SharePoint2016 New Feature(Preview) - 企业合规管理

SharePoint2016中,新增加了一个Site Template - Compliance Policy Center,可以为企业提供SharePoint的合规与风险管理。目前支持用来制定Document deletion策略和DLP策略,通过设置帮助公司企业实现简单的Document Life Cycle和增加信息的安全性。


下面主要对Compliance Policy Center网站的使用和支持情况做介绍:


SharePoint Central Admin\Create Site CollectionEnterprise Tab中可以看到Compliance Policy Center,选择这个Template创建Site Collection,创建后的site collection中包括两个PolicyDeletion PolicyDLP Policy,如下:

Machine generated alternative text:SharePoint System Account SHARE FOLLOW Search this site Document Deletion Policy Center Use the Compllance Policy Center to manage Document Deletion and DLP Porcies to help keep informaton secure In your organization. You can configure porcies to delete content after a specific time, or notlfiy' end users when they share sensitive content These porcies can then be assigned to sites in SharePoint to protect content. The Compliance Policy Center S a SO required ifyou want to protect content in SharePoint using DLP Polices in Office 355 . Learn mo re about Document Deletion Policies-„ Deletion Policies Create and manage deletion policies to delete documents after a specified period Of time. For example, you can set up a policy that deletes documents in a site [ 01 on five years after the documents were created- BROWSE PAGE ITEMS Deletion Policies Deletion Policies Policy Assignments for Templates Policy Assignments for Site Collections DLP Policies DLP Policy Management DLP Policy Assignments for Site Collections Find an item Name Sample MySite Policy Modified 4 days ago Sample Document Policy 4 days ago POI icy Assignments for Templates Assign deletlon policies to site collection templates- All site collections created from the template wil use these policies, unless there's a policy assigned to a specific site collection to override these. Activate Windows Find an item Go to System in Control Panel to activate Windows. Name Modified
  • Deletion Policy:配置SharePoint DocumentLife Cycle
    1. 新建Policy
      1. 进入Deletion Policies中默认有两个针对普通站点和mysite的策略设置实例,可以直接修改使用也可以新建。
Machine generated alternative text:SharePoint BROWSE Deletion Policies Deletion Policies Policy Assignments for Templates Policy Assignments for Site Collections DLP Policies DLP Policy Management DLP Policy Assignments for Site Collections Deletion Policies Create and manage deletion po 廳 i which can delete data after a specified period of time. 孙 e policies can then be assigned to site collections or templates. Polices with a default rule will be automatically applied without any site administration selection required ( new item System Account SHARE FOLLOW Search this site Has Default Rule Modified By Modified Description This policy template contains a ready made set Of Alles. You can use this policy as is or customize it by changing the rules. When ready, assign th policy to site collection templates or to individual site collections This policy template contains a ready-made set of rules. You can use this policy as is or customize it by changing the rules. When ready, assign th policy to site collection templates or to individual site collections Find an item Name Sample MySite Sample Document Policy System Account 4 days ago System Account 4 days ago
  1. 新建:点击New Item新建Policy,目前只支持两个ActionDelete to Recycle BinPermanently Delete,在判断条件上有时间:Last Modified DataCreated Data两个设置,要执行delete动作的时限设置 xx//日,同时可以设置是否设置为Default规则。
Machine generated alternative text:Deletion Policies Deletion Policies Policy Assign ts for Templates Policy Assignments for Site Collections DLP Policies DLP Policy Management DLP Policy Assignments for Site Collections New: Policy name: Deletio New deletion ru le Name: · Deletion Test Delete action: Delete to Recycle Bin O Permanently Delete Date from when the document deletion date WII be c 引 0 」 ated: Last Modified Date Created Date Tlme perlOd 3 r which the document will be deleted: Years Set as default rule G) Cancel Policy Description Rules for this policy @ № w N m e There are Edit Delete n 0 items Shaw in t
  1. Policy设置在哪些站点生效:此处分两种规则,一种是根据site Template设置,另一种根据Site CollectionURL设置。
    1. 根据site Template方式,点击左边quick launch "Policy Assignments for Templates",在显示的页面选择Template,可以设置普通site Collection选择模板,也可以对OneDrive for Business Template设置,选择完成点击save
Machine generated alternative text:Deletion Policies Deletion Policies Policy Assi nments for Templates Policy Assignments for Site Collections DLP Policies DLP Policy Management DLP Policy Assignments for Site Collections New: Template New or updated policy assignments may Template First [ h005e 3 template No Template has been selected Assigned Policies tvlanage Assigned Policies N m e There are n 0 items Shaw in this Mark Policy Mandatory G) Choose a template O Asslgn to OneDnve for Business Template @ Assign to a Site Collection Template Collaboration Enterprise Publishing Tea m Slte Blog Developer Site ProJect Slte Communlty Slte place work together with a g roup Of people ctlvate WIn Cancel 0 to System in 〔 Search this site
  1. 点击Manage Assigned Policies选择策略。
Machine generated alternative text:Deletion Policies Deletion Policies Policy Assignments for Templates Policy Assignments for Site Collections DLP Policies DLP Policy Management DLP Policy Assignments for Site Collections New: Template Assignment Search this site Default policy O O Cancel Cancel New or updat Template Blog Assigned Manage Assi N m e There are n 0 i Add and manage policies 5 e 囗 囗 VI Name Sample Document Sample MySite 吣 I Deletion Test Description This policy template contains a ready made set of 化 le You can use this policy or customlze it by changlng the rules. When ready, assign this policy to site collection templates or to individual site collections This policy template contains a ready made set of 化 le You can use this policy or 0 tom 层 e it by changlng the rules. When ready, assign this policy to site collection templates or to individual site collections Mark Policy Mandatory G)
  1. 目前来看一种Template只能设置一种或多种策略,新建相同Templatepolicysave时候会有如下提示:
Machine generated alternative text:Choose a template O Asslgn to OneDnve for Business Template @ Assign to a Site Collection Template Collaboration Enterprise Publishing Tea m Slte Blog Developer Site ProJect Slte Communlty Slte place work together with a g roup Of people Error: This template already has policles assigned to it Please select another template to continue. Cancel
  1. 另外一种是Policy Assignments for Site Collections:此处主要是以URL为单位为某些Site Collection进行Policy设置,除了scope判断是基于URL,其他功能和上面Template的设置一样。
Machine generated alternative text:Deletion Policies Deletion Policies Policy Assignments for Templates Policy Assignments for Site Collections DLP Policies DLP Policy Management DLP Policy Assignments for Site Collections New: Site New or updated poli Site collection First [ h005e a site 〔 NO Site Collecti Assigned Polici Collection Assignment Choose a site collection Selected Title N 0 site collections have been selected Search for site collection by URL or name Default 0 , i 〔 y Cancel Cancel tvlanage Assigned Policies Remove Policy Default N m e There are n 0 items Shaw in this View Mark Policy Mandatory G)
  • DLP Policy:能够对SharePoint中内容进行识别,判断当前SharePoint中是否存在敏感信息,比如信用卡号、身份证等个人信息,并对这些数据进行控制和管理,防止信息泄漏问题发生。



