magento 赠品_Excel仪表板课程赠品获奖者

magento 赠品

Last week we had a giveaway, with the grand prize of Excel TV's online course – Excel Dashboard Pro. To enter, you had to add a comment to the blog post, with the hashtag that you might use, if you needed help with a dashboard. There were prizes for runners up too, and you can see all the winners below.

上周,我们获得了赠品,其中包括Excel TV在线课程的大奖-Excel Dashboard Pro。 要输入信息,如果您需要仪表板方面的帮助,则必须在博客文章中添加注释,并添加可能使用的标签。 也有亚军的奖品,您可以在下面看到所有获奖者。

仪表板课程赠品 (The Dashboard Course Giveaway)

Thank you to everyone who entered the giveaway – it was great fun to read your hashtags. For example, here are the first 3 entries:

感谢所有参加赠品的人-阅读您的主题标签非常有趣。 例如,这是前3个条目:

  • #ExcelTVPleaseHelpMe

  • #DashItAll!!Help!

    #DashItAll !!帮助!
  • #ExcelDashedOutHelp


To learn more about the giveaway, and to see all the entries, go to last week's blog post.


大奖– Excel Dashboard Pro (The Grand Prize – Excel Dashboard Pro)

The grand prize was free registration for Excel TV's course, Excel Dashboard Pro. Thanks to Jordan Goldmeier and Rick Grantham, who generously donated that prize!

大奖是免费注册Excel TV课程Excel Dashboard Pro 。 感谢乔丹·戈德迈尔和里克·格兰瑟姆,他们慷慨捐赠了该奖项!

As I mentioned last week, Jordan gave me preview access to the course, and I was very impressed with both the quality and the quantity of the course content.


大奖得主 (Grand Prize Winner)

Jordan Goldmeier (Excel TV) made a random draw from all the valid entries in the comments (based on the rules outlined last week). The grand prize winner is:

Jordan Goldmeier(Excel TV)从评论中的所有有效条目中随机抽取了一个(基于上周概述的规则)。 大奖得主是:

  • Simon Levy (comment #8) - #WithYourExcelDashboardsICanDoAnything

    西蒙·利维 ( Simon Levy) (评论#8)-#WithYourExcelDashboardsICanDoAnything

Congratulations Simon! Jordan will send you an email with the details on how to claim your prize.

恭喜西蒙! 约旦将向您发送一封电子邮件,其中包含有关如何领取奖金的详细信息。

亚军奖 (Runner Up Prizes)

Jordan also randomly selected 2 additional names from the remaining valid entries, for the following prize:


The winners of this ebook prize are:


  • Celine Tytgadt (comment #24) -- #Excel911

    Celine Tytgadt (评论#24)-#Excel911

  • Jacqueline O’Neil (comment #32) -- #HELPtheyaredashboardingme

    杰奎琳·奥尼尔 (评论32)-#HELPtheyaredashboardingme

Congratulations! Jordan will send you an email with the details on how to claim your ebook.

恭喜你! Jordan会向您发送一封电子邮件,详细说明如何索取您的电子书。

最喜欢的标签 (Favourite Hashtags)

From the remaining valid entries, I promised to select my 2 favourite hashtags, as additional runners up. However, I couldn't pick just two – I made 3 picks, and they’ll get this choice of prizes:

从其他有效条目中,我答应选择2个最喜欢的主题标签,作为第二名。 但是,我不能只选两个–我选了3个,他们将获得以下选择的奖品:

The 3 favourite hashtag winners are:


  • Ian Gore (comment #10) -- #HelpMe-A1-Kenobi!

    伊恩·戈尔 (评论10)-#HelpMe-A1-Kenobi!

  • PJ (comment #14) -- #helpmydashinaflashtoavoidacrash

    PJ (评论#14)-#helpmydashinaflashtoavoidacrash

  • Derek (comment #33) -- #IveGot99ProblemsAndADashboardHappensToBeOne

    德里克 (评论#33)-#IveGot99ProblemsAndADashHappensToBeOne

Congratulations! I'll send you an email with the details on how to claim your prize.

恭喜你! 我将向您发送一封电子邮件,其中包含有关如何领取奖金的详细信息。

Excel仪表板课程折扣 (Excel Dashboard Course Discount)

There is good news, even if you weren't the grand prize winner.


  • The course registration is still openuntil midnight tonight – Thursday, Feb. 2, 2017.

    课程注册仍然开放 - 直到今晚午夜-2017年2月2日,星期四

  • You can get a 20% discount on the course, with coupon code: contextures20

    您可以在课程中获得20%的折扣 ,优惠券代码: contextures20

最高质量的内容 (Top Quality Content)

Excel Dashboard Pro is an impressive course, packed with top quality content -- videos, Excel workbooks and quizzes. There are over 60 lessons, grouped into 16 sections. Here's a quick overview:

Excel Dashboard Pro是一门令人印象深刻的课程,其中包含高质量的内容-视频,Excel工作簿和测验。 有60多个课程,分为16个部分。 快速概览:

  • The course starts with a Dashboard Primer, that looks at why you should make dashboards, and the benefits of using built-in Excel tools to create them.

  • Next, you’ll learn how to “think like a dashboard pro”, and then dig into some key Excel functions and formula tips.

  • See how to use Excel Tables to organize your data, and add form controls to the worksheet, to make things interactive

    了解如何使用Excel Tables来组织数据,以及向工作表中添加表单控件以使事物互动
  • After that, you build interactive charts and dashboards, and explore the differences between data visualization and infographics.


Remember, registration for Excel Dashboard Pro ends tonight at midnight, so don't miss out!

请记住, Excel Dashboard Pro的注册将于今晚午夜结束,所以请不要错过!


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