pixyz mac_使用PiXYZ 2019.1简化数据工作流程

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The 2019.1 releases of PiXYZ STUDIO and PiXYZ PLUGIN for Unity deliver some major advancements, including new and improved algorithms, a revamped UI, and tighter integration with Unity. These advancements bring better quality models, faster processing, and greater productivity to your workflow.

PiXYZ STUDIO和PiXYZ PLUGIN for Unity的2019.1版本提供了一些重大改进,包括新的和改进的算法,经过改进的UI以及与Unity的更紧密集成。 这些进步为您的工作流程带来了更好的质量模型,更快的处理速度和更高的生产率。

For 2019.1, PiXYZ has focused on development efforts, resulting in a long list of new features for both PiXYZ STUDIO and PiXYZ PLUGIN for Unity. Core elements of the PiXYZ workflow now seamlessly integrate with Unity, and improvements to algorithms provide even more power to optimize models for performance and quality. UI improvements make both PiXYZ products easier to use for the novice and expert alike. Let’s dive into some of the improvements, starting with the PLUGIN – which is now also available for Mac OS!

对于2019.1,PiXYZ专注于开发工作,因此为PiXYZ STUDIO和PiXYZ PLUGIN for Unity带来了大量新功能。 现在,PiXYZ工作流程的核心元素与Unity无缝集成,对算法的改进提供了更大的能力来优化模型的性能和质量。 用户界面的改进使PiXYZ产品对于新手和专家都更易于使用。 让我们深入了解其中的一些改进,从PLUGIN开始-现在也可用于Mac OS!

For more detail, please refer to the new and improved documentation pages for PiXYZ.

有关更多详细信息,请参阅 PiXYZ 的新增 文档 和改进的 文档页面

插入 (Plugged In)

PiXYZ PLUGIN for Unity was developed to provide a simple workflow to import CAD and other data into Unity with just a few mouse clicks. The PLUGIN still does this job admirably but has evolved recently to provide much more capability. This is apparent from the expanded features now available in the 2019.1 release. Let’s start with new import capabilities. The PLUGIN can now import VRED data directly into Unity, including model geometry, variants, animations, material properties, and textures. Within Unity, the PLUGIN rule engine can assign materials according to their VRED counterparts while maintaining associativity with variant switches. Note that VRED must be installed on the same machine as the PLUGIN to enable these import capabilities.

PiXYZ PLUGIN for Unity的开发旨在提供简单的工作流程,只需单击几下鼠标即可将CAD和其他数据导入Unity。 PLUGIN仍然可以出色地完成这项工作,但是最近已经发展为提供更多功能。 从2019.1版本中现已提供的扩展功能中可以明显看出这一点。 让我们从新的导入功能开始。 现在,PLUGIN可以将VRED数据直接导入到Unity中,包括模型几何,变量,动画,材料特性和纹理。 在Unity中,PLUGIN规则引擎可以根据其VRED对应项分配材质,同时保持与变量开关的关联性。 请注意,必须将VRED与PLUGIN安装在同一台计算机上,才能启用这些导入功能。

The new import capabilities aren’t limited to VRED, however. The PLUGIN can now import polylines so that laser marking data and line drawings can be represented in Unity. This is especially useful for visualizing 2D floor-plans within Unity. Users can also optionally import lines representing patch boundaries from CAD data. Revit import now includes Revit 2019, and compared to previous releases, Revit import is much faster, more accurate, and supports import of much larger models. Levels of Detail (LODs) can now also be created automatically if the source data contains parts named using a “LODn” naming convention.

但是,新的导入功能不仅限于VRED。 PLUGIN现在可以导入折线,以便可以在Unity中表示激光打标数据和线图。 这对于在Unity中可视化2D平面图特别有用。 用户还可以选择从CAD数据导入代表补丁边界的线。 Revit导入现在包括Revit 2019,并且与以前的版本相比,Revit导入更快,更准确,并且支持更大模型的导入。 现在,如果源数据包含使用“ LODn”命名约定命名的零件,则也可以自动创建详细级别(LOD)。

2D DWG floorplan imported into Unity using PiXYZ PLUGIN 2019.1

使用PiXYZ PLUGIN 2019.1将2D DWG平面图导入到Unity中

The PLUGIN includes several new features. You can now automatically generate UVs for lightmaps, create normals, explode sub-meshes, remove hidden geometry, repair meshes, replace geometry with boxes, and re-topologize using a proxy mesh, voxels, or marching cube algorithms. The PLUGIN also now integrates with improvements in Unity Prefabs, and adds a scripted import workflow for all formats not already natively supported within Unity. Of course, all of these new features are accessible interactively through the Toolbox, can be included in an automated workflow via the Rule Engine, and can be incorporated into C# scripts.

