
一  练习题部分


12、 [单选] 活动A,B的开始时间不受限制,历时分别2周和3周;A和B完成才可以开始C,C需要3周;D活动需要4周实践,但必须在B完成后开始;C和D都结束项目就可以完成。A活动因为资源不到位开始时间比计划晚了3周,这将导致:
The start time of activity A and B is not limited and the duration is 2 weeks and 3 weeks respectively. "A" and "B" finish to start “C” "C" takes three weeks; Activity D requires 4 weeks but must begin after B is completed; Both C and D finished the project can be completed. Activity A is three weeks behind schedule because the resources are not available. This will result in:

  •  A:项目总工期延误3周;
    The project duration is delayed by 3 weeks;
  •  B:项目总工期延误2周;
    The project duration is delayed by 2 weeks;
  •  C:项目总工期延误1周;
    The project duration is delayed by 1 week;
  •  D:项目总工期不变,但C活动浮动时间减少1周。
    The project duration is unchanged but the floating time of activity C decreases by 1 week.


参考答案C。自己画的灵魂画图太丑了,就用老师的吧。找出关键路径是BD.4+3=7. A 是非关键路径:2+3(延迟)+3(C)=8,延长8-7=1周,

14、 [单选] 在项目进度状态汇报会上,项目经理提供的CPM图中显示有两项活动的总浮动时间是负的,从该项分析中可以得出下列哪一项结论?
At the project status report the project manager's CPM graph shows that the total floating time of two activities is negative and which one of the following conclusions can you draw from the analysis?

  •  A:这两项活动都在关键路径上;
    Both activities are on the critical path;
  •  B:两项活动的最早开始时间都早于最晚开始时间;
    The early start time of the two activities is earlier than the late finish time;
  •  C:两项活动的最晚结束时间都早于最晚开始时间;
    The late finish time of the two activities is earlier than the late start time;
  •  D:因为活动有负浮动时间,所以项目进度比计划超前了。
    Because of negative floating time the project progress is ahead of schedule.


参考答案:A浮动时间≤0 的活动一定在关键路径上,A 正确;B 选项最早开始时间 ES 早于最晚开始时间LS,说明 LS-ES>0,有正的浮动时间,和题干不符; C选项最晚结束时间 LF 早于最晚开始时间 LS,这两个值之间的差是活动历时 DU,不是浮动时间;D 选项活动有负浮动时间,如果不能压缩该活动的话,必然导致工期延误,不可能得出进度超前的结论。




5、 [单选] 一个项目已完成工作的预算值低于经批准的计划工作预算。这描述的是哪一种项目情景?
A project work completed budget is lower than the value of the approved work plan budget.What project scenario does this describe?

  •  A:项目的挣值(EV)大于计划价值(PV)
    The earned value(EV) of the project is greater than the planned value(PV).
  •  B:项目提前于进度
    The project is ahead of schedule.
  •  C:项目活动落后于进度
    Project activity is behind schedule.
  •  D:项目符合进度
    The project is on schedule.


挣值(EV) 是对已完成工作的测量值,



进度偏差(SV)= EV-PV



成本绩效只是(CPI)= EV/AC

弄清楚这些概念是不会错的,再回来看题,EV<PV ,所以A错,项目活动落后于进度选C

11、 [单选] 项目经理正在为一个新项目制定项目进度计划,根据项目经理的经验,该项目需要两年才能完成。然而,公司总监要求该项目在18个月内完成。项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager has prepared project schedule for a new project. According to the project manager’s experience, the project will take two years to complete. However, the company director requests that the project is to be completed in 18 months. What should  the project manager do?

  •  A:根据总监的要求修订项目进度计划
    Revise the project schedule based on the director’s request.
  •  B:使用资源平衡,来平均项目团队成员的任务
    Use resource leveling to even out project team member tasks.
  •  C:减少项目范围以满足修订的项目进度计划
    Reduce the project scope to meet the revised project schedule.
  •  D:保持项目进度计划不变,但显示这种变更对其他制约因素的影响
    Keep the project schedule unchanged, but show the impact this change would have on other constraints.



参考答案A,  解析:PMBOK(6)P207-制定进度计划-项目文件-假设日志。记录的假设条件和制约因素可能造成影响项目进度的单个风险等。将该项目总监的需求作为制约因素登记。


13、 [单选] 项目经理通过将工作包分解到活动中去,识别并记录产生项目可交付成果的具体行动, 结果将产生哪一份文件?
A project manager identifies and documents the specific actions that produce project deliverables by breaking down work packages into activities. What document will be produced as a result?

  •  A:资源分解结构(RBS)
    Resource breakdown structure (RBS)
  •  B:活动资源需求
    Activity resource requirements
  •  C:里程碑清单
    Milestone list
  •  D:活动持续时间估算
    Activity duration estimates

这个考察书上6.2.3 活动的输出,自己没看书瞎猜了A。

参考答案:C。 解析:PMBOK(6)P185,考点为定义活动的输出(活动清单,活动属性,里程碑清单)

16、 [单选] 新聘用的项目经理加入一个正在进行的项目,而该项目已经落后于进度,在规划阶段未考虑到几个时间制约因素,并且批准的基准进度计划具有不灵活的完工期限,项目经理首先应该怎么做?
A newly hired project manager joins an ongoing project that is already behind schedule, several time constraints were not considered during the planning phase, and the approved baseline schedule has an inflexible completion deadline. What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:制定进度计划
    Develop the schedule
  •  B:控制进度计划
    Control the schedule
  •  C:为项目活动排序
    Sequence project activities
  •  D:快速跟进进度计划
    Fast track the schedule


参考答案B 解析:进度规划有误,且工期很紧,项目经理应该调整进度计划以确保按时完成,属于控制进度。

17、 [单选] 在监督项目进度的同时,项目经理发现第一阶段里程碑将超过进度计划的期限并延续到第二阶段开始。但是,在达到第一阶段里程碑并提交其结果之前,无法开始第二阶段,若要满足第一阶段的时间表并交付预期的结果,项目经理应该怎么做?
While monitoring the project schedule, the project manager realizes that the phase one milestone will exceed the schedule deadline and run over into the start of phase two, However, phase two cannot start until the phase one milestone is reached and its results presented,What should the project manager do to meet phase one’s timeline and deliver the expected results?

