斯坦福密码学课程-笔记-02-Stream Ciphers流密码

02-流密码 Stream Ciphers

The One Time Pad

Symmetric Ciphers: definition

Def: a cipher defined over ( K , M , C ) (K,M,C) (K,M,C) is a pair of “efficient” algorithms ( E , D ) (E,D) (E,D) where

K K K: the set of all possible keys (also called key space)
M M M: the set of all possible messages
C C C: the set of all possible ciphertexts
E E E: the encryption algorithm
D D D: the decryption algorithm

E : K × M → C E:K\times M\to C E:K×MC
D : K × C → M D:K\times C\to M D:K×CM

∀ m ∈ M , k ∈ K , D ( k , E ( k , m ) ) = m \forall m\in M,k\in K,D(k,E(k,m))=m mM,kK,D(k,E(k,m))=m
[Consistency Equation]

E E E is often randomized, D D D is often deterministic

The One Time Pad (Vernam 1917)

First example of a secure" cipher

M = C = { 0 , 1 } n M=C=\{0,1\}^n M=C={0,1}n
K = { 0 , 1 } n K=\{0,1\}^n K={0,1}n
K e y = Key= Key=(rand. bit string as long as msg.)

c : = E ( k , m ) = k ⊕ m c:=E(k,m)=k\oplus m c:=E(k,m)=km
D ( k , c ) = k ⊕ c D(k,c)=k\oplus c D(k,c)=kc

I n d e e d : D ( k , E ( k , m ) ) = D ( k , k ⊕ m ) = k ⊕ ( k ⊕ m ) = m Indeed: D(k,E(k,m))=D(k,k\oplus m)=k\oplus(k\oplus m)=m Indeed:D(k,E(k,m))=D(k,km)=k(km)=m

Very fast enc/dec !!
… but long keys (as long as plaintext)

Is OTP a good cipher? What is a good cipher?

Information Theoretic Security (Shannon 1949)

Basic idea: CT should reveal no “info” about PT

Def: Acipher ( E , D ) (E,D) (E,D) over ( K , M , C ) (K,M,C) (K,M,C) has perfect secrecy if

∀ m 0 , m 1 ∈ M , ( ∣ m 0 ∣ = ∣ m 1 ∣ ) \forall m_0,m_1\in M,(|m_0|=|m_1|) m0,m1M,(m0=m1) and ∀ c ∈ C \forall c\in C cC,
P r [ E ( k , m 0 ) = c ] = P r [ E ( k , m 1 ) = c ] Pr[E(k,m_0)=c]=Pr[E(k,m_1)=c] Pr[E(k,m0)=c]=Pr[E(k,m1)=c]
where k ← R K k\overset{R}{\leftarrow}K kRK

  • Given CT can’t tell if msg. is m 0 m_0 m0 or m 1 m_1 m1 (for all m 0 , m 1 m_0, m_1 m0,m1)
  • most powerful adversary learns nothing about PT from CT
  • no CT only attack !! (but other attacks may be possible)

Lemma: OTP has perfect secrecy
∀ m , c : P r [ E ( k , m ) = c ] = # k e y s , k ∈ K , s . t , E ( k , m ) = c ∣ K ∣ \forall m,c: Pr[E(k,m)=c]=\frac{\#keys,k\in K,s.t, E(k,m)=c}{|K|} m,c:Pr[E(k,m)=c]=K#keys,kK,s.t,E(k,m)=c
so: ∀ m , c : # { k ∈ K : E ( k , m ) = c } = c o n s t . \forall m,c: \#\{k\in K: E(k,m)=c\}=const. m,c:#{kK:E(k,m)=c}=const.
⟹ \Longrightarrow cipher has perfect secrecy

The bad news …

Thm: perfect secrecy ⟹ ∣ K ∣ ≥ ∣ M ∣ \Longrightarrow |K|\geq|M| KM

Symmetric Encryption

Stream Cipher: making OPT practical

idea: replace “random” key by “pseudorandom” key

pseudo-random generator (PRG): is a func. G : { 0 , 1 } s → { 0 , 1 } n , n > > s G:\{0,1\}^s\rightarrow\{0,1\}^n,n>>s G:{0,1}s{0,1}n,n>>s
{ 0 , 1 } s \{0,1\}^s {0,1}s: seed space
{ 0 , 1 } n \{0,1\}^n {0,1}n: output

(“efficient” computable by deterministic algorithm)
c = E ( k , m ) = m ⊕ G ( k ) c=E(k,m)=m\oplus G(k) c=E(k,m)=mG(k)
D ( c , m ) = c ⊕ G ( k ) D(c,m)=c\oplus G(k) D(c,m)=cG(k)

Stream cipher cannot have perfect secrecy !!

