Point Grey Research官方驱动固件软件(Bumblebee相机系列软件)







Download:   FlyCapture v2.5.2.3 Viewer - Windows

The FlyCap2 Viewer download is a reduced installer with the minimum files required to be able to stream your camera and save images with our FlyCap2 GUI. For developers who require source code, other examples, libraries, and documentation, please download the complete FlyCapture2 SDK below. [read release notes]

FlyCapture Viewer - Windows (64-bit Download) (exe) 24.81 MB
FlyCapture v2.5.2.3 Viewer - Windows (32-bit Download) (exe) 24.15 MB
Date:  2013/06/07
OS:  Windows XP, Windows XP x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Vista, Vista x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64
Download:   FlyCapture v2.5 Release Candidate 3 - Windows
The FlyCapture SDK provides a common software interface to control all Point Grey FireWire, USB, and GigE cameras using the same API. This new version of the SDK allows customers to develop application on both Linux and Microsoft Windows. It also introduces a new, simpler, object oriented API. Flycapture 2.X can be installed side by side with FlyCapture 1.X to allow users to continue to use both while making the transition. NOTE: To use GTK examples or UpdatorGUI2 you must download both Flycapture2 and Flycapture2 GTK Runtime files. [read release notes]

FlyCapture v2.5 Release Candidate 3 - Windows (32-bit Download) (exe) 181.93 MB
FlyCapture v2.5 Release Candidate 3 - Windows (32-bit GTK Runtime) (exe) 63.64 MB
FlyCapture v2.5 Release Candidate 3 - Windows (64-bit Download) (exe) 183.06 MB
FlyCapture v2.5 Release Candidate 3 - Windows (64-bit GTK Runtime) (exe) 63.61 MB
Date:  2013/06/06
Requirement:  For 64-bit Windows development, Visual Studio 2005 or greater is necessary.
OS:  Windows XP, Windows XP x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Vista, Vista x64
Download:   FlyCapture v2.5 Release Candidate 3 - Linux
The FlyCapture SDK provides a common software interface to control all Point Grey FireWire, USB 2.0, and GigE cameras using the same API. This new version of the SDK allows customers to develop application on both Linux and Microsoft Windows. It also introduces a new, simpler, object oriented API. [read release notes]

FlyCapture v2.5 Release Candidate 3 - Linux (32-bit tarball) (tgz) 8.08 MB
FlyCapture v2.5 Release Candidate 3 - Linux (64-bit tarball) (tgz) 7.99 MB
FlyCapture v2.5 Release Candidate 3 - Linux (ARM Hard Float - Ubuntu 12.04 and greater - tarball) (gz) 19.13 MB
FlyCapture v2.5 Release Candidate 3 - Linux (ARM Soft Float - Ubuntu 11.10 and earlier - tarball) (gz) 2.2 MB
Date:  2013/06/05
OS:  Ubuntu 8.04, Ubuntu 10.04, Linux
Download:   Ladybug SDK 1.8 Release 9 - Windows
This is the latest version of the Ladybug SDK which supports Ladybug2 and Ladybug3, as well as support for Ladybug5. [read release notes]

Ladybug SDK 1.8 Release 9 - Windows (32-bit) (exe) 51.27 MB
Ladybug SDK 1.8 Release 9 - Windows (64-bit) (exe) 51.82 MB
Date:  2013/06/05
OS:  Windows XP, Windows XP x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64
Download:   FlyCapture v2.4.3.11 Viewer - Windows
The FlyCap2 Viewer download is a reduced installer with the minimum files required to be able to stream your camera and save images with our FlyCap2 GUI. For developers who require source code, other examples, libraries, and documentation, please download the complete FlyCapture2 SDK below. [read release notes]

FlyCapture Viewer - Windows (64-bit Download) (exe) 23.85 MB
FlyCapture v2.4.3.11 Viewer - Windows (32-bit Download) (exe) 23.06 MB
Date:  2013/06/04
OS:  Windows XP, Windows XP x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Vista, Vista x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64
Download:   Ladybug SDK 1.7 Release 23 - Windows
This is the latest version of the Ladybug SDK which supports Ladybug2 and Ladybug3, as well as support for Ladybug5 (starting with 1.7). [read release notes]

Ladybug SDK 1.7 Release 23 - Windows (32-bit) (exe) 61.04 MB
Ladybug SDK 1.7 Release 23 - Windows (64-bit) (exe) 60.44 MB
Date:  2013/06/04
OS:  Windows XP, Windows XP x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64
Download:   FlyC
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