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%% Beynon zone plate

% OPTICS LETTERS / Vol. 17, No. 7 / April 1, 1992


% This file generates the Beynon zone plate, which behaves exactly like 

% Gabor zone plate with a single focus. In contrast to Gabor plate, 

% the Beynon plate has binary transmittance function, 

% this makes it attractive for practical applications where continuous 

% analog functions are difficult to use.


close all;

% clear all;


N = 40;                     % number of angular Sectors (technically you can input small numbers, but for your own responsibility)

lambda = .6328;             % light wavelength [um]

f = 5000;                   % focal length [um]

D = 500;                   % zone plate diameter [um] (aperture)

%% Some precalculations

R = D/2;                    % zone plate outer radius [um] 

r = sqrt(lambda*f);         % fist zone radius

rhores = R*10;              % radial resolution

phires = 3600;            % angular resolution

halfalpha = pi/N;           % half-angle of sector

rho = linspace(0,R,rhores);         % polar coordinates (radial)

phi = linspace(0,2*pi,phires);      % polar coordinates (angular)

theta = halfalpha * sin(pi*(rho/r).^2/2).^2; % transmittance function in polar coordinates

theta(rhores) = 0;          % by this string last value forced to zero, that required for polymesh generation (small negligible error occur)

X=rho.*cos(theta);          % return to Cartesian coordinates

Y=rho.*sin(theta);          % return to Cartesian coordinates

%% Drawing of the Beynon zone plate with aperture 2*R, N-number of angular sectors and with f-foci distance 


pgon1 = polyshape(X,Y);         % upper halfsector

pgon2 = polyshape(X,-Y);        % lower halfsector

sector = union(pgon1,pgon2);    % one complite sector

alpha =360/N;                   % angle in degrees between conjugated sectors 

for n1=1:(N+1)*2

sector = rotate(sector,alpha);


axis equal;

hold on




title('Beynon zone plate');

% exportgraphics(gcf,'Beynon.tiff','Resolution',600);

% saveas(gcf,'Beynon.png')

⛄ 运行结果


⛄ 参考文献

[1]李兆国, 孟令彪, 周民杰,等. 自支撑二值化Beynon-Gabor波带片的制备及其单级聚焦特性[J]. 物理学报, 2016(12):7.

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