  • Need a different definition of secrecy
  • Security will depend on specific PRG

PRG must be unpredictable

suppose PRG is predictable
∃ i : G ( k ) 1 , 2 , ⋯   , i ⟶ a l g . G ( k ) i + 1 \exist i:G(k)_{1,2,\cdots,i}\overset{alg.}{\longrightarrow}G(k)_{i+1} i:G(k)1,2,,ialg.G(k)i+1
is a problem !!

We say G : K → { 0 , 1 } n G: K\rightarrow\{0,1\}^n G:K{0,1}n is predictable if:
∃ \exist eff. alg. A A A and ∃ 1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1 \exist 1\leq i\leq n-1 1in1
s . t . P r k ← R K [ A ( G ( k ) ) 1 , ⋯   , i = G ( k ) i + 1 ] ≥ 1 2 + ϵ s.t. Pr_{k\overset{R}{\leftarrow}K}[A(G(k))_{1,\cdots,i}=G(k)_{i+1}]\geq \frac{1}{2}+\epsilon s.t.PrkRK[A(G(k))1,,i=G(k)i+1]21+ϵ
For some “non-negligible” ϵ \epsilon ϵ

Def: PRG is unpredictable if it is not predictable
⟹ \Longrightarrow ∀ i : \forall i: i: no “eff.” adversary can predict bit ( i + 1 ) (i+1) (i+1) for “non-neg.” ϵ \epsilon ϵ

Weak PRGs (do not use for crypto)

  • Linear Congruential Generator
    r [ 0 ] ≡ s e e d , r [ i ] ← a ⋅ r [ i − 1 ] + b ( m o d p ) r[0]\equiv seed, r[i]\leftarrow a\cdot r[i-1]+b(modp) r[0]seed,r[i]ar[i1]+b(modp)
    output few bits of r [ i ] r[i] r[i]
    [easy to pred. !!]

  • glibc random()
    r [ i ] ← ( r [ i − 3 ] + r [ i − 31 ] ) r[i]\leftarrow(r[i-3]+r[i-31])%2^{32} r[i](r[i3]+r[i31])
    output r [ i ] > > 1 r[i]>>1 r[i]>>1

never use random() for crypto !!

Negligible and non-negligible

In practice: ϵ \epsilon ϵ is a scalar and

  • ϵ \epsilon ϵ non-neg.: ϵ ≥ 1 / 2 30 \epsilon\geq 1/2^{30} ϵ1/230 (likely to happen over 1GB of data)
  • ϵ \epsilon ϵ negligible: ϵ ≤ 1 / 2 80 \epsilon\leq 1/2^{80} ϵ1/280 (won’t happen over life of key)

In theory: ϵ \epsilon ϵ is a function ϵ : Z ≥ 0 → R ≥ 0 \epsilon:Z^{\geq0}\rightarrow R^{\geq0} ϵ:Z0R0 and

  • ϵ \epsilon ϵ non-neg.: ∃ d : ϵ ( λ ) ≥ 1 / λ d \exist d:\epsilon(\lambda)\geq1/\lambda^{d} d:ϵ(λ)1/λd inf. often ( ϵ ≥ 1 / p o l y \epsilon\geq1/poly ϵ1/poly, for many λ \lambda λ)
  • ϵ \epsilon ϵ negligible.: ∀ d , λ ≥ λ d : ϵ ( λ ) ≤ 1 / λ d \forall d,\lambda\geq\lambda_d: \epsilon(\lambda)\leq1/\lambda^{d} d,λλd:ϵ(λ)1/λd

Few Examples

ϵ ( λ ) = 1 / 2 λ \epsilon(\lambda)=1/2^\lambda ϵ(λ)=1/2λ: negligible
ϵ ( λ ) = 1 / 2 1000 \epsilon(\lambda)=1/2^{1000} ϵ(λ)=1/21000: non-negligible

ϵ ( λ ) = { 1 / 2 λ f o r   o d d   λ 1 / 2 1000 f o r   e v e n   λ \epsilon(\lambda)=\begin{cases} 1/2^\lambda & for\ odd\ \lambda\\ 1/2^{1000} & for\ even\ \lambda \end{cases} ϵ(λ)={1/2λ1/21000for odd λfor even λ: Non-negligible

Attacks on OTP and stream ciphers

Attack 1: two time pad is insecure !!

