
Visit the Unity Certification pages to get the latest on new certifications and courseware.


Coming in early 2018, Unity Certified Expert exams will set the standard of excellence for professional Gameplay Programmers and Technical Artists. Sign up to get an overview of the Exam Objectives.

Unity认证专家考试将于2018年初推出,将为专业游戏程序员和技术美术师树立卓越标准。 注册以获取考试目标的概述。

With the launch of the Unity Certified Developer exam in 2016, Unity Technologies established the only professional certification for the games industry. Since then, industry demand for specialized skills has increased, and so we have been working to expand and improve the Unity Certification program. In early 2018, we will be offering three new advanced-level certifications. But we didn’t want to wait till then to tell you about these new certifications, so here’s a sneak peek at what’s coming.

随着2016年Unity认证开发人员考试的启动,Unity Technologies建立了游戏行业唯一的专业认证。 从那时起,行业对专业技能的需求不断增加,因此我们一直在努力扩展和改进Unity认证计划。 在2018年初,我们将提供三个新的高级认证。 但是我们不想等到那时再向您介绍这些新的认证,因此这里有一个偷窥的机会。

验证您的专业知识并在人群中脱颖而出 (Validate your expertise and stand out from the crowd)

Becoming a Unity Certified Expert can demonstrate to employers that you have mastered the technical skills and applied knowledge necessary to excel in advanced roles in the games industry. A Unity Certification helps differentiate you from others in the hiring process. It denotes a high level of competency and is an excellent indicator of your commitment and qualifications.

成为Unity认证专家可以向雇主证明您已经掌握了在游戏行业中扮演高级角色所必需的技术技能和应用知识。 Unity认证可帮助您在招聘过程中与他人区分开。 它表示高水平的能力,并且是您的承诺和资格的极好的指标。

“Being certified helps showcase your value to your current and future employers, and it gives them assurance that you know what you’re doing. It also feels like a personal award for all the hard work you’ve done to get to this point.”

“获得认证有助于向您当前和将来的雇主展示您的价值 ,并向他们保证您知道自己在做什么。 对于您为达到这一点所做的所有辛勤工作,这也感觉像是个人奖。”

— Sascha Staes, Lead Engineer at Outplay Entertainment, United Kingdom, Unity Certified Expert Gameplay Programmer beta tester

— Sascha Staes,英国Outplay Entertainment首席工程师,Unity认证专家游戏玩法程序员beta测试员

充满信心地雇用 (Hire with confidence)

For hiring managers and recruiters, it’s hard to know which candidate really has the expertise you need. When you come across a Unity Certified Expert’s resume, you’ll know that candidate has passed a rigorous test of advanced technical skills and problem solving. Building a team of Unity Certified Experts will showcase the level of talent in your company and can help attract even more top-notch candidates.

对于招聘经理和招聘人员,很难知道哪个候选人真正具有所需的专业知识。 当您看到Unity认证专家的简历时,您会知道该候选人已经通过了对高级技术技能和解决问题的严格测试。 建立一支由Unity认证的专家组成的团队将展示您公司的人才水平,并且可以帮助吸引更多的顶尖候选人。

Among the companies already seeing the benefits of certification is Samsung, which has certified more than 30 people on on the SIDIA Brazil team as Unity Certified Developers. We’ve also heard from industry leaders who participated in beta testing the Expert exams.

在已经看到认证好处的公司中,有三星公司,该公司已通过 SIDIA巴西团队的30多人获得了 Unity Certified Developers的认证。 我们还从参加Beta测试专家考试的行业领导者那里听到了消息。

“I’m the hiring manager for Technical Art at Disney Interactive in Northern California, and having a way to evaluate a Technical Artist’s Unity experience is a big plus. These tests can prove that someone understands not just the basics from reading the manuals but also has experience solving specific production issues.”

“我是北加州迪斯尼互动公司技术艺术招聘经理 ,并且能够评估技术艺术家的Unity体验是一大优势。 这些测试可以证明某人不仅理解了手册的基础知识,而且具有解决特定生产问题的经验。”

–Ken Proudfoot, Principal Technical Artist/VFX Artist, Disney Interactive, Unity Certified Expert Technical Artist: Rigging & Animation beta tester

– Ken Proudfoot,迪斯尼互动公司首席技术艺术家/ VFX艺术家,Unity认证专家技术艺术家:索具和动画beta测试员

谁应该参加Unity认证专家考试? (Who should take the Unity Certified Expert exams?)

