大多数DRC warning甚至某些error可以忽略不计,不影响生成网表,但是要想成为一名成熟的电子工程师,你可以忽略某些错误,但是必须懂得为什么会产生这些错误,如何消除掉这些错误,这样才能控制这些错误的作用范围,不致影响系统整体的设计。
WARNING(ORCAP-1829): Possible pin type conflict U8,DQ9/DQU1 Bidirectional Connected to Power
HI3516ADMEB_VC, 08.DDR (14.35, 2.50)
ERROR(ORCAP-1628): Possible pin type conflict U9,R/B2~/NC Output Connected to Power
HI3516ADMEB_VC, 13.FLASH (12.05, 5.70)
WARNING(ORCAP-1829): Possible pin type conflict R69,A Bidirectional Connected to Output
HI3516ADMEB_VC, 13.FLASH (11.20, 3.90)
These errors are produced based on the settings in the ERC matrix. If you've finished your design and you think that the connections are correct after you've checked all these errors, you can change the settings in the ERC matrix to remove them from the Design Rules Check.
To change the ERC matrix:
1. Select the schematic page in the Project Manager.
2. Choose Design Rules Check from the Tools menu, then select the ERC matrix tab.
3. Make changes to the matrix, then click OK. When you click OK, Design Rules Check will run with the new settings.
简单来说就是修改ERC matrix,来控制ERC检查,这样就提高了容错能力,更容易通过, 但前提是对自己的设计要有把握,确保正确。
Two nets in the same schematic have the same name, but there is no off-page connector-->
you label a port or off-page connector with a name that is used by a power symbol or power pin on the schematic. It would be best to replace the port with a power symbol to transfer power through the design. If you have verified that there are no connectivity problems when running the netlist, you can ignore this warning.