Never use stream cipher key more than once !!

c 1 ← m 1 ⊕ P R G ( k ) c_1\leftarrow m_1\oplus PRG(k) c1m1PRG(k)
c 2 ← m 2 ⊕ P R G ( k ) c_2\leftarrow m_2\oplus PRG(k) c2m2PRG(k)

Eavesdropper does:
c 1 ⊕ c 2 → m 1 ⊕ m 2 c_1\oplus c_2\rightarrow m_1\oplus m_2 c1c2m1m2
Enough redundancy in English and ASCII encoding that:
m 1 ⊕ m 2 → m 1 , m 2 m_1\oplus m_2\rightarrow m_1,m_2 m1m2m1,m2

Real world examples

  • Project Venona (1941-1946)

  • MS-PPTP(windows NT)
    Need different keys for C → S C\to S CS and S → C S\to C SC
    k = ( k S → C , k C → S ) k=(k_{S\to C},k_{C\to S}) k=(kSC,kCS)

  • 802.11b WEP:
    Length of I V IV IV: 24 bits

  • Repeated I V IV IV after 2 24 ≈ 16 M 2^{24}\approx16M 22416M frames

  • On some 802.11 cards: I V IV IV resets to 0 0 0 after power cycle

For PRG in WEP (RC4) :
(by Fluhrer, Mantin, Shamir, 2011): 10^6 Frame can recover k k k
Recently: 40000 Frames sufficient

WEP provides no security:

  1. it can resolve in the two time pad
  2. keys are closely related, possible to recover the key by watching just a few cipher texts

A better construction

k ⟶ P R G k\overset{PRG}{\longrightarrow} kPRG long stream of bits look essentially random
⟹ \Longrightarrow now each frame has a pseudorandom key

Yet another example: disk encryption

if one change takes place, the it’s very easy to tell where that change occurred.

Two time pad: summary

Never use stream cipher key more than once !!

  • Network traffic: negotiate new key for every session (e.g. TLS)
  • Disk encryption: typically do not use a stream cipher

Attack 2: no integrity (OTP is malleable)

Modification ciphertext are undetected and have predictable impact on plaintext.
B o b → 426 F 62 Bob\to426F62 Bob426F62
E v e → 457665 Eve\to457665 Eve457665
B o b ⊕ E v e → 071907 Bob\oplus Eve\to071907 BobEve071907

Example Stream Ciphers

Old example (software): RC4 (1987)


  • Used in HTTPS and WEP
  • Weaknesses:
    1. Bias in initial output: P r [ 2 n d b y t e = 0 ] = 2 / 256 Pr[2^{nd}byte=0]=2/256 Pr[2ndbyte=0]=2/256 ()
    2. Prob. of ( 0 , 0 ) (0,0) (0,0) is 1 / 25 6 2 + 1 / 25 6 3 1/256^2+1/256^3 1/2562+1/2563
    3. Related key attacks

Old example (hardware): CSS (badly broken)

Linear feedback shift register (LFSR):

  • Examples:[All broken]
    DVD encryption (CSS): 2 LFSRs
    GSM encryption(A5/1,2): 3 LFSRs
    Bluetooth(E0): 4 LFSRs

CSS: s e e d = 5 b y t e s = 40 b i t s seed=5bytes=40bits seed=5bytes=40bits
Easy to break ≈ 2 17 t i m e s \approx 2^{17} times 217times:
suppose knowing first 20bytes of message
⟶ \longrightarrow first 20bytes of message ⊕ \oplus first 20bytes of ciphertext = = = first 20bytes of stream cipher
⟶ \longrightarrow try all 17-bits LFSR
⟶ \longrightarrow get stream cipher of 25-bits LFSR (Check if right or not)

Modern stream ciphers: eStream(2008)

P R G : { 0 , 1 } s × R → { 0 , 1 } n PRG: \{0,1\}^s\times R\to\{0,1\}^n PRG:{0,1}s×R{0,1}n
n > > s n>>s n>>s

{ 0 , 1 } s \{0,1\}^s {0,1}s: seed
R R R: nonce
(Nonce: a non-repeating value for a given key)

