CS224W: Machine Learning with Graphs
Stanford / Winter 2021
Design features for nodes/links/graphs
Use hand-designed features
For simplicity, we focus on undirected graphs
Traditional ML Pipeline
- Hand-crafted feature + ML model
Node-level Tasks and Features
Goal: Characterize the structure and position of a node in the network
Node Degree
Importance-based features
Structure-based features
k v k_v kv: the degree of node v v v
- Treat all neighboring nodes equally, without capturing their importance
Node Centrality
Importance-based features
c v c_v cv: node centrality of node v v v
Node centrality c v c_v cv takes the node importance in a graph into account
Engienvector Centrality
Engienvector Centrality
Key Idea: A node v v v is important if surrounded by important neighboring nodes u ∈ N ( v ) u \in N(v) u∈N(v)
We model the centrality of node v v v as the sum of the centrality of neighboring nodes
c v = 1 λ ∑ u ∈ N ( v ) c u c_{v}=\frac{1}{\lambda} \sum_{u \in N(v)} c_{u} cv=λ1u∈N(v)∑cu
λ \lambda λ is some positive constant -
上式是以递归形式(Recursive Manner)定义的,将其重写为矩阵形式(Matrix Form)
λ c = A c \lambda \boldsymbol{c}=\boldsymbol{A} \boldsymbol{c} λc=Ac
A \boldsymbol{A} A: (Sub-) Adjacency matrix, A u v = 1 \boldsymbol{A}_{uv} = 1 Auv=1 if u ∈ N ( v ) u \in N(v) u∈N(v); c \boldsymbol{c} c: Centrality vector of node v v v-
The largest eigenvalue λ m a x {\lambda}_{max} λmax is always positive and unique (by Perron-Frobenius Theorem)
The leading eigenvector c m a x \boldsymbol{c}_{max} cmax, which corresponds to the largest eigenvalue λ m a x {\lambda}_{max} λmax, is used for centrality
Betweenness Centrality
Betweenness Centrality
Key Idea: A node is important if it lies on many shortest paths between other nodes (something like transit hub)
Closeness Centrality
Closeness Centrality
Key Idea: A node is important if it has small shortest path lengths to all other nodes (其余节点到该节点的最短路径长度之和越小,该节点越重要,因为这样的节点一般处于中心位置,到其余节点的距离最短)
Clustering Coefficient
Structure-based features
Key Idea: Measures how connected v v v’s neighboring nodes are (衡量节点 v v v的邻居节点的连接程度)
除了与节点 v v v的邻居关系,聚类系数计算过程与节点 v v v本身没有直接的关系
- 以图1为例, e v e_v ev的分子为邻居节点之间的实际连边数,即为6(抹去 v v v以及与其相连的边,剩下的即为邻居节点的边); e v e_v ev的分母为组合数,从 v v v的 k v k_v kv个邻居节点中任选两点进行连边,计算最大连边总数
有根、连接的、非同构子图(Rooted connected non-isomorphic subgraphs)
以2-node graphlet为例,只有一种连接方式,且根节点的位置无论在哪个节点都是同构的,所以只有一种形式的有根连接非同构子图
以3-node graphlet为例,有两种连接方式,在第一种连接方式 G 1 G_1 G1中,根节点在两端以及在中心这两种情况是非同构的,所以 G 1 G_1 G1其实有两种有根连接非同构子图;在第二种连接方式 G 2 G_2 G2中,根节点无论在哪个点都是同构的,所以 G 2 G_2 G2只有一种有根连接非同构子图。总的来说,3-node graphlet共有三种有根连接非同构子图
Graphlet Degree Vector (GDV)
Graphlet-base features for nodes, which counts #(graphlets) that a node touches
Structure-based features
Key Idea: A count vector of graphlets rooted at a given node
