SharePoint2013 IT Professional - Permission



在规划之前先要很好的把握SharePoint权限的构成要素,包括PermissionPermissionLevelUserGroupSecurable Object,每个元素的职能是什么、能控制到什么范围,使用情景是什么?……很多时候有些人对这些元素的定义是比较混淆的,所以拿出来形象的介绍下。


下面我们来看一下其中一个元素- Permission


Permission主要是权限,赋予执行特定操作的能力。比如拥有"View Items"权限,用户就可以查看List或者Folder里的Item/Document,但是不能Add或者Delete Item/Document


Permission根据可应用的对象分为三类,Site PermissionList PermissionPersonal Permission。所有的Permission我们可以登录Site Collection->Site Settings ->Site Permissions-> Permission Levels-> Add Permission Level看到。

Machine generated alternative text:permissions Choose which permissions to include in this permission v 回 Use the Sdect ^ eck box to 〔 t clear pern 示 点 0 丨 Select the rmi 丨 证 to include in this permission level. Select All List Permissions 囗 Manage Lists _ Create and delete 丞 区 add or remove columns in a list, and add or remove public views ofa list. 囗 Override List Behaviors _ Discard or check in a document which is ch d out to another user, and change or override settings which allow users to read/edit on , their own items 囗 Add Items _ Add items to 区 and add documents to document libraries. [ 〕 Edit Items 一 Edit items in t , edit documents in document libraries, and customize Web Part Pages in document libraries. 囗 Delete Items _ Delete items from a list and documents from a document library. [ 〕 View Items View items in lists and documents in document libraries. [ 〕 Approve Items 一 Approve a minor version Of a list item or document. 囗 Open Items View the source of documents with server-side file handlers. [ 〕 View Versions View past versions Of a list item or document. [ 〕 Delete Versions _ Delete past versions Of a list item or document. [ 〕 Create Alerts _ Create alerts. 囗 View Application Pages View forms, views, and application pages. Enumerate lists.


Machine generated alternative text:Site Permissions [ 〕 Manage Permissions _ Create and change permission levels on the Web site and assign permlssions to users and groups. 囗 View Web Analytics Data _ View reports on Web site usage. [ 〕 Create Subsites _ Create subsites such as team sites, Meeting Workspace sites and Document Workspace sites. 囗 Manage Web Site _ Grants the abilityto perform administration tasks for the Web site well as manage content. 囗 Add and Customize Pages change, or delete HTML pages or Web Part Pages, and edit the Web site using a Microsoft SharePoint Foundation-compatible editor. 囗 Apply Themes and Borders Apply a theme or borders to the entire Web site. 囗 Apply Style Sheets _ Apply a style sheet CCSS to the Web 点 t 巳 囗 囗 囗 囗 囗 囗 囗 囗 囗 囗 囗 Create Groups _ Create a group Of users that can be used anywhere within the site collection. Browse Directories 一 Enumerate files and folders in a Web site using SharePoint Designer and Web DAV interfaces. Use Self-Service Site Creation _ Create a Web site using Self-Service Site Creation. View Pages View pages in a Web site. _ Enumerate permissions on the Web 点 t list, folder, document, or list item. Enumerate permlSSlOns Browse User Information _ View information about users Of the Web site. Manage Alerts Manage alerts for users ofthe Web site. Use Remote Interfaces 一 Use SOAP, Web DAV, the Client Object Model or SharePOint Designer interfaces to access the Web site. Use Client Integration Featu res _ Use features which launch client applications. Without this permission, users will have to wo on documents locally and upload their changes. Open _ lows users to open a Web 点 t 笥 list, or folder in order to access items inside that container. Edit Personal user Information 一 Allows a user to change his or her own user informatlon, such adding a picture. Personal Permissions 囗 囗 囗 Manage “ on 引 Views _ Create, change, and delete personal views of lists. Add/Remove Personal Web Parts Add or remove personal Web Parts on aWeb Part Page. Update Personal Web 鼯 s 一 Update Web Parts to display personalized information.



  1. 在新建的Site Collection,进入Site Settings->Grant Permissions

Machine generated alternative text:SharePoint 〔 0 亡 ion Administrators non 厂 nou ; Acce Vanage BROWSE PERMISSIONS Edit Remove MC 匕 i , Cancel Grant Create P m iC Group H 0 me Documents & Contents EDIT LINKS [ , 〔 he 〔 Share 'demo' Invlte people to 'Edit' Enter names, email add , or 'Everyone'. SHOW OPTIONS Share

  1. 在弹出窗口中输入UserBill,并选择赋予ReadPermission

Machine generated alternative text:Share 'demo' Invlte people to 'Edit' HIDE OPTIONS rovers A demo Members Edit demo Owners (Full Controll demo Visitors (Read) Designers LDesign) Excel Services Viewers IView Only) Hierarchy Managers (Manage Hierarchy) Restricted Readers (Restricted Readl Style Resource Readers ()o Access) Translation Managers (Restricted Interfaces for Translation) Full Control Design Edit Contribute Read View O Approve Manage Hierarchy Restricted Read Restricted Interfaces for Translation

  1. 此时我们通过点击ribbon上面Check Permissions,输入Bill check到这个用户有的全部Permission

Machine generated alternative text:demo: Check Permissions Check Permisslons user/Group: , 0 check permissions for a user or group, entertheir — e—mail Check Is 三 n to Ell/ { 1 # Given directly "Tiew Items, View Pages, View Versions, Use Client Integration Features, Open

  1. 从列出的Permission我们可以知道Bill没有Edit ItemDelete ItemPermission,那我们现在切换用户,用Bill登录site collection看下,点击一个document,可以openview但是没有editdelete的权利,正确没有问题。

Machine generated alternative text:SharePoint LIBRARY demo Documents BROWSE Home Documents FILES All Documents Name SP2013 . doc Find a Changed by [ ] System Account on 3 / 21 / 2016 1 : 37 PM http://w、 Slte Contents OPEN SHARE FOLLOW View Properties Download a Copy Compliance Details Shared With


以上就是SharePoint Permission的介绍,感谢阅读!





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