E ( k , m ; r ) = m ⊕ P R G ( k ; r ) E(k,m;r)=m\oplus PRG(k;r) E(k,m;r)=mPRG(k;r)
The pair ( k , r ) (k,r) (k,r) is never used more than once.
⟹ \Longrightarrow reuse the key because ( k , r ) (k,r) (k,r) unique.

eStream: Salsa 20 (Software+Hardware)

Salsa20: { 0 , 1 } 128 o r 256 × { 0 , 1 } 64 → { 0 , 1 } n \{0,1\}^{128or256}\times\{0,1\}^{64}\to \{0,1\}^n {0,1}128or256×{0,1}64{0,1}n

S a l s a 20 ( k ; r ) : = H ( k , ( r , 0 ) ) ∣ ∣ H ( k , ( r , 1 ) ) . . . Salsa20(k;r) := H(k,(r,0)) || H(k,(r,1))... Salsa20(k;r):=H(k,(r,0))H(k,(r,1))...
h: invertible function. designed to be fast on x86 (SSE2)

PRG Security Defs

Let G : K → { 0 , 1 } n G:K\to\{0,1\}^n G:K{0,1}n be a PRG

Goal: define what it means that
[ k ← R K , o u t p u t   G ( k ) ] [k\overset{R}{\leftarrow}K, output\ G(k)] [kRK,output G(k)]
is “indistinguishable” from
[ r ← R { 0 , 1 } n , o u t p u t   r ] [r\overset{R}{\leftarrow}\{0,1\}^n,output\ r] [rR{0,1}n,output r]

Statistical Tests

Statistical test on { 0 , 1 } n \{0,1\}^n {0,1}n
an alg. A A A s.t. A ( x ) A(x) A(x) outputs “0” or “1”


  1. ∣ # 0 ( x ) − # 1 ( x ) ∣ ≤ 10 n |\#0(x)-\#1(x)|\leq10\sqrt{n} #0(x)#1(x)10n
  2. ∣ # 00 ( x ) − n / 4 ∣ ≤ 10 n |\#00(x)-n/4|\leq10\sqrt{n} #00(x)n/410n
  3. l o n g e s t   s e q u e n c e   o f   0 ≤ 10 ⋅ log ⁡ 2 ( n ) longest\ sequence\ of\ 0\leq10\cdot\log_{2}(n) longest sequence of 010log2(n)

( # 0 ( x ) \#0(x) #0(x): the number of ‘0’ in the string)


Let G : K → { 0 , 1 } n G:K\to\{0,1\}^n G:K{0,1}n be a PRG and A A A a stat.test on { 0 , 1 } n \{0,1\}^n {0,1}n

A d v P R G [ A , G ] : = ∣ P k ← R K [ A ( G ( k ) ) = 1 ] − P r ← R { 0 , 1 } n [ A ( r ) = 1 ] ∣ ∈ [ 0 , 1 ] \displaystyle Adv_{PRG}[A,G]:=|P_{k\overset{R}{\leftarrow}K}[A(G(k))=1]-P_{r\overset{R}{\leftarrow}\{0,1\}^n}[A(r)=1]|\in[0,1] AdvPRG[A,G]:=PkRK[A(G(k))=1]PrR{0,1}n[A(r)=1][0,1]

Adv close to 1 ⟹ \Longrightarrow A A A can distinguish G from rand.
Adv close to 0 ⟹ \Longrightarrow A A A cannot distinguish G from rand.


Suppose G : K → { 0 , 1 } n G:K\to\{0,1\}^n G:K{0,1}n satisfies m s b ( G ( k ) ) = 1 msb(G(k))=1 msb(G(k))=1 for 2 / 3 2/3 2/3 of keys in K K K
Define stat. test A A A as:
if [ m s b ( x ) = 1 ] [msb(x)=1] [msb(x)=1] output “1” else output “0”

A d v P R G [ A , G ] = ∣ P [ A ( G ( k ) ) = 1 ] − P [ A ( r ) = 1 ] ∣ = ∣ 2 / 3 − 1 / 2 ∣ = 1 / 6 Adv_{PRG}[A,G]=|P[A(G(k))=1]-P[A(r)=1]|=|2/3-1/2|=1/6 AdvPRG[A,G]=P[A(G(k))=1]P[A(r)=1]=2/31/2=1/6
⟹ A \Longrightarrow A A breaks G G G with adv. 1 / 6 1/6 1/6

