Maturity Level 2 - Managed
- CM - Configuration Management
- MA - Measurement and Analysis
- PMC - Project Monitoring and Control
- PP - Project Planning
- PPQA - Process and Product Quality Assurance
- REQM - Requirements Management
- SAM - Supplier Agreement Management
Maturity Level 3 - Defined
- DAR - Decision Analysis and Resolution
- IPM - Integrated Project Management
- OPD - Organizational Process Definition
- OPF - Organizational Process Focus
- OT - Organizational Training
- PI - Product Integration
- RD - Requirements Development.
- RSKM - Risk Management.
- TS - Technical Solution.
- VAL - Validation.
- VER - Verification.
Maturity Level 4 - Quantitatively Managed
- OPP - Organizational Process Performance
- QPM - Quantitative Project Management
Maturity Level 5 - Optimizing
- CAR - Causal Analysis and Resolution
- OPM - Organizational Performance Management