Sine Wave如何将Unity游戏资产变成远程团队的在线工作区

When the global quarantine threatened the launch of their new Unity-based virtual world, Sine Wave rapidly created Breakroom, a 3D social hub for teams that suddenly found themselves working completely from home. Find out how they did it.

当全球隔离区威胁要启动基于Unity的新虚拟世界时,Sine WaveSwift创建了Breakroom,这是一个3D社交中心,适用于突然发现自己完全在家工作的团队。 找出他们是如何做到的。

In this interview, Adam Frisby from Sine Wave Entertainment shares how his team leveraged numerous Unity tools to make working from home more fun and more social. Breakroom is a fully customizable office space equipped with avatars, web conferencing, productivity tools, outdoor areas and even a virtual water cooler. Intrigued, we chatted with Adam, the chief product officer at Sine Wave (a Verified Solutions Partner), to learn more. 

在本次采访中, 来自Sine Wave Entertainment的 Adam Frisby 分享了他的团队如何利用众多Unity工具使在家工作更有趣,更社交。 Breakroom是一个完全可自定义的办公空间,配有化身,网络会议,生产力工具,室外区域,甚至是虚拟水冷却器。 我们很感兴趣,我们与Sine Wave的首席产品官( 已验证的解决方案合作伙伴 ) 聊天 ,以了解更多信息。

告诉我们关于Breakroom的灵感。 (Tell us about the inspiration for Breakroom.)

Like most of you, our Development team has been working completely remotely over the last few months. We were just about to launch a major update of Sinespace, our Unity-based virtual world platform, when the tragedy of the coronavirus struck. 

像你们大多数人一样,我们的开发团队在过去几个月中一直在完全远程工作。 当冠状病毒的悲剧发生时,我们 即将发布 Sinespace 的重大更新, Sinespace 是我们基于Unity的虚拟世界平台。

It didn’t seem right or safe to do a major marketing campaign when people had far more serious concerns to worry about – among them, how to work from home while being socially isolated. So instead, we quickly organized a team to create Breakroom, a virtual office and hangout space for remote teams. 

当人们要担心的问题要严重得多时,进行大规模的营销活动似乎是不正确或不安全的,其中包括如何在社交孤立的情况下在家工作。 因此,我们很快组织了一个团队来创建 Breakroom ,这是一个虚拟办公室和供远程团队使用的环聊空间。


Breakroom combines the product we already had with Sinespace – a 3D sandbox game-development platform – with online conferencing features similar to those in products like Zoom or Slack. After a few weeks of hard work and pulling components from third-party tech and from the Unity Asset Store, we rolled Breakroom out to the world.

Breakroom将我们已经拥有的产品Sinespace(一个3D沙盒游戏开发平台)与在线会议功能(如Zoom或Slack)相结合。 经过数周的辛苦工作,并从第三方技术和 Unity Asset Store中 提取了组件 ,我们将Breakroom推向了世界。

您如何决定将哪些工具用于Breakroom? (How did you decide which tools would go into Breakroom? )

During the development process, our team used a lot of Unity’s features for building cross-platform, multiuser apps. 


Developing a virtual world experience for use in real-world work is not simply a matter of recreating a 3D version of a company’s brick-and-mortar office – in our experience, that’s usually not the best approach at all. The feature set we added to Breakroom was strongly influenced by direct feedback and requests from enterprise clients we’ve worked with over the years. 

开发虚拟世界体验以用于现实世界中的工作,不只是重新创建公司实体办公室的3D版本的问题-根据我们的经验,这通常根本不是最好的方法。 我们添加到Breakroom的功能集受到多年来与我们合作的企业客户的直接反馈和请求的强烈影响。

So we focused on the features most important for remote work that are also compatible with a 3D space – that includes multiuser screen-sharing, collaborative whiteboards, and VOIP. We also decided to include webcam functionality, so users could pipe real-time video into the virtual space. We experimented with a lot of options for that, but we never had much success until we found another Unity Asset Store publisher, Agora, who have great solutions for voice and video with robust screen-sharing. 

