unite 2017_Unite Europe 2017主题演讲回顾:Unity的连接,创建和未来

unite 2017

Unite Europe 2017, taking place in the beautiful city of Amsterdam, has just kicked off! Over the next two days, artists, developers, teachers, filmmakers, researchers, storytellers and anyone using Unity will come together to talk about what they love most – creating with Unity. From hands-on tutorials to a Made with Unity showcase, Unite is the premiere event for everything Unity.

在美丽的阿姆斯特丹市举行的2017年欧洲团结大会(EUE 2017)刚刚开始! 在接下来的两天中,艺术家,开发人员,教师,电影制片人,研究人员,讲故事的人以及使用Unity的任何人都将聚在一起讨论他们最喜欢的内容-使用Unity进行创作。 从动手教程到“用Unity制作”展示,Unite是Unity一切的首要活动。

The opening keynote has just concluded and I hope that all of you are just as excited about the future of Unity as we are. We’re excited to announce Unity 2017.1, which will release in July!

开幕主题演讲刚刚结束,我希望大家都对Unity的未来和我们一样感到兴奋。 我们很高兴宣布将于2017年7月发布的Unity 2017.1!

During the keynote, we walked through an abbreviated development process of reimagining a mobile version of the game Shadow Tactics by Mimimi. Using Unity Connect to bring talent together and Unity Teams, a set of features that enables faster teamwork, we demonstrated the power of Unity 2017.1’s upcoming release showcasing new features like Timeline, Cinemachine, and much more.  

在主题演讲中,我们经历了一个简短的开发过程,重新 构想了Mimimi 的游戏“ Shadow Tactics” 的移动版本 。 我们使用Unity Connect将人才汇聚在一起,并使用Unity Teams(一组可加快团队合作的功能)展示了Unity 2017.1即将发布的强大功能,其中展示了诸如Timeline,Cinemachine等新功能。

You can watch the full recorded keynote below:



影子战术,重新构想 (Shadow Tactics, reimagined)

Using assets from the popular and critically acclaimed game Shadow Tactics by Mimimi, the Unity crew took the stage to build a re-imagined mobile version of the game.

利用Mimimi广受欢迎且广受好评的游戏Shadow Tactics的资产,Unity团队上台制作了重新构想的游戏移动版本。

As the team lead, Technical Director Lucas Meijer demonstrated how Unity Connect lets you publish tasks and look for talent to join your team. Sarah Stumbo, Unity’s XR Evangelist, and Mike Wuetherick, R&D Product Manager, joined Lucas on stage and began using Unity Teams. They then set up their project for Collaborate, allowing them to share and work on the same project easily.  Finally, using Cloud Build, which creates builds automatically, the team can now gain easy access to the latest playable versions of the game.  

作为团队负责人,技术总监Lucas Meijer演示了 Unity Connect 如何 让您发布任务并寻找人才加入您的团队。 Unity的XR传播者Sarah Stumbo和R&D产品经理Mike Wuetherick在舞台上加入了Lucas,并开始使用 Unity Teams 。 然后,他们为Collaborate设置项目,从而使他们可以轻松共享和从事同一个项目。 最后,使用Cloud Build (可自动创建版本),团队现在可以轻松访问游戏的最新可玩版本。

时间表介绍 (Introducing Timeline)

Timeline is Unity’s new powerful visual tool that allows artists and designers to create cinematic content (like the award-winning Adam short film), cutscenes, gameplay sequences, and much more. By simply orchestrating game objects, animations, sounds, and scenes, Sarah demonstrated how Timeline’s multi-track sequencing allows artists and designers to create without any coding.

时间轴是Unity的新强大视觉工具,艺术家和设计师可以使用它来创建电影内容(如屡获殊荣的 亚当短片 ),过场动画,游戏流程等等。 通过简单地编排游戏对象,动画,声音和场景,Sarah演示了Timeline的多轨排序如何使艺术家和设计师无需任何编码即可进行创作。

Mike further described Timeline’s incredible power as a streamlined collaboration between developers/engineers and artists/designers. Artists and designers can focus on sculpting the experience using Timeline exclusively, while the engineers can work on the complex gameplay logic and simply hook in and play the Timeline clips when appropriate.

Mike进一步描述了Timeline的强大功能,这是开发人员/工程师与艺术家/设计师之间简化的协作。 艺术家和设计师可以专注于专门使用时间轴来雕刻体验,而工程师可以处理复杂的游戏逻辑,并在适当的时候简单地挂接和播放时间轴剪辑。

电影机智能相机系统 (Cinemachine smart camera system)

Adam Myhill, Head of Cinematics, joined the crew to implement the camera system into the game.

电影学负责人亚当·米希尔(Adam Myhill)与工作人员一同将摄影机系统应用于游戏中。

Using Cinemachine, the result of over a decade of building gameplay and cinematic cameras, Adam demonstrated how you can eliminate countless hours of hand animation, camera programming, and revision by using the suite of smart cameras to compose a shot whether in gameplay or for cinematic sequences.


Building on Timeline’s sequencing power, Cinemachine’s cameras can, for example, dynamically follow a character, adapt to outside changes, and select the best shots to optimize scene composition. Best of all, you can tune all of the camera settings while in play-mode, enabling super fast iteration times.

Cinemachine的摄像机可以利用时间轴的排序能力,例如动态跟踪角色,适应外界变化并选择最佳镜头以优化场景构图。 最重要的是,您可以在播放模式下调整所有摄像机设置,从而实现超快速的迭代时间。

Adam also showed how to use new Post Processing stack to add extra polish via individual post FX attached to each Cinemachine camera. He continued showing how to build a game trailer in Unity using a master Timeline (controlling multiple Timeline clips) and directly rendering a video using a preview of Unity’s brand new Video Renderer (which will be available with 2017.1).