PLUGIN包括几个新功能。 现在,您可以自动为光照贴图生成UV,创建法线,爆炸子网格,删除隐藏的几何体,修复网格,用框替换几何体,以及使用代理网格,体素或行进立方体算法进行重新拓扑。 PLUGIN现在还与Unity Prefabs中的改进功能集成在一起,并为Unity中尚未原生支持的所有格式添加了脚本化导入工作流。 当然,所有这些新功能都可以通过工具箱以交互方式进行访问,可以通过规则引擎包含在自动化工作流中,也可以合并到C#脚本中。

Existing algorithms are improved as well. 2019.1 imports models faster than ever, and the tessellation algorithms have been enhanced to provide better quality, which is remarkable since PiXYZ is widely considered to have the best tessellation algorithms in the market. Decimation has also been improved, with better mesh quality for a specified level of decimation.

现有算法也得到了改进。 2019.1导入模型的速度比以往更快,并且镶嵌细分算法得到增强以提供更好的质量,这是卓越的,因为PiXYZ被广泛认为是市场上最好的镶嵌细分算法。 抽取也得到了改进,在指定的抽取水平下具有更好的网格质量。

Right-click menu in Unity showing new features in PiXYZ PLUGIN 2019.1

Unity中的右键菜单显示PiXYZ PLUGIN 2019.1中的新功能

Plus, as mentioned above, all of the power of PiXYZ PLUGIN is now available to Mac users! Beginning with 2019.1, Unity users on Mac OS can use the PLUGIN directly within the Unity editor.

另外,如上所述,Mac用户现在可以使用PiXYZ PLUGIN的所有功能! 从2019.1开始,Mac OS上的Unity用户可以直接在Unity编辑器中使用PLUGIN。

工作室释放 (STUDIO unleashed)

As numerous as the updates to PiXYZ PLUGIN 2019.1 are, the extent of improvements to PiXYZ STUDIO is even more impressive. These improvements are mainly in the areas of UI, interactive manipulation, product structure representation, scripting, and of course core algorithm capabilities.

与PiXYZ PLUGIN 2019.1的更新一样多,PiXYZ STUDIO的改进程度更加令人印象深刻 。 这些改进主要在UI,交互操作,产品结构表示,脚本以及核心算法功能方面。

UI improvements contain one of the most asked-for features in PiXYZ STUDIO – Undo/Redo! Using the new Undo/Redo feature, you can easily unwind mistakes, or explore multiple options to find the optimization technique that produces the best results. All PiXYZ functions and algorithms are now available from the Function List, and parameters for functions can now be easily reset to their defaults. Other upgrades include direct access to Help from function tooltips, a simplified tree view, and the ability to directly copy Python code from the functions window.

UI改进包含PiXYZ STUDIO中最受欢迎的功能之一-撤消/重做! 使用新的“撤消/重做”功能,您可以轻松消除错误,或浏览多个选项以找到产生最佳结果的优化技术。 现在,可以从“功能列表”中获得所有PiXYZ功能和算法,并且可以轻松地将功能参数重置为其默认值。 其他升级包括从功能工具提示直接访问“帮助”,简化的树状视图以及从功能窗口直接复制Python代码的功能。

Individual parts can now be manipulated using the new Transform gizmo, including the ability to modify the pivot point of each part. New selection capabilities allow you to select sub-mesh elements such as patches or polygons directly in the viewport, then perform actions on the selection such as deleting or changing the orientation of faces.

