
Don’t go chasin’ waterfalls – the future of in-app advertising is with Unified Auction.


Zynga独享Unity (Zynga goes exclusive with Unity)

We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve partnered with Zynga to be their exclusive provider of mobile game rewarded advertising. This partnership gives Zynga access to Unity’s world class advertising platform, which serves more than 25 billion ad requests per month to more than 1 billion unique players around the world. Over the coming months, Unity Ads will power rewarded advertising in Zynga’s free-to-play mobile games, increasing Zynga’s efficiency and innovation in the advertising business. You can read about the full details in the press release.

我们很高兴地宣布,我们已经与Zynga合作,成为其独家提供移动游戏奖励广告的提供商。 通过此次合作,Zynga可以访问Unity的世界级广告平台,该平台每月为全球10亿以上的独立播放器提供超过250亿个广告请求。 在接下来的几个月中,Unity Ads将在Zynga的免费手机游戏中提供奖励广告,以提高Zynga在广告业务中的效率和创新。 您可以在新闻稿中阅读全部详细信息。

This partnership exemplifies Unity’s commitment to enable developer success by moving the mobile in-app ad marketplace from waterfall mediation of multiple software development kits (SDK’s) to a unified auction of all advertising demand. The result is driving optimal revenues while increasing game performance and studio efficiency.

这种伙伴关系体现了Unity通过将移动应用程序内广告市场从多个软件开发工具包(SDK)的瀑布式中介过渡到所有广告需求的统一拍卖而实现开发人员成功的承诺。 结果是在提高游戏性能和工作室效率的同时,推动了最佳收入的增长。

Unity的交钥匙解决方案 (Unity’s turnkey solution)

The primary drivers of Zynga, a Made With Unity developer,  to go exclusively with Unity Ads includes:

Zynga是Unity的开发人员,专门与Unity Ads结合使用的主要驱动程序包括:

  1. Unified Auction over Mediation


  2. Ease of Adoption for game studios – no sdk bloat


  3. Decisioning based on user data not only ad cpm


This results in an auction mechanic that will let a studio environment focus on building great content, not roadmapping ad tech.


Specifically, Made With Unity developers can activate advertising solutions directly from the Unity Engine with no SDK, rather than previously going through an advertising mediation layer which requires integrating multiple SDK’s. This allows game teams to focus on what matters most: creating fun and engaging social gaming experiences for their players around the world.

具体来说,Made With Unity开发人员可以直接在没有SDK的情况下从Unity Engine激活广告解决方案,而无需之前通过需要集成多个SDK的广告中介层。 这使游戏团队能够专注于最重要的事情:为世界各地的玩家创造乐趣并吸引他们的社交游戏体验。

统一拍卖 (Unified Auction)

If you’re selling your bicycle, do you want to take the price of the first guy in line or do you want everyone competing for it? It is the fundamental faith in mechanics of an auction that are driving Unity’s product to accelerate our unified auction capabilities to drive more value. Disrupting the status quo – Zynga is putting their faith in Unity to move their reward advertising mediation to unified auction mechanic, believing that all demand competing in a level playing field will drive higher returns.

如果您要出售自行车,是要买第一个买主的价格,还是要每个人都为之竞争? 对拍卖技工的基本信念是推动Unity产品加速我们统一拍卖功能以推动更多价值的动力。 颠覆现状– Zynga坚信Unity,将奖励广告中介移交给统一拍卖机制,认为在公平竞争环境中竞争的所有需求都将带来更高的回报。

For perspective on why Unified Auction over Mediation, let’s take a crash course in waterfall meditation. In typical mediation or waterfall methods in the market, a mediation SDK is tapped into several ad networks where each ad network has no insights into the total impression view.

要了解为什么通过调解进行统一拍卖,让我们来进行瀑布冥想的速成班。 在市场上典型的中介或瀑布式方法中,中介SDK被利用到多个广告网络中,其中每个广告网络都不了解总的展示次数视图。

The result of Ad Networks flying blind includes both the lower ad impression can often win in the waterfall, and hyper frequency of the same ad creative for users.


