unity 2019_Unity Roadmap @ Unite Copenhagen 2019

unity 2019

At Unite Copenhagen, we talked about what’s on our roadmap for our upcoming Unity 2019.3 and 2020.1 and presented our vision for what you should expect in 2020. Check out the video of the talk below, and read the finer details in this PDF copy of the slide deck from the talk.

Unite Copenhagen ,我们讨论了即将到来的Unity 2019.3和2020.1的路线图,并提出了我们对2020年的期望愿景。请查看下面的讲座视频,并阅读此PDF文档的详细内容。 脱口而出


Unity’s evolution is guided by four main themes: core and performance, workflow and creation, quality and fidelity, and deploy and operate.


核心与绩效 (Core and performance)

With the Data-Oriented Technology Stack we are rebuilding the core foundation of Unity enabling you to get optimal performance on a variety of hardware. However, DOTS performance not only unlocks what you can build but also how fast you can build it decreasing iteration times significantly so you can be more productive.

通过面向数据的技术堆栈,我们正在重建Unity的核心基础,使您能够在各种硬件上获得最佳性能。 但是,DOTS的性能不仅可以释放您可以构建的内容,还可以构建它的速度非常快,从而大大减少了迭代时间,从而提高了生产率。

工作流程与创作 (Workflow and creation)

We’re laser-focused on improving workflows. That means better integration of artist tooling and better productivity for teams.

我们专注于改善工作流程。 这意味着艺术家工具的更好集成和团队的更高生产率。

For example, with our new conversion flow for Data-Oriented Tech Stack (DOTS), you’re able to use the same intuitive content authoring tools that you’re used to with GameObjects, Component and power tools such as Nested Prefabs, while at the same time taking advantage of the massive performance improvements that come with runtime optimized DOTS data. At the same time, Unity Live Link will improve your iteration time drastically, with direct feedback on the actual targeted device.

例如,借助我们面向数据的技术栈(DOTS)的新转换流程,您可以在使用时使用与GameObjects,Component和power工具(如Nested Prefabs)相同的直观内容创作工具。同时利用运行时优化的DOTS数据带来的巨大性能改进。 同时, Unity Live Link将在实际目标设备上获得直接反馈,从而大大缩短迭代时间。

品质与忠诚 (Quality and fidelity)

Bringing the Universal Render Pipeline to parity with our built-in renderer and revolutionizing performance on a variety of target platforms is a huge part of our focus. We’re also concentrating on getting the High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) production-ready and building in real-time ray tracing. Our real-time raytracing solution is a full-frame path tracer with ground truth Global Illumination, built on top of HDRP for the best possible quality in a real-time engine.

使Universal Render Pipeline与我们的内置渲染器平价并在各种目标平台上实现性能革命是我们关注的重点。 我们还专注于使高清渲染管线(HDRP)投入生产,并建立实时光线跟踪。 我们的实时光线跟踪解决方案是具有真实地面照明的全帧路径跟踪器,该跟踪器基于HDRP构建,可在实时引擎中获得最佳质量。

This means that with Unity, your project will look its best, and perform optimally – wherever you find an audience.


部署和运营 (Deploy and operate)

As you find an audience for your Unity projects, we will be there at every step of the way to support you. We offer the broadest platform reach, global content distribution and services to create increasing opportunities for player acquisition, engagement, and retention.

当您找到Unity项目的受众时,我们将在支持您的每一步中为您提供支持。 我们提供最广泛的平台覆盖范围,全球内容分发和服务,从而为玩家获取,参与和保留创造更多机会。

We’re thrilled to share that platform support for Stadia will soon be production-ready for approved developers, beginning with Unity 2019.3. This build will contain support for everything you need to ship your first game on Stadia, inclusive of Unity features like the Data-Oriented Technology Stack (DOTS) and High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP), plus exciting features unique to Stadia like Stream Connect, State Share & more.

我们非常高兴地分享,从Unity 2019.3开始,对Stadia的平台支持即将为已批准的开发人员量产。 此版本将支持在Stadia上发行首款游戏所需的一切,包括Unity功能,例如面向数据的技术堆栈 (DOTS)和高清渲染管线 (HDRP),以及Stadia独有的令人兴奋的功能,例如Stream Connect,国家共享及更多。

Stadia抢先体验计划 (Stadia Early Access Program)

Our Stadia team has worked closely with and gathered feedback from developers in our Stadia Early Access Program over the last year to craft a familiar deployment experience. We’ll continue refining this experience based on user feedback.

去年,我们的Stadia团队与Stadia抢先体验计划的开发人员紧密合作并收集了开发人员的反馈,以打造熟悉的部署体验。 我们将根据用户反馈继续完善这种体验。

You can reach out to Google for more details on how to apply for Stadia developer access by visiting the Stadia Developer website.

您可以访问Stadia开发人员网站 ,与Google联络以获取有关如何申请Stadia开发人员访问权限的更多详细信息。

In the meantime, we have a few suggested steps your team can take now, in parallel to public versions of Unity, to have better “Stadia readiness” (should Google provide you access to dev resources).



    As always, sound off in the comments and let us know what you’re excited about, ask questions about what we have planned, and what you’d love to hear more about. Thanks to everyone who attended the talk and to all of you for your support and feedback – it’s what helps us make Unity the best game engine it can be.

    与往常一样,在评论中打个折扣,让我们知道您对什么感到兴奋,询问有关我们计划的内容以及您希望了解更多信息的问题。 感谢所有参加这次演讲的人,并感谢大家的支持和反馈–这正是帮助我们使Unity成为最佳游戏引擎的原因。

    Note: we are currently working on redeveloping our public roadmap website. In the meantime, please consider this presentation our most accurate representation of our plans.

    注意:我们目前正在重建公共路线图网站。 同时,请考虑此演示文稿是我们计划的最准确表示。

    翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/09/26/unity-roadmap-unite-copenhagen-2019/

    unity 2019





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