
In this Faces of Unity post, we’re highlighting Paul Saiedi, Unity’s first Global Head of Inclusion. Paul heads up Unity’s commitment to creating and expanding diversity and inclusion across the company, and works to remind us that we have an opportunity in all of our actions to impact how we can create a sense of inclusion at Unity! Read on to learn more about Paul’s journey at Unity.

在这篇《团结的面Kong》文章中,我们重点介绍了团结一致的首位全球包容性主管Paul Saiedi。 Paul领导Unity致力于在整个公司范围内创建和扩展多样性与包容性的承诺,并提醒我们,我们在所有行动中都有机会影响我们如何在Unity中创建包容感! 继续阅读以了解有关Paul在Unity旅途的更多信息。

您在Unity做什么? (What do you do at Unity?)

I’m the Global Head of Inclusion, which means I get to come in every day and help us build a more inclusive and diverse workforce. Inclusion is about the environment and experience that each community and individual has at the company, while diversity is the varieties of different backgrounds and skills each unique employee bring into the workplace. Each day I work closely with senior leadership, Recruiting, Human Resources, Marketing, Engineering, Sales, Ads, and employees from all departments to see how we can expand diversity and inclusion across the company.

我是包容性全球负责人,这意味着我每天都可以参与进来,并帮助我们建立更具包容性和多元化的员工队伍。 包容性是关于每个社区和个人在公司中拥有的环境和经验,而多样性则是每位独特的员工带入工作场所的不同背景和技能的多样性。 每天,我都会与高层领导,招聘,人力资源,市场营销,工程,销售,广告以及来自各个部门的员工紧密合作,以了解如何扩大公司的多元化和包容性。

您平均每天的工作时间如何? (What does an average day at work look like for you?)

On an average day, I start work at 7 a.m.; I’ve always been a morning person. We have a world-class recruiting team, so often I’m working with them to plan our strategy at a conference or for one of our internal hiring events. My job is to help them, our company, and our industry hire some of the best and the brightest talent out there. I also spend time with passionate and driven employees who help me each day to listen, learn, and partner in identifying and executing on bringing more underrepresented employees into our workplace. At some point, I typically also meet with our executives and leaders to discuss ways we can build in more inclusive processes and structures into the teams they manage. I always end my day with a quick 20-minute walk to the San Francisco waterfront where I catch a ferry back to my house in the East Bay. I use the walk and the ride home to reflect on my day (I’m a huge fan of mindfulness practices) and to read an article or publication highlighting new research about building a more diverse and inclusive workplace.

我平均每天早上7点开始工作。 我一直都是早起的人。 我们拥有一支世界一流的招聘团队,因此我经常与他们合作在会议或内部招聘活动中计划我们的战略。 我的工作是帮助他们,我们的公司以及我们的行业聘请一些最优秀,最聪明的人才。 我还与热情奔放的员工一起度过时光,他们每天帮助我倾听,学习和合作,确定并执行将更多代表性不足的员工带入我们的工作场所。 在某些时候,我通常还会与我们的高管和领导会面,讨论我们如何在他们所管理的团队中建立更具包容性的流程和结构。 我总是以快速的20分钟步行到旧金山海滨结束一天,在那里我乘渡轮回到我在东湾的房子。 我使用步行和乘车回家反思自己的一天(我是正念练习的忠实拥护者),并阅读一篇文章或出版物,重点介绍有关建立更多样化和更具包容性的工作场所的新研究。

加入Unity之前在做什么? (What were doing before joining Unity?)

Before Unity, I was at Twitter where I had a once in a lifetime opportunity to help design, scale, and implement an inclusion strategy for the company globally. Before that, I wore many other hats, including working as the Executive Director of a non-profit leadership program and as a Cultural Studies college instructor at the University of Maryland. No matter what job I have done, in one way or another I have always been a teacher. Even now at Unity, I’m encouraged and inspired to continue to teach our organization how to drive inclusive behaviors in the ways we recruit, interview, hire, and support a diverse workforce.

加入Unity之前,我曾在Twitter上有过一个千载难逢的机会来帮助设计,扩展和实施该公司在全球的包容性战略。 在此之前,我还戴过许多其他帽子,包括担任非营利领导力计划的执行主任和马里兰大学的文化研究学院讲师。 不管我做过什么工作,无论如何,我一直都是老师。 即使是现在在Unity,我仍然受到鼓舞和启发,继续教我们的组织如何以招募,面试,雇用和支持多样化的员工的方式来推动包容性行为。

是什么让您决定在Unity工作? (What made you decide to work at Unity?)

I wanted to work at Unity because it is rare that you find an organization that is passionate about improving and driving for inclusion, not only at the employee level but at the highest leadership levels. Here at Unity from our CEO down, leaders are hungry to implement and support inclusion however they can.

我想在Unity工作,因为很少有人会发现一个组织不仅对员工级别而且对最高领导级别都热衷于改进和推动包容性。 从我们的CEO到下层的Unity,领导人渴望实现并支持包容。

您从事/从事过哪些很棒的项目? (What cool projects have you worked/are you working on? )

One of the coolest projects I am working on now is designing an inclusion workshop. It’s a workshop that allows employees, at every level of the company, to learn about how they can be better allies and drivers of inclusion while also building their skills around the language they use and how they can build-in simple everyday approaches to more respectful and empathetic ways of working together.