  1. 创建DLP Policy:点击DLP Policy Management新建DLP Policy,目前提供了下面列出来的10种预定义设置类型;
Machine generated alternative text:SharePoint BROWSE Deletion Policies Deletion Policies Policy Assignments for Templates Policy Assignments for Site Collections DLP Policies DLP Policy Management DLP Policy Assignments for Site Collections Data Lo Create and manage D ( new item an item Name Descript- There are n 0 items New DLP Policy Name: Choose the template corresponding to the type Of content you want to find: Learn more about these templates. U.S. “ on 引 , Identifiable Information (Pll) Data U.S. Gramm-Leach-Bllley Act (GLBA) PCI Data SecLlrl Standard (PCI DSS) 」 · ( Financial D 日 U.S. Flnancial Data U.K. Personally Identifiable Information (Pll) Data U.K. Data Protectlon Act U.K. Prlvacy and Electronic Communications Regulations U.S. State Social Securlty Number Confidentiality Laws U.S. State Breach Notification Laws About this template: U.K. Financial Da Description: H 回 detect the presence of information commonly considered to be financial information in United Kingdom, including information like credit “ , account information, and debit card numbers. this information: Credit Card Number ELI Debit Card Number SWI FT Code Show results on , if the content contains this many Instances Of a particular sensltive System Account { : SHARE , FOLLOW Search this site query from the eDiscovery Center. -e i 门 一 0 亡 l Go to
  1. 同时,在下面选项可以设置action send report操作。
Machine generated alternative text:New DLP Policy About this template: U.K. Financial Da Description: H 回 detect the presence of information commonly considered to be financial information in United Kingdom, including information like credit “ , account information, and debit card numbers. Protects this information: Credit Card Number ELI Debit Card Number SWI FT Code Show results on , if the content contains this many Instances Of a particular sensltive informat.on type _ for example, five credit card numbers- Send an inc dent report to these people when new content 区 saved or edited: ompliance Officer@hotm × ' ~ · N 丽 , the user with a PO icy tip when documents that contain sensitive information are saved or edited What's a policy tip? øBlock access to the content, but allow the user to override and share the content. Access 区 limited to the site admin and the content's owner and last modifier. Cancel