Adam还展示了如何使用新的后期处理堆栈通过连接到每个Cinemachine摄像机的单独后置FX添加额外的抛光效果。 他继续展示了如何使用主时间轴(控制多个时间轴剪辑)在Unity中构建游戏预告片,以及如何使用Unity全新的Video Renderer(将于2017.1发行 ) 的预览直接渲染视频 。

具有远程设置和标准事件的更强大的实时操作分析 (Stronger Live-ops Analytics with Remote Setting & Standard Events)

Reimagining the game for mobile requires revising the game loop and considering a free-to-play approach. The team was joined by Mark Choi, Head of Unity’s Development Analytics, to show how easy it is to include Ads and In-App Purchases (IAP) that fit within the storyline of the game and do not disrupt the player’s experience. Mark demonstrated enabling Ads and IAP featuring the Codeless IAP feature, both built into Unity, requiring no additional SDK.

重新设计手机游戏需要修改游戏循环并考虑免费游戏的方法。 该团队由Unity开发分析负责人Mark Choi参加,展示了将适合游戏故事情节的广告和应用内购买(IAP)包括在内并且不影响玩家体验的过程是多么容易。 Mark演示了启用无广告IAP功能的广告和IAP,它们均内置于Unity中,不需要其他SDK。

Mark also demonstrated the new Standard Events feature which provides a curated set of predefined events frequently used across all kind of games, making it event easier to setup rich analytics for games. Through the rich and automated dashboard, you receive insights uncovering player behavior and ways to optimize. For example, you can quickly adjust some parameters in your game with Remote Settings, modifying the difficulty level of the game without redeployment.

Mark还展示了新的“标准事件”功能,该功能提供了精选的预定义事件集,这些预定义事件经常在所有类型的游戏中使用,从而使事件更易于为游戏设置丰富的分析。 通过丰富而自动化的仪表板,您将获得洞察力,了解玩家的行为和优化方法。 例如,您可以使用“远程设置”快速调整游戏中的某些参数,而无需重新部署即可修改游戏的难度级别。

Unity 2017.1 (Unity 2017.1)

With new features like Timeline and Cinemachine, we are really excited about Unity 2017.1. Enabling greater collaboration and productivity for teams of artists, designers, and developers is core to our mission to democratize game development.

借助时间轴和Cinemachine等新功能,我们对Unity 2017.1感到非常兴奋。 为美术师,设计师和开发人员团队提供更好的协作和生产力是我们使游戏开发民主化的使命的核心。

And beyond those major new features, Unity 2017.1 brings a great deal of improvements across the board: graphics (progressive lightmapper, particle system, deferred rendering on iOS/Metal), scripting (.NET4.6/C#6 experimental), team collaboration (Collaborate), Editor productivity (FBX import, Animation keyframing workflow), 2D (Sprite Atlas), VR platforms (VR Works), Video Player (PS4), Universal Windows Platform (UWP), Live-ops Analytics (Remote Settings, Standard Events), and more.

除了这些主要的新功能之外,Unity 2017.1还全面改进了许多功能:图形(渐进式光照贴图,粒子系统,iOS / Metal上的延迟渲染),脚本编写(.NET4.6 / C#6实验),团队协作(协作),编辑器效率(FBX导入,动画关键帧工作流程),2D(Sprite Atlas),VR平台(VR Works),视频播放器(PS4),通用Windows平台(UWP),实时操作分析(远程设置,标准)活动)等。

Unity 2017.1 will be released in July, but you can try the release candidate version now!

Unity 2017.1将于7月发布,但是您可以立即 尝试发布候选版本

前方的路 (The Road Ahead)

To wrap up the keynote, Unity CTO, Joachim Ante came on stage to give a taste of Unity’s core engine programming features, showing how developers will be able to optimize their code. Starting with the C# Job System, which provides a simple and safe way to write multithreaded code, Joachim showed how a boids simulation performance increases when using the new Job system, taking full advantage of the multi CPU/Core architecture. Next, Joachim demonstrated how our new hyper optimized & specialized C# Job Compiler can take performance to yet another level, enabling the most compute intensive scenarios.

为了结束主题演讲,Unity CTO,Joachim Ante上台演示了Unity的核心引擎编程功能,展示了开发人员将如何优化其代码。 Joachim从C#Job System开始,该系统提供了一种简单且安全的方式来编写多线程代码,Joachim展示了 在使用新Job系统时,如何充分利用多CPU /核心体系结构来提高 boids 仿真性能。 接下来,Joachim演示了我们的新型超优化和专业化的C#Job Compiler如何将性能提高到另一个水平,从而实现了计算量最大的场景。

Stay tuned and watch for our upcoming work on the Unity Experimental forums.

请继续关注并在 Unity实验论坛 上关注我们即将进行的工作 。

And last but certainly not least, we debuted a new demo we’ve codenamed “Project Forest,” which demonstrates the latest advancements in Unity’s graphic technologies. Take a look!

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,我们首次推出了代号为“ Project Forest”的新演示,演示了Unity图形技术的最新进展。 看一看

This work-in progress demo uses our latest lighting system, the Progressive Lightmapper, the Post-Processing stack, and it’s built on top of our all new upcoming Scriptable Rendering Pipeline. We’ll be talking about this more at Unite Austin.
Hope to see you there!

这个正在进行的演示使用了我们最新的照明系统,渐进式光照贴图器,后处理堆栈,它是基于我们即将发布的所有新脚本绘制管道之上的。 我们将在 Unite Austin 讨论更多 。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/06/27/unite-europe-2017-keynote-recap-connecting-creating-and-the-future-of-unity/

unite 2017





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