[论文精读]Contrastive Graph Neural Network Explanation

论文网址:[2010.13663] Contrastive Graph Neural Network Explanation (arxiv.org)

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2.1. Abstract

2.2. Introduction

2.3. Related work

2.4. Method

2.5. Experiments

2.5.1. CoGE Implementation

2.5.2. Qualitative Analysis

2.6. Conclusion

3. Reference

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2. 论文逐段精读

2.1. Abstract

        ①They think occlusion fail for one elimination results large difference

        ②They called the situation as Distribution Compliant Explanation (DCE), and they only use data consistent with the training distribution for model interpretation

        ③They proposed a Contrastive GNN Explanation (CoGE) technique

2.2. Introduction

        ①⭐Occlusion can be used in GNN explaination, but it's too extreme that one node might greatly change the structure of a sparse graph

        ②⭐Excluding one edge in a graph may cause disconnective graph

        ③⭐CoGE searches the similarity between nodes in the same label and dissimilarity between nodes in different label

        ④Edge explaination methods:

2.3. Related work

(1)Graph Neural Networks

(2)Explainability Methods for Graphs

(3)Adversarial Graph Attacks

2.4. Method


        ①Considering undirected graph G=\left ( V ,E \right ) with node set V and edge set E

        ②Feature matrix X

(2)Explanations for graph classification

        ①They measure the similarity by Optimal Transport (OT) distance

        ②A example of how to calculate the distance between left graph and the middle graph:

each node holds a weight and all the weigts in one graph equals to 1. The capacity of one node is the weight. The cost of transport is the source weight multiples the distance (L2 distance)

        ③They aim to find a weight:

w_{opt}(G)=\arg\min_{w}\mathcal{L}_{w}^{\neq }(G)-\mathcal{L}_{w}^{\approx}(G)+\mathcal{L}_{w}^{=}(G)


where the first term means the average distance of the k most similar graph with different label, the second term is the average distance of the k most similar graph with the same label, the third term is the distance between weighted graph G and its uniformly-weighted version. 

        ④The formal loss:

\begin{aligned} &\mathcal{L}_{W}^{\neq }(G) =\frac{1}{k}\sum_{H\in\mathbb{G}_{k}^{\neq}}d_{W}(Z_{G},Z_{H}) \\ &\mathcal{L}_{W}^{\approx}(G) =\frac{1}{k}\sum_{H\in\mathbb{G}_{k}^{\approx}}d_{W}(Z_{G},Z_{H}) \\ &\mathcal{L}_{W}^{=}(G) =d_W(Z_G,Z_G) \end{aligned}


2.5. Experiments

2.5.1. CoGE Implementation

        ①Number of compared graphs: k=10

        ②Optimizer: Adam

        ③Learning rate: 0.1, only 0.01 for REDDIT

2.5.2. Qualitative Analysis

        ①Graph classification dataset: MUTAG (4337 chemical molecules) and REDDIT-BINARY (2000 Reddit threads)

        ②GNN: GIN

        ③The most important structure in MUTAG:

where the left denotes the original graph, the middle denotes the similar graph with the same label, the right one is the similar graph with different label

        ④The most important structure in REDDIT-BINARY:

where the number denotes the degree

2.5.3. Quantitative Analysis


        ①Node classification dataset: CYCLIQ

        ②Aiming: finding how many of the x most important edges are in the loop or cluster

(2)Experiment Setup

        ①GNN: GCN with 5 layers

        ②Embedding size: 20

        ③Edge features: NONE

        ④Split: 80%/20% train/test


        ①Performance on CYCLIQ dataset:


        ①Loss ablation:

and they also tried euclidean distance on the weighted average on the node embeddings (L and Average) and got a worse result

2.6. Conclusion

        They aim to further apply it in node classification

3. Reference

Faber, L., Moghaddam, A. K., & Wattenhofer, R. (2020) 'Contrastive Graph Neural Network Explanation', ICML Workshop on Graph Representation Learning and Beyond. doi: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2010.13663

Attentive Contrastive Learning Network(关注对比学习网络)是一种用于无监督学习的深度学习模型。它的主要目标是从大规模无标签数据中学习到有意义的特征表示,以便在后续任务中获得更好的性能。 该网络的核心概念是关注和对比学习。关注机制能够帮助网络在数据中发现关键的信息,提高对重要特征的注意力。对比学习则通过将数据样本与其他样本进行比较来学习特征表示。这种对比学习方式可以使网络区分不同的样本,从而为模型提供更多的信息。 Attentive Contrastive Learning Network首先通过卷积神经网络(CNN)或其他预训练模型提取原始图像或数据的特征表示。然后,网络利用关注机制,对这些特征进行加权和选择,以便聚焦在最具信息量的特征上。这样可以减少噪声和冗余,提高模型的鲁棒性和泛化能力。 接下来,网络使用对比损失函数来学习特征表示。对于每个样本,网络将其与其他样本进行对比,并计算它们之间的相似度或差异度量。通过最小化相似样本间的距离和最大化差异样本间的距离,网络可以学习到能够区分样本的特征表示。这种对比学习方式激励网络挖掘数据中的隐藏结构和语义信息。 总体而言,Attentive Contrastive Learning Network是一种强大的方法,可以在无监督学习中学习到数据的有效特征表示。通过关注机制和对比学习,网络能够提取并聚焦在数据中的重要特征上,从而提高后续任务的性能。这种方法在计算机视觉、自然语言处理等领域具有广泛的应用前景。




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