录组数据(推荐临床队列数据),也可以挖掘公共TCGA数据库或者GEO数据库。这里主要介绍了数据的处理,当然不局限于免疫分析,还可以作为: **1.下载公共数据库的包,GEO数据下载,TCGA数据下载。 2.整理公共数据库的包。归一化,TPM一键矫正等等。 3.质量控制,PCA分析等等。 4.新人入手可以直接用于熟悉转录组分析的基本流程**




if (!requireNamespace("IOBR", quietly = TRUE))  devtools::install_github("IOBR/IOBR")
if (!requireNamespace("tidyverse", quietly = TRUE))  BiocManager::install("tidyverse")
if (!requireNamespace("clusterProfiler", quietly = TRUE))  BiocManager::install("clusterProfiler")


安装完成后,在 R 会话中加载 IOBR 包:



从 GEO Gastric cancer: GSE62254 获取数据集 使用 R 包。GEOquery

if (!requireNamespace("GEOquery", quietly = TRUE))  BiocManager::install("GEOquery")
# NOTE: This process may take a few minutes which depends on the internet connection speed. Please wait for its completion.
eset_geo<-getGEO(GEO     = "GSE62254", getGPL  = F, destdir = "./")
eset    <-eset_geo[[1]]
eset    <-exprs(eset)
##           GSM1523727 GSM1523728 GSM1523729 GSM1523744 GSM1523745
## 1007_s_at  3.2176645  3.0624323  3.0279131   2.921683  2.8456013
## 1053_at    2.4050109  2.4394879  2.2442708   2.345916  2.4328582
## 117_at     1.4933412  1.8067380  1.5959665   1.839822  1.8326058
## 121_at     2.1965561  2.2812181  2.1865556   2.258599  2.1874363
## 1255_g_at  0.8698382  0.9502466  0.8125414   1.012860  0.9441993



# Load the annotation file `anno_hug133plus2` in IOBR.
## # A tibble: 6 × 2
##   probe_id  symbol 
##   &lt;fct&gt;     &lt;fct&gt;  
## 1 1007_s_at MIR4640
## 2 1053_at   RFC2   
## 3 117_at    HSPA6  
## 4 121_at    PAX8   
## 5 1255_g_at GUCA1A 
## 6 1294_at   MIR5193
# Load the annotation file `anno_grch38` in IOBR.
##                id eff_length        gc entrez   symbol chr     start       end
## 1 ENSG00000000003       4536 0.3992504   7105   TSPAN6   X 100627109 100639991
## 2 ENSG00000000005       1476 0.4241192  64102     TNMD   X 100584802 100599885
## 3 ENSG00000000419       9276 0.4252911   8813     DPM1  20  50934867  50958555
## 4 ENSG00000000457       6883 0.4117391  57147    SCYL3   1 169849631 169894267
## 5 ENSG00000000460       5970 0.4298157  55732 C1orf112   1 169662007 169854080
## 6 ENSG00000000938       3382 0.5644589   2268      FGR   1  27612064  27635277
##   strand        biotype
## 1     -1 protein_coding
## 2      1 protein_coding
## 3     -1 protein_coding
## 4     -1 protein_coding
## 5      1 protein_coding
## 6     -1 protein_coding
##                                                                                                  description
## 1                                                          tetraspanin 6 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:11858]
## 2                                                            tenomodulin [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:17757]
## 3 dolichyl-phosphate mannosyltransferase polypeptide 1, catalytic subunit [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:3005]
## 4                                               SCY1-like, kinase-like 3 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:19285]
## 5                                    chromosome 1 open reading frame 112 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:25565]
## 6                          FGR proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:3697]
# Load the annotation file `anno_gc_vm32` in IOBR for mouse RNAseq data
##                   id eff_length        gc symbol      mgi_id      gene_type
## 1 ENSMUSG00000000001       3262 0.4350092  Gnai3   MGI:95773 protein_coding
## 2 ENSMUSG00000000003        902 0.3481153   Pbsn MGI:1860484 protein_coding
## 3 ENSMUSG00000000028       3506 0.4962921  Cdc45 MGI:1338073 protein_coding
## 4 ENSMUSG00000000031       2625 0.5588571    H19   MGI:95891         lncRNA
## 5 ENSMUSG00000000037       6397 0.4377052  Scml2 MGI:1340042 protein_coding
## 6 ENSMUSG00000000049       1594 0.5050188   Apoh   MGI:88058 protein_coding
##       start       end transcript_id  ont
## 1 108014596 108053462          &lt;NA&gt; &lt;NA&gt;
## 2  76881507  76897229          &lt;NA&gt; &lt;NA&gt;
## 3  18599197  18630737          &lt;NA&gt; &lt;NA&gt;
## 4 142129262 142131886          &lt;NA&gt; &lt;NA&gt;
## 5 159865521 160041209          &lt;NA&gt; &lt;NA&gt;
## 6 108234180 108305222          &lt;NA&gt; &lt;NA&gt;

