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转载 超越管理软件说明及功能介绍

功能目录 1.销售管理 2.工程管理 3.工单管理 4.项目管理 5.MRP管理 6.库存管理 7.收货/送货 8.请购管理...

2018-06-05 20:41:38 166

转载 超越企业资源管理系统

超越资源管理系统是一套针对模具,注塑,五金,机械,组装,电子行业的多 公司的ERP管理系统,完整的供应链及财务一体化管理。 ...

2018-05-31 15:03:57 168

转载 Epicor培训


2018-01-11 20:03:56 189

转载 Epicor ERP


2017-10-12 10:24:36 139

转载 Epicor系统二次开发

一、获取或修改界面EpiDataView的字段数据(Get EpiDataView data)  C#  EpiDataView edv = (EpiDataView)oTrans.EpiData...

2017-04-21 10:58:20 409

转载 Epicor开发实例


2017-04-21 10:22:50 585

转载 Epicor 调试 customization

在Visual studio调试 1. System Management -> Utilities -> Customization maintenance -> Actions -&g...

2014-09-22 16:00:12 167

转载 Epicor客户化控件介绍(EpiCombo)应用

一. 定义ComboBox编码及内容设置1. 进入系统管理->实用程序->用户代码(System Management > Utilities > User Codes)2. 增...

2014-09-22 15:22:17 404

转载 Epicor Count Group Entry

Count Group Entry Use the Count Group Entry program to create a count group for your physical inventory p...

2014-09-03 09:25:52 109

转载 Epicor Material Queue Manager

Material Queue Manager Usethe Material Queue Managertomanageandmanipulate操纵 queued material transa...

2014-09-03 09:25:15 131

转载 Epicor Material Request Queue

Material Request Queue Use the Material Request Queue program to viewa listing of queue material movemen...

2014-09-03 09:24:41 91

转载 Epicor UOM Split/Merge

UOM Split/Merge Use Split Merge UOM to split an inventory quantity expressed...

2014-09-03 09:24:05 119

转载 Epicor Work Queue

Manufacturing Execution System (MES) Menu > Production > Work Queue Use Work Queue to list...

2014-09-03 09:23:17 97

转载 Epicor purchase Advisor

Purchase Advisor Use Purchase Advisor to answer questions about a particular purchased part. This informa...

2014-09-03 09:22:16 101

转载 Epicor New PO Suggestions

New PO Suggestions Use New PO Suggestions to process purchase order (PO) suggestions created by the Gener...

2014-09-03 09:21:32 152

转载 Epicor Generate Purchasing Suggestions Process

Use Generate Purchasing Suggestions to automaticallycreate a list of suggested purchasesbased on time-phased i...

2014-09-03 09:20:46 116

转载 Epicor Requisition Entry

Requisition Entry Use Requisition Entry to add, update, or delete a requisition.A requisition is a reque...

2014-09-03 09:20:08 99

转载 Epicor Resource Scheduling Board

Resource Scheduling Board Use the Resource Scheduling Board to review and modify scheduled jobs at the re...

2014-09-03 09:19:34 73

转载 Epicor Job Scheduling Board

Job Scheduling Board Use the Job Scheduling Board to review and modify the schedule foroneormore jobs....

2014-09-03 09:19:03 101

转载 Epicor 工单管理员

需求 需求表格显示所有将来需要该物料满足的数量。需求的输入有三个源头-销售订单下达,工单所用物料,工单组装。 使用控制来为所选物料满足需求,你可以创建一个新的工单,连接需求...

2014-09-03 09:18:27 284

转载 Epcior 反冲

反冲物料 反冲物料是指自动发出物料,但会发生在两个不同地方: 1.当数量按工序汇报和所有条件得到满足(看下面)的时候。 ...

2014-09-03 09:17:41 467

转载 Epicor Production Planner Workbench Process

Production Planner WorkbenchProcess Usethe Production Planner Workbench Processto submit提交 sele...

2014-09-03 09:16:57 128

转载 Epicor Time Phase Inquiry

Time Phase Inquiry(物料从现在到未来的流水帐) 第一行是当前余额,之后是MRP的计划等等... Use Time Phase Inquiry to review time-pha...

2014-09-03 09:15:28 118

转载 Epicor Production Planner Workbench

Production Planner Workbench The Production Planner Workbench displays information aboutmaterial shortag...

2014-09-03 09:14:39 112

转载 Epicor Time and Expense Entry

Time and Expense Entry Use Time and Expense Entry to enter employee time and expenses and submit them for...

2014-09-03 09:14:00 152

转载 Epicor Part BOM Revision Compare

Revision Compare Use this program to compare revision informationbetween two different part records.You...

2014-09-03 09:13:06 175

转载 Epicor Quick Job Entry

Quick Job Entry Use Quick Job Entry toquicklyenter amake to stockjobthrough one window. This ...

2014-09-03 09:12:21 95

转载 Epicor Production Activity Maintenance

Production Activity Maintenance Use Production Activity Maintenance to establish target (transactional) ...

2014-09-03 09:11:36 152

转载 Epicor Kanban Receipts

Kanban Receipts Use Kanban Receiptsto enter informationaboutquantities, scrap,andnon-conformancesfo...

2014-09-03 09:10:55 113

转载 Epicor Job Status Maintenance

Job Status Maintenance Use Job Status Maintenance to view or change thestatusof a job.This program is...

2014-09-03 09:10:07 86

转载 Epicor Job Manager

Job Manager Use the Job Managerto review, create, and update the supply and demand for ...

2014-09-03 09:09:27 115

转载 Epicor Planning Workbench

The Planning Workbench is atracker-typeprogram. Use the Planning Workbench tocreate new jobs or change exist...

2014-09-03 09:08:41 93

转载 Epicor 完成和关闭工单

在所有物料都被按工单生产之后,生产部门的任务是完成所有工单,通常还有财务部门来处理关闭该工单 ?完成工单是指完成了生产、但是仍在等待核准或者其它成本核算的工单。它仍可以接受...

2014-09-03 08:57:26 891

转载 ERP 执行工作台(库存预留平台)

Advanced Materials Management Instructor Manual.dbf Fulfillment Workb...

2014-09-03 08:56:00 283

转载 E9 学做报表

一 做BAQ (Executive Analysis > Business Activity Management > Setup > Business Activity...

2014-09-03 08:54:44 127

转载 EPICOR - 计划和排程系统


2014-09-03 08:53:27 827

转载 Epicor中员工借款及报销的两种方案

员工借款及报销的两种方案: 一. 把员工是视作供应商,需要在公司配置的AP模块中,勾选把“员工视作供应商”。这种做法,借款还好处理,员工报销和还款时超级繁琐,不推荐使用。二. COA科目结构中创建动...

2014-09-03 08:48:05 143

转载 模具管理系统课程

模具管理系统.ppt ...

2014-03-11 10:50:27 90



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