我现在从事的最酷的项目之一是设计一个包容性研讨会。 这是一个研讨会,可让公司各个级别的员工了解他们如何成为更好的盟友和包容性驱动者,同时围绕所使用的语言建立技能,以及如何建立简单的日常方法以赢得更多尊重和善解人意的合作方式。

您如何看待我们的公司文化? (What do you think about our company culture?)

The thing I enjoy most about Unity’s culture is how we allow people to shine and do their best work. Unity fosters a culture of improvement and empowerment, where employees are told on their first day that they do not need to “prove” anything, that we hired them to be themselves and to do their best work.

我对Unity的文化最满意的是我们如何让人们发光并尽最大努力。 Unity营造了一种改进和授权的文化,员工在工作的第一天就被告知他们不需要“证明”任何事情,我们聘请他们成为自己并尽力而为。

在工作以外您最喜欢做什么? (What’s your favorite thing to do outside of work?)

I love to cook and host dinner parties with my partner. Every Sunday we gather a group of friends at our place to talk, laugh, and break some bread together. I think that sharing food is a wonderful way to bring people together.

我喜欢与我的伴侣做饭并举办晚宴。 每个星期天,我们都会在我们的住处聚集一群朋友,一起聊天,大笑和一起吃点面包。 我认为分享食物是将人们聚在一起的绝妙方式。

您获得的最好的职业建议是什么? (What’s the best piece of career advice you’ve ever gotten?)

I don’t know so much that I was directly told this, but it has been modeled to me by a mentor of mine, Tanya Odom (if you don’t follow her on Twitter then you should @TMODOM). It’s that leadership is about kindness, empathy, and above all, a mindset of mindfulness. When we embed mindful approaches to people and programs we get so much more accomplished, and even more importantly, we build lasting positive relationships along the way. In other words, how you get there is as important as getting there.

我不怎么知道直接告诉我的信息,但是它是我的导师Tanya Odom为我建模的(如果您没有在Twitter上关注她,那么您应该@TMODOM )。 领导力是关于仁慈,同理心,最重要的是正念的心态。 当我们在人员和程序上采用周到的方法时,我们将获得更大的成就,更重要的是,我们将在此过程中建立持久的积极关系。 换句话说,到达那里与到达那里同等重要。

您会告诉某人考虑您所在领域的职业吗? (What would you tell someone considering a career in your field?)

For someone considering a career in Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity work, the best advice I could give is to take opportunities as they come to you because even though they may not look like the ideal job, there is something vital to be learned from every opportunity. There is not really a clear path to Inclusion work, rather, you gain the skills you need to drive this work from a ton of different places. For me, that meant honing my skills in research and teaching from working at a university. For skills in community building and organizing, I draw from my time in the nonprofit world and in my longtime passion and commitment to social justice organizing. My formal education in Cultural Studies has also been integral in shaping my approach to Inclusion. By studying the histories and structures that create our shared cultural experiences, I approach inclusion within a corporate tech space from a systems-thinking mindset, centered on long-term change rooted in small everyday actions that everyone within the organization can participate in. Culture for me is fluid and changes each day, it is created by everyone within an organization through all the little decisions they make, and the ways they are inclusive or not. At Unity, I want everyone to do their small part, and in doing so, I know that we can create a culture that not only supports a diverse workforce but allows it to thrive.

对于正在考虑从事包容性,多元化和平等性工作的人,我能提供的最佳建议是抓住机会,因为它们虽然看起来并不理想,但从每一个方面都需要学习一些重要的东西。机会。 真正开展包容性工作并没有一条明确的道路,相反,您会获得从许多不同地方进行这项工作所需的技能。 对我来说,这意味着要在大学里磨练我的研究和教学技能。 对于社区建设和组织方面的技能,我借鉴了自己在非营利世界中的时间以及对社会正义组织的长期热情和承诺。 我在文化研究方面的正规教育对塑造我的融合方法也至关重要。 通过研究创造我们共同的文化体验的历史和结构,我从系统思考的思维方式着手将其包含在公司技术空间中,这种思维方式的重点是长期变革,这种变革植根于组织内每个人都可以参与的日常日常活动。我每天都在变化无常,它是组织中的每个人通过他们做出的所有小决定以及他们是否具有包容性的方式创建的。 在Unity,我希望每个人都尽自己的一份力量,在这样做的过程中,我知道我们可以创建一种文化,不仅支持多样化的员工队伍,还可以使其蓬勃发展。

您会告诉某人考虑在Unity工作的消息吗? (What would you tell someone considering a career at Unity?)

Apply! Being part of a company that is having and will continue to have a huge impact on so many industries through the tools and services we offer is exciting. Every time I learn about a product launch I am in awe of what our teams at Unity are creating. You not only feel, but you know that you are contributing to something special when you work here!

应用! 通过我们提供的工具和服务,成为已经并将继续对如此众多行业产生巨大影响的公司的一部分令人振奋。 每当我了解产品发布时,我都会对Unity团队正在创造的东西感到敬畏。 您不仅会感到,而且知道在这里工作时您正在为特殊的事情做出贡献!

If you’re interested in joining Unity and Paul on our mission to democratize development and foster a workplace that represents the best of inclusion and diversity, check out our careers page! We’re hiring in more than 25 cities around the world!

如果您有兴趣加入Unity和Paul,以实现使民主化发展和建立代表最佳包容性和多样性的工作场所的使命,请访问我们的 职业页面 ! 我们正在全球25多个城市招聘人才!

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/05/03/faces-of-unity-paul-saiedi/





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