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原创 基于Qt的轨迹还原之三:代码实现与测试

先上代码,由于程序结构很清楚,上节也讲到了Qt中实现OpenGL的框架,因此代码读起来没有太大困难,如果有问题,欢迎私信~MyGLWidget:#ifndef MYGLWIDGET_H#define MYGLWIDGET_H#include class MyGLWidget : public QGLWidget{ Q_OBJECTpublic: MyGLW

2016-06-30 23:04:37 3803 3

原创 基于Qt的轨迹还原之二:用QGLWidget实现功能


2016-06-30 22:35:22 5126

原创 基于Qt的轨迹还原之一:introduction

从老师那里接手“摄像机轨迹还原”的项目,现在终于完成了,接下来推出一系列总结文章。        这个项目的简要情况是这样的:电影后期制作,尤其是特效制作,都需要借助拍摄时摄像机的精确轨迹(以及姿态),因此摄像机轨迹还原是电影行业的一个重要课题。这个课题的难点在于还原算法,因为摄像机的摇臂多种多样,运动的自由度也很大。我们在课题中将两个传感器分别放在顶端摄像机和摇臂转轴处,每个传感器都能采集高

2016-04-28 23:58:36 2405

原创 把Linux系统装在U盘上


2016-03-27 11:27:15 15726 4

原创 Android传感器计步器


2016-02-28 16:58:58 5265

原创 练习:最长回文子串(Manacher算法)


2016-02-10 17:33:44 583

原创 练习:KMP(字符串模式匹配问题)


2016-02-03 22:49:26 973

原创 USB插入,看不见盘符怎么办

【问题描述】最近我的U盘出现一个奇怪的现象:在其他电脑上可以正常使用,在自己双系统笔记本上的Linux系统中也可以正常识别,但是在Windows系统下插入后只听见提示音,和出现USB flash disk的图标,却看不见盘符。于是,每次从电脑上转移文件都要重启进入Linux系统,非常麻烦。如果没有Linux系统,估计就默认U盘坏了而扔掉了。【解决方法】经过摸索,可以按以下步骤方便解

2016-08-09 00:34:51 8771

原创 无间道之并查集_hihoCoder


2016-07-31 23:46:10 508

原创 Give My Text Back_hihoCoder

描述To prepare for the English exam Little Ho collected many digital reading materials. Unfortunately the materials are messed up by a malware.It is known that the original text contains only En

2016-07-31 23:43:17 408

原创 Counting Islands II_太阁竞赛C

题目3 : Counting Islands II时间限制:10000ms单点时限:1000ms内存限制:256MB描述Country H is going to carry out a huge artificial islands project. The project region is divided into a 1000x1000 grid. The whole

2016-07-31 23:40:18 435

原创 Popular Products_太阁竞赛B

题目2 : Popular Products时间限制:10000ms单点时限:1000ms内存限制:256MB描述Given N lists of customer purchase, your task is to find the products that appear in all of the lists.A purchase list consists of

2016-07-31 23:38:49 408

原创 Binary Watch_太阁竞赛A

题目1 : Binary Watch时间限制:10000ms单点时限:1000ms内存限制:256MB描述Consider a binary watch with 5 binary digits to display hours (00 - 23) and 6 binary digits to display minutes (00 - 59).For example

2016-07-31 23:36:54 460

原创 Linux基础练习_复习题

Q:It has been suggested that the first part of each UNIX file be kept in the same disk block as its i-node. What good would this do?A:When reading the file, if the first partof file is kept in t

2016-06-30 23:18:29 801

原创 The Maze runner(BFS)

【题目描述】Given a maze, find a shortest path from start to exit.Input consists serveral test cases.First line of the input contains number of test case T.For each test case the first line contai

2016-06-03 16:33:11 597

原创 Avalanche:quand la neige devient dangereuse?

Pour les vacances je vais faire du ski en famille, mais j'ai peur des avalanches !Une avalanche se produit lorsqu'une masse de neige se détache et dévale le versant d'une montagne. C'est une rup

2016-05-15 09:48:27 756

原创 Stéroïdes: pourquoi il ne faut pas en abuser?