Secure PRGs: crypto definition

Def: We say that G : K → { 0 , 1 } n G:K\to\{0,1\}^n G:K{0,1}n is a secure PRG if
∀ \forall “eff.” stat. test A A A: A d v P R G [ A , G ] Adv_{PRG}[A,G] AdvPRG[A,G] is “negligible”

Are there provably secure PRGs?
Unknown !! ( ⟹ P ≠ N P \Longrightarrow P\not= NP P=NP)
but we have heuristic candidates

Easy fact: a secure PRG is unpredictable

We show: PRG predictable ⇒ \Rightarrow PRG is insecure

Suppose A A A is an efficient algorithm s.t.
P k ← R K [ A ( G ( k ) ∣ 1 , ⋯   , n ) = G ( k ) ∣ i + 1 ] = 1 / 2 + ϵ P_{k\overset{R}{\leftarrow}K}[A(G(k)|_{1,\cdots,n})=G(k)|_{i+1}]=1/2+\epsilon PkRK[A(G(k)1,,n)=G(k)i+1]=1/2+ϵ
for non-negligible ϵ \epsilon ϵ (e.g. ϵ = 1 / 1000 \epsilon=1/1000 ϵ=1/1000)

Define statistical test B B B as:
B ( X ) = { i f   A ( X ∣ 1 , ⋯   , i = X i + 1 ) o u t p u t   1 e l s e o u t p u t   0 B(X)=\begin{cases} if\ A(X|_{1,\cdots,i}=X_{i+1}) & output\ 1\\ else & output\ 0\\ \end{cases} B(X)={if A(X1,,i=Xi+1)elseoutput 1output 0

r ← R { 0 , 1 } n : P [ B ( r ) = 1 ] = 1 / 2 r\overset{R}{\leftarrow}\{0,1\}^n:P[B(r)=1]=1/2 rR{0,1}n:P[B(r)=1]=1/2
k ← R K : P [ B ( r ) = 1 ] > 1 / 2 + ϵ k\overset{R}{\leftarrow}K:P[B(r)=1]>1/2+\epsilon kRK:P[B(r)=1]>1/2+ϵ
⟹ A d v P R G [ B , G ] > ϵ \Longrightarrow Adv_{PRG}[B,G]>\epsilon AdvPRG[B,G]>ϵ

Thm(Yao’82): an unpredictable PRG is secure

Let G : K → { 0 , 1 } n G:K\to\{0,1\}^n G:K{0,1}n be PRG
“Thm”: if ∀ i ∈ { 0 , ⋯   , n − 1 } \forall i \in\{0,\cdots,n-1\} i{0,,n1} PRG G G G is unpredictable at pos. i i i, then G G G is a secure PRG.

If next-bit predictors cannot distinguish G G G from random then no statistical test can !!

More Generally

Let P 1 P_1 P1 and P 2 P_2 P2 be two distributions over { 0 , 1 } n \{0,1\}^n {0,1}n

Def: We say P 1 P_1 P1 and P 2 P_2 P2 are computationally indistinguishable(denoted P 1 ≈ p P 2 P_1\approx_{p} P_2 P1pP2)
if ∀ \forall “eff.” stat. tests A A A: ∣ P X ← P 1 [ A ( X ) = 1 ] − P X ← P 2 [ A ( X ) = 1 ] ∣ < n e g . \displaystyle |P_{X\leftarrow P_1}[A(X)=1]-P_{X\leftarrow P_2}[A(X)=1]|<neg. PXP1[A(X)=1]PXP2[A(X)=1]<neg.

Example: a PRG is secure if { k ← R K : G ( k ) } ≈ p u n i f o r m ( { 0 , 1 } n ) \{k\overset{R}{\leftarrow}K:G(k)\}\approx_{p} uniform(\{0,1\}^n) {kRK:G(k)}puniform({0,1}n)

Semantic security

Goal: secure PRG ⟹ \Longrightarrow “secure” stream cipher

What is a secure cipher?