因此,我们专注于对远程工作最重要的功能,这些功能也与3D空间兼容-包括多用户屏幕共享,协作白板和VOIP。 我们还决定包括网络摄像头功能,以便用户可以将实时视频传输到虚拟空间。 我们为此尝试了很多选择,但是直到找到另一家Unity Asset Store发行商Agora ,我们才取得了成功,该发行商提供了具有强大屏幕共享功能的语音和视频解决方案。

在使Breakroom在许多设备和操作系统上运行时,您学到了什么? (What did you learn while getting Breakroom working across many devices and operating systems?)

While there are a number of interesting conferencing and online work systems for VR, most of them only offer access to remote workers who own a compatible head-mounted display (HMD). In our experience, remote teams can do their work on a variety of devices (PC, Mac, mobile). While we’re already cross-platform, it required some extra focus to ensure that users on any device would be able to work together in tandem. We also learned that when you’re working with non-Windows platforms, make sure to budget extra testing time – as that’s often where problems lurk.

尽管有许多有趣的VR会议和在线工作系统,但其中大多数仅提供给拥有兼容头戴式显示器(HMD)的远程工作者的访问权限。 根据我们的经验,远程团队可以在各种设备(PC,Mac,移动设备)上进行工作。 虽然我们已经跨平台了,但它还需要额外关注以确保任何设备上的用户都可以协同工作。 我们还了解到,当您在非Windows平台上工作时,请确保预算额外的测试时间-因为这经常会出现问题。

Another big challenge is checking dependencies for cross-platform compatibility before integrating. We’ve often integrated something great, then discovered that it only works on a subset of platforms. Being picky in advance can save a lot of time. The good news is that Unity’s own core functionality is robust across all platforms – almost all features work everywhere they are available.

另一个重大挑战是在集成之前检查依赖项是否具有跨平台兼容性。 我们经常集成一些很棒的东西,然后发现它仅在一部分平台上有效。 提前挑剔可以节省很多时间。 好消息是,Unity自身的核心功能在所有平台上都很强大-几乎所有功能都可以在任何可用的地方工作。

您如何能够这么快地在Breakroom中实现所有内容? (How were you able to implement all the content in Breakroom so quickly?)

The key to developing and launching Breakroom so quickly was Sinespace’s creator community, which has spent the last few years building and uploading content to the live virtual world, enabling any creator to sell or license their content directly inside Sinespace. 


Among these amazing creators is Synty Studios, the acclaimed developer of high-quality, low-poly content available in the Asset Store. Synty was able to rapidly assemble big chunks of their models into a fantastic “city square” area with a wide range of architecture and surprises, including a giant King Kong-type gorilla on a nearby building. 

在这些出色的创作者中,有 Synty Studios ,这是Asset Store中广受赞誉的高质量,低多边形内容开发商。 Synty能够将他们的大部分模型快速组装到一个梦幻般的“城市广场”区域,该区域具有广泛的建筑和惊喜,包括附近建筑物上的巨型金刚大猩猩。

In our view, creating an effective online workspace isn’t only about using the same tools as we do in a physical office within a shared 3D world, but also making it fun and welcoming so teams feel comfortable expressing themselves creatively. There are different content packs being prepared by other creative teams to offer a variety of themes, from realistic to stylized, and these can be supplemented from the in-client marketplace too.

我们认为,创建有效的在线工作空间不仅是要使用与我们在共享3D世界中的物理办公室中使用的相同工具,而且还应使之有趣且令人欢迎,以使团队可以轻松地创造性地表达自己。 其他创意团队正在准备不同的内容包,以提供从现实到风格化的各种主题,这些主题包也可以从客户端市场中得到补充。

Synty’s low-poly models also made it much easier to run Breakroom on the very lowest-spec hardware, including mobile tablets, VR headsets, low-end PCs, and Macs. 


那么该项目的下一步是什么? (So what’s next for the project?)

We are still tweaking and updating Breakroom as we prepare to announce our first customers and roll out the beta of our mobile clients. Our team would be grateful to anyone who checks out our free Mac/PC demo or share feedback with us in the comments.

在准备宣布我们的第一批客户并推出我们的移动客户Beta时,我们仍在调整和更新Breakroom。 我们的团队将感谢所有 签出我们免费的Mac / PC演示 或在评论中与我们分享反馈的人。






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