Les stéroïdes sont un groupe de substances grasses, ou lipides, qui sont naturellement présents dans le corps. Ils régulent toutes sortes de choses que fait ton corps, comme par exemple grandir ou com

2016-05-10 23:47:40 921

原创 Linux基础练习_多线程

【问题描述】Fast-food restaurant problem: Design, implement and test a solution forthe IPC problem specified below. Suppose we have the following scenario: 50 customers successively come to a fast-

2016-05-05 20:01:26 4747

原创 Linux基础练习_进程

【问题1】Write a C program that creates a new process to copy the files using the sampleMyCopy. This program should spawn a new process using fork system call. Then useexeclp to execute MyCopy progr

2016-05-05 15:49:09 546

原创 The K-th largest number(小根堆)

【题目要求】Given N integer numbers, find the K-th largest number. Requirement: design an algorithm with the time complexity O(NlogK).【输入要求】The first line contains N, K. In the following N lines,

2016-04-30 19:59:36 707

原创 max-Queue(堆)

【题目描述】Use a max-Heap to design a priority queue with integer value. Each element stores an integer. The larger the integer is, the higher the priority of the element is.【题目输入】The first line cont

2016-04-21 14:32:31 448

原创 The Postorder enumeration(二叉树遍历:前中转后)

【题目描述】Give you the Preorder enumeration and Inorder enumeration of a binary tree, output its Postorder enumeration. We assume the elements of binary tree are different.【输入要求】The first line c

2016-04-11 17:12:39 856

原创 Rail station(栈)

【题目】There is a famous railway station in PopPush City. Country there is incredibly hilly. The station was built in last century. Unfortunately, funds were extremely limited that time. It was possibl

2016-03-27 17:40:04 816

原创 Calculator(后缀表达式)

【题目要求】Implement a calculator program based on a Reverse Polish notation.【输入】There could be several lines. Each line contains a Reverse Polish notation. The operators and operands are sepertate

2016-03-27 17:37:22 430

原创 Big vs Big(链表)

【题目描述】Calculate the addtion of any two positive big integers.Requirements:Test data can be more than 64 digits, therefore you MUST use  a linked list to store an integer (any big).【输入】The

2016-03-27 17:32:09 370

原创 poj_2250 Compromise(输出最长公共子序列)

【题目】点击这里【思路】最长公共子序列的元素变成了单词,算法依然相同。最后输出子序列时,只需根据ans数组从后往前索引,遇到序列元素时就将其入栈,最后出栈输出。【代码】#include #include #define size 150#define max(x,y) x>y? x:yint main(){ char s[31], a[size][31],

2016-02-11 15:44:33 393

原创 poj_1458 Common Subsequence(最长公共子序列)

【题目】点击这里【思路】经典的LCS问题,动态规划即可,状态转移方程:【代码】#include#include#define size 220#define max(x,y) x>y? x:yint main(){ char s[size],t[size]; int i,j,a[size][size]; for (i=0;i<size

2016-02-11 15:21:51 344

原创 poj_3974 Palindrome(最长回文子串)

【题目】点击这里【思路】直接运用Manacher算法。【代码】#include #include #define maxSize 1000005#define min(x,y) (x<y)? x:ychar str[maxSize], s[maxSize*2+3];long int r[maxSize*2+3];long int manacher(){

2016-02-10 23:36:46 418

原创 poj_2506 Tiling(高精度加法)

【题目】点击这里【思路】很容易想到递推 f[n]=f[n-1]+2*f[n-2]。之后的事情,就是高精度加法了。【代码】#include int n, total, ans[251][80];void init(){ ans[0][0]=1; ans[0][1]=1; ans[1][0]=1; ans[1][1]=1; total=1;}

2016-02-10 12:18:25 332

原创 hihoCoder_W84 Lucky Substrings(基础做法)

【题目】点击这里【思路】分两步走,1. 找出所有斐波那契子串;2. 按字典序无重复地输出。第一步可以枚举子串,由于规模比较小,O(n^2)的算法都可以接受。O(n^3)优化至O(n^2)的方法是,从前往后枚举子串,[i…j+1]可以利用[i…j]的结果。第二步可以选择排序,然后无重复输出,也可以考虑建立字典树去重并排序,然后先序遍历输出。字典树的方法将在下周贴上来。【代码】

