healthcare.ai_Healthcare UX:UX受到伤害甚至死亡时

What is a poor user experience (UX)?


It is usually when technology mismatches the user needs. The unfortunate truth is that healthcare is an area often suffering from such poor UX.

通常是在技术与用户需求不匹配时。 不幸的事实是,医疗保健领域经常遭受如此糟糕的用户体验。

Healthcare UX issues impact our lives at a much deeper yet more personal level than almost any other area.


Specialized healthcare software has tended to be an area onto itself, often conservative and slow-moving. Generally when a health organization buys into an EHR (Electronic Health Record) system — and these systems are often priced in the millions — if that system shipped with little concern for usability, they are stuck with bad UX for the life of that system. There are no easy exits.

专门的医疗软件往往是其自身的一个领域,通常是保守且发展缓慢的。 通常,当卫生组织购买EHR( 电子健康记录 )系统时(这些系统的价格通常为数百万美元),如果该系统出厂时几乎不关心可用性,则它们在该系统的使用寿命中会遇到不良的UX。 没有轻松的出口。

But that’s the key issue. Healthcare is a sector where poor usability isn't just an irritation — it can lead to critical medical errors and traumatic outcomes.

但这是关键问题。 医疗保健是一个易用性不只是刺激性的行业,它可能导致严重的医疗错误和创伤性后果。

When was the last time you were in a hospital and did you notice the technology they were using? It no doubt varies from region to region, but there's a good chance that tech was older and less able than the system you use at home.

您上次在医院是什么时候?您是否注意到他们使用的技术? 毫无疑问,每个地区的情况都不尽相同,但是技术很有可能比您在家中使用的系统更旧,功能更弱。

Each year we see tremendous technology advancements, yet these advancements often take a long time to filter through to the healthcare system. It seems they get stuck, that's all.

每年我们都看到巨大的技术进步,但是这些进步通常需要很长时间才能过滤到医疗保健系统中。 似乎他们被卡住了,仅此而已。

当糟糕的UX伤害时 (When Poor UX Hurts)

Apart from being stuck in with old tech, systems with poor UX can hurt. This is exactly what happened with Toi Valentine, daughter of an emergency room doctor and nurse, whose parents wanted her to follow their lead in medicine, but, eventually challenged her family expectations, moving to New York City to become an interior designer.

除了受制于旧技术外,UX差的系统还会伤害人 。 这就是急诊室医生和护士的女儿托尼·瓦伦丁 ( Toi Valentine)的情况,她的父母希望她遵循医学的先驱,但最终挑战了她的家庭期望,搬到纽约市成为室内设计师。

During summers, Toi used to work at a snowboard camp in Oregon. One summer, Toi sadly had a snowboard accident, where she landed with her spine on the edge of a snowboard rail, leading her to the local hospital.

夏季,Toi曾经在俄勒冈州的一个滑雪板营地工作。 一个夏天,Toi不幸发生了单板滑雪事故,她的脊椎降落在单板滑雪轨道的边缘,导致她前往当地医院。

The poor UX feelings started to become clear when Toi entered the chaotic emergency room. Toi slowly came to the conclusion that players there had no idea what their roles were, or how to interact with her as a patient. She ended up in the operating room for surgery instead of going to radiology to get a basic x-ray.

当Toi进入混乱的急诊室时,不良的UX感觉开始变得清晰。 Toi慢慢得出结论,那里的球员不知道自己的角色是什么,或者不知道如何与她互动。 她最终在手术室里接受手术,而不是去放射科接受基本的X射线检查。

Toi realized that such mistakes were not human error, but rather of design flaw.


For instance, it was the poor design of patient ID bracelets that lead to Toi being wrongly delivered to the operating room. Bad space design and planning also caused treatment delays as staff ran back and forth for supplies.

例如,患者ID手镯的设计不佳导致Toi被错误地运送到手术室。 由于工作人员来回运送物资,不良的空间设计和规划也导致治疗延误。

This story lead Toi into a new career as a UX designer. She recognized that design is less about making things look pretty and more about understanding user needs and behaviors.

这个故事使Toi进入了UX设计师的新职业。 她认识到,设计不是要使外观看起来漂亮,而是要更多地了解用户的需求和行为。

It was patently clear that broken UX that had failed Toi was completely unnecessary.


当糟糕的UX夺走生命 (When poor UX takes lives)

Jonathan Shariat's wife, a nursing student, was sharing how passionate Jonathan was about technology in healthcare. Her teacher however held a contrary opinion and shared her story.

乔纳森·沙里亚特(Jonathan Shariat)的妻子是一名护理系学生,他分享了乔纳森(Jonathan)对医疗技术的热情。 然而,她的老师持相反意见并分享了她的故事。

The patient's real name was not mentioned, but was given the name Jenny for purposes of the story.


Jenny, a little girl, had been reveiving cancer treatment for the previous four years and had been discharged. Unfortunately she relapsed, and needed very strong chemotherapy treatment.

小女孩珍妮(Jenny)在过去的四年中一直在接受癌症治疗,现已出院。 不幸的是,她复发了,需要非常强烈的化学疗法治疗。

After the medicine was administered, three nurses attend to the charting software, where they enter the required data and made the appropriate orders.


Those nurses, each with over 10 years experience, simply overlooked a very critical piece of information. Jenny was supposed to be given 3 days of I.V. hydration. Unfortunately the nurses had difficulty understanding and responding to the software interface.

这些护士,每个都有10年以上的经验,只是忽略了非常关键的信息。 珍妮应该静脉注射3天。 不幸的是,护士难以理解和响应软件界面。

Jenny died of toxicity and dehydration. She had missed her hydration for two shifts. Why? Because the nurses weren’t able to interpret information delivered by the system.

珍妮死于毒性和脱水。 她错过了两个班次的补水。 为什么? 因为护士无法解释系统提供的信息。

例子 (Examples)

So what are these UIs like?


The first screenshot below shows a system similar to the one that Jonathan’s wife uses every day. The other two interfaces are typical of those used daily by hospital staff.

下面的第一个屏幕截图显示的系统类似于乔纳森(Jonathan)妻子每天使用的系统。 其他两个接口是医院工作人员日常使用的典型接口。

Example 1: Electronic health record
Example 2: Electronic health record
Example 3: Electronic health record

结论 (In conclusion)

We all come across poor UX in our daily travels, but, when this impacts our health and wellbeing — as in the cases above — this issue has to be taken more seriously.


It would be hard to read the above two stories without feeling. I also suspect that there are many similar but untold bad UX stories out there that we never hear.

很难不读就很难读上面的两个故事。 我也怀疑那里有许多我们从未听说过的类似但不为人知的糟糕UX故事。

What solutions or steps do you think need to be taken towards this issue? Do you, or know anyone who suffered due to poor UX? Share your stories with us.

您认为需要针对此问题采取哪些解决方案或步骤? 您是否知道或因UX不佳而遭受痛苦的人? 与我们分享您的故事。






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