如上图所示,只考虑2-3 nodes graphlets,共有四种有根连接非同构子图的形式,根节点分别为 a a a、 b b b、 c c c、 d d d
在计算节点 v v v的GDV时,以 v v v为根节点分别去匹配四种graphlets的形式,并计数
Tips:根节点 c c c的graphlet匹配数为0,因为原图以 v v v为根节点的“三角形”有三条连边,而以 c c c为根节点的graphlet只有两条连边(Graphlets的定义:有根、连接、非同构,缺一不可)
如果考虑2-5 nodes graphlets,那么
捕捉到4跳以内距离(distance of 4 hops)的节点互连关系
Graphlet degree vector (GDV) provides a measure of a node’s local network topology
Link-level Tasks and Features
Goal: To predict new links based on existing links
At test time, all node pairs (no existing links) are ranked, and top K K K node pairs are predicted
Key: To design features for a pair of nodes
Two formulations of the link prediction task
Links missing at random
Remove a random set of links and then aim to predict them
Links over time
Assume that our network evolves over time (e.g. social network) and new links will be added in the future. Give G [ t 0 , t 0 ′ ] G[t_0, t_0'] G[t0,t0′] a graph on edges up to time t 0 ′ t_0' t0′, output a ranked list L L L of links (not in G [ t 0 , t 0 ′ ] G[t_0, t_0'] G[t0,t0′]) that are predicted to appear in G [ t 1 , t 1 ′ ] G[t_1, t_1'] G[t1,t1′]
- Evaluation: Take top n elements of L L L and count correct edges that actually appear in test period [ t 1 , t 1 ′ ] [t_1, t_1'] [t1,t1′]
Link Prediction via Proximity
For each pair of nodes ( x , y ) (x, y) (x,y) compute score c ( x , y ) c(x,y) c(x,y)
- As an example, c ( x , y ) c(x,y) c(x,y) could be the number of common neighbors of x x x and y y y
Sort pairs ( x , y ) (x,y) (x,y) by the decreasing score c ( x , y ) c(x,y) c(x,y)
Predict top n n n pairs as new links
Eval: See which of these links actually appear in G G G
Distance-Based Features
Distance-Based Features
Key Idea: Shortest-path distance between two nodes (两个节点间最短路径的距离)
However, this does not capture the degree of neighborhood overlap (这种方法并没有考虑到两个节点的共同邻居数量)
- ( B , H ) (B, H) (B,H) has 2 shared neighboring nodes, while ( B , E ) (B, E) (B,E) only have 1 such node
Local Neighborhood Overlap
Local Neighborhood Overlap
- Key Idea: Captures the number of neighboring nodes shared between two nodes v 1 v_1 v1 and v 2 v_2 v2 (两节点共同邻居的数量)
Common Neighbors
Common Neighbors
Mathematical Form
∣ N ( v 1 ) ∩ N ( v 2 ) ∣ \left|N\left(v_{1}\right) \cap N\left(v_{2}\right)\right| ∣N(v1)∩N(v2)∣
Example: ∣ N ( A ) ∩ N ( B ) ∣ = ∣ { C } ∣ = 1 |N(A) \cap N(B)|=|\{C\}|=1 ∣N(A)∩N(B)∣=∣{C}∣=1
Jaccard’s Coefficient
Jaccard’s Coefficient
Mathematical Form
∣ N ( v 1 ) ∩ N ( v 2 ) ∣ ∣ N ( v 1 ) ∪ N ( v 2 ) ∣ \frac{\left|N\left(v_{1}\right) \cap N\left(v_{2}\right)\right|}{\left|N\left(v_{1}\right) \cup N\left(v_{2}\right)\right|} ∣N(v1)∪N(v2)∣∣N(v1)∩N(v2)∣
Example: ∣ N ( A ) ∩ N ( B ) ∣ ∣ N ( A ) ∪ N ( B ) ∣ = ∣ { C } ∣ ∣ { C , D } ∣ = 1 2 \frac{|N(A) \cap N(B)|}{|N(A) \cup N(B)|}=\frac{|\{C\}|}{|\{C, D\}|}=\frac{1}{2} ∣N(A)∪N(B)∣∣N(A)∩N(B)∣=∣{C,D}∣∣{C}∣=21