  •  A:与项目团队进行头脑风暴并审查几个假设情景
    Brainstorm with the project team and review several what-if scenarios
  •  B:使用项目日历来计算有限的资源和项目的不确定性
    Use the project calendar to calculate for limited resources and project uncertainties
  •  C:制定关键路径,以确定完成第一阶段的最长时间
    Develop the critical path to Identify the longest time for completing phase one
  •  D:考虑快速跟进第一阶段,尽管这会增加风险
    Consider fast tracking phase one. although it would increases the risk


参考答案D 解析:本题用排除法。问题的核心是前一阶段延误,时间不够,要赶工或快速跟进。

18、 [单选] 项目经理必须为政府编制一份工厂生产能力报告。这份报告将通过对400家工厂的总经理进行调查而创建,并且必须在四个月内完成,然而,根据现有资源以及调查每位总经理所需的时间,该项目预计需要一年时间。项目经理应使用什么工具或技术来满足预期期限?
A project manager must compile a factory productivity for government.The report will be created by surveying general managers across 400 factories and must be completed in four mouths.However 9based on the available resources and the time needed to survey each general manager,the project is expected to take one year. What tool or technique should the project manager use to meet the expected deadline?

  •  A:进度压缩
    Schedule compression
  •  B:快速跟进
    Fast tracking
  •  C:标杆对照
  •  D:统计抽样
    Statistical sampling


参考答案A 解析:时间不够,要进度压缩。题目没有任何赶工或快速跟进的暗示,所以选进度压缩。

24、 [单选] 在项目执行期间,项目经理了解到一个资源的角色已经从为该项目进行风险分析扩展到也为其他组织的项目进行风险分析。因此,该资源在该项目的工作和持续时间都有所增加,而这会影响进度。 项目经理应该做什么?
During project execution,a project manager learns that a resources role. has expanded from conducting risk analysis for this project to conducting risk analysis foe other organizational projects as well.As a result,the resource`s effort and duration have increased for this project.Which impacts the schedule. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:进行影响评估,并根据变更管理计划进行处理
    Conduct an impact assessment,and process it according to the change management plan.
  •  B:按照项目管理计划中的说明强制执行该角色的定义
    Enforce the definition of that role as outlined in the project management plan.
  •  C:要求更多的项目资源来处理额外工作
    Request more project resource to handle the additional effort.
  •  D:更新项目进度计划,以反映额外工作,并通知发起人
    Update the project schedule to reflect the additional effort,and inform the sponsor.



26、 [单选] 前两个一直处于正常进度轨道的项目开始经历严重延期。项目经理已经识别到重大问题。项目经理应在哪里报告项目状态?
The first two projects that have always been on the normal progress track experience serious delays. The project manager has identified significant issues. Where should the project manager report the project status?

  •  A:项目进度计划
    Project Schedule
  •  B:工作绩效报告
    Working Performance Report
  •  C:问题日志
    Problem Log
  •  D:相关方会议
    Stakeholders' Meeting

概念题 ,P112 页

工作绩效信息可以用实体或电子形式加以合并、记录和分发。基于工作绩效信息,以实体或电 子形式编制工作绩效报告,以制定决策、采取行动或引起关注。根据项目沟通管理计划,通过沟 通过程向项目相关方发送工作绩效报告。

工作绩效报告的示例包括状态报告和进展报告。工作绩效报告可以包含挣值图表和信息、 趋势线和预测、储备燃尽图、缺陷直方图、合同绩效信息和风险情况概述。可以表现为有助于引起 关注、制定决策和采取行动的仪表指示图、热点报告、信号灯图或其他形式。

解析:参考答案:B 解析:工作绩效报告中包含状态报告和进展报告,B选项为最佳参考答案。

27、 [单选] 一个大型项目的工作分解结构(WBS)显示,2级项目计划几乎没有提供有关活动,依赖关系以及所需资源的信息。若要评估项目持续时间,项目经理应该做什么?
The work breakdown structure(WBS)for a large project shows that level 2plans provide little information on activities,dependencies,and required resources.What should the project manager do to assess the project's duration?

  •  A:制定WBS字典
    Develop a WBS dictionary.
  •  B:执行自下而上估算
    Perform bottom-up estimating.
  •  C:分析资源分解结构(RBS)
    Analyze the resource breakdown structure(RBS).
  •  D:制定资源日历
    Develop the resource calendar.

这个题目考察6.4 估算活动的持续时间。但是有个坑,就是它不是问你正常的估算方式哪些:类比、专家、自上而下,三点估算等这些,而是侧重于说输入条件还欠缺啥,就是你为了估算得先做啥。

书上6.4.1.1 输入条件范围基准包含了WBS词典。所以先把他补上。

参考答案A 解析:考察估算活动持续时间的依据,项目管理计划--进度管理计划规定了用于估算活动持续时间的方法和准确度,以及所需的其他标准;范围基准包含WBS词典。




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