  1. DLP Policy Assignments for Site Collections中填写要监管的Site Collectionsearchsave
Machine generated alternative text:SharePoint Deletion Policies Deletion Policies Policy Assignments for Templates Policy Assignments for Site Collections DLP Policies DLP Policy Management DLP Policy Assignment for Site Collections New: Site Collection Assignment New or updated poli Site collection First [ h005e a site 〔 NO Site Collection ha Assigned Policie Choose a site collection 卜 tt / / 引 ex 1 6farmb:1101/sites/Durabl. G) Selected Title N 0 site collections have been selected Search for site collection by URL or name Cancel
  1. 之后对于此网站,如果有违反DLP策略的document就会有对应策略执行和建议显示。
Machine generated alternative text:Docu ments u № 0 All 0 um , : “ “ order , , TravelRequestn , , user Oe 区 矗 Sales Order.docx 冫 ^ , 0 this b , 1 conflicts with “ policy in your orgamzatiom ~ PO | tip 0 " g 12 霪 015 , 20 AM 0 y h “ e 1 “ 川 蹙 、 2 区 ' OPEN SHARE 阝 OLLO 、 V Policy tip for 'Sales Order.docx' This Item con 〖 区 With a policy In your organization. C [ 0 item 症 , 0 for everyone except owner last modifier. and the 、 owner. Op 鯽 the item to the u 0 ' dick R 0 , 0 0 “ e the policy or report a probem. Item contains the , 创 嘛 ng 1 e information: Credit 0 d Number, ELI Debit Card Number L"t e 0



通过了解,对于DLP策略执行,目前来看并没有实现对上传/新建/编辑的document进行实时监控,而是通过scheduled job定期check的。

可以通过登录SharePoint Central Admin-> Monitoring->Timer Jobs查询schedule job设置情况。

Machine generated alternative text:SharePoint Timer Links Timer Job Status Scheduled Jobs Running 」 Obs Job Hist0ff Job Definitions Central Administration Application Management System Settlngs Momtonng Backup and Restore Security Upgrade and Migration General Appli Settlngs Apps Office 3b5 Configuration Wizards Job Title Definitions Web Application: http://alexisl 6farmb:1101/ Web Application SharePoint 1 101 SharePoint _ 1 101 SharePoint 1 101 ShareP01nt _ 1 101 ShareP01nt _ 1 1 01 SharePoint _ 1 101 SharePoint 1 101 ShareP01nt _ 1 101 ShareP01nt _ 1 1 01 SharePoint _ 1 101 SharePoint 1 101 SharePoint _ 1 101 SharePoint 1 101 Activ , ha 阳 , , nt , 恤 s System Account SHARE I View: Web Application Schedule Type Monthly Daily Mlnutes weekly Mlnutes Daily Mlnutes D 引 , D 引 , Hourly Disabled Mlnutes Daily Daily Audit Log Trimming Bulk workflow task processing Cell Storage Data Cleanup Timer 」 0b Change Log Compliance Dar Processing Compliance Dar Task House Keeplng Compliance High Priority Policy Processing Compliance Policy Processing Content Orgamzer Processlng Content Type Subscriber Dead Site Delete Deferred access control list updatejob Delete upgrade Evaluation Site Collections job Disk Over Quota Waming Disk Quota Waming Document Chanced Anti-virus Processing GO to h 犭 , Oiht : 1101 , 盐 in 巨 to Weeklie Windows. SharePoint _ 1 101 Disabled

四个schedule job默认情况周期如下,也可根据需要进行调整。



Compliance Dar Processing

Every 10 Minutes

Compliance Dar Task House Keeping

Daily Between 2:00am to 2:30am

Compliance High Priority Policy Processing

Every 15 Minutes

Compliance Policy Processing

Daily Between 3:30am to 4:30am



以上就是对SharePoint2016 IT Proview版本中Compliance Policy Center的介绍,感谢阅读!





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