Adamic-Adar Index
Adamic-Adar Index
Mathematical Form
∑ u ∈ N ( v 1 ) ∩ N ( v 2 ) 1 log ( k u ) \sum_{u \in N\left(v_{1}\right) \cap N\left(v_{2}\right)} \frac{1}{\log \left(k_{u}\right)} u∈N(v1)∩N(v2)∑log(ku)1
Example: 1 log ( k C ) = 1 log 4 \frac{1}{\log \left(k_{C}\right)}=\frac{1}{\log 4} log(kC)1=log41
Global Neighborhood Overlap
Global Neighborhood Overlap
Limitation of local neighborhood features
- Metric is always zero if the two nodes do not have any neighbors in common
- However, the two nodes may still potentially be connected in the future
Katz Index
Katz Index
Key Idea: Count the number of paths of all lengths between a given pair of nodes (计算一对节点间所有不同长度路径的数量)
Tricks: Use adjacency matrix powers to compute Katz Index
A u v A_{uv} Auv specifies #paths of length 1 (direct neighborhood) between u u u and v v v
A u v 2 A^2_{uv} Auv2 specifies #paths of length 2 (neighbor of neighbor) between u u u and v v v
Inductively, A u v l A^l_{uv} Auvl specifies #paths of length l l l between u u u and v v v
Katz index between v 1 v_1 v1 and v 2 v_2 v2 is calculated as
S v 1 v 2 = ∑ l = 1 ∞ β l A v 1 v 2 l S_{v_{1} v_{2}}=\sum_{l=1}^{\infty} \beta^{l} \boldsymbol{A}_{v_{1} v_{2}}^{l} Sv1v2=l=1∑∞βlAv1v2l
A v 1 v 2 l \boldsymbol{A}_{v_{1} v_{2}}^{l} Av1v2l is #paths of length l l l between v 1 v_1 v1 and v 2 v_2 v2; 0 < β < 1 0 < \beta < 1 0<β<1 is a discount factor -
Katz index matrix is computed in closed-form (by geometric series of matrices)
S = ∑ i = 1 ∞ β i A i = ( I − β A ) − 1 ⏟ = ∑ i = 0 ∞ β i A i − I \boldsymbol{S}=\sum_{i=1}^{\infty} \beta^{i} \boldsymbol{A}^{i}=\underbrace{(\boldsymbol{I}-\beta \boldsymbol{A})^{-1}}_{=\sum_{i=0}^{\infty} \beta^{i} \boldsymbol{A}^{i}}-\boldsymbol{I} S=i=1∑∞βiAi==∑i=0∞βiAi (I−βA)−1−I
Graph-level Features and Graph kernels
Goal: We want features that characterize the structure of an entire graph
Key Idea: Design kernels instead of feature vectors
Quick Intro to Kernels
Kernel K ( G , G ′ ) ∈ R K(G, G') \in R K(G,G′)∈R measures similarity between data
Kernel matrix K = ( K ( G , G ′ ) ) G , G ′ K = (K(G, G'))_{G, G'} K=(K(G,G′))G,G′ must always be positive semidefinite (i.e. has positive eigenvals)
There exists a feature representation ϕ ( ⋅ ) \phi(\cdot) ϕ(⋅) such that K ( G , G ′ ) = ϕ ( G ) T ϕ ( G ′ ) K\left(G, G^{\prime}\right)=\phi(G)^{\mathrm{T}} \phi\left(G^{\prime}\right) K(G,G′)=ϕ(G)Tϕ(G′)
Graph Kernel
Graph Kernels: Measure similarity between two graphs
Goal: Design graph feature vector ϕ ( G ) \phi{(G)} ϕ(G)
Key Idea: Bag-of-Words (BoW) for a graph, which simply used the word counts as features for documents (no ordering considered)
Naive extension to a graph: Regard nodes as words
Since both graphs have 4 red nodes, we get the same feature vector for two different graphs…
And what if we use Bag of node degrees ?
