
Chapter1 Introduction

AMBA AHB is a bus interface suitable for high-performance synthesizable designs.
AMBA AHB是一种适合高性能可合成设计的总线接口。
AHB: Advanced High-performance Bus ( 高级高性能总线 )
应用场景:针对高效率,高频宽所设计的总线,可以连接微处理器,片内或片外的内存模块,以及 DMA 等高效模块,可以构成完整独立的 SOC 系统

1.1 AHB Block Diagram

Figure 1-1 shows only the main address and data buses and typical data routing. Not all signals are shown.


Decoder监控Master 的地址选择到对应的Slave


1.1.1 master

A Manager provides address and control information to initiate read and write operations. Figure 1-2 shows a Manager interface.


Figure 1-2 manager interface

 从图1-2可以看到的是,左面的信号是slave 反馈给master的信号;右边的信号是master发送给slave的信号。

1.1.2 slave

A Subordinate responds to transfers initiated by Managers in the system. The Subordinate uses the HSELx select signal from the decoder to control when it responds to a bus transfer.

 Figure 1-3 Subordinate interface


1.1.3 interconnect 


1.2 revisions


1.3 operation

The Manager starts a transfer by driving the address and control signals. These signals provide information about the address, direction, width of the transfer, and indicate if the transfer forms part of a burst. Transfers can be:

  • Single.
  • Incrementing bursts that do not wrap at address boundaries.
  • Wrapping bursts that wrap at particular address boundaries.
The write data bus moves data from the Manager to a Subordinate, and the read data bus moves data from a Subordinate to the Manager.

Every transfer consists of:

Address phase                            :One address and control cycle.
Data phase                                  :One or more cycles for the data.

A Subordinate cannot request that the address phase is extended and therefore all Subordinates must be capable of sampling the address during this time. However, a Subordinate can request that the Manager extends the data phase by using HREADY. This signal, when LOW, causes wait states to be inserted into the transfer and enables the Subordinate to have extra time to provide or sample data.

The Subordinate uses HRESP to indicate the success or failure of a transfer.


Chapter2 Singal Descriptions

All AHB-Lite and AHB5 signals are prefixed with the letter H to differentiate them from other similarly named signals in a system design.

2.1 Global signals

Each component uses a single clock signal, HCLK. All input signals are sampled on the rising edge of HCLK. All output signal changes must occur after the rising edge of HCLK.

The reset signal, HRESETn, is the only active LOW signal in the protocol and is the primary reset for all bus elements. The reset can be asserted asynchronously, but is deasserted synchronously after the rising edge of HCLK.

2.2 master signals

Table 2-2 lists the protocol signals generated by a Manager.




2.2.1 Burst operation

Bursts of 4, 8, and 16-beats, undefined length bursts, and single transfers are defined in this protocol. It supports incrementing and wrapping bursts:

  •         Incrementing bursts access sequential locations and the address of each transfer in the burst is an increment of the previous address.递增的突发访问顺序位置,突发中每个传输的地址是前一个地址的增量。
  •         Wrapping bursts wrap when they cross an address boundary. The address boundary is calculated as the product of the number of beats in a burst and the size of the transfer. The number of beats are controlled by HBURST and the transfer size is controlled by HSIZE.

For example, a four-beat wrapping burst of word (4-byte) accesses wraps at 16-byte boundaries. 4个WORD! Therefore, if the start address of the burst is 0x34, then it consists of four transfers to addresses 0x34, 0x38, 0x3C, and 0x30.

Four-beat incrementing burst, INCR4

Managers must not attempt to start an incrementing burst that crosses a 1KB address boundary.

HBURST[2:0] controls the burst type. Table 3-4 lists the possible burst types.

====================================== ==================================



2.2.2 Transfer size

 HSIZE[2:0] indicates the size of a data transfer. Table 3-2 lists the possible transfer sizes.