2016-02-06 23:57:25 405

原创 poj_3450 Corporate Identity(KMP+枚举)

【题目】点击这里【思路】同poj_3080 Blue Jeans,依然秒AC(1100ms 【代码】#include #include char a[4002][201];int next[202];void getNext(char t[], int x, int y){ int i=x, j=x-1; next[i]=j; while (i<

2016-02-06 18:04:50 313

原创 poj_3080 Blue Jeans(KMP应用)

【题目】点击这里【思路】按照长度从大到小的顺序,枚举第一个串的子串,每次都尝试将此子串与其他串匹配,直至所有匹配都成功。注意最后输出的是,长度尽可能大且字典序最小的子串。原本以为时间上可能有压力,没想到KMP算法效率非常高,枚举+KMP结果秒AC,O(∩_∩)O哈哈~【代码】#include #include char a[11][61];int next[

2016-02-06 15:32:50 387

原创 poj_1008 Maya Calendar(模拟题)

【题目】点击这里【思路】模拟题,要求速度,注意细节:strcmp(S1,S2)==0;(表达式)? x:y【代码】#include #include int main(){ long int n,i,j; scanf("%d",&n); printf("%d\n",n); char month[19][10]={"pop", "no",

2016-02-06 13:01:15 347

原创 poj_2001 Shortest Prefixes(Trie树应用)

【题目】点击这里【思路】Trie树基本应用,先建树,而后对每个字符串查询,在查询过程中,取第一次碰到的尾缀单词数为1的结点之前的字符串作为前缀,如果查询完都没有,则取本身为前缀。【代码】#include#include#includetypedef struct node{ char ch; int num; struct node *fChi

2016-02-05 23:51:06 330

原创 poj_3630 Phone List(Trie树练习)

【题目】点击这里【思路】基本的Trie树应用,作为回顾练习。判断是否有重号的依据:在建树过程中,找到重复串或者在叶子节点继续插入,当且仅当有重号。【代码】#include #include typedef struct node{ char c; int num; int child[10];} triNode;triNode list[1

2016-02-05 23:44:51 372

原创 poj_2752 Seek the Name, Seek the Fame(KMP:寻找所有公共前缀后缀)

【题目描述】The little cat is so famous, that many couples tramp over hill and dale to Byteland, and asked the little cat to give names to their newly-born babies. They seek the name, and at the same time

2016-02-04 20:32:08 399

原创 poj_2406 Power Strings(KMP求周期子串)

【题目描述】Given two strings a and b we define a*b to be their concatenation. For example, if a = "abc" and b = "def" then a*b = "abcdef". If we think of concatenation as multiplication, exponentiation b

2016-02-04 18:36:23 351

原创 poj_3461 Oulipo(KMP:找出所有模式串)

本题就是经典的模式串匹配问题,只需要对上文中的程序稍作修改即可。(hihoCoder上的KMP算法一题,与本题一模一样)#include #include void getNext(char t[], int next[]){ int i=0, j=-1, tLen=strlen(t); next[i]=j; while (i<tLen) if

2016-02-04 11:52:28 505

原创 poj_2945 Find the Clones (Trie树 内存分配)

【题目描述】Doubleville, a small town in Texas, was attacked by the aliens. They have abducted some of the residents and taken them to the a spaceship orbiting around earth. After some (quite unpleasant)

2016-01-27 23:18:16 494

原创 poj_2418 Hardwood Species (字典序Trie树)

又是一道典型的Trie树应用题,有了Trie树的基本知识,写起来就非常容易了~~【题目描述】Hardwoods are the botanical group of trees that have broad leaves, produce a fruit or nut, and generally go dormant in the winter. America's tempera

2016-01-27 18:27:44 404








把Linux装在U盘上:Bootice 管理引导目录。



Linux装在U盘上:UNetBootin。 制作系统启动盘,并设置Linux引导。



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