Both Graphlet Kernel and Weisfeiler-Lehman (WL) Kernel use Bag-of-* representation of graph, where * is more sophisticated than node degrees
Graphlet Kernel
Paper : Efficient graphlet kernels for large graph comparison
Graphlet Kernel
Key Idea: Count the number of different graphlets in a graph
The defination of graphlets here is slightly different from node-level features
Nodes in graphlets here do not need to be connected (allows for isolated nodes)
The graphlets here are not rooted
Let G k = ( g 1 , g 2 , … , g n k ) \mathcal{G}_{k}=\left(g_{1}, g_{2}, \ldots, g_{n_{k}}\right) Gk=(g1,g2,…,gnk) be a list of graphlets of size k k k
For k = 3 k=3 k=3, there are 4 graphlets
For k = 4 k=4 k=4, there are 11 graphlets
Given graph G G G, and a graphlet list G k = ( g 1 , g 2 , … , g n k ) \mathcal{G}_{k}=\left(g_{1}, g_{2}, \ldots, g_{n_{k}}\right) Gk=(g1,g2,…,gnk), define the graphlet count vector f G ∈ R n k f_{G} \in \mathbb{R}^{n_{k}} fG∈Rnk as
( f G ) i = # ( g i ⊆ G ) for i = 1 , 2 , … , n k \left(\boldsymbol{f}_{G}\right)_{i}=\#\left(g_{i} \subseteq G\right) \text { for } i=1,2, \ldots, n_{k} (fG)i=#(gi⊆G) for i=1,2,…,nk
Example for k = 3 k=3 k=3
Given two graphs, G G G and G ′ G' G′, graphlet kernel is computed as
K ( G , G ′ ) = f G T f G ′ K\left(G, G^{\prime}\right)=\boldsymbol{f}_{G}^{\mathrm{T}} \boldsymbol{f}_{G^{\prime}} K(G,G′)=fGTfG′
- 若 G G G和 G ′ G' G′的节点数不同,那么Graphlet Kernel计算出来的相似度可能存在值偏移(Skew the value),所以这里对特征向量 f G \boldsymbol{f}_{G} fG进行normalize,并使用normalize后的特征向量进行相似度计算
h G = f G Sum ( f G ) K ( G , G ′ ) = h G T h G ′ \boldsymbol{h}_{G}=\frac{\boldsymbol{f}_{G}}{\operatorname{Sum}\left(\boldsymbol{f}_{G}\right)} \quad K\left(G, G^{\prime}\right)=\boldsymbol{h}_{G}{ }^{\mathrm{T}} \boldsymbol{h}_{G^{\prime}} hG=Sum(fG)fGK(G,G′)=hGThG′
这样一来, f G \boldsymbol{f}_{G} fG中的每个分量都代表graphlet出现的概率,避免了因图节点数量不同而造成的数据偏移 -
Limitation: Counting graphlets is expensive
Counting size-k graphlets for a graph with size n n n by enumeration takes n k n^k nk
This is unavoidable in the worst-case since subgraph isomorphism test (judging whether a graph is a subgraph of another graph) is NP-hard
If a graph’s node degree is bounded by d d d, an O ( n d k − 1 ) O(nd^{k-1}) O(ndk−1) algorithm exists to count all the graphlets of size k k k
Weisfeiler-Lehman Kernel
Paper : Weisfeiler-Lehman Graph Kernels
Weisfeiler-Lehman Kernel (WL Kernel)
Goal: Design an efficient graph feature descriptor ϕ ( G ) \phi{(G)} ϕ(G)
Idea: Use neighborhood structure to iteratively enrich node vocabulary —— Color Refinement
Color Refinement
Color Refinement
Given: A graph G G G with a set of nodes V V V
Assign an initial color c ( 0 ) ( v ) c^{(0)}(v) c(0)(v) to each node v v v
Iteratively refine node colors by
c ( k + 1 ) ( v ) = HASH ( { c ( k ) ( v ) , { c ( k ) ( u ) } u ∈ N ( v ) } ) c^{(k+1)}(v)=\operatorname{HASH}\left(\left\{c^{(k)}(v),\left\{c^{(k)}(u)\right\}_{u \in N(v)}\right\}\right) c(k+1)(v)=HASH({c(k)(v),{c(k)(u)}u∈N(v)})
where HASH \operatorname{HASH} HASH maps different inputs to different colors -
After K K K steps of color refinement, c ( k ) ( v ) c^{(k)}(v) c(k)(v) summarizes the structure of K-hop neighborhood
Example: Use digits for colors
Assign initial colors
Aggregate neighboring colors
Hash aggregated colors
Aggregate neighboring colors
Hash aggregated colors
After color refinement, WL kernel counts number of nodes with a given color
The WL kernel value is computed by the inner product of the color count vectors
WL kernel is computationally efficient
The time complexity for color refinement at each step is linear in #(edges), since it involves aggregating neighboring colors
When computing a kernel value, only colors appeared in the two graphs need to be tracked. Thus, #(colors) is at most the total number of nodes
Counting colors takes linear-time w.r.t. #(nodes)
In total, time complexity is linear in #(edges)
The computation manner of WL kernel closely related to Graph Neural Network