这是一个 模板测试材质管理类。可为每个 Graphic 动态地创建其自定义的模板测试材质。
目前,UGUI 中只有 Mask 组件在进行遮罩时用了它。
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
namespace UnityEngine.UI
// Dynamic material class makes it possible to create custom materials on the fly on a per-Graphic basis, and still have them get cleaned up correctly.
// 模板测试材质管理类,可为每个 Graphic 动态地创建其自定义的模板测试材质,并使它们能够得到正确清理。
public static class StencilMaterial
private class MatEntry
public Material baseMat;
public Material customMat;
public int count;
public int stencilId;
public StencilOp operation = StencilOp.Keep;
public CompareFunction compareFunction = CompareFunction.Always;
public int readMask;
public int writeMask;
public bool useAlphaClip;
public ColorWriteMask colorMask;
private static List<MatEntry> m_List = new List<MatEntry>(); //保存自定义模板测试材质项的列表
[Obsolete("Use Material.Add instead.", true)]
public static Material Add(Material baseMat, int stencilID) { return null; }
// Add a new material using the specified base and stencil ID.
// 用指定的 baseMat 和 stencilID 生成一个新的材质。
// 重载方法。
public static Material Add(Material baseMat, int stencilID, StencilOp operation, CompareFunction compareFunction, ColorWriteMask colorWriteMask)
return Add(baseMat, stencilID, operation, compareFunction, colorWriteMask, 255, 255);
// Add a new material using the specified base and stencil ID.
// 用指定的 baseMat 和 stencilID 生成一个新的材质。
// 重载方法。
public static Material Add(Material baseMat, int stencilID, StencilOp operation, CompareFunction compareFunction, ColorWriteMask colorWriteMask, int readMask, int writeMask)
if ((stencilID <= 0 && colorWriteMask == ColorWriteMask.All) || baseMat == null)
return baseMat; //参数无效,返回 baseMat
if (!baseMat.HasProperty("_Stencil"))
Debug.LogWarning("Material " + baseMat.name + " doesn't have _Stencil property", baseMat);
return baseMat; //baseMat 不包含属性 "_Stencil",返回 baseMat。
if (!baseMat.HasProperty("_StencilOp"))
Debug.LogWarning("Material " + baseMat.name + " doesn't have _StencilOp property", baseMat);
return baseMat; //baseMat 不包含属性 "_StencilOp",返回 baseMat。
if (!baseMat.HasProperty("_StencilComp"))
Debug.LogWarning("Material " + baseMat.name + " doesn't have _StencilComp property", baseMat);
return baseMat; //baseMat 不包含属性 "_StencilComp",返回 baseMat。
if (!baseMat.HasProperty("_StencilReadMask"))
Debug.LogWarning("Material " + baseMat.name + " doesn't have _StencilReadMask property", baseMat);
return baseMat; //baseMat 不包含属性 "_StencilReadMask",返回 baseMat。
if (!baseMat.HasProperty("_StencilWriteMask"))
Debug.LogWarning("Material " + baseMat.name + " doesn't have _StencilWriteMask property", baseMat);
return baseMat; //baseMat 不包含属性 "_StencilWriteMask",返回 baseMat。
if (!baseMat.HasProperty("_ColorMask"))
Debug.LogWarning("Material " + baseMat.name + " doesn't have _ColorMask property", baseMat);
return baseMat; //baseMat 不包含属性 "_ColorMask",返回 baseMat。
for (int i = 0; i < m_List.Count; ++i)
MatEntry ent = m_List[i];
if (ent.baseMat == baseMat
&& ent.stencilId == stencilID
&& ent.operation == operation
&& ent.compareFunction == compareFunction
&& ent.readMask == readMask
&& ent.writeMask == writeMask
&& ent.colorMask == colorWriteMask)
++ent.count; //引用计数+1
return ent.customMat; //若已存在相同的,则返回已有的。
var newEnt = new MatEntry();
newEnt.count = 1; //引用计数=1
newEnt.baseMat = baseMat;
newEnt.customMat = new Material(baseMat);
newEnt.customMat.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; //不在层级面板上显示并不能保存到场景(通常用于物体由某脚本创建并纯粹在它的控制之下,不随场景销毁)。
newEnt.stencilId = stencilID;
newEnt.operation = operation;
newEnt.compareFunction = compareFunction;
newEnt.readMask = readMask;
newEnt.writeMask = writeMask;
newEnt.colorMask = colorWriteMask;
newEnt.useAlphaClip = operation != StencilOp.Keep && writeMask > 0; //只要模板测试操作不是Keep 且 writeMask > 0,则启用透明度裁剪。
newEnt.customMat.name = string.Format("Stencil Id:{0}, Op:{1}, Comp:{2}, WriteMask:{3}, ReadMask:{4}, ColorMask:{5} AlphaClip:{6} ({7})", stencilID, operation, compareFunction, writeMask, readMask, colorWriteMask, newEnt.useAlphaClip, baseMat.name);
//具体要查看 UI-Default.shader。官网下载 Built-in-Shaders:https://unity.cn/releases/lts
newEnt.customMat.SetInt("_Stencil", stencilID);
newEnt.customMat.SetInt("_StencilOp", (int)operation);
newEnt.customMat.SetInt("_StencilComp", (int)compareFunction);
newEnt.customMat.SetInt("_StencilReadMask", readMask);
newEnt.customMat.SetInt("_StencilWriteMask", writeMask);
newEnt.customMat.SetInt("_ColorMask", (int)colorWriteMask);
newEnt.customMat.SetInt("_UseUIAlphaClip", newEnt.useAlphaClip ? 1 : 0);
//设置材质的宏 UNITY_UI_ALPHACLIP,以控制是否启用透明度裁剪。 若启用将执行 clip (color.a - 0.001);
if (newEnt.useAlphaClip)
return newEnt.customMat;
// Remove an existing material, automatically cleaning it up if it's no longer in use.
// 移除一个已存在的材质,如果不再使用,自然清理。
// 注意!:自然清理指应在不使用的时候调用移除,不是说StencilMaterial会自动清理不再使用的。
public static void Remove(Material customMat)
if (customMat == null)
for (int i = 0; i < m_List.Count; ++i) //遍历列表查找
MatEntry ent = m_List[i];
if (ent.customMat != customMat)
if (--ent.count == 0) //引用计数-1, 若已无任何引用则销毁移除
Misc.DestroyImmediate(ent.customMat); //将引用的材质立即销毁
ent.baseMat = null;
m_List.RemoveAt(i); //从列表中移除
// 清理全部
public static void ClearAll()
for (int i = 0; i < m_List.Count; ++i) //遍历列表依次处理
MatEntry ent = m_List[i];
Misc.DestroyImmediate(ent.customMat); //将引用的材质立即销毁
ent.baseMat = null;
m_List.Clear(); //清空列表