NOTE: The transfer size set by HSIZE must be less than or equal to the width of the data bus. For example, with a 32-bit data bus, HSIZE must only use the values 0b000, 0b001, or 0b010.


2.2.3 Transfer types

Table 3-1 lists the transfers that can be classified into one of four types, as controlled by HTRANS[1:0].


2.2.4 WRITE and WDATA



2.3 Slave Signal 

Table 2-3 lists the protocol signals generated by a Subordinate (slave).





2.3.2 HRESP

2.4 Decoder signals

2.5 Multiplexor signals 

Table 2-5 lists the protocol signals generated by the multiplexor.


Chapter3 Transfers

3.1 Basic transfer

A transfer consists of two phases:

Address                         Lasts for a single HCLK cycle unless it is extended by the previous bus transfer.

Data                                 Might require several HCLK cycles. Use the HREADY signal to control the number of clock cycles required to complete the transfer.

HWRITE controls the direction of data transfer to or from the Manager. Therefore, when:

HWRITE is HIGH, it indicates a write transfer and the Manager broadcasts data on the write data bus, HWDATA.

HWRITE is LOW, a read transfer is performed, and the Subordinate must generate the data on the read data bus, HRDATA.

3.1.1 no wait

The simplest transfer is one with no wait states, so the transfer consists of one address cycle and one data cycle.

Figure 3-1 shows a simple read transfer and Figure 3-2 shows a simple write transfer.

3.1.2 with wait

 Figure 3-3 shows a read transfer with two wait states.

 Figure 3-4 shows a write transfer with one wait state.





Figure Transfer with no wait state






Figure AHB transfer with wait

3.1.3 multiple transfer

When a transfer is extended in this way, it has the side-effect of extending the address phase of the next transfer.
Figure 3-5 shows three transfers to unrelated addresses, A, B, and C with an extended address phase for address C

Figure 3-6 shows the use of the NONSEQ, BUSY, and SEQ transfer types.


T0-T1 The 4-beat read starts with a NONSEQ transfer.
T1-T2 The Manager is unable to perform the second beat and inserts a BUSY transfer to delay the start of the second beat.
The Subordinate provides the read data for the first beat.
T2-T3 The Manager is now ready to start the second beat, so a SEQ transfer is signaled. The Manager ignores any data that the Subordinate provides on the read data bus.
T3-T4 The Manager performs the third beat.
The Subordinate provides the read data for the second beat.
T4-T5 The Manager performs the last beat.
The Subordinate is unable to complete the transfer and uses HREADYOUT to insert a single wait
T5-T6 The Subordinate provides the read data for the third beat.
T6-T7 The Subordinate provides the read data for the last beat.

 Table 3-1 Transfer type encoding

3.2 Burst examples

3.2.1 Four-beat wrapping burst, WRAP4

Figure 3-8 shows a write transfer using a four-beat wrapping burst, with a wait state added for the first transfer.

Because the burst is a four-beat burst of word transfers, the address wraps at 16-byte boundaries, and the transfer to address 0x3C is followed by a transfer to address 0x30.

3.3.2 Four-beat incrementing burst, INCR4

Figure 3-9 shows a read transfer using a four-beat incrementing burst, with a wait state added for the first transfer. In this case, the address does not wrap at a 16-byte boundary and the address 0x3C is followed by a transfer to address 0x40.


8-beat 8*4=32B-->0x20

起始地址是0x34, 下一个是0x38,下一个是0x3c,下一个是0x40???

0x40=64/32,可以被整除,那么64-32=32. (0x20)就是下一个地址!



关于AHB总线回环突发 wrap burst模式地址的理解_为什么ahb wrap要回环-CSDN博客

3.3 AHB接口Overview 

如果你和我一样,曾经分不清AHB master和slave,请看下面的这几张图。



站在验证角度,如果RTL作为SLAVE的话,uvm agent就可以理解为MASTER. AHB VIP的输出给RTL的输入。







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  • 2
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  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