现在可以使用新的Transform gizmo操纵单个零件,包括修改每个零件的枢轴点的功能。 新的选择功能使您可以直接在视口中选择子网格元素(例如面片或多边形),然后对选择内容执行操作,例如删除或更改面的方向。

Product structures (scene trees) are also now represented more accurately, and the Scene Tree representing the structure can be modified more easily. The product structure of an imported CAD model is now completely faithful to the original, and no longer includes instance, empty, or intermediate nodes that are not present in the original model. This accurate product structure is fully preserved when exported from STUDIO. Each node in the hierarchy is an occurrence, which is analogous to a GameObject within Unity. Each occurrence carries properties (e.g., unique ID, name, transform, visibility, material) which can be edited in a new Inspector panel, and PiXYZ STUDIO now supports property inheritance within the hierarchy. Each occurrence can receive one or more components which can be used to control its behavior, again analogous to how GameObjects in Unity can receive components. Available components are Part, Light, PMI (Product Manufacturing Information), Interaction Behavior, and Visual Behavior. The product structure can now be modified interactively with tools to move/copy/paste/duplicate nodes (and complete sub-assemblies), create new nodes, hide/show nodes, and merge/compress/explode nodes. Scripting applied to the product structure is now much simpler, as the complex Scene Paths concept has been replaced with an Occurrences List.

现在还可以更准确地表示产品结构(场景树),并且可以更轻松地修改表示结构的场景树。 导入的CAD模型的产品结构现在完全忠实于原始模型,不再包含原始模型中不存在的实例,空节点或中间节点。 从STUDIO导出时,将完全保留这种准确的产品结构。 层次结构中的每个节点都是一个事件,类似于Unity中的GameObject。 每个事件都带有可以在新的Inspector面板中进行编辑的属性(例如,唯一ID,名称,变换,可见性,材质),并且PiXYZ STUDIO现在支持层次结构内的属性继承。 每次出现都可以接收一个或多个可以用来控制其行为的组件,这再次类似于Unity中的GameObjects可以接收组件的方式。 可用的组件包括零件,照明,PMI(产品制造信息),交互行为和视觉行为。 现在可以使用工具交互地修改产品结构,以移动/复制/粘贴/复制节点(和完整的子装配体),创建新节点,隐藏/显示节点以及合并/压缩/爆炸节点。 现在,由于将复杂的“场景路径”概念替换为“出现列表”,因此应用于产品结构的脚本现在要简单得多。

Dynamic modification of product structure


The same algorithm improvements included in the PLUGIN are also available in STUDIO, plus additional algorithms such as the use of convex hulls to re-topologize geometry. Other algorithm improvements include a new Replace function which can replace occurrences with sub-assemblies, meshes, or geometry primitives, as well as an improved Smart Orient algorithm to automatically orient all faces in a complete model.

STUDIO中还提供了PLUGIN中包含的相同算法改进,以及其他算法,例如使用凸包对几何重新拓扑。 其他算法的改进包括新的“替换”功能(可以用子装配体,网格或几何图元替换事件),以及改进的“智能定向”算法,可以自动定向完整模型中的所有面。

New Re-Tessellate and Back to BRep algorithms significantly improve iterative workflows. With the Re-Tessellate function, you can now regenerate tessellation for any occurrence (and all children in the hierarchy), up to the full scene. Using the Back to BRep function, you can return to the original CAD model to fine-tune the entire optimization process. UV generation is also significantly improved in PiXYZ STUDIO 2019.1. UVs can now be generated using a variety of techniques – plane, box/tri-planar, spherical, and cylindrical projection. The algorithm to repack UVs is also improved.

新的Re-Tessellate和Back to BRep算法大大改善了迭代工作流程。 使用“重新镶嵌”功能,您现在可以为所有事件(以及层次结构中的所有子代)重新生成镶嵌,直至整个场景。 使用“返回BRep”功能,您可以返回到原始CAD模型以微调整个优化过程。 PiXYZ STUDIO 2019.1中的紫外线生成也得到了显着改善。 现在可以使用多种技术生成UV,包括平面,箱形/三平面,球形和圆柱形投影。 重新包装UV的算法也得到了改进。

PiXYZ Plugin 2019.1 is compatible with Unity 2018.3 and later. If you’re an existing PiXYZ subscriber to one of these products, all you need to do is download and install the latest version from the PiXYZ website. If you’re new to PiXYZ, then visit Unity’s PiXYZ page to request a free trial.

PiXYZ插件2019.1与Unity 2018.3及更高版本兼容。 如果您已经是这些产品之一的PiXYZ订户,那么您只需从 PiXYZ网站 下载并安装最新版本 即可 。 如果您不熟悉PiXYZ,请访问Unity的 PiXYZ页面 以请求免费试用。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/05/08/streamline-your-data-workflows-with-pixyz-2019-1/

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