对于数组数据:HGU133PLUS-2 (Affaymetrix)

# Conduct gene annotation using `anno_hug133plus2` file; If identical gene symbols exists, these genes would be ordered by the mean expression levels. The gene symbol with highest mean expression level is selected and remove others. 

eset<-anno_eset(eset       = eset,
                annotation = anno_hug133plus2,
                symbol     = "symbol",
                probe      = "probe_id",
                method     = "mean")
eset[1:5, 1:3]
##              GSM1523727 GSM1523728 GSM1523729
## SH3KBP1        4.327974   4.316195   4.351425
## RPL41          4.246149   4.246808   4.257940
## EEF1A1         4.293762   4.291038   4.262199
## COX2           4.250288   4.283714   4.270508
## LOC101928826   4.219303   4.219670   4.213252



# Remove the version numbers in Ensembl ID.
eset_stad$Ensembl_ID<-substring(eset_stad$Ensembl_ID, 1, 15)
eset_stad<-column_to_rownames(eset_stad, var = "Ensembl_ID")

# Revert back to original format because the data from UCSC was log2(x+1)transformed.

eset_stad<-count2tpm(countMat = eset_stad, idType = "Ensembl", org="hsa", source = "local" )



以 ACRG 微阵列数据为例

res <- find_outlier_samples(eset = eset, project = "ACRG", show_plot = TRUE)

## [1] "GSM1523817" "GSM1523858" "GSM1523984" "GSM1523988" "GSM1524030"


eset1 <- eset[, !colnames(eset)%in%res]


data("pdata_acrg", package = "IOBR")
res<- iobr_pca(data       = eset1,
              is.matrix   = TRUE,
              scale       = TRUE,
              is.log      = FALSE,
              pdata       = pdata_acrg, 
              id_pdata    = "ID", 
              group       = "Subtype",
              geom.ind    = "point", 
              cols        = "normal",
              palette     = "jama", 
              repel       = FALSE,
              ncp         = 5,
              axes        = c(1, 2),
              addEllipses = TRUE)
##       CIN       EBV       EMT        GS       MSI MSS/TP53- MSS/TP53+ 
##         0         0        42         0        68       106        79 
## [1] "&gt;&gt;== colors for group: "



从 GEO Gastric cancer: GSE57303 使用 R 包获取另一个数据集。GEOquery

# NOTE: This process may take a few minutes which depends on the internet connection speed. Please wait for its completion.
eset_geo<-getGEO(GEO     = "GSE57303", getGPL  = F, destdir = "./")
eset2    <-eset_geo[[1]]
eset2    <-exprs(eset2)
##           GSM1379261 GSM1379262 GSM1379263 GSM1379264 GSM1379265
## 1007_s_at    8.34746    9.67994    8.62643    8.59301    8.63046
## 1053_at      5.07972    4.46377    5.29685    5.78983    4.33359
## 117_at       5.65558    4.48732    4.21615    5.47984    5.20816
## 121_at       5.95123    7.09056    6.19903    5.89872    5.91323
## 1255_g_at    1.66923    1.98758    1.73083    1.56687    1.63332


eset2<-anno_eset(eset       = eset2,
                 annotation = anno_hug133plus2,
                 symbol     = "symbol",
                 probe      = "probe_id",
                 method     = "mean")
eset2[1:5, 1:5]
##         GSM1379261 GSM1379262 GSM1379263 GSM1379264 GSM1379265
## ND4        13.1695    13.1804    13.0600    12.4544    13.0457
## ATP6       13.1433    13.0814    13.0502    12.4831    13.1168
## SH3KBP1    12.9390    13.1620    12.9773    12.8745    13.1169
## COX2       13.0184    13.0489    12.8621    12.7489    12.9732
## RPL41      13.0201    12.6034    12.7929    13.0153    12.9404
eset_com <- remove_batcheffect( eset1       = eset1,  
                                eset2       = eset2,   
                                eset3       = NULL,
                                id_type     = "symbol",
                                data_type   = "array", 
                                cols        = "normal", 
                                palette     = "jama", 
                                log2        = TRUE, 
                                check_eset  = TRUE,
                                adjust_eset = TRUE,
                                repel       = FALSE,
                                path        = "result")
## eset1 eset2 
##   295    70 
## [1] "&gt;&gt;== colors for group: "
## eset1 eset2 
##   295    70 
## [1] "&gt;&gt;== colors for group: "