最高需求获胜 (Highest Demand Wins)

Let’s start with improving outcomes on a per impression basis. Unity is leveling the playing field and solving these challenges by providing a real-time, open auction that gives all advertisers the ability to bid freely. As a result, the highest bid wins for every single ad request, and that means MORE money in publishers’ pockets. Better yet, no redundancy of ads.

让我们从改善每次展示的结果开始。 Unity通过提供实时,公开的拍卖,使所有广告客户都能自由竞标,从而为公平竞争环境和解决这些挑战提供了条件。 结果,最高的出价会赢得每个广告请求,这意味着发布商的钱将更多。 更好的是,没有广告冗余。

It is easy to see why the game ad space is full of users getting bombarded with the same ad – Ad Network 1 in waterfall has no idea what Ad Network 2 through 6 have shown that exact user, and therefore make a decision of what ad to serve solely on what is best for their ad network, not revenue outcome of the publisher or experience for the user.


易于采用 (Ease of Adoption)

It goes without saying, integrating no SDK’s in your game from the current status quo of 5+ within Mediation will improve performance, and increase efficiency of game teams.


Mediation has simply translated to SDK bloat. ‘Nuff said!

中介已简单地转换为SDK膨胀。 纳夫说!

基于数据的决策 (Decisions Based on Data)

Unity Analytics tracks 1.7B installs, 88K active games and 920M devices globally, while giving you fast, easy access to important information about your game. For Made With Unity developers like Zynga, Unity makes ad decision based on user data, not ecpm alone.

Unity Analytics在全球范围内跟踪1.7B安装,8.8万活跃游戏和920M设备,同时使您可以快速,轻松地访问有关游戏的重要信息。 对于像Zynga这样的Unity开发者而言,Unity会根据用户数据(而不是单独的ecpm)来做出广告决策。

By using Unity Analytics data in conjunction with Unity’s advertising algorithm, precise targeting is delivered by better understanding the likelihood of an engaged user watching a rewarded video who will click to download versus someone who is a passive watcher. This will drive higher user retention and ad ecpm.

通过将Unity Analytics数据与Unity的广告算法结合使用,可以通过更好地了解参与的用户观看奖励视频(点击下载)与被动观看者的可能性,从而实现精确的定位。 这将提高用户保留率和广告ecpm。

This approach will drive the highest revenue possible for publishers in this industry-first stepping stone into the future of rewarded advertising. If you want to learn more, please contact us.

这种方法将为发布商带来可能的最高收益,这是行业内第一个踏入奖励广告未来的垫脚石。 如果您想了解更多,请与我们联系

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/08/02/zynga-unity-exclusive-rewarded-ads/

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如果你想使用Frida跳过Unity3D游戏应用程序中的广告并直接领取奖励,你需要先了解Unity3D游戏应用程序中广告奖励相关的类和方法。然后,你可以使用Frida对目标类和方法进行hook,从而达到跳过广告并直接领取奖励的目的。 以下是一个简单的Frida跳过Unity3D游戏应用程序中广告并直接领取奖励的示例代码: ``` Java.perform(function() { var InterstitialAd = Java.use("com.unity3d.ads.api.InterstitialAd"); InterstitialAd.show.implementation = function() { console.log("InterstitialAd.show() hooked"); this.onAdClosed.implementation = function() { console.log("InterstitialAd.onAdClosed() hooked"); this.onAdClosed(); var RewardablePlacementContent = Java.use("com.unity3d.ads.placementcontent.RewardablePlacementContent"); RewardablePlacementContent.reward.implementation = function() { console.log("RewardablePlacementContent.reward() hooked"); this.reward(); }; var rewardableContent = RewardablePlacementContent.$new(); rewardableContent.reward(); }; return true; } }); ``` 在上面的代码中,我们先使用Java.use()函数获取Unity3D广告相关的类的引用,并且使用implementation属性来替换目标方法的实现。在替换实现中,我们使用this.onAdClosed.implementation来替换广告关闭时的实现,然后在替换实现中调用目标方法并获取奖励相关的类的引用。最后,我们使用reward()方法来直接领取奖励。执行完毕后,我们可以保存脚本并使用Frida运行它来对目标应用程序进行hook。




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