Attacker’s abilities: obtains one ciphertext (for now)

Possible security requirements:
attempt #1: attacker cannot recover secret key
attempt #2: attacker cannot recover all of plaintext

Recall Shannon’s idea:
CT should reveal no “info” about PT

Recall Shannon’s perfect secrecy

Let ( E , D ) (E,D) (E,D) be a cipher over ( K , M , C ) (K,M,C) (K,M,C)

( E , D ) (E,D) (E,D) has perfect secrecy if ∀ m 0 , m 1 ∈ M ( ∣ m 0 ∣ = ∣ m 1 ∣ ) \forall m_0,m_1\in M(|m_0|=|m_1|) m0,m1M(m0=m1)
{ E ( k , m 0 ) } = { E ( k , m 1 ) }   w h e r e   k ← K \{E(k,m_0)\}=\{E(k,m_1)\}\ where\ k\leftarrow K {E(k,m0)}={E(k,m1)} where kK

⇓ \Downarrow weaken

( E , D ) (E,D) (E,D) has perfect secrecy if ∀ m 0 , m 1 ∈ M ( ∣ m 0 ∣ = ∣ m 1 ∣ ) \forall m_0,m_1\in M(|m_0|=|m_1|) m0,m1M(m0=m1)
{ E ( k , m 0 ) } ≈ p { E ( k , m 1 ) }   w h e r e   k ← K \{E(k,m_0)\}\approx_{p}\{E(k,m_1)\}\ where\ k\leftarrow K {E(k,m0)}p{E(k,m1)} where kK
but also need adversary to exhibit m 0 , m 1 ∈ M m_0,m_1\in M m0,m1M explicitly

Semantic Security (one-time key)

For b = 0 , 1 b=0,1 b=0,1 define experiments E X P ( 0 ) EXP(0) EXP(0) and E X P ( 1 ) EXP(1) EXP(1) as:
A d v S S [ A , E ] : = ∣ P [ W 0 ] − P [ W 1 ] ∣ ∈ [ 0 , 1 ] Adv_{SS}[A,E]:= |P[W_0]-P[W_1]|\in[0,1] AdvSS[A,E]:=P[W0]P[W1][0,1]

Def: E E E is semantically secure if for all efficient A A A,
A s v S S [ A , E ] Asv_{SS}[A,E] AsvSS[A,E] is negligible.

⇒ \Rightarrow for all explicit m 0 , m 1 ∈ M : { E ( k , m 0 ) } ≈ p { E ( k , m 1 ) } m_0,m_1\in M: \{E(k,m_0)\}\approx_p\{E(k,m_1)\} m0,m1M:{E(k,m0)}p{E(k,m1)}


Suppose efficient A A A can always deduce LSB of PT from CT
⇒ E ( E , D ) \Rightarrow E(E,D) E(E,D) is not semantically secure.
Any bit about the plaintext the adversary can be learned basically would mean that the system is not semantically secure.

OTP is semantically secure


Stream ciphers are semantically secure

Stream ciphers are semantically secure

Thm: G : K → { 0 , 1 } n G:K\to\{0,1\}^n G:K{0,1}n is a secure PRG ⇒ \Rightarrow stream cipher E E E derived from G G G is sem. sec.

⇓ \Downarrow the same as to prove

∀ \forall sem. sec. adversary A A A, ∃ \exist a PRG adversary B B B,
s . t . A d v S S [ A , E ] ≤ 2 ⋅ A d v P R G [ B , G ] s.t. Adv_{SS}[A,E]\leq2\cdot Adv_{PRG}[B,G] s.t.AdvSS[A,E]2AdvPRG[B,G]

Let A A A be a sem. sec. adversary
Claim 1: ∣ P [ R 0 ] − P [ R 1 ] ∣ = A d v S S ( A , O T P ) = 0 |P[R_0]-P[R_1]|=Adv_{SS}(A,OTP)=0 P[R0]P[R1]=AdvSS(A,OTP)=0
Claim 2: ∃ B : ∣ P [ W b ] − P [ R b ] ∣ = A d v P R G ( B , G )   f o r   b = 0 , 1 \exist B: |P[W_b]-P[R_b]|=Adv_{PRG}(B,G)\ for\ b=0,1 B:P[Wb]P[Rb]=AdvPRG(B,G) for b=0,1
⇒ A d v S S [ A , E ] = ∣ P [ W 0 ] − P [ W 1 ] ∣ ≤ 2 ⋅ A d v P R G [ B , G ] \Rightarrow Adv_{SS}[A,E]=|P[W_0]-P[W_1]|\leq2\cdot Adv_{PRG}[B,G] AdvSS[A,E]=P[W0]P[W1]2AdvPRG[B,G]

Proof of Claim 2: ∃ B : ∣ P [ W b ] − P [ R b ] ∣ = A d v P R G ( B , G ) \exist B: |P[W_b]-P[R_b]|=Adv_{PRG}(B,G) B:P[Wb]P[Rb]=AdvPRG(B,G)





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