## [1] 21752   365


data("eset_stad", package = "IOBR")
##                 TCGA-BR-6455 TCGA-BR-7196 TCGA-BR-8371 TCGA-BR-8380
## ENSG00000000003         8006         2114          767         1556
## ENSG00000000005            1            0            5            5
## ENSG00000000419         3831         2600         1729         1760
## ENSG00000000457         1126          745         1040         1260
## ENSG00000000460          857          463          231          432
## ENSG00000000938          758         1126          557          557
##                 TCGA-BR-8592 TCGA-BR-8686 TCGA-BR-A4IV TCGA-BR-A4J4
## ENSG00000000003         2806         2923         1524         7208
## ENSG00000000005           60            1           22            2
## ENSG00000000419         2273         1934         2838         4418
## ENSG00000000457         1814          707         1683         1335
## ENSG00000000460          635          323          270          423
## ENSG00000000938          828          666          760          597
##                 TCGA-BR-A4J9 TCGA-FP-7916
## ENSG00000000003          711         2747
## ENSG00000000005            0            3
## ENSG00000000419         2426         2824
## ENSG00000000457         1590         1672
## ENSG00000000460          276          773
## ENSG00000000938          370          688
data("eset_blca", package = "IOBR")
##                 TCGA-2F-A9KO TCGA-2F-A9KP TCGA-2F-A9KQ TCGA-2F-A9KR
## ENSG00000000003         6092        11652         5426         4383
## ENSG00000000005            0            4            1            1
## ENSG00000000419         3072         2656         1983         2061
## ENSG00000000457         1302          984         1134         1092
## ENSG00000000460          779          924          421          386
## ENSG00000000938          436          116          312          590
##                 TCGA-2F-A9KT
## ENSG00000000003         3334
## ENSG00000000005            0
## ENSG00000000419         2930
## ENSG00000000457          496
## ENSG00000000460          318
## ENSG00000000938          362
eset_com <- remove_batcheffect(eset_stad, eset_blca, id_type = "ensembl", data_type = "count")
## Found 2 batches
## Using null model in ComBat-seq.
## Adjusting for 0 covariate(s) or covariate level(s)
## Estimating dispersions
## Fitting the GLM model
## Shrinkage off - using GLM estimates for parameters
## Adjusting the data
## Warning in count2tpm(countMat = combined.expr.combat, idType = id_type, :
## >>>--- Omit 1263 genes of which length is not available !
## eset1 eset2 
##    10     5 
## [1] "&gt;&gt;== colors for group: "
## eset1 eset2 
##    10     5 
## [1] "&gt;&gt;== colors for group: "
## eset1 eset2 
##    10     5 
## [1] "&gt;&gt;== colors for group: "

  • List item
# The returned matrix is the count matrix after removing the batches.
##                 TCGA-BR-6455 TCGA-BR-7196 TCGA-BR-8371 TCGA-BR-8380
## ENSG00000000003        10264         3536         1710         2964
## ENSG00000000005            1            0            4            5
## ENSG00000000419         4500         3099         2111         2167
## ENSG00000000457         1203          707         1106         1353
## ENSG00000000460         1059          590          310          560
## ENSG00000000938          731         1202          507          485
##                 TCGA-BR-8592 TCGA-BR-8686 TCGA-BR-A4IV TCGA-BR-A4J4
## ENSG00000000003         4761         3964         3115         9565
## ENSG00000000005           33            1           14            3
## ENSG00000000419         2782         2270         3444         5176
## ENSG00000000457         2089          817         1845         1469
## ENSG00000000460          810          405          368          548
## ENSG00000000938          769          723          677          532
##                 TCGA-BR-A4J9 TCGA-FP-7916 TCGA-2F-A9KO TCGA-2F-A9KP
## ENSG00000000003         1739         4371         2812         6796
## ENSG00000000005            0            3            0           10
## ENSG00000000419         2943         3362         2189         1849
## ENSG00000000457         1804         2044          994          817
## ENSG00000000460          371          959          495          584
## ENSG00000000938          281          654          456          156
##                 TCGA-2F-A9KQ TCGA-2F-A9KR TCGA-2F-A9KT
## ENSG00000000003         1971         1429         1057
## ENSG00000000005            1            1            0
## ENSG00000000419         1355         1420         2094
## ENSG00000000457          916          876          438
## ENSG00000000460          251          230          190
## ENSG00000000938          353          604          383


Wang et al., (2019). The UCSCXenaTools R package: a toolkit for accessing genomics data from UCSC Xena platform, from cancer multi-omics to single-cell RNA-seq. Journal of Open Source Software, 4(40), 1627, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.01627
Zhang et al., ComBat-seq: batch effect adjustment for RNA-seq count data, NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics, Volume 2, Issue 3, September 2020, lqaa078, https://doi.org/10.1093/nargab/lqaa078IF:
Leek, J. T., et al., (2012). The sva package for removing batch effects and other unwanted variation in high-throughput experiments. Bioinformatics, 28(6), 882-883.
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