The Expert Certifications are designed for professionals who have the equivalent of several years’ experience in the game industry and have shipped at least two titles. We’d be glad to send you more details about what’s covered in each of the exams. Sign up here to receive the Exam Objectives and other news as it becomes available.

专家证书专为具有几年游戏行业经验并至少已发行两个游戏的专业人员而设计。 我们很乐意向您发送有关每个考试内容的更多详细信息。 在此处注册以接收考试目标和其他新闻。

Meanwhile, here’s a brief summary of who each of these exams were built for, so you can find the one that’s right for you.


Unity认证的专家级游戏程序员 (Unity Certified Expert Gameplay Programmer)

This certification is for those who have worked at games companies as mid- to senior-level gameplay programmers or in related programming positions. They write the code that brings the action of the game to life and implement the work of the extended development team to create the gameplay as described in the Technical and Game Design Documents.

该证书适用于在游戏公司担任中高级游戏程序员或相关编程职位的人员。 他们编写了使游戏栩栩如生的代码,并实现了扩展的开发团队的工作,以按照技术和游戏设计文档中的说明创建游戏玩法。

Unity认证的专家技术艺术家:索具和动画 (Unity Certified Expert Technical Artist: Rigging & Animation)

This certification is for Technical Artists who specialize in Rigging and Animation. They are extremely proficient with both the creative and technical arms of development and have previously held positions at game companies in one or both fields. They work as the bridge between the animation and programming departments; write editor extensions and tools; and integrate assets into the game without sacrificing artistic vision or exceeding platform technical limitations.

该证书适用于专门从事索具和动画的技术艺术家。 他们精通开发方面的创意和技术,并曾在一个或两个领域的游戏公司任职。 它们充当动画和编程部门之间的桥梁。 编写编辑器扩展和工具; 并将资产整合到游戏中,而不会牺牲艺术视野或超出平台技术限制。

Unity认证的专家技术艺术家:着色和效果 (Unity Certified Expert Technical Artist: Shading & Effects)

This certification is for Technical Artists who specialize in Shading and Effects, have an extensive background in programming, and have experience in game companies as a programmer. They create the game’s visual effects, from particles and image effects to custom shaders and everything in between, and they recreate the game’s look and style as established in concept art and described in the Game Design Document.

该证书适用于专门从事着色和效果,具有广泛编程背景并在游戏公司担任程序员的经验的技术艺术家。 他们创建游戏的视觉效果,从粒子和图像效果到自定义着色器以及介于两者之间的所有内容,并重新创建游戏的外观和风格,如概念艺术中所述以及《游戏设计文档》中所述。

值得信赖的标准:经过行业专家验证并经过严格测试 (A trustworthy standard: Validated by industry experts and rigorously tested)

These Certifications are the result of deep collaboration between Unity, subject matter experts from the games industry, and testing design specialists. We conducted extensive research to identify and measure the most relevant competencies and skills for each of these roles. Currently, we are running beta tests on each of the exams.

这些认证是Unity,游戏行业主题专家和测试设计专家之间深入合作的结果。 我们进行了广泛的研究,以发现和衡量与每个角色最相关的能力和技能。 目前,我们正在对每项考试进行Beta测试。

请继续关注:注册以获取适合您的认证信息 (Stay tuned: Sign up to receive info on the Certification that’s just right for you)

As we get closer to launching the three new Expert Certifications, we’ll post updates on the blog about where you can get the exam and how to prepare for it. Sign up below and we’ll send you the Exam Objectives (including prerequisites and topics covered) and all the latest Certification news.

随着我们越来越接近启动三个新的专家认证,我们将在博客上发布有关可以在哪里获得考试以及如何准备考试的更新。 在下面注册,我们将向您发送考试目标 (包括前提条件和所涉及的主题)和所有最新的认证新闻。

We are also working to expand and improve the whole family of Certifications to better serve the Unity community–in all stages of their careers. Sign up below to receive more info about the certification that’s right for you.

我们还致力于扩展和改进整个认证系列,以便在其职业生涯的各个阶段更好地为Unity社区提供服务。 在下面注册,以获取有关适合您的认证的更多信息。

Get notified about Unity Certifications!


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/09/26/sneak-peek-expert-certifications-for-gameplay-programmers-and-technical-artists/





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